Dota 2
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How to Win Enemies and Hurt People. A Detailed Guide to the Mechanics of DotA2.
Par WhiteHawke et 1 collaborateur(s)
How many enemies do you face in a DotA2 match? Most players would say 'five', but the most dangerous enemy you face isn’t even on the other team. The true enemy in DotA2 is your own ignorance.

Most players will never be able to defeat this foe because they will never even acknowledge its presence. This guide will only be of any use to a player that has recognized their own ignorance as the opponent they must overcome to improve. If you’re ready to admit that you don’t know enough about DotA2, proceed to memorize the data in this guide.
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This guide is intended for intermediate and veteran DotA2 players that want to gain a better understanding of the more complex rules of the game. This guide is not intended for new players (there are plenty of these already). Like DotA2, this guide is a work in progress. I will continue to update this guide as my own understanding of DotA2 expands and as new heroes and features are added to the game. I have tested (and retested…) everything in this guide, but the rules of DotA2 are modified with some regularity. If anything in this guide does not work as described in DotA2 please let me know in the comments. It should be noted that DotA2 is not DotA. There are several rule changes that veterans may not be aware of. The existence of such changes are assumed to be intentional by this guide (since knowing the mind of Icefrog is impossible). This guide will never describe how something should work; it will always describe exactly how it does work.
Understanding Damage Types
This is the most important section in this guide. If you are only going to read and understand one section, ensure that it is this one. If you do not understand the different types of damage that can be dealt in DotA2 you will not understand many things in this guide (or even why many things are mentioned in this guide). This section describes how the different types of damage in DotA2 normally operate, but you'll come to understand that there really is no true "normal" in DotA2. Memorize these rules and assume they apply to everything... until you read otherwise in a specific Hero's section. The tables at the end of this section include every hero spell or ability that does not deal magical damage as a reference.

Physical damage is caused by all attacks from all units and by some spells and passive abilities. An “attack” is triggered when a hero or unit is ordered to attack another hero or unit with a right-click (attack order) or the “A” key (attack move order). Attacks can miss because of evasion or miss chance (including misses caused by terrain). Physical damage is reduced by both Armor and Damage Block. Armor points are not considered when calculating cleave damage (damage caused by cleaves such as Sven’s “Great Cleave”, Kunkka’s “Tidebringer”, and items like “Battle Fury”). Damage Block affects cleave damage normally. The area of effect of a cleave effect is circular, where the length of the radius is equal to the cleave range of a given cleave ability. The circular area of effect is always placed directly adjacent to the attacking unit and oriented in the direction that the attacking unit was facing when the attack was made. The diameter of the aforementioned circle runs through the attacking unit and the unit being attacked. Armor type (hero, structure, basic, etc…) is still considered when calculating cleave damage. Physical splash damage (from ranged attacks such as Dragon Knight’s “Splash Attack” passive ability at level 2 and 3 of his ultimate “Elder Dragon Form” or Shadow Shaman’s “Mass Serpent Ward”) is reduced as normal. Units with negative Armor values receive an increased amount of physical damage. Physical damage is totally unaffected by Magic Resistance and cannot affect ethereal units. Spells that deal physical damage cannot target Spell Immune units directly. Physical spells and passive abilities can only affect Spell Immune units if they are capable of piercing Spell Immunity. Unlike physical attacks, physical spells cannot be avoided with Evasion (from skills or items). Physical spell damage is reduced by damage block.

Magical damage is caused primarily by spells and some passive abilities (not all spells deal magic damage). Magic damage is reduced by Magic Resistance and does not affect Spell Immune units. Magic damage is amplified against ethereal units by 1.4x. Magical damage does not affect mechanical units like siege creeps. Lifesteal effects from items, spells or passive abilities still function against Spell Immune units. Spells that cause magical damage cannot target or damage Spell Immune units. Items with offensive active abilities cannot target Spell Immune units and do not affect them. Every spell in the game that IS NOT listed in one of the two tables in the next sections of this guide deals magical damage (if they deal any damage at all). Most of the spells in DotA2 deal magical damage.

Pure damage is a type of magical damage and it shares all properties not mentioned in this description with that damage type. Pure damage is unaffected by Magic Resistance or Magic Amplification. This means that pure damage always does the exact amount of damage specified in the in-game tooltip. Pure damage does the same amount of damage to ethereal units as it does to non-ethereal units (it is not amplified). A few rare Pure spells ignore Spell Immunity (like Black King Bar, Omniknight’s “Repel”, Lifestealer’s “Rage”, or the passive Spell Immunity that Ancient creeps have). Some rare cases exist in which a pure damage spell can damage a Spell Immune unit. Example: Bane cast's "Nightmare" on Drow Ranger. Omniknight casts "Repel" on Drow Ranger. Drow Ranger continues to take damage because "Nightmare" is pure damage, but "Nightmare" could not have been cast on Drow Ranger if she had been Spell Immune when Bane had attempted the cast.

The following Pure spells pierce Spell Immunity:
  • Abbadon's "Mist Coil" (only piercies allied Spell Immunity, including Abbadon's)
  • Bloodseeker's "Rupture"
  • Doom's "Doom"
  • Enigma's "Midnight Pulse"
  • Invoker's "Sun Strike"
  • Lina's "Laguna Blade" with Aghanim's Scepter
  • Pudge's "Meat Hook"
  • Queen of Pain's "Sonic Wave"
  • Templar Assassin's "Psi Blades"
  • Vengeful Spirit's "Wave of Terror"
  • Warlock's Golem's "Flaming Fists"
  • Winter Wyvern's "Arctic Burn"

HP modifications are not based on any other damage type. HP modifications directly subtracts hit points from units that it affects, ignoring Spell Immunity, Armor, Magic Resistance, Damage Block, Damage Reduction/Amplification and Ethereal states. This means that hp modifications always remove the exact amount of hit points specified in the in-game tooltip (this amount can be conditional). In short, almost nothing in DotA2 protects you or your enemies from hp modifications. Invulnerability does protect from hp modification. Unlike all other damage types, hp modifications do not count as being attacked and as such they will not interrupt items (such as Blink Dagger, Heart of Tarrasque, Clarity, Salve and Bottle) or trigger any other on-attack effects (like Timbersaw's “Reactive Armor”). Hp modifications cannot kill you or an enemy in any circumstance.

