Portal 2
389 人が評価
Portfolio Level 2.1
5.874 MB
2018年2月12日 22時22分
2018年2月23日 9時47分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Portfolio Level 2.1

Please let me in, Please.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2018年2月15日 16時53分
17 件のコメント
d'Artagnan 2018年2月23日 7時38分 
It's better. Still has that strange unused room to the right of the exit. And it uses a sphere to active a button, which is non-standard.
Expat 2018年2月21日 21時28分 
Good update, I needed to use all elements now. Good luck with the course, let us know if you get in.
PhilFromFrance 2018年2月21日 15時16分 
Nice easy map. I used all the elements.
Ember The Sunbro  [作成者] 2018年2月21日 12時12分 
I updated the map so that less things are unecessary. Any constructive crisicism is encouraged :p2orange:
Ember The Sunbro  [作成者] 2018年2月21日 9時39分 
I have spent the majority of the day so far modeling 3d assets in blender. But I will post here when I update the map later tonight
Expat 2018年2月21日 0時53分 
Thanks for explaining and good luck with the course! You'll post here when you update?
Ember The Sunbro  [作成者] 2018年2月21日 0時39分 
Thanks for all the feedback. Im trying to get into a game design course and this is one of the requirements. Its due on friday. Ill update it tommorow if anyone wants to give it another go. Sorry about the sphere I have never made a portal map before
DeathWish808 2018年2月19日 11時13分 
Unused cubes. No puzzle. Just grab a cube and put it on the button. The end. :steamfacepalm:
Povil 2018年2月19日 3時12分 
Simple, Easy , Fun . Great Work
d'Artagnan 2018年2月18日 17時44分 
Seems very incomplete. Numerous things that aren't needed. Solution is very simplistic.