Dota 2
Helm of Madness - Alternate Style
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Heroes: Lifestealer
Slots: Head
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
15.194 MB
11. apr. 2014 kl. 1:24
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I 1 samling af bounchfx
ESL One Frankfurt 2014 Compendium Stretch Goal Items
11 genstande
To lose one's own body, have your will shattered and have your life force imprisoned within that of a cursed abomination is a steep price to pay, yet that is the fate that befell a certain wizard who underestimated the madness of N'aix.

Two minds as one and resigned to his fate, the vengeful wizard beckoned his vessel to cover his body with armor and unleash unspeakable horror on anyone who crossed his path. Within his twisted mind, a thought echoes over and over again:

"I will share my pain with you."
