Dota 2
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Blueheart's Embrace
The local weather of the northern realm of Icewrack proved to be more than just comfortable for Rylai. No more frozen crops, no more accidental frozen victims. However, that didn't comfort her at all.
From her birth she had been enchanted with the power to control ice, and no matter how cold it got, it never bothered Rylai. It would be considered a gift only if she could control her power. At times her power would go wild, hurting other people in the process, even her parents and her sister - Lina. The more she tried to control her power, the wilder it got, the crazier it became. Given up the thought of controlling it, she labelled it as a curse - something that could only hurt people, something that made her older sister Lina hate her. Soon after, her parents seemed to give up on her, as they sent her to the cold realm of Icewrack.
Cold, lonely, isolated, but the saddened young maiden couldn't even cry, as all of her tears seemed to have frozen up. That was, until she met the one that would later become her master. The wizard taught her how to be one with her power, taught her how to put her power into better use, taught her that her power wasn't just for hurting people, and most importantly, taught her that she should never give up all hopes, as there would always be a way if she tried hard enough. After hearing those words, Rylai broke into tears, frozen tears of happiness. Perhaps those were the words that the young maiden wanted to hear all this time...
Now, having fully mastered her power over ice, with the staff made from her first tear as a reminder, Rylai left the wise Wizard and set into the world to learn new things, with confidence in her steps, and hopes in her heart.

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