Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

261 ratings
Jilly's Outdated Map Guide
By JillyBeany
I am no longer updating this guide. Purely used for aesthetic now.
Now scram. No trespassers are allowed here.
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction & Special Thanks
II. Map Reviews (Alphabetical Order)
III. All of the Bosses
IV. Other SF2 Content

If you are looking for a boss guide, I highly advise you check out Secret's boss guide. It is updated and has everything you need to know about the current Slender Fortress 2 meta.
Introduction, News and Special Thanks

Since it's inception on October 21st, 2013, Slender Fortress 2, created by Kit O' Rifty, has come across as one of the most popular and successful mods to hit Team Fortress 2. Content has been provided via maps and bosses from talented people across Steam to keep it's run healthy and most of all, fun.

The goal of this guide is to provide a comprehensive interscope of all the maps. What to expect, what bosses you will face, is the map challenging enough, it's level of detail, etc. It must be noted that reviews are subject to change, as maps do become updated.

As always, reviews are to be looked upon as the author's respected critique and opinion.

This guide is very image heavy. Please be patient, as things will look disorganized in the first couple seconds. Images might break from time to time due to Steam Cloud. If anything looks disorganized, it's temporary.

I found out my Steam browser has hiccups when scrolling through the guide and eventually freezes. This is due to all of the banners and pictures.This can be solved by simply viewing the guide in your web browser.

Glubbable's Servers:

I advise to check out changelogs for any frequent updates on the server. Check out the official group page for Glubbable's Servers here.

Server: Appleshack []
(Located in France, Europe)
Slender Fortress #1 (Standard) -

Slender Fortress #2 (Standard) -

Server: Bubblegum
(Located in New York, United States)
Slender Fortress #1 (Standard) -

Slender Fortress #2 (FNAF 24/7) -

Server: Strawberry

(Located in Dallas, United States)
Slender Fortress #3 (Random bosses) -

Slender Fortress #4 (Raid Mode) -

Special thanks to the following for keeping this mod and servers up, running and in order. Slender Fortress 2 wouldn't be what it is today without them.

Kit O' Rifty
Simply Delicious
Dr. Face


Modelers and Animators

Administrators and Moderators
Miss Ko
Cherry Teardrop
Sensei Obscurion
Master Pancakes
Professor Danny
Plasma Outsider
Moo Cow
Myself (JillyBean)

Every donator for helping keeping the servers running

Please let me know if you belong on this list.

LITTLE PIG...LITTLE more escape.
Slender Fortress has come quite a long way now since it's public inception on October 21st, 2013 and there hasn't been much stopping it's healthy run. One of the mod's latest additions to the map rotation, "Abandoned" created by Simply Delicious and Glubbable, inspired off Red Barrel's Outlast, brings a new jolt of intensity unlike any other map type you've grown adjusted to.

The escape elevator, which is blocked off until the gas can is found AND till' one is able to survive until 0:30 is left on the timer. The second picture is the gas shack useful for looping/temporary camping.

OST: Outlast Original Soundtrack (List below)
  • Chris Walker Theme
  • Surgeon Torture
  • First Chase
Recommended Classes: Scout & Spy

Pleased to meet you, Chris Walker.
In his inaugural hour, it was only a matter of time until we were all scattered meat puppets. Dare to stay in one spot for too long, you're greeted with a anti-camp death. At first sight, surviving for 4 minutes may not sound as incentive as searching for randomized pages, but it brings a fresh and fun challenge, something vital to making Slender Fortress grow.

I have a dark passenger. He calls me his Little Pig.
You're locked. That elevator isn't opening for a couple more minutes. Someone needs to find this last can of fossil fuel that humanity thrives for. Once it's found, the clock resets back to 4 minutes. It can easily be assured people are going to die. But will you be the savior?

Abandoned takes place underneath the asylum in Outlast. It can be looked at as the prequel to The Ward. There are long dark hallways, some which have crate props, plentiful of sharps turns and also tight intersections in the mid-areas of the map that can possibly (most likely not) help lose your tail from Chris' amazing sense of scent. Your tracking has to be on point. One simple bump into a prop, dead-end or wall is enough time for Chris to catch up and mangle you.

He gains his top speed the longer he has his eyes set on you. Do yourself a favour and avoid being stacked together like pancakes. Sounds delicious, but not when you're in a kill feed context.

Getting chased by Chris Walker.

Oink, oink...oi..*squash*
Pigs squeal. It's a distinctive sound, like oink. That is exactly how you should feel when playing Abandoned. Like a pig, or piglet. Chris can hear players if they use voice commands or run near his effective radius. Crouching, good time management when hiding and a keen attention to Chris' voice lines are all survival traits a experienced player will have discovered.

Chris' idle lines:
  • *Grunts, heavy breathing*
  • Little pig, little thing.
  • I'm coming. You won't have to kill yourself.
  • Still close.....still close.

Chris' alert lines:
  • I hear a little rat.
  • What is that?
  • Whose there?! Come out!

In extreme close encounters, a loud horn scare via "Soldier Attack" from Outlast OST plays.

The long dark hallways are both your best friend and closest enemy. Chris likes to tediously spawn around crates props for a surprise kill so be wary of that. There is a gas shack, the only indoors room which can provide safe haven from a impeding Chris chasing someone else. I always get a kick watching through the windows as Chris is stampeding down the halls.

I find the generator rooms to be a decent area to holdout at, although it can create a significant loss in hearing Chris rather well. Either kill a couple seconds hiding behind one of the generators or use this specific area as a means of losing your sight from Chris and forcing him to chase other player(s) down.

Chris already giving me reasons to not stay atop the balcony.

To the right of the generator rooms is a new section dedicated to simply giving Abandoned more breathing room and exploration. It is unique to spawning 5 new gas can locations. The highground area has potential, with a high chance of your AFK timer being reset per Chris spawn beneath you, essentially making this one of the best spots to use all-around when you're the last man standing.

Sometimes you will be forced to jump down and lose some HP, but the sacrifice of that is measly. If Chris catches you, you can keep circling around up and down the staircases to possibly lose him. Also, circling around and making your way back up the stairs helps constantly recycling your AFK timer.

I find that if you're going to holdout in the gas shack, standing on these crates are optional since it cancels out Chris from spawning behind them. If Chris is the one who knocks, get behind cover quickly.

Most of the gas can spawns aren't difficult to locate, although one in particular spawns at a deadend, which is the worst area to be in. Those willing to search there need to be ready to move out as I find Chris likes to pick players off there in a hurry. However you decide to route your way to survival is up to you, which is really when Abandoned plays in almost similar conjunction to Outlast.

You'll be dwelled into the atmosphere ever more so with a effective soundtrack straight from the game itself. I find myself more frightened by the music itself, as it became increasingly difficult listening out for Chris as the time to escape (elevator opens at 30 seconds) was almost near.

Players that follow other players during chase is a nuisance. Try to partner up with people that know how to cut off at different routes. Regardless, someone will die as a meaningful sacrifice. I like to purposely draw out Chris in the remaining seconds left, especially if I am by myself just so I can avoid any direct contact out of the blue.

Making each second count.

Abandoned is a map specifically built around Chris Walker's strengths and it does that just perfectly. It may seem like Chris Walker sided territory only but it is tuned at that balance to make it extremely challenging, fun and rewarding if you manage to escape, which not many people will. Survival casts players to pit up against each other. Usually one player will escape, maybe a duo. Rarely anymore than that.

Does it triumph the original page collecting gametype? Whether it does or not really doesn't matter. Abandoned is a successful introduction to survival and a stellar addition to Slender Fortress' improving map rotation. More couldn't be asked for there.

+ Tuned perfectly for Chris Walker
+ Survival is a great addition to Slender Fortress
+ Challenging and rewarding
- Music gets a little too loud towards the end, making it difficult hearing for Chris
Alpha Complex

Main RED spawn where the escape elevator is located (the exit opens at 40 seconds). Red lit hallways you will come across and the symmetrical layout of Alpha Complex.

OST: Killing Floor OST "Outbreak" "Containment Breach"
Recommended Classes: Scout/Heavy/Amp Medic/Any.

The Alpha and the Omega.
When you hear the name Alpha Complex, you think of the best of the best minds, someone with a God complex. It might be looked at as pretentious, or maybe the pure sapien just...does exist. Or not. At least it is what I'd like to think Patriarch and Fleshpound would like to find out in us. Alpha Complex, created by Glubbable, is the latest and largest survival map in SF2's 20+ map rotation. If you've played it, it should be clear there are new bad boys in town. Move to the side, Chris and Trager.

The PDA, which can spawn on top of the many computer desks located in RED team based rooms. The clock resets back to 4 minutes when picked up.

The hypothesis to this experiment.
As shown in the showcased images, Alpha Complex is the largest survival map thus far. As a result, finding the PDA can be a hassle. Gain some haste from the beginning and have a cooperative squad split-up. The escape elevator, which opens at 40 seconds, is directly behind you from the start plus 3 entrances to choose from; the front, left and back doors.

When searching for the PDA, I like to start from the first RED room (to be more specific, those with the deadend airducts) and work my way to the others just to ensure that section is 100% clear.

Although the map itself holds a symmetrical pattern, there are multiple deadends in red-lit areas with genuinely variations of placed props that will trick players from realizing if the path is blocked or not. My only tip on not making this mistake is keeping attention to any detail on the glass doors.

Are the black bar frames adjoined together? Is any red lighting reflecting off the glass as a whole?

I know in a chase flee, it is hard to determine such factors at the brink of time. It's why flashlights are a must here. It isn't always the worse of ideas to hold out in a deadend as temporary haven since the AFK timer has a chance to be resetted due to bosses spawning nearby.

Fleshpound in the distance. Patriarch on his search and destroy duty.

Fleshpound is extremely aggressive.
  • He pounds for 200 damage per hit, claiming Heavy the only class to sponge 2 hits.
  • Zig and zag your routes. He is as persistant as most chasers.
  • Makes distinctive grunt, growling noises.
  • Maximum of 4 can spawn (4 on insane mode).

As for the ranged boss Patriarch...
  • He inflicts 30 damage per shot, which adds up significantly.
  • Keep your eyes on the color of your stamina bar and on switching paths/avoiding long sights.
  • Listen out for his voice lines. "I always told her I'd make something of myself, but she never listened."

"Containment Breach" from the Killing Floor soundtrack also plays when they're in close proximity of players and on the chase.

Time management can be used here effectively to peek through cover. Air ducts curved inside of RED team based rooms are always deadends. Otherwise, the other air ducts loop around.

The curved air ducts provide good time management for scratching 30 seconds off the timer. Best of all, it's a accessible area in all RED rooms. However, it is risky.

There are a few means of escape with constant loops to cut off at, plus great prop placements that doesn't give Patriarch all of the stopping power. The larger part of the threat is usually Fleshpound. He has a duplicate (3 at most) that can congest your ability to escape and/or lead you straight into Patriarch.

Test subjects that have been neutralized. Cherry down and a Glub sandwich.

Another batch of test subjects.
Alpha Complex has a reminiscent palette of Atomics, except I find the complex resembles more of a facility because of the fancy transparent doors and better detail display. The red color scheme adds more to it's Killing Floor-esque atmosphere, like a code red procedure should.

It's true.The waiting rooms just keep getting better and better. A jukebox is located just up ahead and a PvP to the left.

Alpha Complex is no pushover. Only a few rounds I was able to witness players escape by the luck of distraction or being at the right spot at the right time. I think the PDA needs a few more spawn spots, perhaps add a glow if possible. I find it blends in slightly with the computers or it's just my not so magnificent vision.

Recent buffs to Fleshpound and Patriarch is a bit overkill. While it increases Alpha Complex's previously extreme difficulty to something almost now impossible, it's becoming to grow stagnant. It was already a hard map. Making a map more difficult doesn't always make it fun.

Like Abandoned and The Ward, there is the general consensus that many will not make it out alive, though it is a slight possibility considering this is a much larger map. Unlike Abandoned and The Ward, teams can actually stack up and work together as a group. Otherwise, it is survival of the fittest and Killing Floor's best is more than acquaintive of that.

+ The next overlord of survival
+ Nice lighting and detail gives it's complex look, Killing Floor atmosphere
+ Teamwork is promoted here
- PDA is difficult to track
- 3 Fleshpounds is too much at his current statistics
- Two different soundtracks clash in abruptively, making it difficult hearing out for bosses
- Recent buffs to Fleshpound and Patriarch were unnecessary
Arctic (Canceled map)
Screenshots can be viewed on Glubbable's Servers page or by paying a visit to Simply Delicious' or Dr.Face's profile. This map is no longer under construction and will not be released.


Down on the west coast.
Arizona is a calm, soothing state to live in. It's home to cactus, severe humidity, the retired and a lot of rock climbing. Oh, and Arizona iced tea! Ironically I had Arizona green tea while this map was officially released. Created by Stormchaser12, Arizona makes it significant debut as the second outdoors map to be contributed to Slender Fortress 2, and adding a illustrious impact to fun, sceneric and explorative gameplay.

Recommended Classes: Any.
OST: The Walking Dead Game OST "Shawn or Duck." Arizona also uses other ambience sounds used throughout The Walking Dead game.

Viewpoint of Arizona and all of it's locales.

There's a man going around taking names.
Like a desert, Arizona expands into a wide square area with no intrusive obstacles or tall obstructions getting in the way and a high skybox to boot. Precisely, players in ghost mode are able to navigate freely and witness all of the carnage going on below. Such a feature isn't present in it's outdoors counterpart, Swamp.

There is enough detail to give Arizona it's deserved title. From dusk settling in the skybox, oil drilling going on, giant rocks, cactus, warehouses, motel inns, distillers and electric transformers in the distance, desert textures, a diner, plus a giant pool for the hot summer bods like Garg; it is apparent sophisticated depth of detail was applied. There may not be any Arizona green tea cans laying anywhere, but that's probably because I drank it all.

I haven't even mentioned this yet but Arizona is home to spawning special bosses EVERY ROUND. My voting poll senses are tingling. I can already sense all the extend map votes incoming, giving a total of 12 rounds to it's cycle.

...and he decides who to free and who to blame.

For a outdoors map, you will be surprised that there are ways to maneuver around bosses of all variants, either it be a teleporter, harasser, chaser or ranged boss type. That is mainly because of all the diverse locations you can traverse through have indoor and outdoor measures. The diner and various rock areas provide the best routes to losing sight of chasers.

Newly added in fences keeps vision of bosses at bay, but could also give bosses surprise spawns too. This fixes up how wide open Arizona used to be in it's earlier versions. You'll have a edge against bosses, but so will they.

Blinking and eye contact bosses have a disadvantage, labeling rounds highly in favour for the RED team (bosses such as SCP-079, Weeping Angels). Still, you don't want to afford being caught off-hand at unsuspected areas of surprises like the diner for example, and also especially by persistant chasers like Frank and Eddie.

Civilized raptors having family time in the diner. Wild Quadralex's as Arizona's desert inhabitants. That's Quadrazona for ya.

Gas canisters can be seeked nearby rocks, sometimes corners of buildings and inside the general locale around Arizona. They aren't too difficult to find, given you have a nimble squad willing to split up. That and you're also given a max alotted time of up to almost 7 minutes if consecutive gas canisters are found, which does lower the difficulty of Arizona, although that widely depends on what boss it is. I think the escape time is too friendly and needs to be decreased to 60 seconds tops.

Frank transporting Glubbable to the meat factory.