A noteworthy commonality:

None of the damage types in DotA2 can innately damage structures when used in spells or abilities. Spells and abilities must be designated in the game with a specific flag to be able to damage structures. Example: Leshrac’s “Diabolic Edict” deals physical damage. Leshrac’s “Diabolic Edict” can damage structures. THESE TWO FACTS ARE NOT RELATED IN ANY WAY.
Physical Damage Subtypes
Unlike the previous section on damage types, this section is FAR less important. If you want a comprehensive understanding of how every unit in the game deals damage when it attacks you can start here. Otherwise, feel free to skip this section.

Physical damage is divided into several subtypes that are not referenced in DotA2’s user interface. These damage subtypes are based on Warcraft 3’s damage types; although there are a few differences in the way they are assigned and named in DotA2. Almost all physical damage referenced in this guide is Hero type damage. However, many units summoned or frequently controlled by heroes do not deal Hero type physical damage. Understanding the damage types dealt by summoned units is the key to understanding their best applications. The physical damage types in DotA2 are:

  • Light (known as “Chaos” in WC3)
  • Hero
  • Basic (known as “Normal” in WC3)
  • Pierce
  • Siege

Physical damage type is compared to armor types to calculate the amount of damage that is dealt from an attack before armor reduction. The armor types in DotA2 are:

  • Weak (known as “Light” in WC3)
  • Basic (known as “Medium” in WC3)
  • Strong (known as “Heavy” in WC3)
  • Structure (known as “Fortified” in WC3)
  • Hero
  • Soft (known as “Unarmored” in WC3)

The following table illustrates the percentage of damage dealt by the aforementioned attack types versus the similarly aforementioned armor types:


Noteworthy examples of creeps, units, and spells that deal damage other than “Hero”:

Light: Roshan, Warlock’s Golem, Invoker’s Forged Spirits, Broodmother’s Spiderlings, Centaur Conqueror, Satyr Tormentor, Wildwing Ripper, Hellbear Smasher

Basic: Melee Lane Creeps (normal and mega), Enigma’s Eidolons, Nature’s Prophet’s Treants, Broodmother’s Spiderites, Lycan’s Wolves, Lone Druid’s Bear, Necronomicon Warrior

Pierce: Ranged Lane Creeps (normal and mega), Shadow Shaman’s Mass Serpent Ward, Venomancer’s Plague Ward, Beastmaster’s Boars, Brewmaster’s Earth and Storm Elements (Fire deals Hero damage), Undying’s Zombies, Necronomicon Archer, Dark Troll Summoner

Siege: Siege Creeps, Towers, the Fountain

Noteworthy examples of creeps, units, and spells that have an armor type other than “Hero”:

Weak: Beastmaster’s Hawks

Basic: Beastmaster’s Boars, Pugna’s Nether Ward, Templar Assassin’s Psionic Trap, Undying’s Tombstone

Strong: Roshan, Brewmaster’s Elements, Shadow Shaman’s Mass Serpent Ward, Venomancer’s Plague Ward, Enigma’s Eidolons, Nature’s Prophet’s Treants, Invoker’s Forged Spirits, Broodmother’s Spiderlings, Broodmother’s Spiderites, Lycan’s Wolves, Lone Druid’s Bear, Skeleton Warriors

Structure: Towers, Barracks, Siege Creeps, the Ancient

Soft: All Lane Creeps, Observer and Sentry Wards, Courier and Flying Courier, Juggernaut’s Healing Ward, Undying’s Zombies

(Note: This is not a complete list, these are only the units that I think it is likely that anyone might ever actually care about. Reference scripts/npc/npc_units.txt inside pak01_dir.vpk if you need to know any more than this.)
Physical Spells and Abilities Table
Hero Name:
Skill Name:
Acid Spray
Unstable Concoction
Mana Break
Counter Helix
Culling Blade
Sort of
Wild Axes
Bounty Hunter
Shadow Walk
Quill Spray
Centaur Warrunner
Searing Arrows
Poison Touch
Shadow Wave
Death Prophet
Elder Titan
Echo Stomp
Sort of
Elder Titan
Earth Splitter
Sort of
Ember Spirit
Sleight of Fist
Flak Cannon
Diabolic Edict
Lone Druid (Spirit Bear)
Nyx Assassin
Eye of the Storm
Shadow Shaman
Mass Serpent Ward
Slithereen Crush
Land Mines
Suicide Squad, Attack!
Templar Assassin
Templar Assassin
Anchor Smash
Fury Swipes
Plague Ward
The Swarm
Witch Doctor
Death Ward

(See individual Hero sections to learn more about any spell or ability where "Sort of" is used to describe the damage type.)
Pure Spells and Abilities Table
Hero Name:
Skill Name:
Mist Coil
Sort of
Brain Sap
Blood Rite
Test of Faith
Midnight Pulse
Sun Strike
Laguna Blade
Sort of
Lone Druid
Spirit Bear
Mystic Snake
Sort of
Nyx Assassin
Spike Carapace
Outworld Devourer
Arcane Orb
Phantom Assassin
Stifling Dagger
Sun Ray
Meat Hook
Glaives of Wisdom
Templar Assassin
Psi Blades
Sort of
Whirling Death
Sort of
Timber Chain
Vengeful Spirit
Wave of Terror
Winter Wyvern
Arctic Burn

(See individual Hero sections to learn more about any spell or ability where "Sort of" is used to describe the damage type.)
Defining Disables and Interrupts
There are many spells and abilities in DotA2 that interrupt, stun, silence, disable, banish, hex, or otherwise prevent heroes from taking actions. Using abilities such as these can prevent opponents from using Town Portal Scrolls to escape from combat or to stop powerful spells being channeled by the enemy. Transformation spells can never be interrupted. Knowing which abilities you can use to prevent enemy heroes from taking their desired actions is critical to success in DotA2. While it is often very clear when some spells stun or silence there are others that can be far less obvious. For this reason every spell or passive effect with the capacity to interrupt is included in each individual hero section for completeness.

There is no concept of diminishing returns in DotA2. Disables always last for their full duration unless they are removed a spell, a passive ability or death. If a disable overlaps with another disable of the same type then any time during that overlapping period is wasted for the purposes of keeping a unit disabled.

Stuns prevent units from moving, attacking, using items, or casting spells for a specific duration. Stuns interrupt cast animations, attack animations, and channeled spells/items.

Aside regarding “ministuns”: The concept often referred to as a “ministun” is somewhat misleading. The term implies that there is an alternate type of stun that has a very short specific duration. No such thing exists. There are very short stuns and very long stuns but they all function in the same way. There are several different spells and passive abilities with short stuns but these stuns do not have any specific duration in common. For the purposes of this guide and to avoid confusion I will not use the term “ministun” since the boundaries for such a thing would be arbitrary.

Interrupts stop cast animations, attack animations, and channeled spells/items.

Silences interrupt channeled spells and prevent units from casting spells for a specific duration. Silences prevent invisibility for any target currently in Fade Delay (targets that have already started fading in Fade Time will still become invisible). Silences do not interrupt channeled items or prevent heroes from using items.

Disables are similar to stuns, but they do not necessarily have a specific duration and instead cause the player to lose control of their unit(s) while the affected units are moved to or held in a position the player did not order. Some disables can be cancelled through the use of movement modifying abilities (like Pudge’s “Meat Hook” or Force Staff). Others can be canceled by interrupting enemy heroes. Disables interrupt cast animations, attack animations, and channeled spells/items.

Banishes temporarily remove units from the map at a specific location. Banishes interrupt cast animations, attack animations, and channeled spells/items.

Hexes reduce a unit’s base movement speed to 100 or 140 depending on which hex was used (boots and other items will make a hexed unit move faster than this - hexed units with Maximum Movement Speed will not be slowed) and prevent units from attacking, casting spells, or using items for a specific duration. Hexes disable evasion from every source and damage block from every source. Hexes disable the passive abilities of Gem of True Sight and Radiance. Hexes prevent invisibility for any target currently in Fade Delay (targets that have already started fading in Fade Time will still become invisible). Hexes interrupt cast animations, attack animations, and channeled spells/items. Gyrocopter’s “Rocket Barrage” is canceled by hexes.

Entangles prevent units from moving or attacking for a specific duration. Entangles interrupt cast animations, attack animations, and channeled spells/items. Since units can cast spells when entangled, any cast animation that is interrupted will be restarted once interrupted. Puck cannot “Phase Shift” when entangled. Nature’s Prophet cannot use “Teleportation” when entangled. Wisp’s “Relocate” is canceled and negated by entangles.

Ensnares are similar to entangles but they only prevent units from moving for a specific duration. Ensnares interrupt cast animations and channeled spells/items. Since units can cast spells when ensnared, any cast animation that is interrupted will be restarted once interrupted. Ensnared units cannot blink (Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, Blink Dagger). Puck cannot “Phase Shift” when ensnared. Nature’s Prophet cannot use “Teleportation” when ensnared. Wisp’s “Relocate” is canceled and negated by ensnares.

Disarms prevent units from attacking and interrupt attack animations. Disarmed units can still move, cast spells, and use items. Disarms do not interrupt channeled items, channeled spells, or cast animations.

Taunts force units to attack a specific target. If a unit affected by a taunt was controlled by a player then this player will temporarily lose control of the unit. Any unit forced to attack another target because of a taunt effect will automatically move toward their target (if the target moves out of their attack range or wasn’t in their attack range to begin with) and attack. If a unit is taunted by two seperate units the taunted unit will only be affected by the taunt with the highest priority ("Duel" has priority over "Berserker's Call" and "Winter's Curse"). Units that are affected by taunts cannot cast spells or use items for the duration of the taunt. Taunts interrupt cast animations, attack animations, and channeled spells/items.

Stops prevent units from moving by setting a unit's movement speed to 0. Stops override the properties of maximum movement speed that would normally allow heroes to ignore movement speed altering effects. Stops do not disable blinks or teleports. Stops do not interrupt channeled items, channeled spells, or cast animations.
The Mechanics of Magic Resistance
Almost all heroes in DotA2 have a base magic resistance of 25%. The only two exceptions are Meepo with a base Magic Resistance of 35% and Visage with a base Magic Resistance of 10%. This means that Magical damage is reduced by the aforementioned percentages against all heroes.

Stacking Magic Resistances is possible, but the following rules are important to understand:
  • All sources of Magic Resistances stack multiplicatively. This means that order in which they are applied does not matter, but that the effectiveness of a single ability or item that provides magic resistance is less noticeable the higher a hero's Magic Resistance is. This also means it is mathematically impossible to have 100% Magic Resistance.
    • Example: A hero with 25% Magic Resistance buys a Hood of Defiance. To calculate the hero's new Magic Resistance you must multiply the 75% damage that the hero is currently taking from Magical abilities by 30% and add the hero's current Magic Resistance (.75*.3 = 22.5% from Hood of Defiance + 25% base resistance = 47.5% total resistance). This means that the average hero purchasing Hood of Defiance is actually decreasing their incoming Magical damage by 22.5% (not 30%).
    • Example 2: Huskar is at 1% health and has “Berserker's Blood” at level 4. This means Huskar's Magic Resistance is increased by 98%. Huskar's base Magic Resistance is 25%. .75 * .98 = 73.5% from Berserker's Blood + 25% base resistance = 98.5% total resistance. Purchasing a Hood of Defiance would increase Huskar's Magic Resistance by .45% to 98.95%.
  • Magical Damage Amplification is also calculated multiplicatively in the same way as Magical Resistance. To calculate total Magical Resistance after all modifications it is important to first calculate total Magical Resistance from base resistance, items, and abilities.
    • Example: Alchemist has 40% total Magical Resistance because he is standing within range 900 of an allied Rubick with level 4 “Null Field” (20% resistance (.75 * .2 = 15% actual resistance) from Null Field). An enemy Pugna and Skywrath Mage cast Decrepify and Ancient Seal on Alchemist (both of these spells are cast at level 4). Subtract Alchemist's total Magical Resistance from 100% (1 - .4 = .6) to find how much Magical damage he is currently taking, and multiply this number by any amplifications (.6 * 1.45 * 1.5 = 30.5% Magical Amplification).
  • Only one “Ghost State” can ever decrease a hero's Magic Resistance. If a hero is affected by more than one “Ghost State” only the highest Magical Amplification is used to calculate a hero's Magic Resistance. The following “Ghost States” are available in DotA2:
    • Ghost Scepter's “Ghost Form”
    • Ethereal Blade's “Ether Blast”
    • Pugna's “Decrepify”
Structures do not have Magic Resistance, although most abilities that can damage structures do not deal full damage to structures.
  • Dragon Knight's “Corrosive Breath” - Full Damage (20 per tick)
  • Pugna's “Nether Blast” - 50% Damage Dealt
  • Tiny's “Toss” - 33% Damage Dealt (Neither “Grow” nor “Aghanim's Scepter” change this value from 33% of the base “Toss” damage.)
The Limits of the System
DotA2 has many limits coded into its buffs, debuffs, and statistics that prevent heroes and units from going too far above or below certain thresholds. Approaching the boundaries of these limits allows you to destroy and outmaneuver your enemies in the most efficient ways. Ignoring these limits wastes your resources and gives your enemy the ability to capitalize on a potential unintended overcompensation.

The movement speed limit in DotA2 is 522. Any abilities or items that increase your movement speed by a flat amount or that increase your movement speed by a specific percentage can allow you to approach and stop at the 522 limit (Bloodseeker's "Thirst" passive ability allows him to break this limit - he can still be slowed since his movement speed is not ever actually set to the maximum). If you are faster than 522 with all items and abilities then the extra speed is wasted unless you are slowed. Any movement speed increase of this type can be reduced by a slowing effect. Some spells are flagged to disable any slowing effects by giving your hero "maximum movement speed". Some spells that move your hero break the speed limit of 522. Blinks, charges, jumps, and other effects frequently cause heroes to technically move faster than 522, but all such effects operate on their own special conditions. The following spells grant maximum movement speed:
  • Centaur Warrunner's "Stampede"
  • Dark Seer's "Surge"
  • Lycan's "Shapeshift"
  • Phantom Lancer's "Phantom Rush"
  • Spirit Breaker's "Charge of Darkness"
  • Weaver's "Shukuchi"
  • Flying Courier's "Speed Burst"

The movement speed minimum in DotA2 is 100. No combination of slowing effects can ever reduce a hero below 100 movement speed. Overlapping slows are frequently wasting at least some slowing potential since the average hero’s movement speed in the mid-game is around 350 (any combined slows above 70-75% are almost entirely wasted on a hero without an ability that significantly increases their speed).

  • Disruptor's "Kinetic Field" can reduce a hero's movement speed below 100 when they are in contact with the barrier. (The UI will not show this.)
  • Oracle's Fortune's End can reduce a hero's movement speed to 0.
  • Slark's "Pounce" can reduce a hero's movement speed below 100 when they are at the end of their leash. (The UI will not show this.)

The attack speed limit in DotA2 is calculated by dividing a hero’s Base Attack Time (BAT) by 6. A hero can never attack any faster than 1/6th of its BAT. Almost all heroes in DotA2 have a BAT of 1.7. Most heroes cannot attack faster than 3.52 Attacks Per Second (APS), with a Minimum Attack Time (MAT) of .28.

Agility and attack speed items that increase a hero’s attack speed can only increase it until it hits the limit. Heroes with a BAT of 1.7 will hit this limit at 600 attack speed. If you are faster than 600 with all items and abilities then the extra speed is wasted unless you are slowed.

To find the maximum amount of usable attack speed for a given non-standard BAT you can perform the following equations and solve for X:

170 / Non-standard BAT = Y

Y + 500 = X

The following table shows all of the relevant attack speed information for heroes with a non-standard BAT:

Max APS (rounded)
Max AS (rounded)
Alchemist Chemical Rage Level 1
Alchemist Chemical Rage Level 2
Alchemist Chemical Rage Level 3
Lone Druid True Form
Queen of Pain
Spirit Breaker
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Treant Protector
Troll Warlord Berserker's Rage

The attack speed minimum in DotA2 is calculated by multiplying a hero’s BAT by 5. A hero can never attack any slower than 5x its BAT. Almost all heroes in DotA2 have a BAT of 1.7. This means that they can never attack any slower than 8.5 Seconds Per Attack. I have not calculated the attack speed minimums for heroes with a non-standard BAT since hitting these minimums (especially intentionally) is highly unlikely.

Armor has no limits in DotA2. You can have any amount of armor, no matter how high or how low. I only mention this because there were limits and minimums in Warcraft 3. The equation to calculate a hero’s physical damage reduction or amplification is (.06 * Armor) / (1 + .06 * |Armor|).

Statistics (STR, AGI, INT) cannot be reduced below 1 point by any spell or ability cast or applied by an enemy. There are many abilities and spells in DotA2 that allow you to steal, reduce, or alter statistics. None of these abilities can reduce a hero to 0 for any value. Exceptions:
  • Morphling's "Morph" allows him to set a stat to 0 if that base stat is divisible by 2 (bonus stats from items are not calculated by "Morph").
The Mechanics of Evasion and Missing
Evasion in DotA2 is a passive ability that can cause physical attacks (right clicking on a target) to miss. If an attack misses it does no damage and the full attack animation is still played, wasting the attacker’s time and efforts. Blinding effects put a debuff on a target that causes their physical attacks to have a chance to miss targets as if their targets possessed evasion. You always have a 25% chance to miss any ranged attacks targeted at units on a higher level of terrain than yourself. Misses caused by terrain are most commonly seen in the river. Melee attacks automatically miss the target if the target is further than 350 units from the attacking unit's attack range. The chance to miss from terrain height, evasion, and blinding effects all stack (although not additively). Sources of evasion from items and abilities stack diminishingly multiplicatively. This means that one Butterfly provides 35% evasion, two Butterflies provide 57.75% evasion, three Butterflies provide 72.53% evasion, four Butterflies provide 82.14% evasion, five Butterflies provide 88.39% evasion, etc…

Heroes can never evade cleaves, spill damage, or splash damage if they were not the primary target of an attack with one of these properties. If any of these types of attacks miss a target because of evasion or miss chance then their area of effect damage will not be dealt to any other targets. Dragon Knight's "Elder Dragon Form" splash damage is dealt to enemies with a 50% reduction when he misses because of miss chance or evasion. Missing because of Faceless Void's "Backtrack" still deals full splash damage to surrounding enemies. Heroes can evade projectiles generated by attacks that hit multiple targets (such as Gyrocopter’s “Flak Cannon” or Medusa’s “Split Shot”).

  • Brewmaster will always evade one attack if he has not been attacked for 16/14/12/10 seconds with "Drunken Brawler".
  • Doom's "Doom" with Aghanim's Scepter disables evasion.
  • Faceless Void has a 10%/15%/20%/25% chance to dodge any type of attack OR spell with any type of damage except hp modification. This complex passive skill is the best type of damage avoidance in DotA2 (only Faceless Void has this). “Backtrack” stacks with evasion from items. Faceless Void can still dodge attacks from a hero using Monkey King Bar with “Backtrack”.
  • Lion's "Hex" disables evasion.
  • Scythe of Vyse's "Hex" disables evasion.
  • Shadow Shaman's "Hex" disables evasion.
  • Sniper’s “Headshot” passive skill negates evasion and miss chance, but only when this passive skill procs.
  • Tusk’s “Walrus Punch” cannot miss due to evasion or miss chance.

Tactical Implications (When to buy Monkey King Bar):
  • If more than one enemy hero from the following list is on the opposing team or if the enemy team is using evasion items (such as Butterfly, Heaven’s Halberd, or Talismans of Evasion) and you rely on your attacks for most of your damage (not spells - spells that deal physical damage cannot be evaded), you should strongly consider buying a Monkey King Bar since it negates all evasion and blinding effects.
  • If the enemy team’s carry is heavily invested in evasion (whether through passive abilities or items) this can be reason enough to purchase a Monkey King Bar.
  • Terrain miss chance plays a large role when attempting to siege tier 3 towers and will reduce a powerful ranged carry’s damage potential considerably. Monkey King Bar does not prevent misses when attacking towers, but it will still help against enemy heroes trying to benefit from the high ground advantage.

The following table is a compilation of all of the abilities and items that can cause you to miss a target. This table does not include the specific properties of the abilities, only their evasion or blinding chances. Any chances seperated by slashes in the table represent the increased chance to miss or evade based on the level of the spell.

Hero/Item Name:
Skill Name:
Grants Evasion:
Causes Miss:
Chance Granted:
Drunken Haze
Drunken Brawler
Night Stalker
Crippling Fear
50% at night, 10% during day
Smoke Screen
Troll Warlord
Whirling Axes (Melee)
60% at all levels
Incapacitating Bite
Phantom Assassin
Keeper of the Light
Blinding Light
80% at all levels
100% at all levels
100% at all levels
Talisman of Evasion
Heaven's Halberd
Basic Invisibility Mechanics
It is very important when discussing invisibility in DotA2 to first establish that there is no established lexicon of terms to use when discussing invisibility in DotA2. Many websites will use the terms I am about to define interchangeably (often to draw incorrect conclusions) and therefore it is necessary to be very specific about the meanings of the following terms. I will be using the same terms that Valve uses in their ability data text files (scripts/npc/npc_abilities.txt and items.txt inside pak01_dir.vpk).

A unit is “fading out” when it is currently translucent but not yet totally invisible. If you have ever seen a Predator movie then you will be familiar with this visual effect. There is no excuse for not having seen at least 1 Predator movie. I refer to this game mechanic represented as a visual translucency phase as “Fade Time” in this guide. An opaque unit is never in Fade Time. Some units are opaque for a specific duration until they immediately disappear or begin a period of fade time. I refer to this game mechanic represented by an opaque phase as “Fade Delay” in this guide.

Units in Fade Time can attack, cast spells, and use items without losing or preventing invisibility as long as the attack point or cast point has been reached before the Fade Time ends (example: A hero’s attack point would have to be faster than .3 seconds to attack without losing invisibility with a Shadow Blade – a hero capable of attacking this fast would be able to benefit from Shadow Blade’s bonus damage twice).

Units in Fade Delay cannot attack, cast spells or use items without resetting the duration of the Fade Delay completely (Riki can cast spells and use items without resetting his Fade Delay).

Silencing a unit that is already translucent cannot prevent it from gaining invisibility because the fade has already begun. Silencing a unit before it is translucent will prevent it from becoming invisible with a spell or passive ability (for one of two different reasons). Heroes with items that grant invisibility can still use these items when silenced.

Stunning a unit will not prevent it from fading out if the prerequisites for fade out have already been met (examples: Broodmother in a web, Treant already cast Nature’s Guise, Riki not attacking).

Even if an invisible unit fades out (because its Fade Time ended) during a channeled disable spell that is currently holding it in place (such as Pudge’s “Dismember” or Bane’s “Fiend’s Grip”) the unit is still being affected and damaged by this spell normally (this is most commonly seen with Riki due to his “Permanent Invisibility”).
Invisibility Facts
  • Any area of effect spell can hit invisible heroes. Exceptions:
    • Some spells seek targets in an area but do not hit invisible units if nothing is found when they seek. The following spells only seek visible targets:
      • Clockwerk’s “Battery Assault”
      • Death Prophet’s “Exorcism”
      • Ember Spirit's "Searing Chains"
      • Ember Spirit's "Sleight of Fist"
      • Gyrocopter’s “Rocket Barrage”
      • Gyrocopter’s “Flak Cannon”
      • Juggernaut’s “Omnislash”
      • Leshrac’s “Lightning Storm”
      • Lich’s “Chain Frost”
      • Luna’s “Moon Glaive”
      • Luna’s “Eclipse”
      • Medusa’s “Split Shot”
      • Medusa’s “Mystic Snake”
      • Mirana’s “Starstorm”
      • Razor’s “Eye of the Storm”
      • Rubick’s “Fade Bolt”
      • Shadow Shaman’s “Ether Shock”
      • Tinker’s “Heat-Seeking Missile”
      • Treant Protector’s “Overgrowth”
      • Undying’s “Tombstone”
      • Warlock’s “Fatal Bonds”
      • Witch Doctor’s “Paralyzing Cask”
      • Witch Doctor’s “Death Ward”
    • Abaddon’s “Aphotic Shield” cannot damage invisible units.
    • Meepo’s “Earthbind” cannot ensnare invisible units.
    • Techies' "Stasis Trap" will not detonate on invisible units, but it will stun them if they are in the radius when it is tripped.
  • Cleave, spill, and splash damage do hit invisible units (examples: Kunkka’s “Tidebringer”, Templar Assassin’s “Psi Blades”, Dragon Knight’s “Elder Dragon Form” and Shadow Shaman’s “Mass Serpent Ward”).
  • Invisible units that cannot move are not detected by Dust of Appearance. This includes Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, Psionic Traps, Stasis Traps, Land Mines, and Remote Mines.
  • Units that gain invisibility (whose Fade Delay and Fade Time have ended and are not currently visible due to shared vision or invisibility detecting skills/items) while a projectile (spell or attack) is in flight will not be damaged or affected by the projectile unless the projectile is a spell that cannot be negated. Projectiles that cannot be negated are noted as such in the hero sections. Exceptions:
    • Medusa – Mystic Snake: This spell will not damage or steal mana from invisible units.
    • Sniper – Assassinate: This spell will damage and interrupt invisible units normally since it provides True Sight (it can be negated with any other method - jump, blink, transformation, etc...).
  • All root effects (whether magical or physical / entangle or ensnare) prevent invisible units from fading out. Despite this, even area of effect root spells cannot reveal (or even entangle/ensnare) currently invisible units. The following spells or passive abilities have root effects:
    • Crystal Maiden – Frostbite
    • Ember Spirit – Searing Chains
    • Lone Druid (Spirit Bear) – Entangling Claws
    • Meepo – Earthbind
    • Naga Siren – Ensnare
    • Treant Protector – Overgrowth
  • Casting spells does not break invisibility until a given spell’s cast point is reached. This means that spells with a long cast animation and an equally long cast point will not break invisibility until the effect of the spell has occurred (example: Nature’s Prophet can cast “Teleportation” while invisible and will only be revealed when he arrives at his target destination). Note that some spells do have considerable delay before any effect occurs (such as Pugna’s “Nether Blast”). Exception:
    • Shadow Fiend’s “Requiem of Souls”: This spell will reveal Shadow Fiend after 1 second of the 1.7 seconds required to cast this spell (Shadow Fiend’s cast animation happens after the front-loaded 1 second animation required for this spell).
  • Almost all auras (positive or negative) remain visible in the buff bar when an enemy hero is invisible. Exceptions:
    • Shadow Fiend’s “Presence of the Dark Lord” is hidden and completely disabled when he is invisible. It provides no benefits if the enemy cannot see Shadow Fiend.
    • Necrophos’s “Heartstopper Aura” is hidden but fully effective when he is not visible for any reason (including invisibility). The enemy will continue to take full damage from this passive ability, but its icon will not appear on the buff bar.
    • Assault Cuirass's “Assault Aura” is hidden but fully effective when the carrier is not visible for any reason (including invisibility). The enemy will have their armor reduced in the stat pane, but its icon will not appear on the buff bar.
    • Shiva's Guard's “Freezing Aura” is hidden but fully effective when the carrier is not visible for any reason (including invisibility). The enemy will have their attack speed reduced in the stat pane, but its icon will not appear on the buff bar.
  • Invisible enemy heroes with an active Radiance will apply the “Burn Damage” debuff even when they are invisible. The particle effect associated with burn damage can be used to pinpoint the location of an invisible enemy hero with an active Radiance because the fiery particles generated by this debuff act as a windsock, visually blowing away from the direction of the Radiance holder’s position in real time. Damaging or disabling enemy heroes with ground targeted abilities is considerably easier when you’re certain of their direction in relation to your hero.
  • Some heroes have an alternate set of aggressive stance animations whenever an enemy unit is nearby. These animations are not used when an invisible enemy hero is nearby, but they ARE used when an invisible enemy hero is nearby that the aggressive-stance hero has vision of through some means of detection. Invisible heroes can use this information to their advantage to locate Sentry Wards or identify Gem of True Sight carriers quickly. Some aggressive stances are much harder to identify than others. The following heroes have an alternate aggressive stance:
    • Abaddon
    • Alchemist
    • Brewmaster
    • Bristleback
    • Earth Spirit
    • Ember Spirit
    • Huskar
    • Juggernaut
    • Lifestealer
    • Medusa
    • Skywrath Mage
    • Sniper

The following Heroes have access to some form of invisibility (for themselves or units they control):
  • Beastmaster
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Brewmaster
  • Broodmother
  • Clinkz
  • Invoker
  • Lycan
  • Mirana
  • Nyx Assassin
  • Oracle
  • Riki
  • Sand King
  • Slark
  • Techies
  • Templar Assassin
  • Treant Protector
  • Weaver

Information regarding the invisibility duration, fade time, fade delay, interaction with silence, phasing rules and other miscellaneous notes can be found in individual hero sections. I have also included what I believe to be the best counters to each hero's invisibility. Unlike most information in this guide, these are my opinions, not facts. Noteworthy counters to invisibility are listed as such in individual hero sections.
The Mechanics of Vision
Vision in DotA2 is very similar to vision in RTS games. Heroes, units and structures provide vision in a circular area centered on them. Most heroes in DotA2 can see range 1800 during the day and range 800 at night. I have bolded any deviations from these ranges. There are three main types of vision in DotA2:

Ground vision is the type of that most units possess. Ground vision cannot see through trees or onto higher elevations. Ground vision cannot see into the Roshan pit. Many heroes can summon units that provide Ground vision. These units are not listed here since this is extremely common.

Flying vision can see everything within its radius. Flying vision can see through trees and onto higher ground. Flying vision can see into the Roshan pit.

Shared vision provides the vision radius of a unit to the other team. Shared vision copies the properties of the type of vision the affected unit possesses (shared vision of a unit with Flying vision will grant Flying vision). Shared vision will only reveal what could actually be seen if the unit affected by it were on the team of the unit that caused the vision to be shared (meaning it will not reveal the positions of other enemy units unless they are within the vision range of the units who’s vision is shared).

Fogged vision provides vision of enemy heroes in the fog of war. This rare type of vision does not have an official name at this time. Enemy heroes revealed by Fogged vision can be selected normally, allowing their items to be checked and their health and mana bars revealed. No other information can be obtained from a unit that is affected by Fogged vision.

True Sight is not a vision type, but a property of vision types that reveals invisible units. True Sight can be granted on a single targeted unit or in an area.

As with all things in DotA2, there are many exceptions to the aforementioned rules. Heroes with unique vision ranges and spells that provide vision are detailed in the hero sections.
The Mechanics of Denies
Any faction allied hero, creep, or structure (except the Ancient) that can take damage in DotA2 can be denied under specific conditions. Neutral creeps cannot be denied unless they are converted with a spell. The following hit point thresholds must be reached for these types to be destroyed:

Heroes – 25%
Creeps – 50%
Structures – 10%

Denying Heroes:

Heroes can only be denied when they are affected by specific spells. The following spells allow any hero that is currently affected by them to be denied:
  • Doom’s “Doom”
  • Phoenix's "Supernova" (the "Supernova" counts as a creep for the purposes of denies)
  • Queen of Pain’s “Shadow Strike”
  • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”

Some spells allow heroes to deny themselves or their team mates. The following spells allow heroes to deny themselves or others without any enemy action:
  • Abaddon’s “Mist Coil”
  • Alchemist’s “Unstable Concoction”
  • Bane’s “Nightmare”
  • Pudge’s “Rot”
  • Pugna’s “Life Drain”
  • Techies' "Suicide Squad, Attack!"

Bloodstone's active ability "Pocket Deny" allows any hero to deny themselves.

Denied heroes grant 0 experience and 0 assist gold.

Denying Creeps:

Any faction allied creep can be denied when it is below 50% hit points for 50% of its normal experience. Lane creeps provide experience when denied to enemy heroes within range 1300. Lane creeps always provide the exact same amount of experience to heroes, no matter what type of creep they are or how much experience they would normally provide if they had not been denied.

Converted neutral creeps are always worth 0 experience when denied. Most summoned units are worth 0 experience when denied. The following summoned units are worth 50% of their normal experience when denied:

  • Gyrocopter's "Homing Missile"
  • Techies' "Land Mines"
  • Techies' "Stasis Trap"
  • Techies' "Remote Mines"
  • Templar Assassin's "Psionic Trap"
  • Venomancer's "Plague Ward"
  • Weaver's "The Swarm"

Denying Structures:

Any structure that can be destroyed (except the Ancient) can be denied when it is below 10% hit points. Structures provide experience when denied to enemy heroes within range 1300. Structures provide 36 experience when denied and follow all of the same rules (experience is split among heroes, etc…) that creeps follow when denied (this means that all structures are worth more experience when denied than when they are destroyed normally).

Towers denies provide some gold. Each tier of tower provides a different default amount of gold to enemy heroes anywhere on the map (including dead) when denied. The deny gold values are as follows (multiply by 5 to get the total gold provided to the enemy heroes):
  • Tier 1 – 80 gold
  • Tier 2 – 100 gold
  • Tier 3 – 120 gold
  • Tier 4 – 140 gold

When an enemy barracks is denied it will provide the same amount of gold that it would have provided had it been destroyed normally (275 for melee and 225 for ranged - there is no good reason to deny your own barracks).
The Mechanics of Purges
There are many different types of purges in DotA2 with several different effects associated with them. Some purges are definitely superior to others, but the specifics of each can be quite complex. Most debuffs in DotA2 can be purged. Most buffs in DotA2 cannot be purged. Gaining Spell Immunity purges effects on heroes in the same fashion as other purge effects (with the noteworthy exception of “special” purges). There are a multitude of exceptions to these statements, but the following statements are always true:
  • Toggled spells cannot be purged.
  • Persistent Auras cannot be purged.
  • Passive and No Target invisibility spells and abilities cannot be purged.
  • Double Damage, Haste, Invisibility, and Regeneration Runes can be purged. Some purges will destroy illusions created by Illusion Runes. Regeneration Rune is not purged by gaining Spell Immunity. Double Damage, Haste, and Invisibility Runes are purged by gaining Spell Immunity.
  • Transformations cannot be purged (spells that alter the visual model of a hero – spells that alter their model scale and particle effects often can be purged).
  • Taunts cannot be purged.
  • Stuns and disables cannot be purged (with the exception of some “special” purges).
  • Allied purges do not remove allied buffs.
  • Allied Spell Immunity does not remove allied buffs.

The following hero spells and abilities have a purging effect or grant Spell Immunity:
  • Abaddon's "Aphotic Shield"
  • Abaddon's "Borrowed Time"
  • Brewmaster’s “Spell Immunity” (Brewmaster is displaced when “Primal Split” begins and ends)
  • Brewmaster’s “Dispel Magic”
  • Chaos Knight’s “Phantasm” (this spell displaces)
  • Doom's "Doom"
  • Invoker’s “Tornado”
  • Juggernaut’s “Blade Fury”
  • Legion Commander's "Press the Attack"
  • Lifestealer’s “Rage”
  • Lifestealer's "Infest"
  • Naga Siren’s “Mirror Image” (this spell displaces)
  • Omniknight’s “Repel”
  • Oracle's "Fortune's End"
  • Oracle's "False Promise"
  • Phantom Lancer's "Doppelganger"
  • Phoenix's "Supernova"
  • Razor’s “Unstable Current”
  • Shadow Demon’s “Demonic Purge”
  • Slark’s “Dark Pact”
  • Tidehunter’s “Kraken Shell”
  • Visage's "Summon Familiars"
  • Weaver’s “Time Lapse”

The following item abilities have a purging effect or grant Spell Immunity:
  • Black King Bar’s “Avatar”
  • Diffusal Blade’s “Purge”
  • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity’s “Cyclone”
  • Manta Style’s “Mirror Image” (this ability displaces)

There are seven “special” purges in DotA2 that purge some effects that cannot normally be purged. These seven special purges are not mechanically identical, but they share enough commonality that they can generally be discussed as a subset of purges. Some of these purges can have very complex interactions with other abilities that are discussed in the hero sections in further detail. The seven special purges in DotA2 are:
  • Abaddon’s “Aphotic Shield”
  • Abaddon’s “Borrowed Time”
  • Legion Commander's "Press the Attack"
  • Oracle's "Fortune's End"
  • Slark’s “Dark Pact”
  • Tidehunter’s “Kraken Shell”
  • Weaver’s “Time Lapse”
Effects that can be Purged
I have listed every buff and debuff that cannot be purged in each individual hero section. The following list contains all hero abilities and spells that can be purged and any special conditions required for the purge to function:

  • Abaddon – Aphotic Shield
  • Abaddon – Curse of Avernus
  • Ancient Apparition – Cold Feet
  • Ancient Apparition – Chilling Touch
  • Axe – Battle Hunger
  • Axe – Culling Blade (only the speed buff provided by a successful kill can be purged)
  • Bane – Nightmare (only special purges can purge this spell)
  • Batrider – Sticky Napalm
  • Beastmaster (Boar) – Poison
  • Beastmaster – Primal Roar (only the movement and attack slowing side effects can be purged)
  • Bloodseeker – Blood Rite
  • Bounty Hunter – Jinada
  • Bounty Hunter – Track
  • Brewmaster – Thunder Clap
  • Brewmaster – Drunken Haze
  • Brewmaster – Cyclone (only Brewmaster’s “Dispel Magic” and Diffusal Blade can purge this spell)
  • Bristleback – Viscous Nasal Goo
  • Broodmother – Spawn Spiderlings
  • Broodmother (Spiderling) – Spawn Spiderites
  • Broodmother (Spiderling) – Poison Sting
  • Broodmother – Incapacitating Bite
  • Broodmother – Insatiable Hunger
  • Chaos Knight – Reality Rift
  • Chen – Test of Faith
  • Clinkz – Strafe
  • Crystal Maiden – Crystal Nova
  • Crystal Maiden – Frostbite
  • Crystal Maiden – Freezing Field
  • Dark Seer – Surge
  • Dazzle – Poison Touch
  • Death Prophet – Silence
  • Disruptor – Thunder Strike
  • Dragon Knight – Corrosive Breath
  • Dragon Knight – Frost Breath
  • Drow Ranger – Frost Arrows
  • Drow Ranger – Gust
  • Earthshaker – Enchant Totem
  • Earth Spirit – Boulder Smash
  • Earth Spirit – Rolling Boulder
  • Elder Titan – Echo Stomp (only special purges can purge this spell)
  • Elder Titan – Earth Splitter (only the slow can be purged)
  • Ember Spirit – Searing Chains
  • Ember Spirit – Flame Guard
  • Enchantress – Enchant
  • Enigma – Malefice (only special purges can purge this spell)
  • Faceless Void – Time Walk
  • Gyrocopter – Call Down
  • Huskar – Inner Vitality
  • Huskar – Life Break (only the slow can be purged)
  • Invoker – Cold Snap (only special purges can purge this spell)
  • Invoker – Tornado (only Diffusal Blade can purge this spell)
  • Invoker – Alacrity
  • Invoker – Chaos Meteor
  • Invoker – Deafening Blast (only Spell Immunity can purge this spell)
  • Jakiro – Dual Breath
  • Jakiro – Liquid Fire
  • Keeper of the Light – Mana Leak
  • Keeper of the Light – Blinding Light
  • Kunkka – Torrent (only the slow can be purged)
  • Legion Commander – Press The Attack
  • Leshrac – Lightning Storm
  • Lich – Frost Blast
  • Lich – Frost Armor
  • Lich – Chain Frost
  • Lifestealer – Open Wounds
  • Lion – Hex
  • Lion – Mana Drain (only purges that displace can purge this spell)
  • Lone Druid (Spirit Bear) – Entangling Claws
  • Lone Druid – Rabid
  • Lone Druid – Battle Cry
  • Magnus – Empower
  • Magnus – Skewer
  • Medusa – Stone Gaze (only special purges can purge the petrification effect of this spell - the slowing effects cannot be purged)
  • Meepo – Earthbind
  • Meepo – Geostrike
  • Naga Siren – Rip Tide
  • Night Stalker – Void
  • Night Stalker – Crippling Fear
  • Ogre Magi – Ignite
  • Ogre Magi – Bloodlust
  • Omniknight – Repel (only purges that ignore Spell Immunity or have a channeled cast and Diffusal Blade can purge this spell)
  • Omniknight – Guardian Angel
  • Oracle – Fortune's End
  • Oracle – Fate's Edict (only Spell Immunity can purge this spell)
  • Phantom Assassin – Stifling Dagger
  • Phantom Assassin – Phantom Strike
  • Phantom Lancer – Spirit Lance
  • Phantom Lancer – Phantom Rush
  • Phoenix – Icarus Dive
  • Phoenix – Fire Spirits
  • Phoenix – Sun Ray
  • Puck – Waning Rift
  • Pugna – Decrepify
  • Pugna – Life Drain (only purges that displace can purge this spell)
  • Queen of Pain – Shadow Strike
  • Razor – Unstable Current
  • Rubick – Fade Bolt
  • Sand King – Epicenter
  • Shadow Demon – Shadow Poison (this spell can be purged with any type of purge, but only purges that create illusions prevent the Shadow Poison from being released and dealing additional damage)
  • Shadow Shaman – Hex
  • Silencer – Curse of the Silent
  • Silencer – Last Word (only the silence and disarm effects can be purged)
  • Silencer – Global Silence
  • Skywrath Mage – Concussive Shot
  • Skywrath Mage – Ancient Seal
  • Slardar – Slithereen Crush (only the slow can be purged)
  • Slardar – Amplify Damage
  • Sniper – Shrapnel
  • Storm Spirit – Electric Vortex (only the slow on Storm Spirit can be purged)
  • Storm Spirit – Overload
  • Sven – Warcry
  • Templar Assassin – Meld Armor Reduction
  • Templar Assassin – Psionic Trap
  • Terrorblade – Reflection
  • Tidehunter – Gush
  • Tidehunter – Anchor Smash
  • Timbersaw – Whirling Death
  • Tinker – Laser
  • Treant Protector – Nature’s Guise
  • Treant Protector – Living Armor
  • Treant Protector – Overgrowth
  • Troll Warlord – Whirling Axes (Ranged)
  • Troll Warlord – Whirling Axes (Melee)
  • Tusk – Walrus Punch
  • Undying (Zombies) – Deathstrike
  • Ursa – Earthshock
  • Ursa – Overpower
  • Ursa – Enrage
  • Vengeful Spirit – Wave of Terror
  • Venomancer – Venomous Gale (only special purges can purge this spell)
  • Viper – Poison Attack
  • Visage – Grave Chill
  • Warlock – Shadow Word
  • Warlock – Upheaval
  • Wraith King – Wraithfire Blast (only the slow can be purged)
  • Wraith King – Reincarnation (only the slow can be purged)

Like the hero sections, I have listed every buff and debuff that cannot be purged in each individual item section. The buffs/debuffs of some items have the same names as the items themselves. The following list contains all item abilities that can be purged and any special conditions required for the purge to function:

  • Buckler – Buckler Armor Bonus
  • Desolator – Desolator
  • Diffusal Blade – Diffusal Blade Purge
  • Drum of Endurance – Endurance
  • