Rocket League

Rocket League

47 ratings
Rocket League | How to start | Music | Ranks | (bonusvideo)
A simple guide showing you on how to start, some music, ranks/boosts and others in Rocket League.
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How to start [basics]
Which car do i use?

Use the Octane. It feels the best and it plays the best in my opinion.

What do I play to improve before I play online?

Training...and it's no joke. The training sessions in Rocket League arn't some really noobish and casual tutorial, they are built to test you and improve you. Complete every training session on rookie, then try and complete them on pro. If you cant, thats ok. Then, after your done with the training, play with bots. I reccomend 2v2 or 3v3, and setting the difficulty to rookie.

What camera settings should i use?

Finding the best camers settings is either to find a pro players settings or find your own. Personally, I use NeatMike's settings, cause it's just what I play best with. If you want to see pro player's camera settings, here is a link to a guide.

I'm about to play casual, any tips?

When playing casual, remember to just have fun and learn. It's casual, don't take it seriously. People might be salty and complain and insult you, but just take it as a sign that your better. Try and play with friends with a higher skill level, or with friends who are starting out, just like you. Play a lot of causal daily if you want to get better. Here is a amazing video with a lot of tips!

I've played a ton of casual, and I'm ready to go to the big leagues of ranked, any advice?

Well, I'd like to be the first to say good luck on your journy! What I did starting out was to play with friends while using voice chat. Playing with randoms is very risky and can most of the time cause defeat if that person doesn't know what they are doing. Playing with a friend of higher skill level can be useful, because they most likley know how to play. Winning your first 10 games is important if you want to get a good rank.

What is another way to train besides the in-game training?

My favorite way is the training sequences made by the community. Now, you may think "Really, maps made by people that might be worse than me?". Now, now, there are actually some great maps. Here are some maps that I use to practice and warm up. (To add a map. go to training and click "custom training". Then, go to the bottom and click "Enter code". Finally, just enter the code of which ever training you'd like. I reccomend adding all!)

Dribbles - BFF5-2F90-5E7C-B9CD
Ground Shots - 6EB1-79B2-33B8-681C
Wall Shots - 9F6D-4387-4C57-2E4B
Aerial Shots - Pass - C7E0-9E0B-B739-A899
Aerial Shots - Redirects - 8D93-C997-0ACD-8416
Aerial Shots - Rebounds - E94F-C04B-434D-7FE6
Saves - 2E23-ABD5-20C6-DBD4
Clears - 5DA1-EA21-5EF9-EA21

Should i join a team?

If you are confident in your skill, then you might want to create/join a team! Now, I dont think you should create/join a team if you are still un-ranked, but I'm not stopping you. This is your first step into the pro scene, so take this seriously! Be sure too be active when in a team, because you might be kicked otherwise. Now, just because your in a team doesn't mean your going to be better than everyone else instantly. It seems obvious, but some people think this.
Ranks / Rank banner / Boost
These are the ranks:
- Unranked
- Bronze I
- Bronze II
- Bronze III
- Silver I
- Silver II
- Silver III
- Gold I
- Gold II
- Gold III
- Platinum I
- Platinum II
- Platinum III
- Diamond I
- Diamond II
- Diamond III
- Champion I
- Champion II
- Champion III
- Grand Champion

Rank banners:

Rank boost:

Saves And Goals Montage!!
This is me making some epic goals and saves that i have learned in the past few days.
Make sure to check it out. Subscribe and like will be appreciated :)
Sk1P Feb 9, 2018 @ 1:20pm 
[H] Animus GP [W] Draco
Enyys Feb 9, 2018 @ 12:31pm 

Bubbly -------------> 31 KEYS

Heatwave -----------> 21 KEYS

Purple Octane ------------------> 10 KEYS

Orange Octane ---------> 9 KEYS

Lime Octane -------------> 10 KEYS

Cobalt Octane ------> 10 KEYS

Burnt Sienna Octane -------------> 6 KEYS

Forest Green Octane ----------------> 8 KEYS

Pink Octane -------> 9 KEYS

Phenomenon Feb 8, 2018 @ 7:01am 
H>Victory Crate W>1k.
Gusis Feb 8, 2018 @ 6:29am 
H 1 key W Very rares from drop 4x
yes Feb 8, 2018 @ 2:08am 
{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate

{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate

{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate

{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate

{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate

{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate

{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate

{H} 1 k {W} 1 Victory crate
Mountain Feb 8, 2018 @ 12:19am 
[H] Victory Crates
[W] Keys
AyKayinho Feb 7, 2018 @ 11:04pm 
[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate

[H] 1 Key [W] Victory Crate
RickTrager Feb 7, 2018 @ 8:45pm 
[H] Victory x2
[W] 3 keys
RickTrager Feb 7, 2018 @ 7:48pm 
[H] Victory crate + Velocity crate x2 [W] 2 keys
Enyys Feb 7, 2018 @ 3:59pm 

Titanium White HELIOS ( Scorer ) ------------------> 30 KEYS

Bubbly ---------> 35 KEYS

Hexed -------------> 6 KEYS

Sky Blue Draco ------> 22 KEYS

Poly-Pop-------------> 16 KEYS

Titanium White IMPERATOR ----------------> 10 KEYS

Party Time -------> 11 KEYS

Grey Zomba --------------> 11 KEYS