The BGM is extracted from Telltale Game's "The Walking Dead Game Series" and kicks in once 8 gas canisters are found, adding some tension to the atmosphere.

Got all 12? Path your way to the car with the only operational headlights, showcased in the header image.

Becoming Django, and maybe, unchained.
The waiting room has a nice dim lighting touch to it and a eye catching PvP arena as shown. There is also a parkour but it is short, simple and not really worth trying after a first attempt.

Arizona is everything that Slender Fortress 2 needed; a open sandbox, outdoors map that gives players more freedom of choice although at the cost of some special rounds not really be exciting if the selected boss doesn't incite much of a challenge due to being weakened severely by the map's open fields, or duplicates not correctly spawning. The escape clocktime is way too high and a decrease is needed, perhaps 45-60 seconds?

There seems to be a rare crash problem if Arizona happens to be extended, which resulted in the cost of extended rounds being removed from voting polls. Despite these few hiccups, these issues don't eliminate most of the fun to be experienced in Arizona and without any doubt will reign as one of the most popular maps in the Slender Fortress 2 map rotation.

+ Great depth of detail, captures the west coast atmosphere
+ The official state of now hosting specials every round
+ Top choice for using The Walking Dead OST
- Too much time on the escape clock
Asylum Redux - To Be Written
Collect 7 pages.
Boss: Classic Slenderman


Besides the dying fire.


Atomics now applies special bosses every round!

Nuclear phase.
Atomics might have had a nuclear epidemic at it's hands. The facility you once knew now looks even more barren, more isolated than ever before. Designed by Glubbable, Atomics V4 improves plentiful in it's waiting room and a few, but better changes to it's playing area as well.

Main spawn and the warehouse from the police box point of view.

OST: ?
Recommended Classes: Any.

The few changes to Atomics that can be picked up is it's different but better color scheme due to fire lit barrels placed in a couple rooms and use of graffiti on the walls to add a extra touch of detail. Glub has added in two rooms left and right in the beginning spawn. which are useful for hiding/looping around from bosses as the area is quite compact. I've also learned pages spawn on the computer desks in these rooms. A lot of players tend to skip these, which end up making the round a automatic loss because Atomics is such a huge map, backtracking is not a forgiving option (time is costly on Atomics).

Raptors storm the facility. A document spawn shown in the right beginning starting room. You will notice most (if not, all) of the documents are placed in a flat horizontal position, most specifically in Atomics.

Players will quickly realize the shift on the main RED spawn is now in the top level of Atomics; this actually improves Atomics in a lot of ways. No longer would players have to pull further from Atomics previous and rather far exit at the start. Players can now work their way downwards and grab any documents along the way until it's time to escape.

Getting to the warehouse is different in V4. One path is now permanetly blocked off. Opposite of it, you'll have to fit your little body through this crack. Once you've done so...

You'll have to crouch your way underneath unless you take the right end of this gate, which you can sprint clean through. A series of crates will be in your way so be ready for that as well.

Atomic's flooded basement now has lights, so much needed flashlight batteries can be preserved. There are a few new document spawns. Where they are I have yet to discover, but they are well placed guaranteed. Be sure to check behind any crates, on top boxes/props, computer desks and on the flooring. No longer are there frequent double document spawns in single rooms.

Plague Doctor (SCP-049) harvests.

Other than these changes, Atomics still keeps much of it's original, neat complex design. As always, it's best to split up. There is plenty of ground to cover in Atomics. Down the slopes from the main spawn are two paths to select. The left doesn't have much to discover but the water basement (Atomics has 3 sub-levels) and a set of crates to jump over, bound to usually have a document spawn on the floor. Most of the locale is to the right, where your real journey begins.

Once all 8 documents are found, work your way up North (imagine Northeast from RED main spawn) until you've found the straight beeline for escape. A long U-shaped hallway leads towards it.

Greater attentive detail to Atomics. Exit beeline for underground shelter.

Underground shelter.
Glubbable hasn't taken much of a break recently. Waiting rooms are steadily getting better and better. Jukeboxes are more apparent, plus parkours designed to test your jumping skills.

I was always a fan of Atomic's layout, but never so much of how it looked in it's earlier versions. Atomics V4 has changed my perspective on that, most favoritably the shift on RED spawn takes the cake and of course the better lighting scheme removes most of the dullness. As one of the first series Slender maps, Atomics has shown it still has what it takes to be amongst the most competent all boss rotation maps.

+ The main RED spawn switch makes for better explorative gameplay, tailors towards greater map balance as well
+ Attentive detail has improved
+ Improvised waiting room
+ Special bosses every round!

Guide to Bloodwood coming soon.
Promo image created by MissDarling.
Review coming soon.

Murder is just a shot away.

If I don't get some shelter, oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away.

Cabin in the woods.

Created by Simply Delicious, and special thanks to Rikku, Vincentor, Dr. Face and Benoist for the additional content, input and programming. This map is a respectable homage to Doom II's Citadel, originally developed by id Software.


Perks of the trade
Each class plays a fundamental role in increasing the odds of survival for your squad. While a few classes are excluded, and some classes provide some benefits or do the job better than the other, team synergy is key and the likelyhood of making it to the end depends on how your squad stacks up.








Spy and Engineer are excluded from this list as they are not playable classes for gameplay balance, intents and purposes.

The Denizens of Hell
As above, so below. We all live in our own variation of Hell. Only difference is well, in this type of Hell, demons want to rip and tear, as opposed to the world wanting to use your skin to earn printing paper with a face on it. But you don't have to falter to these demons. With a little hardcore metal and some big guns, anything is possible.

Your common enemy. While they are no threat as single targets, a horde of skeletons can easily barrage a unsuspecting team, leading to early unwanted deaths. Trash clearers such as the Soldier can quickly provide a safe passage for their teammates, allowing high priority targets to be focused on.


Giant Skeletons
Uncommon. The bigger boner, but slower. You won't encounter them until after the elevator sequence. Although there is only two of them, they have to be eliminated in order to progress ahead.






Baron of Hell

The Gates of Hell

Act I - The Bridge

Act II - The Lobby

Act III - The Elevator

Act IV - The Gates

Act V - The Icon Of Sin

Main RED spawn, one big room fuill of barrels and one of the water pits.

OST: Amnesia: The Dark Descent OST "Ambience".
Recommended Classes: Scout/Amp Medic/Any.

We've got a invitation.
You like to party. He likes to party. She likes to party. Everybody likes to party! So does Grunt and Suitor. There's 12 bottles of vomit inducing beer for your late night endeavors but somebody is selfish. Cellars, created by Glubbable, is a map designed around communicative teams that are quick on their feet and know how to get in and out of situations quickly, whether you're of drinking age or not.

I've got a barrel full of fresh, imported goods.
Cellars has a lot, and I mean, A LOT of barrels. It's great to mention that they do save lives from a impeding sober Grunt and Suitor combo but only for a short time. If you're hiding in a room while Grunt/Suitor is on high alert, it might be too late if he happens to start clawing barrels away. In such a event, hop over any remaining barrels to get away.

It's vital that no players destroy any of the barrel and crate props. They're key to slowing down the Amnesia Bros. for a short time. Hopefully you've managed to lose them by then, which is a difficult task in Cellars.

One of 12 bottles to find. On the right I managed to get a photo of Kit with Suitor.

A beer bottle well concealed behind a crate prop I just destroyed.

Most of the bottles can be found on top of boxes, in crevices, sometimes on the flooring near barrels or corners. There are 4 water filled pits, some of them which contain floating bottles. You will need to break crates within these pits, as they could conceal a bottle behind one of them as shown above.

A chance out of this descent.
Instead of 9 players now, Cellars pits a team of just 6 players now to increase the difficulty. Starting off, you have a choice between going left or right. Don't want to get wet too early? Go right. You'll eventually make ends to those who have taken the left, where most of Cellar's locale is.

What I like about the new Cellars is it's implementation on adding more loops and props. No longer will players feel trapped in obvious deadends from previous versions or have a relentless Grunt/Suitor on their backs as much anymore. More opportunities of survival have been granted, albeit you have a six man squad this time so time management is still important.

Gore fighting to the end. Suitor in the fray.

There is a upper slope leading to a gigantic room full of my favorite, barrels! This is likely the last place you should be at to find the last bottles since it's one of the most furthest rooms in Cellars. Diagonal to it is a symmetrical shaped area where most of the fun just happens to be for me. Getting chased by a aggressive Grunt from a long hallway, hiding in one of those rooms full of barrels quickly and hoping he doesn't find you is a truly daunting experience.

Make your way back to the main spawn to escape.

Nice implentation of texture, lighting and prop choices gives Cellar's its adaptation of a Amnesia look and somewhere Grunt and Suitor would inhabit definitely, although some may disagree it is too warm on colors and not as less concentrated as it should be to capture it's real Amnesia approach.

Despite that, it's new background music is extracted directly from Amnesia. Now the map feels a lot more eerie than before.

So tell me why, could we build castles in the sky...
You're in a castle. It looks beautiful. The new skybox gives it a more natural look. There's also a jukebox behind players.

It's no Amnesia but Cellars is able to showcase Grunt and Suitor as a spectacular combo. Despite a few mishaps with the bosses traits behaving too aggressively, new changes to Cellar's play area makes for a better experience. It's one of Glubbable's best looking and challenged driven maps. Definitely a party worth getting drunk for.

+ Challenging, fast break gameplay
+ Looks like somewhere Grunt and Suitor would throw a party
+ Grunt and Suitor is intimidating as a team, also I love barrels
- Often it seems like the vision for the Amnesia Bros. never gives off, hiding may not always work
- Colors are too warm, it doesn't exactly capture a Amnesia-like atmosphere
Classic NoExit
I'll be honest. This is my weakest map but I will try to gather up as much tips as possible.

Under construction.

Escape tower and map from a viewpoint. Patriarch too.

OST: None.
Recommended Classes: Any.

Credit goes to =(eG)= Ryan Cansler for the diagram!

A reminder to why I never enjoyed mazes.
If there was one map that required your most painful effort, it would be Claustrophobia. It's a hedge maze with plentiful of deadends and paths to traverse. Very rarely teams are able to successfully escape, either the clock runs out or the boss clears out the lot. Created by Simply Delicious and Glubbable, Claustrophobia is not a map for those unwilling to split up, move solo, or better yet memorize a confusing maze.

1 of 10 missing keys to the tower.

Walk with me.
Teams start off divided by a gate against each other. It doesn't always hurt to have a partner to navigate around with you to be some sort of tracker. Getting seen by a boss is the last thing you want to deal with as this maze makes chasers difficult to out-maneuver once you've ran out of sprint. More than often it's takes a unintentional/intentional bump into another player to save your life. I've gotten some sweet escapes from bosses but because it's a maze, remembering my way around perfectly isn't something I've nailed down yet, even for a couple of rounds. If you want, host your own game to learn the map inside out.

Finding all 10 keys are a pain. There are 25 possible key spawns.

I don't think it would hurt to add some different color lighting in some areas to mark a course for players to choose, as Claustrophobia is divided into sections with 1-3 paths connected. "Oh, blue section was cleared? Let's go investigate the green section for keys." This idea would handle communication to victory at a more steady, effective pace.

Maybe a perch you can jump atop to see above the hedges to get a clue. To balance it out, only one player can keep lookout and there is a restriction to how long you can stay up there.

This is how I feel when I play Claustrophobia. Trapped.

We'll all get lost sometime, kid.
The waiting room is similar to that of Sewers, inside of a cabin-like lounge. PvP is available as always. There is a hidden parkour. Jumping atop the bookshelves can take you to the top of the stage. Thanks to PinkiePirate for the find.

Claustrophobia is a challenging map, no doubt about that. It requires every player's effort. The less players there are on the field, the less chances you'll find all the keys. I'd actually prefer this map to be double players every round. Then it would be...claustrophobic! But that's just me. Being a difficult map doesn't always make a map a definite experience though.

+ Escaped Claustrophobia? Feel free to brag about it
+ Promotes dividing players up
- Nowhere to hide from persistent chasers
- Challenging but not in a fun way
- There could be a few additions to spice up the experience and make it more enjoyable
Under construction.

I need to play the map more, but from what I've played, it is a high quality map.
Map by Rorek
Details to come sometime.

Detention for all.
If Elementary were real, I'd wish it would be a school for all those little kids who think they're so grown up. Based off Slenderman's Shadow and recreated for Slender Fortress 2 by Aurora Cave, Glubbable and Simply Delicious, Elementary catches attention to many of those familiar with the game.

OST: Slenderman's Shadow OST
Recommended Classes: Any.

Need a hall pass?
Elementary is shaped like a square consisted of hallways and rooms on each side and a park in the middle. Most of the rooms have entrances to get around plus a few deadends players will eventually learn. There are only two ways into the park in the middle; from the main spawn and vertically opposite of it, which also is where the 2nd exit is. Yes, Elementary has two exits, one of three maps (Hospice and Sanatorium the others) to implement the idea and it fits in it's design.

One of my favorite bosses doing a little...not sure what here.

I like peeking through the little windows to see what's happening on either side. You can't jump through them but that is understandable, it would just give you too many opportunities to live. The benches can be used as a great way to loop around Kate and other chasers as bosses won't jump over them.

Most of where Elementary tends to challenge you is it's page spawns and map design. Be sure to just take a quick glance behind you for each new room you walk into. It'll be in places where you least expect sometimes.

Slender and Kate make a great team anywhere, but on Elementary it makes them stand out as one. I get a bit of a Silent Hill vibe from the atmosphere but it doesn't make it all too fitting for me.

A bunny by a tree. How...peaceful.

Elementary fits alongside as a average map, considerably fair balance for all bosses alike. While it does respectfully pay homage to Slenderman's Shadow, I feel the map could've taken a different approach in detail in the way Sanatorium and Abyss extravagantly did.

+ Two exits works in Elementary's design
+ Pages are well hidden
- Monotone, boring look
Five Rounds At Freddy's

12 A.M
Think you can handle a security guard position at what seems to be an abandoned pizzeria? Want to receive a $120 paycheck per week with that? No? Well, too bad, you have no choice. No one else is hiring. Scott Cawthon's indie developed game has become one successful utopia of a hit across the entertainment hub. Who would've thought of a ingenious idea of robot mascots attacking while you try to preserve power for your survival's sake.

Blending it's way into the TF2 universe and created by Glubbable, FNaF models by I6NIS and specialized props by Vincentor, Five Rounds at Freddy's is a 5 minute survival map with the intent of also being the most difficult, rage fullfilling and heart wrenching map to date. Are you ready for Freddy?

OST: FNaF sounds.

I don't want to be the "Bite of 2014."
If you don't want to lose your frontal lobe, it's obviously best to know what you're getting yourself into.

It's advised that one teammate waits in the main station to pick up the camera, but before doing so, allow everyone else to spread out within their 30 second grace period.

All of the animatronics have lit eyes, so they aren't completely shrouded in darkness. Regardless, flashlights are still important, most specifically in the basement, vent and bathroom areas. You may never know if one of them has their backs turned on you, especially Foxy. All of the animatronics possess the ability to instantly kill you. The based scare warning chime from FNaF's also plays whenever a animatronic comes into close contact.

Similar to pesky Kate but even more persistant, he is one of the agile wanderers of the restaurant. He will keep you on your feet most of the time, or make sudden approaches when you least expect it. It is hard to distinctively tell where Bonnie will be due to his rather loud chase breathing sounds (4 variations). Bonnie also has a tendency to jump whenever he is around tables and strike players down, which I find is a cheap tactic at times because it's completely random and hard to dodge trajectory speed.

She is the second swift wanderer that will forcefully keep you moving around. Paired together with Bonnie makes for a deadly duo. Like Bonnie, she has a tendency to jump and strike players down, and share the same extremely obnoxious chase sounds, moaning around your surroundings. It is difficult to locate her and Bonnie's whereabouts sometimes, as if their sounds have no draw distance. Likewise with Bonnie, be extremely cautious when turning corners.

Compared to other type one category bosses, like Weeping Angels and SCP-173, looking at the bear will keep him stationary. However he will emit static overtime if stared at for too long. He will also make his iconic "hurr-hurr" sound whenever he comes into play.

Thankfully, he is the least of a threat, but there can be moments when he decides to pop-up around a prop or any random corner and throw you off guard, perhaps during moments you're in a chase. Backpedaling is never a great idea and that is what Freddy's really good at forcing players to do.

A short, not so gamebreaking jumpscare, similar to what appears in the actual game will occur whenever he spawns too.

Basically a Luigi Doll. He serves more as a provoking path blocker, giving the other animatronics even more roaming strength. Staring at him will emit static immediately. This Fazbear is golden for a reason though. The odds of him spawning are rare, but when he does decide to come into conjunction, just hope you aren't unlucky. Keep your ears open for children giggling; this is when Golden Freddy has spawned somewhere near your quarters.

Your other main threat. If Foxy is in your line of sight for 4 seconds, he will relentlessly chase you down for a instant death. The likelyhood of outrunning Foxy is miniscule, but he may have wonky pathfinding if you're hanging around the main dining area. His alert sound is highly noticable (most robotic voice), as well as his chase sounds (loud footstep tapping).

Foxy can clear a team in seconds, so it is vital whoever is around you doesn't trigger him off. Better yet, avoid being in a crowd. The animatronics love to lurk around crowds.

Getting that worthy paycheck.
Every survival map possesses territory for players to use at their disposal, although with consequences to suffer for it as well. Your ability to stay aware of what is happening with your teammates around you is what really determines most of your outcomes, whether successful or not.

Last one alive? You may have a better chance, although it comes at the cost of getting ganged on. It's highly dependant your teammates holdout for a long time as well, so you don't have to worry about escaping the pack for too much of the allotted time.

On the bright side, you do have 50 seconds of camping time. Making smart use of your timer is vital. As in every other survival map, you need to greatly exceed your distance from your previous camp spot in order to achieve a more efficient timer reset. Don't take as low as 10 seconds to start moving either.

For screenshot purposes, I had to enable mat_fullbright 1 to show you some of the darkest areas.

  • Main Station
After revisions and what used to be great areas to holdout at became obsolete, the main station has became one, if not the best area to holdout at. Keeping peripheral view of both windows/doors is almost as if you're playing the actual game, just without any door closing. It is a gamble staying here though.

One, you need some mighty quick reactions. Bonnie and Chica can fly through the windows with relative ease, which then leads to two, you're only escaping by taking the pit to the basements behind you, where possibly one of the animatronics could spawn.

  • Basements
Not somewhere you want to stay, but sprint quickly in and out of. Some people prefer to sit alongside the staircases, therefore locking themselves for a probable death. I can see it being a temporary spot, in case someone else is getting chased by one of the animatronics. But overall, you won't find me dwelling around here unless it's to get across the map to reset my timer. Since it's dark, keep haste above a lurking Foxy.
Five Rounds At Freddy's (Continued)
  • Backstage
What was once the best holdout, is now the worst but it can be used correctly for temporary camping. Multiple paths and instant cuts gives all of the animatronics many ways to dominate players. It can get congested in here quickly if it's crowded. If you're entering the backstage by basement, be cautious of the fact animatronics can spawn around the crate underneath the stairs, giving you a face full of surprise.

The crate to be cautious of. Your ability to make some nifty hops from platform to barrel can prove worthwhile in making great ways of escape. Practice it. Although you will lose some sprint bars, it will be useful for looping around and making getaways.

  • Dining Area
Home to all customers, the dining area is the central lobby that contains paths to all of the unique locales of Freddy Fazbear's restaurant. It isn't an holdout area, but serves as a landscape to move from point A to B, depending on how you choose to traverse. Since it's an open area as well, you'll have a greater view of any animatronics in your way, making it the safest alternative, however Foxy remains a threat. Got caught by Foxy? There is a slight chance to immobilize Foxy due to his wonky navigating around the tables.

The mainstage provides some crates to each side, making it a worthwhile camp spot and breaking line of sight from Foxy. Generally it isn't a good idea to lock yourself in a one-way spot if you're the last one alive, but provided you make the right call at the right time, you can sneak swiftly out of this spot.

  • Bathroom Vents
I'm 50/50 on whether you should bother coming here or avoiding it like the plague. It has potential to be a great holdout, but not when it is crowded of players. If I am the lone survivor, making a quick run through these vents, towards the kitchen and back to the main spawn can be a safer route than running straight across the diner.

If you were wondering if hiding in the bathroom stalls were a great idea (were they ever in any horror movie?), the answer is no.

A great sense of awareness and a batch of luck is what you will need when hiding in the vents, as it is apparent Bonnie has no idle sounds, and it can be difficult telling where Chica can possibly be as well. Spies can utilize their silent traits to make the bathroom vents more useful than other classes.

  • Kitchen
Not much to say, but the fact the bathroom vents connect to the kitchen, which by the way sports a freezer! A table in the middle gives it some value to looping, but I find it doesn't matter sometime. Bonnie and Chica are rude appetizers and could jump across it, cutting you off without noticing it. I will point out it is a pretty useful setup spot for the remaining seconds when it's time to escape.

Chica proudly telling us all, "THIS IS MY KITCHEN!"

  • Storage Room and Pirate's Cove
Basically your other alternative to the bathroom vents, but a bit less inclined on being as dangerous since it's more straightforward. It can get hectic in here, just as much as any other area, so keeping tabs on the vents and your left entrance is key. Pirating the cove can be effective, especially if solo. Highly recommended than the kitchen, and a good setup for pre-escape. Just be careful of any sudden spawns, like in my case Freddy decides to spawn besides the cove, ruining what could've been another escape.

Your storage room. Foxy wasn't too happy I was in his cove.

Once 0:30 hits the timer, a doorbell sound will ring and two doors behind main spawn will open.

However you decide to survive your night at Freddy's, is up to you.

Being able to wander around the area of Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria and everything it has to offer is probably the greatest aspect one will have to strike as the most marvelous feature & achievement of Five Rounds at Freddy's (although the mainstage isn't completed just yet). If Scott Cawthon were able to witness Slender Fortress 2 and see how further up the road his talents has influenced other projects, notably to be added as a built from the ground-up map in one of the most critically acclaimed multiplayers, it would be pleasing.

Five Rounds at Freddy's can be a displeasant experience for some, either due to extreme difficulties or players picking up the camera, negating needed grace period (everyone will dislike you for that, so I advise you don't grief). For the most part, it is balanced in the layout department. Boss-wise, Bonnie and Chica are a little too fast for my tastes. Their ability to pull off quick trajectory at max speeds that seem to be even higher than Kate's, can be overkill at times. It doesn't help their animations are rather skippy too.

Escaping a difficult map in Slender Fortress has always been a satisfying feeling, but escaping Five Rounds at Freddy's feels like you won something more, claiming The Ward, Abandoned and Alpha Complex as the official runner-ups. This map will either leave you feeling victorious, frustrated beyond relief or coming back for more. You can't ever be too ready for Freddy.

+ Exploring Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria is a delight, something fans must see
+ Attention to detail, greatly executed props and assets
+ Balanced map layout with ways to endure and proceed
- The animatronics are slightly overpowering, notably Foxy
- Inexperienced players won't find much to enjoy here
- Rounds often end quick, or more than half of the team dies too fast, resulting in experienced players surviving for plenty of the remaining time
Forgotten Tomb

Main spawn, your illustrious path to escape and one of many sections in Forgotten Tomb.

OST: Left 4 Dead 2 OST "Skin On Our Teeth"
Recommended Classes: Scout/Sniper/Any. the TOMBS!
I remember looking at images of Forgotten Tomb's earlier stages in progress, talking momentarily with Glubbable about it and feeling really excited about it's release back in December of 2013. Glub didn't disappoint. Contrary to it's name, Forgotten Tomb brings a new twist of surprises that will most definitely not leave players forgetting much, least not me. I still memorize my first playthrough.

Scripts to find.

Step into the light.
This tomb raiding begins by pitting you against 3 paths to choose from. The right, which I like to call the dark side, is where you'll find the illustrious path to escape plus a few easy to spot pages along the way. Taking the middle has 2 rooms for you to navigate as well as a hallway that intersects to those who have chose the left path. Most of Forgotten Tomb's locale are to it's left.

Pages are easy to spot but that doesn't stop Forgotten Tomb from utilizing it's strongholds. You will notice how long the hallways are. Getting to those pages and escaping is where Tomb challenges you. Bosses with high FOV and static radius can turn Tomb into dangerous territory in seconds, as well as chasers that will inevitably drain your sprint. Persistent bosses can block your path frequently during escape. It's best to push your odds and run past as fast as you can as each second is valuable.

The clock on Tombs is capped at 3 minutes and 15 seconds. It will not increase if pages are simultaneously found in succession. For best intentions, it is recommended like always that players split up as Tombs can be played at a pace resulting in either 8 pages being found extremely quickly or time running out fast.

Slenderman and Kate as a common boss on Tombs can either be a riveting experience or lackluster due to the long pathing Tombs possesses. If caught in the worse situation, it's best to try to find cover to lag behind, such as the pillars, stoned carve walls or the tables that pages spawn atop of.

Guardian made his way from hell to a tomb. Quadralex ready to hound.

Not quite the Croft, yet.
My first time playing Forgotten Tomb, I was greeted quickly with a avoidable but so well blended trap that led to my demise. It was torture. I panicked. There was nothing I could do as I turned into quite the Jill sandwich. Funny surprises and moments are to be witnessed here.

Trap triggers are carefully placed around sections of the map. One mistake can lead a partner, or more to death. Clock time is very key and the traps do a well enough job in draining it significantly. I've seen teams able to get all the pages swiftly but when it came to escaping, not many could make it. Where are these traps? I'm not going to tell you.They are entirely up to you to find and avoid.

It must be said that Forgotten Tombs looks amazing. Bumpy ground displacements gives the map a more detailed approach rather than complete flatness. Concentrated lighting in some areas don't make the tomb feel too bright or too dark. Lastly, egypt props gives it as close to a resemblance of a tomb. Glubbable did a mighty fine job.

Waiting room. You'll find me climbing the tent a lot.

We will all have adventure time.
To the left is the PvP and to the right a parkour. You have to find a secret button to open the door to it. If you're good at platforming atop thin paths, the button is somewhere on the top right.

Forgotten Tombs isn't the first Slender Fortress 2 map to introduce traps (SCP-087-B is), but it executes it very well. Newcomers will fall for traps but eventually learn where to avoid. If only there were more traps updated in as well as ways to randomize some of the triggers. Sounds like I'm asking for too much but if it were possible, Forgotten Tombs would be the most refreshing, perfect map.

+ Looks like a tomb, my favorite from Glubbable
+ Traps are blended in well enough to trigger
+ One of the best first time map experiences
- Traps become obvious overtime
Frost Run

OST: Left 4 Dead 1 "Safe Room" OST
Recommended Classes: Scout/Spy/Amp Medic/Heavy/Any.

My sprint button broke.
There's no other worst situation to being lost and having no gas. And having some light bulb chase you. Frost Run, created by Glubbable, is a map designed around Rake's ability to accelerate fast in long hallways, which is apparent in almost every turn you take. You'll be required to have some fancy, dodging skills.

You might want to bind your taunt button to a key that's comfortable. I prefer MOUSE3/MOUSE4 but If you don't have buttons on your mouse, any other key can do just fine. A large portion of your time on Frost Run will be spent running from the Rake, who can also duplicate up to 3 copies.

Before you kill me, first...lemme take a selfie.

He's climbin' in your windows, he's snatchin' your people up, tryin' to Rake em'...
Rake has a noticable ambient lighting around him when he's near and a loud distinctive sound. It's easy to keep a concise lookout for when he is around but sometimes you can't afford to waste much time locked in a room. One way or the other, Rake will find you can run and tell that, homeboy.

Frost Run spawns you in the beginning with a front AND a back entrance. I haven't noticed this until Rake happened to bump into me immediately after grace period. Some gas cans are cleverly spawned (found one underneath a staircase once) and others in formidably easy to seek areas. Running and grabbing gas cans at the same time is a common session in Frost Run. Even running into someone else's chase scene. I general would prefer to play as Scout here but choose your own blood.

There are many openings like these bound to spawn gas cans.

From cave to base.
Before it's major overhaul, Frost Run used to take place inside of a cave. Flashlight was a must and probably the only map where a no-flashlight special round felt it had purpose. Point being said, I miss the caves. I'm sure a lot of other people do as well. However, the new look still transitions well with it's snow setting.

There are two rooms with staircases perfect for edging out Rake as he seems to not have the ability to run up stairs for too long. These stairs are just on one side of the map though, Frost Run has single openings with no other way around but other than it's one entrance, where most have gas can spawns. It's easy to get trapped by Rake but you can sprint around him quickly enough to have a slight chance of living. If there is a copy though, it's a hopeless attempt.

All 9 gas cans will power your way out of this base. Run back to the main spawn.

Frost Run's PvP arena.

Running in the snow.
Frost Run might have the best PvP out of all SF2 maps. I just like the neon Chinatown signs a lot for sentimental, decorative reasons.

Frost Run is a solid playground built for Rake. Even though Frost Run V4 is a more thought out build than it's predecessors, It doesn't capture the same atmosphere like the cave did even if it seemed simple in essence, Regardless, the map functions with Rake's traits and is a formidable addition to SF2's single boss maps.

+ Functions as a Rake-only map
+ Tricky gas can spawns
+ Fast break gameplay, plenty of moving to do
- Rake duplicates can congest narrow doorways and areas too frequently
- 3 Rakes?
- Cave is completely gone

Main RED spawn/escape and identical rooms you will come across.

OST: Cry of Fear OST "Sewer 2" as the main background loop music and "College" as the escape music
Recommended Classes: Scout, Spy, Any.

A Cry of Fear.
Not many games are able to invoke fear into players. Cry of Fear has brought light into the horror genre and with no hesitation has landed a respectful place into Slender Fortress 2 with a unique map of it's own. Gutters, created by Glubbable, is one of the most challenged driven maps in rotation though a few of it's mishaps tends to be a few of the reasons it plays so.

Sawrunner's new companion Sawcrazy. To the right, I'm taking a peek around the tunnels which I don't recommend doing (taunt sounds attract bosses too).

We're going to need more guts.
Gutters is not a friendly map by any means. If no players split up, you're not going to escape. Period.Taking the right path from the start will take you to small sections of Gutters that eventually intersects you into those players that have taken the left, where the series of sewer exploring truly begins.

Taking a left from the main RED spawn (don't forget, there is a small sub-section straight ahead), another left, moving forward and finally another left is a tunnel heading in a left direction that is a path to a whole new series of other tunnels. Copy and paste all of what was previously said, for there is another series of tunnels (pathed differently though) up ahead. Glub has also added in small sub-rooms to the right of these beginning tunnels as well, so best be sure to search those for documents.

