Dota 2
Helm of the Warbringer
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Slots: Head
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
Rozmiar pliku
16.199 MB
20 lipca 2013 o 5:29
7 maja 2014 o 13:46
Listy zmian: 3 ( zobacz )

Przedmiot został zaakceptowany do Dota 2!

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W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Futushia
Relentless Warbringer's Set
Przedmioty: 8
Honor is gained in battle, eternal glory through winning wars. This helmet is a symbol to the eternal greatness achieved by Bradwarden.

May 3rd, 2014: Updated Textures

The poly limits were too restrictive, and I couldn't have implemented horns without damaging overall quality, I'm sincerely sorry for leaving them out! Again thanks so much for your kind words :)
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8 maja 2014 o 20:43
This is the best centaur set.
Tidal Craftsman