Dota 2
Ironclad Golem
Heroes: Warlock
Utility: Imported
Etiquetas: Ability, Warlock_Golem
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18.513 MB
30 OCT 2013 a las 12:50 p. m.
7 NOV 2013 a las 9:49 a. m.
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As Demnok pored over a newly discovered trove of arcane treatises, he began to see the outlines of a new incantation, a subtle permutation of the summoning spell by which he brought his Golem to the material plane. For weeks, he fruitlessly sought to refine this idea, and his failed experiments left the halls of the Ultimyr Academy hanging with the stench of brimstone. When the last gesture of the incantation was finally perfected, and the Golem emerged from the unholy fire, the Warlock allowed himself a satisfied smile. This Golem was armored in hell-forged steel, a being of scorching fire and unyielding metal. It would serve him well.

Sadly we can't change the spawn position of the particles in his chest at the moment, we will as soon as that is possible.