Navigating accurately in Gutters plays a large part for escaping because of it's redundant detail. It's easy to lose your location when Sawrunner or Sawcrazy is on your tail potentially backtracking you every chance he gets. Be cautious of deadends. There are a couple scattered around the map.

Documents are easy to spot and placed commonly on the walls, sometimes on top of the disabled computer panels. It's only reaching these documents a troublesome task, since some of them can place players very far from the exit.

Since Gutters is a sewers, linear pathing will lower much of a chance of outrunning the bosses at times, as well as probable sandwich attacks. Odds you will run out of sprint. Perhaps the best way to navigate in Gutters is going towards the furthest tunnel first because pulling away too far from the exit when you don't have much time is never a good idea.

Once all 8 documents are found, get back to the main spawn. Good luck with that by the way.

Utilizing cover behind a prop. Looping around these and sparing a few jumps might keep him off of you.

Being alert.
Gutters introduces a new companion. His name is Sawcrazy.

  • He attacks in a 360 degree pattern, even while idle.
  • When he is nearby, sounds are reminiscent to a swarm of bees.
  • He is slightly slower than Sawrunner, however you're not dodging his attacks if trapped in a tunnel.
  • Sawcrazy is well, crazy. I think he likes to jump a bit more than Sawrunner, so be wary of his slam jam abilities.

Sawrunner shines a glowing aura around his area when he is present and a loud chainsaw rev. He attacks in a wide cone but has a recognizable delay to his swing so chances are you'll be able to keep a edge above him. Because it's a sewers, probable sandwich attacks can happen quite often. Props like the one shown above are incredibly useful for hiding and recovering your sprint meter.

It's possible to dodge Sawrunner if you've happened to run into a deadend. A quick zag off the skirts of the tunnel while sprinting usually works for me (as Scout of course, this may yield different results for the other classes).

Bob and weave in the tunnels. There are slight odds they'll get too dizzy and bump into something from trying to hard aim your movements too much. A few rare times would Sawrunner get stuck on the bar railings. This is a current nav issue but it can be exploited as well.

Just thought I'd add this in.

Awaiting the challenge.
There is now a jukebox in the waiting room!

Gutters was once king of most difficult maps to survive but it's still up there as a runner-up next to Glubbable's Alpha Complex or Simply Delicious' The Ward. Sawrunner seems to have some navigating issues. He often gets stuck on the railings. This can become a tedious problem if players are exploiting it, if he is in the way or blocking a document snag.

For a sewers, it's too clean. A darkish, grunge and blood retexture would give it a more fitting environment for someone like Sawrunner, via a Cry of Fear vision as well. Maybe add something more to reduce it's repetitive look. Gutters does have good pathing though.

+ Amongst the top hardest maps
+ Sawrunner and Sawcrazy makes for a great sewer dweller duo
- Doesn't look much like a sewer
- Repetitive rooms
- Sawrunner has navigating issues, he gets stuck on railings

Main lobby, starting spawn and skeleton room.

OST: Custom sounds by Simply Delicious. Dante's Inferno "Cerberus" for Guardian's chase theme.
Recommended Classes: Scout/Heavy.

If Hell is this beautiful, I won't confess for my sins. Drag me down already.
December of 2013 was a good time to be aboard Slender Fortress. A successful Forgotten Tombs had just recently released and then Hellfire. Inspired heavily by Doom 3, the anticipated Hellfire, crafted by Simply Delicious, updated by Glubbable, made it's debut shortly after and quickly became popular.

Clearly and vividly, Hellfire wins as the best looking map, period. The right tint and contrast of red, orange and green meshes together, and the extra amount of detail put into making this map stand out exceedingly well in it's Hell-ish concept shows. All of the pulsating lava, even amongst the cavern horns, the converging smoke and the custom sounds that play in each room equals eye candy for all.

But does Hellfire flourish elsewhere?

Hiding in Hell with Simply.

Judge, Jury and Executioner.
For how Hellfire is designed, the Guardian is balanced at a tune that makes him a major threat against all classes. Light classes can suffice only 1 hit, while Soldiers and Heavies can absorb 2 hits. When he's in conjunction with the mini-skeletons via the Skeleton room, or in the Prison with the Skeleton King, make that double.

  • Main lobby.
    This is where you will find yourself transported back to after traveling from other portals. I like to recover my sprint stamina here before moving to other portals. A critical issue used to be exploited on the bridge, but it got fixed. Praise the Giant Dad.

  • The Prison.
    The smallest room, but don't be fooled. The Skeleton King specifically roams this room of Hellfire, boning 100 damage to anyone that he hits. He is nerfed in terms of raw damage and speed, but he does not grant players scare sprint. Paired up with 2 Guardians, and this room contests with the skeleton room as the most difficult to survive. Parallel staircases and open cell blocks make up for most of the prison. Do your best to avoid imprisoning yourself for spellbooks. If all else fails, make way for the portal. You can always come back for the snag.

  • The Towers.
    I consider this room dangerous as well due to it's linear pathing. If you're able to make it past the early flights of stairs, you're in the safe zone for a easy spellbook grab. If not and the Guardians spawn in your way, the best thing I can recommend is jumping on any railings and angle jumping around him. Odds are less in your favour if unsuccessful.

  • The Isles.
    Isles can test how good you are at twisting your jumps. All of the pedestals placed at the end of the bridges can assist in angle jumping around the Guardian. Otherwise, you'll be knocked into the lava and slowly die a painful, embarassing death. Good game, comrade.

  • The Skeleton Room.
    Where Hellfire challenges you. Upon initial entry, aggressive mini-skeletons push their way up from each glowing pentagram. They also now infinitely multiply; this room will always have mini-skeletons no matter what. Luckily you're granted to swing away and defend yourself from them (Heavies make for great allies here), though that breaks them up into even smaller skeletons. The 2 spellbooks need to be located here quickly, giving Scout the best role in this section while a brave Heavy defends his team.

Waking the demon.
When finding all 8 spellbooks, taking any portal leads you to a beeline towards the escape portal. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're completely safe though. The Guardian doesn't let off that easy; it's possible he can spawn around the cavern rocks, as if he hides in the lava. P.S On the day of the major update, I died near the exit, with friends to witness. Although it was a cheap death, that was enough reasoning to prove Hellfire isn't playing around anymore.

Although the seasoned strategy of beating Hellfire hasn't changed, it is recognizably much, much more challenging. If the escape ratio had to be scaled from how it was before and after, there was a 7 out of 8 chance that you would've lived before, compared to a 2 out of 8 chance now, maybe even less. You will want a organized team of Scouts and Heavies.

To Hell and Back.
One of the best waiting rooms. There's a DJ booth in the center, PvP to the left and a museum to the right showcasing images of maps widely recognized as the best maps to be designed for Slender Fortress 2.

Back during it's initial debut, Hellfire was at it's peak and won most voting polls till' harsh realization came about revealing it's weakness in providing any real difficulty and players abusing gamebreaking exploits. After a long drought, Glubbable has fixed that. No longer will your envision of Hellfire be seen as heaven with a false cascade of lava. Cthulhu has awakened, and it's entities; a buffed Guardian, infinite mini-skeletons and the Skeleton King, is leaving no souls behind.

Although no major changes has been applied to any of the rooms architecture and detailing, all SF2's audience ever asked for was a challenge (myself included). We've got it. I also (sarcastically) suggested to add in the Skeleton King, and it happened. Wishes do come true after all.

Welcome back, Hellfire.

+ The prettiest looking map
+ Innovative concept
+ Improvised difficulty and NAV-mesh, fixed exploits, infinite mini-skeletons, also Skeleton King!
+ Decrease in MB eases load time for many players now
- 2 copies of Guardian might be overboard, especially for light classes
- I'm not a fan of the cheap Guardian spawns right near the escape portal

Hospitality for the taken.
Originally created by Marc Steene and Wray Burgess in Slenderman's Shadow, Hospice envisioned for SF2 by Kit O' Rifty, holds true to it's roots as a successful homage to the original creators, as well as being widely considered as the first popular map till' this day.

OST: Slender Ambience.
Recommended Classes: Any.

Fairy of the Black Forest.
Slenderman has been revolved in a slew of folklore, mythological and cultural sightings. In canon stories, non-canon, although there really isn't any exact specified story or history to the tall man. Either way, this mysterious man has became a viral hit across the web, amongst all art forms and most notably in video games.

What you lookin' at?

Hospice as a map gives all of the roaming and surprise strengths to Slender and Kate as a powerful duo. Tight turns, a lot of doorways and long hallways makes up for most of what Hospice has to offer. You can't really ever be too careful; make one wrong turn and a camping Slender might just be in your way. Maybe even kill you on the spot. It's the same for mostly any one hit kill boss.

Take considerable slow turns each door entrance you take and sprint moderately as too much sprinting can attract bosses.

Like Sanatorium and Elementary, Hospice also has 2 ways of escape. Main RED spawn and opposite of it.

Specific paths change each round, like a built-in AI director. I haven't gone around to testing out each path variation but I notice it switches up in one part of the map that contains rusty washing machines. I'll point out more on this when I complete several test runs.

The door opened in one playthrough, while blocked off in another.

The surrounding area in Hospice is bright. Not much need for any flashlights here but pages are hidden pretty well on walls with brick textures.

Emily strutting down the hallway.

We are raving, we are raving!

One of the prettier waiting rooms. It has a DJ booth ready, strobe lights and eye catchy scenery to give one eye problems for the rest of the day. It can potentially cause lag spikes so it's best to not overdo spamming of switching songs. Up the slopes has a roof top in case you don't feel like being part of all the noise.

Like a pay to homage should be, Hospice treats fans and players alike for a starting experience in Slender Fortress 2. Although I'm no fan of cheap doorframe kills Slender likes to provoke a good percentage of the time, sometimes you can't help but still remember these were the early days. Nostalgia never fades; it's always there to remind you it was the start to something great.

+ The introduction and first successor to Slender Fortress 2, coded by Kit O' Rifty
+ Classic, pays homage to Slenderman's Shadow Hospice
+ DJ booth room has pretty lights
- A lot of doors gives Slender too much camping, cheap picks
- DJ booth has potential to cause lag and ping increases

Identical hallway pattern you'll come across in every lobby and your 3 door portals.

OST: None.
Recommended Classes: Scout/Any.

Stuck in limbo.
I must admit from the beginning that I am not used to playing Lobbys. The logistics of the map
has you searching for 10 Australium bars in different themed lobbies. How to get to each of them without running back into the same lobbies is something I haven't got the niche of yet but plan to find out. Lobbys, created by Glubbable, is a idea that takes a risk at being something different.

All of the lobbies.

Images above of all the 7 lobbies in order from left to right:
  • Main Spawn
  • Chinatown Industry
  • Eyes
  • Frogs
  • Dev Texture
  • Flood
  • Cars

While the lobbies all share the same common interest in locating bars, the one with eyes behind windows has no Australium bars and also signifies as the escape lobby. Below is the exit.

These statues eyes will light up bright when all 10 bars are found.

There is a pattern to Lobbys.

First, I've tested just trying out one portal each and these are the variables.

Always taking the left portal leads you to:
  • Eyes
  • Cars
  • Chinatown Industry
  • Frogs
  • Chinatown Industry
  • Frogs
It's constant.

Always taking the middle portal leads you:
  • Dev Texture
  • Flood
  • Main Spawn
And then back to dev texture...

Always taking the right portal leads you to:
  • Flood
  • Cars
  • Flood
  • Cars get it

It feels like Bioshock Infinite. Constants and variables. Reminder, as said these are just single portal takes. I did not include mix-ups.

Losing a ghost or two is no hassle, but when they're in packs is when you're out of options but to backtrack often for any missing Australium bars. I would've liked if the passages to the rooms weren't so tight, just to have a chance to maneuver around multiple ghosts. You can jump through the windows, but we all know what that does to your sprint bar.

Like Cellars, Lobbys is meant to be played at a quick pace. Best to have players enter a different portal each. I won't tell you the exact variables to victory. That would be cheating and ruin the whole point of ever playing Lobbys. Now shoo, figure it out on your own!

If you like to think hard and have Ghosts chase you all over the place, Lobbys is for you. It may be considered the least popular map in the rotation, but I still have to give Glub credit for the effort.

+ It has style to it, different themed lobbies
+ Innovative idea
- Straining experience, plus with Ghosts on top it all
- Least popular map
Lockers - To Be Revised

Your 2 new top floor playing areas and the different color scheme of the main RED spawn.

OST: Generic ambience sound file from Half-Life 2. as the BGM loop. "Dark Energy" from Half-Life 2 as the escape music.

Recommended Classes: Any.

Lockers has come a long, long way. It's Glubbable's first map and original creation at that. Currently it stands at V5, with each phase adding more rooms and improvision to it's nav mesh. It's latest version has given Lockers some more emphasis of detail in it's play area and waiting room. Newly added to the play area are demon statues, a fire lit-room, a 2-door room near the water lodge and 2 rooms left & right as you enter the top floor.

Past and present. Fire barrels just make things prettier.

Locked out.
The name Lockers and much of all it's attributes doesn't make much of a map theme like the many others maps in rotation. But that is fine, considering Lockers is a first series map that also has a great take on routes to choose, rooms to discover and improvised detail to make rooms look notably different.

I look at Lockers as a obstacle course of some sort. Or playground for testing bosses. It could be better off called slender_playground, as Glubbable particularily selects Lockers to do play tests for new boss material. Surrounding Lockers are a set of crates you have to jump over at one point, elsewhere they are mainly scattered to provide means of stealth and cover. It isn't necessary to jump on top of them though it can provide ways of manuevering around bosses, albeit a waste of sprint duration.

You can jump into the sewer waters, but it's just for small show. No documents spawn down there. It might be effective for hiding, who knows. I haven't tried, yet. There are better alternatives for hiding in Lockers though.


Fairness to both players and bosses is presented well in Lockers but I won't take that too lightly. Lockers has some really sneaky placed documents, either it be tacked onto some wall behind you, on the flooring, on top some tables or blended within/inside some props. I can't tell you how many times I've seen players blindly skip documents only because it is naked to the eye at first. Spectating via !slghost (enabing ghost mode) helps to learn most of these tricky document spots.

Scavenging for documents in the upper floor can be a hassle, mainly due to the cubicle docking stations eating up most of the clock duration. Any boss can easily terrorize you in there because of the lack of roaming space.

One of the earlier documents you can snag right in the main RED spawn near some barrels. It's best to take heed of your grace period before doing so.

How to beat Lockers? Just like almost every other map. Split up. You don't get as much gameplay clocktime, even on page grabs which is all too similar with Atomics. Got all 8 documents? Make your way back to the RV in main RED spawn.

Also to mention, the soundtrack loop used in Lockers makes for a melancholy feel.

Raptors in my lockers.

    Pool party!

  • The pool section is finally worth going to. You got a jukebox properly placed and music waves throughout most the waiting room.

I consider Lockers sort of like a friendly version of Atomics because of it's exit, but more favorable routing. They're not similar maps by any means, but they both feel connected due to similar fashion in tricky document spawns and low clock time. Count Lockers as one of the first series Slender Fortress 2 maps. Though it may seem like a outcast to the popular maps in rotation, Lockers is a solid all around boss map that brings gameplay balance to light. This might be the final version of Lockers.

+ Great playground for testing bosses
+ Eerie soundtrack loop
+ Some documents are hidden well
+ Improved waiting room
- No theme to it like other maps
Manor - Outdated Review
Manor Review - Map created by Burnout
Review in progress by JillyBean

Banner and more screenshots coming soon.

Boss: Brute from Amnesia The Dark Descent
Goal: Collect 10 flasks.

Hunters and gatherers.
Would you like a glass of Alexander's wine? It's been said it is so strong, it feels like your chest is about to burst. Rest assured, it's definitely not poisoned. Brute angrily thinks the opposite. But it's no wonder he does. Manor, created by Burnout6010, is the second Amnesia based map in the 20+ map growth, and in similar gameplay aspects, is a quick break map like Cellars and Frost Run designed to keep you sprinting most of the time whilst nabbing your objectives. But does it succeed well in that department?

OST: Ambience from Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Recommended Classes: Any.

  • Wields a blade that has a wide kill degree distance.
  • Although he appears slow, he is able to keep sight on players, eventually draining most of their sprint if you do lose him. Cut sharp corners, use props to your advantage but avoid long sight durations (hallways).
  • Instant kill on light classes (150 and below, 2 hits on others).

Castellian's journey.
Drink the Amnesia mixture and purge those memories. There are 10 of these blue flasks to find, but in your way will be one of the gatherers, called the Brute, who is able to cut you off quite easily with Manor's take on close quarter navigating. Entering the small door entrances can give off a slight nudge. Naturally at the same time, Brute can clip through these doors like butter, which can create moments you weren't able to squeeze cleanly through, making for unfair deaths.

Like Monophobia Reborn, the same grace period strategy can be used here too. Wait a couple seconds to grab the first flask to allow everyone to spread out.

Manor has a harvest of props. While they do often get into your way during a chase, it's still spaced out well enough for scouting around, even hiding behind for temporary support. However, because there can be a max of 3 Brutes, Manor can quickly feel clogged. Your chances of outrunning the Brutes suddenly decrease.

1 of 10 flasks to collect. Here you can see how much it stands out.

Your objective isn't too difficult to pinpoint. It's a bright blue liquid filled into flasks and can be porched on top of props and bookcase shelves (be sure to check library, they are fiddled with them), You will want to use your ability to run and grab flasks with accuracy. Melee hits attract bosses. This can happen when you'll want to nab your objective. It's usually all it takes to alert any boss, so whether you will want to wait for the Brute to despawn elsewhere is up to you.

One of the neatly creative loops you can use at your arsenal.

Beautifully executed is Manor's direction on detail. There is plenty, far more than enough detail to gaze at that you wouldn't have noticed on a couple of playthroughs. You don't quite get that approach on other maps. Particular chosen props, like the windows with cascades of moonlight and the various use of castellian-like furniture gives Manor it's righteous name. I don't agree with the choice of wall texture on the top floor though. It throws off the atmosphere and doesn't blend in with Amnesia's medieval grunge look.

The bottom basement area (there are 2 downwards staircases that can take you here) is what gives you that Amnesia adrenaline (and a much preferred wall texture). You won't have to barge as frequently into much tight doorways, and granted there is more space to pathfind your way around situations, if for example there happens to be a max of 3 Brutes on your tail.

A loose Brute on the scene.

A small unfinished waiting room leaves many to ponder if it will ever get done. It doesn't really take away from the map as a whole though.

As expected, Manor is a tough map, but what makes Manor a difficult map resides in what also gives it negative feedback. That would be the slightly tight door entrances. You aren't forced to take these paths, but inevitably you will have to. Occassionally there will be a Brute waiting around for you around door frames, sometimes leading to sudden and confusing deaths. More than one Brute can flood crammed rooms, leading to too many sandwich attacks. Manor's many props can save you momentarily, thankfully.

Sometimes I think Manor would be better off as a all-boss map (this should be tested). Common core bosses like Slender and Kate may pose more as a annoyance, but at least they're not as persistant as Brute. Slender is optimized to move freely as well now too (no longer does he stall). SF2's map rotation has been growing steadily with up to 27 maps to date, but even so, Manor is severely underplayed.

Besides it's few balancing issues, Manor is a clear winner for it's depth of detail and not every map is able to attain that title. It sits amongst the gold standard of maps like Sanatorium, The Abyss, Five Rounds at Freddy's, Hellfire, The Ward, Arizona, The Parish, Forgotten Tombs, Swamp and others for it's atmospheric glamour.


+ Amazing depth of detail, great layout
+ Plenty of props to use at your disposal
+ The best quickbreak map for fast teamwork
- 3 Brutes turn Manor into a cluster fest
- Tight door entrances give off a unfair disadvantage

Mansion is now an all special boss round map like Arizona!
Enter the survival horror.
There are only 8 RED members left now. Myself, and 7 other RED's whose identities are unconfirmed. We don't know where...well now you get I was trying to make a Resident Evil reference. Like one should, Mansion created by Signalmax and resurrected by Glubbable, will be a confusing layout to navigate at first. Pure darkness is so resolute, that conservation of battery life has never been so important in other maps (Atomics, No Exit and Claustrophobia being the other nominees).

Recommended Classes: Any.
OST: None as far as I'm concerned.
Infinite Flashlight: No.
Max Players/Rounds: 8 Players. 5 Rounds.

Master of unlocking.
No map is impossible unless one goes out of his or her way of learning it. While you would expect a Mansion to be a lot bigger than this, it holds true to having so many rooms to explore and extremely difficult page locations. Like most maps, you will spawn in the same area your exit will be located (the door behind you). It's easy to pinpoint where the exit is because it's really the only area with any source of light. 90% of the map is shrouded in darkness, so bosses with no specific glows will leave players daunted, forced into taking small tiptoes around doors and corners.

Mansion is now a home to spawning special bosses every round!

Prime example of the extremely well hidden pages you most likely have skipped a couple times. Mansion is home to a large variety of unique page spawns.

Moving to your left from main spawn leads to a couple of rooms, plus stairs to the basement area. Single enclosed rooms makes the basement amongst the dangerous areas to explore. It's easy to trap yourself area, as so it is cliche in many horror movies for the basement to be creepy as usual.

Originally it was just Bonnie in the frame, but Chica butt in at the last second.

Taking the right from main spawn leads to most of the Mansion's rooms, with a left or right path to take. A big library in front of you intersects these two paths, often leading players to confusion. A furniture couch could randomly block one of these doors too; which is meant to either ruin or confuse you. Most of the Mansion's rooms are to the rightmost part of the map.

The couch that randomly spawns.

About 90% of Mansion is vacantly dark. The screenshots I took are really the only lit parts of the map. No flashlight rounds could make seeking pages twice as difficult. Your ability to hear bosses comes more in handy than trying to always seek them out. Thankfully Mansion provides great measures of escaping persistant chasers, with high ground props to jump across and many cuts n' corners to use, although you can make the mistake of trapping yourself in a one-way room at times.

Rude Eddy barging in the bathroom.

Mansion doesn't have one of the greatest rooms, but that is cured by adding in a jukebox. The PvP is right in front of you, so ahoy to all jarate or mad milk farmers.

Mansion isn't no Spencer Mansion, or the prettiest looking map in the rotation, but it executes what it does best in confusing players because of it's dark and repetitive looks. Out of every map, pages are without a doubt the hardest to locate here and often putting players in undesirable situations where they most likely have no way out (one door rooms). Overall, Mansion is a welcoming addition to the all-boss rotation maps.

+ Darkest map, flashlights are put greatly into effect
+ Tricky page spots
+ Specials 24/7
- Doesn't remind me much of a mansion, just a part of it
- No unique soundtrack(s) or page music
Monophobia Reborn

Waking Cthulhu.
You can breathe. You can blink. You can can're all going to be doing that. God can't save you. Originally created by Alphonse, remastered by Glubbable, Monophobia has had a exodus of it's own, moving back and forth into the map rotation, version after version. But now, it has earned back it's place. Monophobia is reborn.

Recommended Classes: Scout.
Infinite flashlight: Enabled.
OST: The Official Sinister Soundtrack "Sleepy Time 98' " & "Lawn Work '86"

Rasla's Ceremony 14'.
A shadowy deity is on your tail and is willing to leave no survivors behind. Villar as the replacement for SCP-079 changes matters at a significant scale. It is best to know how Villar performs before playing Monophobia.

  • Listen out for any slight groaning sounds. A distinctive chase theme plays, signaling players to be ready to sprint.

  • Avoid taking quick turns and consider wide turns. It is possible Villar can stall around corners, giving him the perfect opportunity to kill unaware players.

  • Villar is as dark as night. Monophobia is one of those rare maps where your flashlight is extremely valuable, especially for the parkour sections.

  • Spread apart. Groups of players would just be asking to get killed. Staring at Villar apparently aggravates him more.

  • Lastly, he is a instant kill on all classes. And no, you're not able to stun him.

You'll need 7 of these. The demon statue can pinpoint your destination of being in the final quadrant of Monophobia.

Fear cubes are generally easy to find on top of platforms with the cross, with red symbols (parkour sections), on top of the demon statue and around the tombstones of the crypt (I find the cubes to spawn specifically near the dark colored tombstones located near corners).

To avoid awakening Villar so early, it's advised to not pick up any early fear cubes from the starting spawn. Doing so revokes much needed grace period that helps spread players across the map. Be prepared for the Radsla killing spree.

Parkour areas
The real danger zones of Monophobia; these sections are embed in red lighting with death pits below to the awakening of the undead. Although the parkour patterns may seem simplistic, each jump eats a bar away from your sprint duration, thus decreasing the odds in your favour of ever outrunning Villar.

It is possible for Villar to intrude players around the parkour areas, either causing you to panic and fall to your demise or get smackdowned and ragdoll all over the place. Before attempting to jump across, it's best to first seek from a distance if any cubes are placed atop the symbolic platforms, which is where your flashlight comes into play to see through the heavy smoke.

  1. The longest parkour. It takes about 5 jumps to get fully across the death pits, therefore shaving off 5 bars from your sprint meter. Best to pause mid-way to see if any cube is there in the first place. The odds of you surviving Villar at this parkour is miniscule.

  2. This parkour isn't as sprint consuming as the others, so Villar is less of a threat in this parkour, but that's not ceasing much. You can actually jump onto the designated platforms with the symbols in one jump without having to jump on the tiny squares. There are two sides to check, so a partner could help make it less straining in case 2 cubes were to spawn in this section.

  3. The final and of course because it's the last, it must be the most difficult parkour. You can break mid-way and check both sides for any cubes. Other than that, not much advice can be given here. If you're swift at jumping with no mistakes, this is your territory. However if Villar comes your way, you can forget about making it out alive.

Graveyard areas
4 crypts, doused in green lighting, it is possible for two fear cubes to spawn in the largest crypt. Stated before, I tend to find the cubes always generate near the darkest colored tombstone, although I could be wrong about that.

The tombstones are hollow props, so you can run through them, hugging around the walls to avoid Villar.

Once all 7 fear cubes are found.... back to the main spawn. Praise...the sun.

We will all make our meaningful sacrifice. Aghast.
Simple and effective waiting room. It doesn't needed to be full ledged if rounds are bound to be over in a matter of seconds, barely a couple of minutes. You'll get your turn quick.

Out of every fastbreak, haste on your toes maps, Monophobia Reborn takes heed in becoming the king of them all. It is going to take a ton of rounds for players to get adjusted to this style of gameplay as Monophobia has taken regards to innovation. Who would've thought of parkour in the playing area?

Monophobia isn't without it's flaws though. Villar can spawn inside the parkour sections, creating for imbalanced measures or giving players no choice but to run to at the death pits. It is more of a inevitable sacrifice than a will to do so for your team, which players may find over the top. It is strenuous on the quality of team effort. If no one plays quick and efficiently, then there won't be any good results.

Crazy me though, I like it. I'm always down for a challenge when it's given to me.

+ Intense fastbreak gameplay
+ Uses my favorite horror soundtrack from the movie, "Sinister"
+ Introduces parkour in the playing area for SF2
- 2 Villar's can congest, too much area of denial
- Villar can spawn behind players in the parkour areas
- Calls for the attention of every player, that slight mishaps can bring a team down in seconds
No Exit

No Exit supports special bosses each round now!

First room you'll come across, one of the windowed rooms and the BLU waiting room.

OST: Generic laughing sounds in the intro. Cry of Fear OST "Survive" as the escape music.
Recommended Classes: Any.

A improved remake.
The original No Exit, by Narry Gewman was one of those maps that always managed to give me a headache no matter what. Fair enough I was a newcomer to SF2 at the time. Several months later, Glubbable completely redesigns No Exit with new pathing and a more modernized approach in layout and detail.

A window just bust. Broken glass is all over the floor. There are psychos laughing at me. Where are they? What did I ever do to you? Just...shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! (Skyler White Breaking Bad style). The opening intro is one of a kind.

No Exit is constructed into 3 floors. You start off at the top with 3 rooms full of graffiti and also rooms with holes you can drop down from to manage as a alternate route to the middle floor or to outrun bosses (No Exit is one of the few maps that makes outrunning persistant bosses possible). I prefer to take staircases because pages tend to spawn on door frames behind you at entrance.

Demo walks past a page.

Up and down.
Making your way down through one of No Exit's 2 set of staircases, you'll find your way to the middle floor. The middle floor consists of a combination of rooms and halls that loop into each other. I prefer to exit floors on a different staircase than previously entered or that no one else entered, to be sure no pages have been skipped.

Lastly, the bottom floor is probably the most dangerous to navigate. It's the darkest and most prop-filled part of the map. Rooms are also larger in comparison to others with it's square pathing and couple of deadends to boot.

I have a tendency to like starting things from the bottom, which is the least favorable area for me, or switch it up and search the top floor first for pages, then the middle and bottom in a synchronized matter. Although it is called No Exit to keep newcomers questioning if there is really an exit, yes, there is really an exit. It's the door right behind you in the main RED spawn.

Pyramid Head storming the basements.

Waiting game.
There's a PvP to the left and parkour to the right. Completion of it grants you access to the DJ booth, but only if you're first place winner.

No Exit stands out as a successful remake to a nostalgic SF2 map in every way. It is balanced, even for some of the most aggressive chasers and has a interesting take in layout elevation. I like the starting intro triggers, but I wish there were more secretly placed around the map to startle players. A solid map in every way, No Exit rings a bell and is amongst the popular all-boss rotation maps.

+ Funny intro
+ Most well hidden pages I've seen in a map yet
+ No Exit's take on elevation is a great addition to routing ways of outrunning bosses
- I wish there were more sound triggers
- Not a fan of the color scheme, choice of texture
Return to Freddy's - To Be Written
Return to Freddy's Review - Map created by Simply Delicious
Review in progress by JillyBean

Toy Animatronic models created by I6NIS.

Bosses: Toy Animatronics
Goal: Pick up the camera. Survive for 5 minutes, escape via the main hall at 30 seconds.

Return to Freddy's is still in testing, and undergoing construction. The latest version improves upon previous abused exploits leading to cheap escapes, and increasing the overall map difficulty. Keep tabs on Glubbable's servers group page for any information you're seeking, and what's to come.

There are some glaring exploits that provide ways for cheap escapes. Anyone caught using these is at fault for breaking server rules.

Where is the exit?
It's the big door located near the main concert stage, inside the main dining room. It opens when 0:30 is left on the clock.

  • All of the animatronics/bosses are instant kills.

  • New alert and chase sounds.

  • Scare death screens have been added.

  • DOUBLE PLAYERS on roulette rounds is changed to DOUBLE SHIFTS - Extra help for 20/20/20/20, to theme it for the map.

  • Vents have covers that only the animatronics can break. A sound effect also plays giving players a warning sign.

  • Players can't no longer stand on top of the camera. There is also a cooldown before you're able to pick up the camera, granting grace period.

  • Simply Delicious voices as the Phone Guy.

  • A lot more space to roam around than FRaF equals a more considerably balanced layout, more fair in terms of areas to holdout and traverse in.

  • Plenty of long hallways and sights. Foxy/Marionette are top priority threats.

  • Your ability to mix crouching and running is useful.

  • Tables are dangerous. Animatronics love to spawn on top of them at a unlucky given time. Certain props, like the metal scaffoldings in the cross section vent areas, grants them ways to spawn in front of you too.

  • Animatronics can see you through the broken brick walls.

Toy Animatronics:

Toy Bonnie: Similar to Bonnie. Quick and agile chasers. A distorted, broken communications sound plays when he is nearby.

Toy Chica: Similar to Chica. Quick and agile chasers. A distorted, broken communications sound plays when she nearby.

Toy Freddy: Super sneaky. Very agile. Has no idle or alert sounds. Chase sound is similar to Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica's. I've already had moments where he would suddenly move around the vents and catch me by surprise. Similar to the Sisters, but doesn't stop on look. He's more like a harasser, hit and run type like Freddy and Jason.

Mangle: Crawls on the ground. Freaky looking. A moving Luigi doll. A few times have I witnessed her ability to fool players, hiding around props and tables. A loud, white noise sound plays when she is nearby.

Marionette: Music toybox plays when in conjunction. When "Pop goes the Weasel" tune plays, this signals he is on a rapid chase (in other words, death). Similar to Foxy, except faster and triggers at 2.2 seconds instead of Foxy's 1.5. His chase duration seems to be even more lengthy than Foxy's too.

Balloon Boy: Constantly says "Hi", "Hello". Has a high static rate. Serves as a path blocker. Similar to Luigi Doll.

Original Animatronics:

Check out the Five Rounds at Freddy's review for in-depth information about the Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria animatronics.

Golden Freddy

At the moment, the original Fazbear Pizzeria animatronics aren't finished in a remade state. No ETA, but stay tuned.

One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
In August of 2012, Sanatorium is the first map creation to be featured in Marc Steene and Wray Burgess' Slenderman's Shadow. Around a year later, SF2 content creator Simply Delicious crafted a complete redux of Sanatorium for Slender Fortress 2. It is by far the best looking remake amongst the other Slenderman Shadow based maps in rotation.

OST: Slenderman's Shadow OST
Recommended Classes: Any.

Patience patient.
Sanatorium is a very, very complex map, both in looks and pathing. There aren't any upper floors or basements, but there are a lot of rooms, long hallways and places to check for pages. You can get lost quite easily in this asylum so it's best to direct yourself from the beginning that you're about near the mid-right part of the map, and one of the two exits is behind you.

Hallways don't cut off into any deadends but loop around like a race track on the outskirts, and also intersect into one another in various sections of the map. There's considerately enough safe haven in Sanatorium, either from bosses with great lines of sights or for losing your tail. The only ways of trapping yourself is into a couple cramped rooms. While they can provide cover, be sure to get in and out of those for pages as a teammate can lure a boss right to you.

One specific long hallway, shown in the photo below, can be looked as a compass for your next destination because it stands out so much.

Most notorious of all hallways in Sanatorium. Also features a candle room. SUBMIT.

Sharp eyes.
It's really your attention to Sanatorium's great effort of detail that can help track where you are and where you've already been. From the main red spawn, say you want to navigate side A, you'll locate bathrooms along the right. Want to take B, you'll meet ways with the notorious hallway shown in pictures above, with also a couple of bedrooms on the far left. On both sides are 2 rooms with a green tint that has a grid roof scaffolding accompanied by cieling failure.

Page spawns are pretty noticable, minus a couple that are cleverly hidden around props. Don't get too adjusted to fire-lit hallways; not all hallways are.

Demon statue. One of 2 rooms with grid roof scaffolding.

There is one room in particular that has a demon statue embedded onto a pedestal. This statue can be used as a beacon for the 2 exits Sanatorium provides; in the direction it is looking at and to the side a giant square room that has a couple Mann.Co crates. This is the first map to have 2 exits, Elementary becoming the second.

Outside of the asylum's windows is neatly closed with a brick texture and rainy weather. Not sure if there's actual lightning but more points if there is.

Dr. Trager takes a break from his ward to terrorize Slendy's asylum.

From a creepy asylum to a beautiful aquarium.
I really, really like the blue feel to this waiting room. I'm a pisces myself so it all makes sense to me. There's a PvP to the right and interestingly designed parkour to your left. Complete it to make your way to the jukebox. Credit goes to Glubbable for the craft of this BLU spawn.

A major overhaul to the original representation in Slenderman's Shadow. Simply's envision to attentive detail and fair, challenging map pathing all fits the bill together for Sanatorium to place itself amongst the elite of all boss rotation maps in Slender Fortress 2.

+ Best remake to a Slenderman based map
+ One of the best all boss maps
+ Amazing waiting room
+ Depth in detail

Main spawn. Entities that live within containment. SCP-087-B.

OST: All based sounds from the mini-game.
Recommended Classes: Scout/Sniper/Any.

Proceed with caution.
Inspired originally by Havereine's SCP-087, turned into a simple mini-game and then recreated for Slender Fortress 2 by Simply Delicious (waiting room by Glubbable), it is the first map to introduce randomized traps, sudden pop-ups and feature the Sisters as the main boss.

15 flights of death around each corner.
Those who have played the staircase mini-game would know descension seems to keep going and going. 150 levels to be exact. It's significantly cut down to 15 for gameplay purposes. Pick up that camera and proceed quickly but slowly around corners. 5 minutes start now. There is no grace period; the Sisters aren't hesistant to play aggressive right off the bat.

Much like Weepers, SCP-087-B requires attention and teamwork from all if anyone plans to make it 15 floors down without wasting much time. Teams that keep watch from multiple angles (front and back most of the time) can keep the Sisters at bay. I've had times when she would sweep teams quickly because no one watched behind.

It can become a tedious task to have complete coordination though. One player can upset the tides of the round, either through griefing or simply not understanding how the Sisters work.

Mobile Task Force preventing no escapees.

Staring at the Sisters for 3 seconds and looking away will despawn her elsewhere. Stare for too long and her static radius increases similar to that of Slenderman. If she is too distant, it's best to lag back behind cover and wait. Be wary of her ability to sprint up stairs and around corners. She can be incredibly persistent and kill time, sometimes dismantling teams from escape.

You will always know when the Sisters are around. By their glow, a warning chime and a screen pop-up. Get too close to her and you'll be awarded her daily anger management issues.

Miney, moe.
Someone has to make a fast decision for the team at one point. One wrong move and you're done for. At least you've done a good deed (and hopefully didn't take more than 10 seconds to make up your mind).

Specific floors in the map have randomly generated paths to keep the map feeling fresh each round. Along the way you'll bump into the entities that live within. If you hear along the lines "Don't look at me", I'll leave that up to you to decide.

My favorite, Smiley face makes a rare appearance too. If you've made it past the 15th floor's final trap, you will see your light to SCP's version of afterlife.

Barely made it. Fair warning, be prepared for the ending sequence.

Test subjects.
The waiting room is probably the best out of all maps that matches the map's theme. I think many would agree with me on that. Credit goes to Glubbable for the waiting room.

SCP is a name dropper and wins a majority of polls that brings fans of the game alike around. If played properly, it can be looked at as one of the best maps that bring fresh gameplay segments from time to time, albeit it can become a instable experience for others.

+ Pays homage to the popular mini-game
+ First to introduce trap triggers, makes for fresh playthroughs
- Strenuous on not always guaranteed teamwork
- Grief, trolls make for instable gameplay
- Sisters can potentially kill too much time, aggressive spawns prevent players from escaping sometimes
SCP: Containment Breach
SCP Containment Breach Review
By JillyBean

Bosses: SCP-049, SCP-106 (briefly), SCP-173 and MTF.
Goal: Collect 5 keycards. Locate SCP-079, listen to his computerized message to find out which gate is open, insert all of the keycards into their slots, and find the gate.

SCP Containment Breach, a free survival horror game based off the works of the SCP Foundation community, has made it's arrival in the Slender mod in it's own envision. Mapped by Simply Delicious, waiting room by Glubbable and custom soundscapes by Vincentor, is it a objective map enough to engage fans of the game to similar delight?

"Mankind must not go back to hiding in fear. No one else will protect us, and we must stand up for ourselves. While the rest of mankind dwells in the light, we must stand in the darkness to fight it, contain it, and shield it from the eyes of the public, so that others may live in a sane and normal world."

"We secure. We contain. We protect." - The Administrator
(Excerpt from the SCP Wiki)

Vincentor cornered by the other doctor, SCP-049.

Search and destroy.
Remember that scene in "The Cabin in the Woods" (directed by Drew Goddard) when all of the monsters were released out of their cages? You're kind of in that position.

SCP-049 (Plague Doctor)
As a look and run boss type, staring at the doctor will slow him down. Although his speed has significantly been nerfed for the sake of map balance, the doctor can still pose trouble for players. Containment Breach has plenty of straight hallways, giving him the edge over you if your backtracking and re-routing skills are poor. It's best to keep any doors open too, in case you do need to move backwards, as taking your eyesight off him nets a quick death for you.

This old, freaky looking toasted of a man appears in two areas where there are two black holes opposite of each other. I've never witness a death from him, but apparently he is kill on touch.

SCP-173 (Peanut)
Your other nuisance. Like the Weeping Angels, staring at 173 will keep him grounded for as long as you keep sight. He will move if you blink, so manual blinks is useful if he's blocking your way. Closing the door on him will actually deny his movement (seems his little arms can't reach the doorpads). You'll know he is on the move when a loud stone grinding sound plays, as well as a frightening chime sound if he happens to spawn closely.

Mobile Task Force
Ranged boss type. Stunnable as well. Thankfully, they shoot pebbles for bullets (5 damage per shot) but don't take it too lightly if you play as a class with low healthpools. The MTF can open doors and spawn in a group of 3. Heavies can shrug these guys off with no problem. Soldiers too.

Your only way out of the facility is to find 5 of these keycards. This one in particular is cleverly hidden on the bathroom floor.

There are a couple of things you should take notice of:

  • Doors can be abused as a griefing method. They do inflict quite enough damage to get someone killed. Caught doing so can issue you a kick out of the server.

  • Different colored SCP keycards. Can be found on the ground, blood piles, atop counters, desks and shelves.

  • The same method of preserving grace period (wait until grace ends to grab a keycard) can be used here. Considering this map is gigantic, you'll want every second you get. 4 minutes and 15 seconds is your max alotted time.

  • Bosses can wait near doors, as well as open them. The only boss that can't open the doors is SCP-173. Otherwise, there isn't any purpose in closing doors behind you. Stay alert, back away from operating doors.

  • Chase themes seem to be removed for SCP CB's main bosses, but there are random intervals they will play. I think this only happens if special roulette round chooses Double Trouble, and that bosses chase theme plays, forcing the others to initiate theirs.

SCP-106 running through walls like he's Shadowcat.

Gateway to protection.
I am defining sectors as the areas with a North, South, East and West approach. The "Beginning" will be the areas you have to observe before entering the first sector.

The Beginning
Similar to the game, you'll find yourself in SCP-173's personal chamber. You probably know what happens right after. Sometimes a keycard can spawn on one of the blood pools. Hit the door pad and check the rooms on the right side. Bookshelves, desks and the floor make up for most of the keycard spawns.

Taking a hard left leads you to your first encounter with SCP-106. You should hear a sound file before you make close enough contact. Discovering the next set of rooms and you will eventually find SCP-372's highly sosphisticated chamber, big enough to store your favorite mythical creature.

Backtracking and moving forward, you will make tides with your first sector, which I'll call Sector One. Before you enter, check the left of the door on the floor for a possible keycard.

Sector One

Areas of interest:
  • GATE B
  • Tesla Gate
  • Zombie Room
  • Bathrooms
  • Offices

North: The Offices
The defining path. You'll find the bathrooms, offices, the tesla gate and GATE B, which is one of the two possible escapes from the breach. Keycard spawns are scattered really well here, but you should be able to find them easily. Between, beware of the tesla gate.

West: Dead Zombie
The only things you'll find here is a bookcase section on the right and a zombie breathing like he's smoked a field by himself.

East: What Lies Ahead
Going this way takes you to your next and last encounter with SCP-106, a room to your left and the last section, Sector 2.
SCP Containment Breach (Continued)
Sector Two

Areas of interest:
  • SCP-035's Chamber
  • SCP-079 EUCLID's Computer and Keycard Room
  • SCP-106's Chamber
  • Servers
  • GATE A

North: SCP-079's Computer/Keycard Room (Preemptive to escape)
This is the last area you should be checking for a keycard if you've found 4/5 so far. Here you will find out where the man behind the screen is located, and the keycard room near the stairs which opens once a Microsoft Sam voiced SCP-079 completes his monumental speech to your victory, which hopefully you or one of your teammates were paying attention to.

Melee the desk with the slots to enter the cards, shown below.

It's like Starbursts, except the yellow ones suck.

The doors behind you will lock up to buckle off any bosses that spawn nearby, but this doesn't negate them from entering immediately once SCP-079 completes his computerized message, revealing which gate is open, whether it's GATE A or B.

West: SCP-035's Chamber
If you're the hero type, well this is your time to shine in that white knight armor of yours. A test subject, known as SCP-035 is trapped and would like your assistance in escaping, albeit he probably doesn't care if you don't make it out alive. Either way, melee the keypad with the LED and he will get to live another day. Oh, there is also a chance for a keycard to spawn here too.

East: Pathway to Servers, GATE A and SCP-106's Chamber
I've come to notice this section is where mostly everyone dies, and there is recognizable notion for that. The bosses have more ground to execute spawns, and like most general paths in Containment Breach, they're linear.

Take the left, and you will discover the server room, which is dangerous territory to be in due to all of the doors you have to activate, giving bosses like MTF and Plague Doctor the edge. A few units up ahead is GATE A, the closest and easiest gate to escape.

Take the right, and you'll find the deepest part of the map. SCP 106's chamber, this one, large enough to fit another planet. This chamber is elevated into 3 levels, the top being the catwalk, computer room in the middle and the bottom area housing the most open grid space in all of Containment Breach. There are a variety of keycard spawns here.

Breach and Clear: Making escaping less of a hassle
Previously mentioned, there are two ways out of this mess, either through GATE A or B. But ruining your round with a death is something that can be avoided if these little steps can be implemented.

Outside of SCP-079's computer room may have some MTF soldiers searching for your presence. Perhaps a stalking doctor. Or door hugging peanut. It's valuable if someone or groups hold outside the hallways here, even around the 4-way sector. This cancels out any bosses from spawning, causing a cluster.

Containment Breach fits the bill as yet another successful map that pays respectful homage to a horror game known for it's library of interesting test subjects, backstory and lore. It's the first map to have activating doors, introducing more ways for players to navigate, or even get spooked out of the blue. Custom soundscapes created by Vincentor helps to intensify the atmosphere's ambience too.

When it comes to relative detail, Breach answers in that department. The SCP insignia is etched on all doors, plus various references to the game itself such as all of the chambers. Carefully, and thankfully, are all of the bosses balanced right to ensure a fun round for experienced players, even those new to the mod.

Simply's map isn't exactly perfect though. Doors can be activated, either accidentally or intentionally on roaming players, which could possibly kill or take a chunk of health away. Griefs and trolls, just like in similar SCP 087-B presence, can make for dull or argumentive rounds. Constant activation of a door can get it stuck, but not permanately. It will take a boss spawn or two to trigger the door(s) back to a normal state.

With that said, if there was a map you'll want to create a group for, it's Containment Breach. Looking past these few flaws, this is the SCP map I've been waiting for, and is without a doubt one of the most popular maps guaranteed to offer a good time, with spooks around every corner and door you dare to open.

Score will come once the banner and other images/screenshots are added in.

+ Successor to SCP 087-B. Looks and performs like a SCP map should.
+ Suprisingly balanced, with a eidetic layout and interesting areas of exploration.
+ Vince's soundscapes are pleasing to the ears.
- As great as the doors are, they also come with a few glaring issues.
Sector Six - To Be Revised

Sector Six is now home to the Archvile as well. A revision is underway.

Freight train to nowhere, main spawn and symmetrically designed rooms you'll come across.

OST: Nightmare House 2 OST "Move Out"
Recommended Classes: Scout/Heavy/Amp Medic/Any.

Hell's most elite.
I've never played Doom 3. The name Hellknight didn't ring a bell, so I was left wondering what to expect when I played Sector Six for the first time. I got mangled. Smacked across the room. Dunked on. Destroyed. Whatever else phrase you want to add in, go right ahead I don't care. It's true. Sector Six, designed by Glubbable, brings in exciting new territory and out of all single boss only maps, it stands close to my top favorites.

No Perplexity, Just Symmetry.
All sections follow the same geometry from a left and right perspective, with a change in how props and detail are placed. Like usual, it is best for teams to split up in squadrons and check both left/right to waste less time as you'll discover the familiar pattern keeps going the more further you get (Sector Six has long straight hallways, might be the longest map in all of SF2).

Before moving forward, there are slopes to a balcony behind you where a good percent of the time a page will spawn; Hellknight too. If you're not a Heavy, jump off the balcony for a quick escape.

Out of sprint and need to hide? You have no choice but to hide behind one of these barrels. As shown, similar routes, but different prop placement.

At some point before the freight train room, are two parallel short flights of stairs to a deadend. A barrel is placed in each, indicating it could be a last resort to hiding or maybe (but highly doubtful) dodging Hellknight's monstrous pecs. I prefer to ignore ever going here and take my chances elsewhere but if you're really screwed of sprint, use it as temporary recovery.

The final freight room contests players the most. Jumping atop crates is forced if there's a page spawn somewhere and we all know what that does to your sprint meter. It isn't too frequent though. Like previous sectors, you'll have gaps and openings to loop around Hellknight, and a few spots to sit back and spectate. Preserve sprint just for running away from Hellknight, you will have a journey soon.

Like Atomics and Lockers, not all documents will be nailed to walls, but hidden even more so well on props and flooring. Sometimes I have a issue with hitting the documents on crates, plus while running and trying to hit just doesn't work. Once all 8 documents are retrieved, head NOT to the train, but ALL the way back to the main spawn (yes, I've done this before, shush!).

This windowed centered room is a useful area to gain some ground over Hellknight and recover much needed stamina as well. The next image is a visual representation of the final area in Sector Six.

Waiting sector.
There's a PvP up ahead and a pipe to pipe parkour to it's right. Don't expect to run into a jukebox though.

Sector Six is the perfect keep for Hellknight. It is designed with long hallways and loop arounds to execute a balance where he isn't too overpowering but threatening enough to force players out of their sprint, maybe a bit too much. I think it would make more sense to have the freight train be a exit, rather than the other way around. Or maybe amp the page spawns to 12 and add in 2 exits. Just a visual thing on my part.

+ Tuned for Hellknight
+ One of the best single boss only maps
+ Longest map
- Why no train escape?
- Hit registration on some documents are wonky
- Heavily sprint reliant
Storage Zero - To Be Written
Under construction.


Sep.2: Swamp no longer hosts special rounds. Shrek is now a setboss for Swamp.

Swamp's great attention to detail gives it a beautiful lively atmosphere.

OST: Slender Ambience. Smash Mouth's "All-Star" as Shrek's chase music.
Recommended Classes: Any.

Swamp fever.
Prepared to go on a long tour with a green man that looks like he's trying to touch your....whatever? Swamp is gigantic. There aren't any maps that take place entirely outdoors like Swamp (yet) so it holds it uniqueness in that region. Created by Lampenpam and ALpha_Alex, it is a map pleasing to the eye but does it achieve the same in gameplay mechanics as well?

Swamp's pond of water that significantly reduces your speed like molasses. One in particular has props to jump atop of to avoid it, while others like in the right image, don't.

One selfish Ogre.
As previously noted, Swamp is a big sandbox. You will come across detail that gives Swamp it's nature like lillypads, grassy terrain, logs, trees, ponds. Name it. In addition there are props like giant boulders, trees and vehicles help to improve it's gameplay factor, plus four indoor areas; a brick textured headquarters on the top left side, wooden shack in the middle, a concaved bunker with a rocket and a dark cave area (Shrek does not glow, so be cautious) in the top right that loops around oppositely.

Also no flashlight rounds makes for a fun time in the cave.

Swamp's land of waters slow you down drastically, limiting players options of escaping when a relentless Shrek is after them. If only small stones or thin logs were set place in the water as a mechanic for players to jump on as a means of avoiding water (similar to how it was already done in one specific part), it would give players a formidable choice.

Should I take the risk and make these jumps to get across quicker? Or keep running tll' Shrek catches me or goes after somebody else? Thankfully there aren't much sections of water inland. There are ways to manuever around them albeit it can still be a hassle with limited sprint.

"You can climb over these vehicles, just crouch jump onto the tire on the orange truck, then crouch jump onto the hood of it, and jump again onto the other side. It can save alot of time, but I don't recommend it when being chased by a boss."- DeadlyCreature

In addition to that tip, it's worth also noting it is a one way trip. It can't be done vice-versa sadly. I wish the trucks with large trunks in the back wasn't sealed off. Imagine it being clippable. It would be a neat hiding spot for a map not too keen on making getaways possible.

Avoiding the onion.
"Where is everybody?" (Idle sound) "Donkey!" (Kill sound) "ROARRRR!" (You've been seen). Smash Mouth's All-Star (Chase sound) Alongside these distinctive sounds, Shrek can be scoped quite easily from a distance too. From my point of view, I think Swamp is mainly meant to be played at a stealthy and quick pace, sprinting from cover to cover, peaking through trees and hugging the outskirts because of it's wide pathing. But not everyone's a Solid Snake.

Pages normally spawn on walls, logs, tree bark and around landmarks of specific interest. Got all 8 pages? Don't get caught. Make your way back to the main spawn.

Swamp's residential.
Who needs a swamp when you got a mansion? There's a PvP, library parkour, classic radio and little hidden rooms lurking about for players to discover.

Shrek as a common boss here delivers as a visionary blending experience simply because it's a swamp but not so much on gameplay mechanics. Chasers are a nuisance in Swamp as I find it almost pointless to outrun them sometimes, especially if they're speed buildup bosses like Shrek. The water slowdown effect doesn't make the experience any better either. At the same time, some bosses seem to have trouble spawning here too.

Although it's a extremely overplayed map, Swamp is a keeper in the map rotation and a satisfying conclusion that there should be more outdoors maps in the future.

+ Stellar in detail, first outdoors map
+ Shrek fans will love it
- Some bosses have trouble spawning here
- Water slows players down
- Chasers can be a nuisance, add more rooms maybe, 2 exits?
Swarm - To Be Written
Map by Quenquent, creator of 4Way.
March 17, 2015 - Review underconstruction by JillyBean

Banner in the works.
More to come soon.

Bosses: Unique boss pack.
Goal: Details below.
OST: Music from Underhell

First and foremost, this map is GIGANTIC.There is a set boss pack for Swarm (details below).
Prompt messages appear, giving you a headsup for where to go next. Attentive detail helps to point out your next destination. Quenquent's good taste of soundtracks is used here too.

Out of every Slender fortress map I've ever played, this map is the first to really test my limits on providing thought of strategy besides listing the objectives. It's the first time a objective gametype has step foot in the mod. It looks almost like a official Valve map as well.

Swarm Boss Pack:
Freddy Krueger
Bogey Man
Batman Visual
Demon Violinist

  • Locate the first medic satchel to unlock the maintenance room, right next to the intellgence room.
  • Enter and search the maintenance room for another medic satchel.
  • Find a keycard (the keycard is still a medic satchel, not to be fooled looking for a actual keycard).
  • Locate the generator to activate the power.
  • Follow the exit signs on the higher floors.
  • Locate the last keycard on the table in order to escape, working your way downwards to a train.

(Correct me if I am wrong)
Sewer - To Be Revised

Days gone bye.
Long gone are the nostalgic days of Slender Fortress 2. More maps have been developed during it's tenure. More bosses have been added. A successful transformation thus far. Created by Captain Scissors and resurrected by Aurora Cave and Glubbable, the revival of Sewers is a reminder to all things that become great overtime, there is something that starts it all.

OST: ?
Recommended Classes: Any.

The green light, a minute and far away.
Sewers stays true to it's roots as a classic and competent map till' this day. Tight edged corners gives Slenderman all the roaming strengths he needs to disperse teams in a matter of time. Now with his proxy buddy Kate to back him up, you can practically call Sewers a double trouble map. Because Sewers is a classic, some of the newly added bosses aren't very fitting for the maps design (duplicative bosses like Zombies for example,).

Hallways don't cut off into deadends but serve as prey for a dual attack from Kate and Slendy. There are single door rooms, only a few with prop cover but spacious enough to run around some bosses.

From the start, I like to take the right path first, check the valve room up ahead. Backtrack, take a right again to search 2 more rooms, go back, move forward until I find the 3 sewer props and eventually from there, work my way to the middle and left side of Sewers other paths and rooms.

Pages are easily spottable; it's only getting to them a proven hassle. Found them all? Head back to the ladder, the green light in the distance.

Original and remade.

"I love how this waiting room pays homage to the old waiting room." -Miss Ko

No matter how old Sewers looks, it isn't in the map rotation to appease but to be looked as a tribute to the days that are gone and has a place in the mod no matter what. I won't give Sewers a score in respect to that.

+ Revived, reminiscent to old times
+ Slenderman's original home
- Not balanced for some of the newer bosses
The Abyss

The escape elevator, your pathway to the Abyss and the warehouse.

OST: "Conceal" and "Distance" from Slender: The Arrival.
Recommended Classes: Any.

Into the Abyss.
The Kullman Mining Facility has undergone power loss. In such a event (in the TF2 world, mind you), 8 gas cans have to be found to power up the emergency elevator exit. Although it doesn't replicate everything from Blue Isle Studio's Slender: The Arrival counterpart, it paves it's way to Slender Fortress 2 in similar pathing and Simply Delicious' own creative rendition.

You're greeted with a soft, piano instrumental from the beginning. You have quite a distance ahead. She was here? I have no choice but to move towards this arrow's direction. Hop over a one way crate, grab that first gas can and the road to conceal begins. Slender: The Arrival's original soundtrack glistens throughout, immersing fans into the atmosphere from the get go.

Isolating the differences.
As duely noted, there are major differences between Slender Fortress' 2 replication and Slender: The Arrival's Abyss.
  • One generator nearest to the elevator has to be activated once all 8 gas cans are found.
  • Kate does not get blinded by flashlight flickers, nor does she hinder your mobility. She kills you.
  • No deactivating fence to the long middle hallway.
  • There are giant turds in the tiolet.

For gameplay and difficulty purposes, generators weren't a granted idea but maybe something could be implemented with them in the future?

Interesting view below, looking for any gas cans. Kate, who doesn't like waiting in lines to use the restroom.

SF2's The Abyss used to have randomized blocked doorway paths that could be unlocked by scavenging gas cans nearby. It was a feature that changed the way Abyss could be played. Sadly, bosses couldn't navigate through them and it had to be removed in V4.

Gas cans are hidden well, either in corners not visible to the naked eye, behind and between crates, near generators and/or in restrooms. Keep eyes at all angles.

Color scheme takes a darker approach in Simply's The Abyss, with the lights beaming out against the walls in more lit-fashion, as well as red radial lighting from the generators. The catwalk serves as a observational view across the archway and areas below you, plus to cross swiftly and considerably more safely across the map.

The Abyss has memorable pathing. After a few rounds, you'll be able to learn where most of the locales are. Starting from the beginning, landmarks such as the warehouse is to the left, the main hallway in the middle and a staircase to the upper floor on the right, which links you in route to the catwalk.

In the final version of The Abyss, when all 8 gas cans are secured, the elevator generator has to be activated (hit the switch) in order to make a quick getaway to the elevator embedded in red lights.

The teaser.
In it's earlier versions, a easter egg to SCP-087-B was hidden in a generator room next to the bathrooms. A startling smile face pop-up would trigger and a frame with the text "Coming soon...maybe."

"Anybody hear that? It's a,'s a impact tremor, that's what it is..."

Awaiting your arrival.
Abyss' waiting room has gone through changes. I remember it being a simple L-shaped path to the PvP. Now it has the hardest parkour of all parkours worth putting your frustrating effort into. There's a jukebox and a hilarious sketch of the Heavy singing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to Glubbable's personal femscout model.

There's a PvP to the right as well. It reminds me of a Halo 2 map...somewhat.

Reminiscent to the actual Abyss, it is a popular map known for being a perfect playground for testing bosses because of it's diverse playing area and clean nav mesh. It has spacious and small areas, highground, staircases, tight crevices, a catwalk, etc. Name it all.

Disappointing but necessary changes were improvised that resulted in the removal of randomized block doorways. No longer is the Abyss that could force new routing on players, shifting a different playthrough each time. Regardless, If there is any map that belongs alongside the gold standard for all boss and balanced gameplay, it would most proudly be the Abyss.

+ Successful visual presentation to Slender: The Arrival's Abyss, my favorite map from Simply
+ Balanced play area for all bosses and players
+ Neat easter eggs, past and present
- Latest version removed randomized pathing, it will be missed
The Parish

The end is nigh.
And it's coming. If you've played Valve's Left 4 Dead 2, you will know what to expect (to some degree). If not, then welcome to your first trip to New Orleans finest branch of Tanks and Witches. Created and ported by Vincentor, nav-mesh & waiting room by Glubbable, The Parish is the spark that death-run SF2 gameplay department needed in quite sometime, minus a few buggy ports here and there.

Recommended Classes: Any.
Infinite Sprint: Enabled.
OST: Left 4 Dead 2 OST "Parish Finale."

I better get a chocolate helicopter.
Players now have infinite sprint to compensate for any buggy slowdowns within the props.

Before I write anything else further, I must point out how to avoid any chaos from the start of each round. It is vital one person remains in the safe room, to negate any of the bosses spawning behind players. Pick up the page from the communications booth and let the games begin...

Warning to those that think being the front lineman is a good idea; most of the time it isn't. A Tank/Witch can clip through the bridge during it's lowering sequence, completely dismantling a team in less than a couple seconds.

2 Tanks and 1 Witch can can spawn. They're a wrecking ball paired together, but can be avoided given you pay attention to idle sounds and glows. Tanks are outrunnable. A Witch, similar to Paranoia in essence of speed, is not. She glows and makes her infamous crying idle sound as a pre-warning. If she starts screaming, just hope she goes for another player or has issues navigating. Otherwise, you will die, even as a Scout.

Brave Demomen with Scottsman Skullcutters can stun the Witch and pave way for their teammates, though at the possibility of your life;

Jump on the roadblock and then the stop sign to achieve this. Players in the safe room can wait for any carnage to follow or come out of the safe room once the bridge has lowered; I would take the 2nd option. You can force the bosses to spawn behind you via the safe room, thus giving your team starting leverage, otherwise take the other option and you could be sprinting into the Tank or Witch.

The Parish feels strange to experience inside of the TF2 universe, but it's a good touch. It looks amazing. The heavy rain and mist effects flourishes Louisiana during the night time and gives the map much more lively density. You don't see much of this liveliness in other maps.

Like it's original, there will be holes on the bridge to be cautious of and cars n' trucks to manage your way around. It is quite buggy when trying to run past some of them; avoid colliding with most of the props as slight grazes to them can cause a slight still in movement (jumping on the cars is a viable option). It's generally best to save your sprint for when you really need it. You have a long way to go for the (chocolate) helicopter.

My worst fear is here. The gas tanker's ladder seems to either work for me, or completely derail me. Jumping on the ladder and looking upwards seems to get the job done sometimes. As a second option, you can hop the front wheel of the tanker to get across as well, though that can be a bit buggy too.

Because...I wanna.

Left waiting.
I like all the little pixel dust things that gloat around the waitiing room. A jukebox is around to keep all the noise generating. All of that, plus the ambulance truck is a replenish cabinet, which surprised me a lot at first. In before a admin decides to teleport and scare players whilst inside.

Porting Left 4 Dead 2's The Parish was a genius idea that one could say how come this wasn't added in long ago. Well, it's here and finally a reality. Clearly Vincentor outdid himself in delivering it successfully, with much thanks to Glubbable editing a clean nav-mesh for the bosses. There are a couple of buggy bumps when navigating around cars and a inconsistent ladder at the tanker that has cost me a couple of deaths but overall, they aren't too severe.

Some players aren't fully aware of how to control the chaotic beginning. It can become a tedious, broken structure on some rounds albeit it's highly dependant on whether someone decides to stay in the safe room or not.

DX8 users/Chris' Config users have glaring performance issues with this map. Props cannot be seen, but are still solid, therefore navigating around the map properly is virtually impossible. It also allows for these group of players to see bosses spawning, though what use is that if the map is unplayable. FPS drops may occur for players as well.

Still, it's great to see more content raining down, keeping SF2 going and going and going. Oh, i forgot one more thing. HAZMAT SNIPERS! UNITE!

+ Left 4 Dead 2 universe joins TF2 via SF2; successful port
+ Lively atmosphere
+ Revives the deathrun, or "run for the escape" gameplay department of SF2
- A round can quickly end due to no one staying in the safe room
- Buggy cars can cause slight movement delays
- High graphics settings is mandatory; DX8 users will experience undesirable performance
The Tower Of Babel
Strategy and review coming soon.
The Ward - Outdated Review

Beautiful lighting and detail is apparent once you step into The Ward.

OST: Outlast Original Soundtrack
  • Surgeon Attack
  • Finding Key
  • Wheel Chair Dude
  • Swarm Ambience
  • Soldier Death
Recommended Classes: Scout & Spy

Perfectly understandable.
Huh...I see what's happening here. You're bored. You want a little attention. Perfectly understandable. I'm here for you. I'll give you very special attention. -Dr. Trager

Someone is tired of licking their own stamps. Wants to sell a finger. Or two. At the same time, thinks you're his buddy. Welp, you have 45 seconds of grace time and 2 minutes to find a key. Where is it? Check on top most of the hospital utility carts, wooden tables and sometimes, on the locker in one of the deadend rooms.

Don't take too long, or your team might already be sliced clean by then. Found it? The clock resets to 4 minutes. Live till' 30 seconds is left on the clock; escape via the elevator (main spawn).

Based on Red Barrel's Outlast, it should be perfectly understandable by now that The Ward by Simply Delicious is king of all survival. If you thought Abandoned was an adrenaline rush, Dr. Trager's Ward is here to make you think twice otherwise.

The key has a rare chance to spawn on top of thin air at these two specific spots. There was a prop meant to be placed here, but was accidentally left out by Simply Delicious.

You want a little attention? Earn it. Nobody likes a quitter.
If I had to predict the success rating for The Ward, it's a 1 in 10 chance you're going to survive. Most victors are solo, a few times a duo. Doesn't matter if you've hardly made it out alive. Once is a accomplishment. More, then you're most likely competent.

Just like in Abandoned, anti-camp exists and forces players to move on their feet. First, 30 second warnings is issued if immobile for a couple seconds. Camp time steadily decreases as well if you stay in the same area. The best way to manage time on the clock is shifting from one camp spot to another (keep in mind your next spot has to be a much further distance from your previous), preferably a spot that provides lookout for Trager, or could help reset your AFK timer consistently. Constantly moving is a viable option too, as long as you're extremely aware of your surroundings.

One of my favorite spots to stay at if I'm the last one standing.

Players that get killed by AFK manager aren't aware of the effective radius it ensues, which is about 36 hammer units. It is best to get out of your camp spot as soon as possible, 10 seconds being the least you should push it. If Trager happens to be around at these moments and you don't receive a AFK timer reset, it's unfortunate timing on your part.

You don't want to travel around in the main hallways for too long due to the many openings Trager can spawn out from. If caught, avoid taking the hallways as a getaway if you're by yourself, but if there are other players around, you have to play dirty to win sometimes.

Trager has speed build-up the longer he has his sight on you. Your best odds are him getting stuck on his own hospital equipment, or someone else grabbing his attention. If someone else is caught by the doctor, your best intentions is to hide immediately and hope he isn't brought to you.

Like Chris Walker, Dr. Trager will keep nearby players alert of when he is around through a quantity of idle and chase voicelines. At extreme encounters, a loud horn scare will play. Like usual, stay away from players spamming voice commands. They will get you killed.

You don't have many options but there are a few ways to barely edge the doctor of a pending autopsy. When it's near time to escape & you're the only player alive, it's always a good idea to purposely draw Trager out (to keep him searching so he does not not teleport) to avoid any surprise death.

Areas to improvise time:
These aren't the only spots in The Ward that you can take advantage of. There are a couple of deadend spots you can dash to for temporary camp/cover. Overall, however you decide to route your way to survival is up to you.

A great loop around for the remaining seconds when it is time to escape. Though you won't notice if you're on the run, Trager can have a hard time cutting around the table, granting you a spare few seconds.

Prop-filled rooms like these contains equipment that can get in Trager's way, but not always. I'd rather take my luck in trying to outrun Trager here than anywhere else. Do your best at tracking through the doors since they're really small in width. One little bump and you're dead.

One of the single door windowed rooms to keep a lookout of. I don't keep much ground here if other players are around but they're a great camping option for draining down the clock due to the windows providing ways to keep sight of Trager and potentially resetting your AFK manager time. Warning though, Trager can unexpectingly walk in on you.
The Ward (Continued)
Additional section to be edited later.
  • Vents and utilizing their potential
  • Extra hiding spots and areas to improvise time
  • Trager's voicelines

Getting that PhD.
A peaceful waiting room. They just keep getting better and better. All credit to Glubbable. The general consensus is that only Scouts and Spies can make it out alive. It's as true as going blind for staring at the sun too long, but the other classes still have a sparing chance, albeit it would take the sacrifice of others, or you simply avoided being caught like a boss.

Abandoned and The Ward in mutual regards, both had taken risks at trying something new. They have exceeded, massively. It is one of the prominent maps in the rotation and most top competitive. Survival of the fittest is the motive here and The Ward will continue to prove so over and over and over.

+ My favorite survival map
+ Stellar detail, looks Outlast-like
+ Survival as a gametype proves highly once again
- Most classes are outmatched to Trager's traits
- It ups the ante, but the soundtrack gets a little too loud towards the 1 minute mark
Underground - To Be Written
Underground by Simply Delicious.
Waiting room by Glubbable
Soundscapes by Vincentor
Custom models by Face

Review by JillyBean

Banner coming shortly.
Actual review coming sometime.
Screenshots to come soon once Steam stops bugging out.

Those who arrive, survive.

Final destination.

The Sacrifice.

  • The largest map in rotation by layout, MB size and brush work. Supports specials bosses every round. In contention as the best Slender Fortress map. Even the waiting room looks like it's meant to be a trade server map.

  • A low ultravision sets the tone of making Underground one of the darkest maps. No flashlight roulette rounds makes you wish you had a glowstick to carry. There seems to be problems with the ultravision clashing into the map's textures.

  • 8 bowtied shaped fuse cables to find, comes in a assortment of colors. Red, green, blue and orange are the colors I've seen so far. Allocation of all the cables begins your next objective to rewiring the generator. It's in similar conjunction to Simply's The Abyss escape method.

  • Just like maps that depend on grace period usage, Underground is no different. Best to not pick-up any cables right away; keep on searching. Simply has granted more grace time than the average amount because of the map's massive depth.

  • Inspired by Metro (Garry Mod's map) and No Mercy from Valve's Left 4 Dead No Mercy, Underground is a craft of Simply's creativity.

  • Jumping off the train balcony emits a death scream from the Scream Fortress soundfiles.

  • Heavy emphasis on detail. As someone who travels via transit on a weekday basis, Underground is organically identical to a subway...minus the spooky parts. The animated fare polls and LED banners, metro stop signs, escalators, trains, small markets, advertising designs, vandalism, train name it. Paying attention to embedded signs can help preempt your means to escaping, or coordinating comms with your teammates.

  • The deeper sections of Underground makes one feel rather claustrophobic. Intersections in these areas and multiple spread of pillars (No Mercy-like) can create for surprise moments, or deaths.


Main red spawn. Gotta get to that blue police box! But there are wooden planks in the way.

This sorrowful life.
U.K's popular science fiction hit show, Doctor Who, the originator of the Weeping Angels that has become a viral hit across the web, makes a appearance in Slender Fortress 2 as a single boss-only map named Weepers. While you won't be doing any time traveling, Weepers created by Glubbable, will have players running down a course with a set time and at the same time not getting your neck snapped. It is the first map to implement the death run gametype into SF2. Credit goes to Deity Link for the tardis key.

OST: Doctor Who Series 5 OST - "I am the Doctor"
Recommended Classes: Sniper/Any.

Evil within.
Players start off having to find the tardis key. It's somewhere in the top floor and noticable on top any of the tables. Grace period doesn't last for too long; best for everyone to find the key as soon as possible. Once it is found, the door downstairs opens. Welcome to the dark labyrinth below.

One of the two staircases is randomly blocked. This doesn't change the course throughout. Both sides meet the same ends. Basically, you'll want to stay with a group (yes, one of those rare times I'd actually recommend sticking together like glue). The angels are nimble. Any sounds of rock sliding across the ground means she is closing in on you. Like SCP-173, staring at one keeps them immobile, but when duplicates start rolling in like free slushies on a hot summer day, your task gets difficult.

Blink once and she moves, but only if it's just you staring at her. It's why it helpful to have a partner or more. Wanna ride solo? Do a speedrun? Fine with me. Make sure you blink around each corner you take.

The Weeping Angels like to respawn on top of props and drop down for a cheap strike. If you're quick enough to react to that, more power to you. To the right is one of the first traps (similar to SCP-087-B) you'll encounter.

As featured in the photo above. you'll come across a two way door trap. Somebody has to be a hero, sometimes. Afterwards, there will be 2 sections with 3 wooden planks. Go planking on the wrong one, and you'll fall hilariously to your death. It doesn't randomize like the previous door trap though so it unfortunately becomes obvious.

Weepers is divided within the community. Some like/dislike it. Or think it could be improved in some ways. Maybe more traps? New take in detail? New routes? I'm not a fan of all the darkness but it converts to the surprise factor. What Weepers and Weeping Angels does right is fit the death run gametype well, but there is always room for improvement.

+ First map to introduce deathrun in SF2
+ Love the soundtrack used
+ Planking is fun
- Planks aren't randomized
- Uninteresting look

One of Slender Fortress 2' first series maps makes a comeback into the map rotation. Although nothing hasn't changed, 4Way, created by Quenquent, is back to showcase something special; Classic Slenderman, and he is ready to tentacruel you (horrible, I know).

Recommended Classes: Any
Infinite Flashlight: Enabled
Total Rounds/Players: 5 Rounds/10 Players
OST: Slender Ambience.

Classic v.s Modern Slenderman.
When it all started, Slendy used to be in his most righteous form and not the tall man with a proxy buddy leading the way. Just for those curious...

Classic Slenderman:
  • Extremely aggressive. He can teleport back and forth, trapping you instantly.
  • Has no partner, doesn't glow nor pedals on movement. Only teleports.
  • Slimmer in form, with tentacles stretching out of him. Easy to catch through door frames.
  • If you're alone, he will focus relentlessly on you with little to no chance of escape.
  • Featured as a common boss on 4Way only. Also, gimme $20.

Modern Slenderman:
  • Not as aggressive as classic, but can still teleport and surprise players unexpectingly.
  • Has Kate as a partner that lures players around.
  • He glows, giving players easier vision of his appearance, although door frame deaths are common due to not having tentacles like his classic counterpart.

4Way is the only map that seperates players into groups at the beginning of rounds. Either you will spawn outside in front of a headshot sign (nearest to the exit), in the building behind a ambulance truck, or in front of a conserve energy sign pasted on the wall.

The 8 medkit satchels you have to find has a large pattern of spawns, I'm not aware of them all.

Wanna play tic-tac-toe? Or spend your time trying to get into the idiot box? Or answering someone's question on how to get into the idiot box? (4Way waiting room in a nutshell).

4Way has it's layout implemented to playable, good standards, but it doesn't achieve so in detail. If you've played any of the other maps, an aging map such as 4Way, shows. It can still a fun map to play, given you've missed out on the old days of the Classic Slenderman.

+ Classic Slenderman is back, and he wants your $20
+ Great layout, splits teammates up
- Exit can be too far at times, giving explorative players less chances of survival
- Aging detail, if only a remake vamping up the detail was possible
Other Slender Fortress 2 Material
Have any Slender Fortress 2 video content, guides, etc, you would like to share? Contact me.

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heavymecalljust Aug 7, 2022 @ 3:54pm 
Animal Jan 1, 2018 @ 6:48pm 
JillyBeany  [author] Jan 1, 2018 @ 6:28pm 
These are all of them:

Let Me Hit It (Novocal Remix)

Nuclear Flash (ID:175013)

Everypony's Bangin

Lung Buster
Animal Jan 1, 2018 @ 5:42pm 
What is the song play in the dj room in slender_hospice?
JillyBeany  [author] May 10, 2017 @ 6:12pm 
Probably not for a while. It's why I've urged if anyone is willing to contribute or become an editor, I'll grant permission. I've postponed several updates to this guide already and I'm sorry about that.
COVID-19 May 10, 2017 @ 12:48pm 
will some maps get updatet and those maps that are under constaction be finaly showed?
TroLL Pumpkiin™ May 5, 2017 @ 4:44pm 
Jeez. Good luck sleeping tonight :steamsalty:
Trash and Field Apr 28, 2017 @ 5:35pm 
TerranSkye, that was during April Fools. It was using the April Fool Pack instead of the Swarm Pack.
syabbil123 Apr 23, 2017 @ 12:01am this is proof. Then skip to 7:25 and watch.
malevolent backshots Apr 22, 2017 @ 4:37am 
I Would like to tell you the asylum's soundtrack since i've found it, It's : Nightmare House 2 Soundtrack - Boss Battle