Dota 2
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Dark Wraith
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As night descends and the lines between light and darkness fade, the people lock their homes and light fires to keep away the wraith that haunts the night. Mortred, they call it. They say the last thing you see is a dark silhouette peeling out of the fog, striding swiftly towards you despite the heavy armor. Even the boldest of men are frozen in fear when the Dark Wraith approaches, unable to move a muscle as her blade welcomes them into the cold embrace of the Sisters of the Veil.
Inhalte (6)
Dark Wraith - Belt
Erstellt von Spudnik
As night descends and the lines between light and darkness fade, the people lock their homes and light fires to keep away the wraith that haunts the night. Mortred, they call it. They say the last thing you see is a dark silhouette peeling out of the fog, ...
Dark Wraith - Cloak
Erstellt von Spudnik
As night descends and the lines between light and darkness fade, the people lock their homes and light fires to keep away the wraith that haunts the night. Mortred, they call it. They say the last thing you see is a dark silhouette peeling out of the fog, ...
Dark Wraith - Weapon
Erstellt von Spudnik
As night descends and the lines between light and darkness fade, the people lock their homes and light fires to keep away the wraith that haunts the night. Mortred, they call it. They say the last thing you see is a dark silhouette peeling out of the fog, ...
Dark Wraith - Shoulder
Erstellt von Spudnik
As night descends and the lines between light and darkness fade, the people lock their homes and light fires to keep away the wraith that haunts the night. Mortred, they call it. They say the last thing you see is a dark silhouette peeling out of the fog, ...
Dark Wraith - Helmet
Erstellt von Spudnik
As night descends and the lines between light and darkness fade, the people lock their homes and light fires to keep away the wraith that haunts the night. Mortred, they call it. They say the last thing you see is a dark silhouette peeling out of the fog, ...
PA Dark Wraith Set Loading Screen
Erstellt von Spudnik
The loading screen for our Dark Wraith set for Phantom Assassin....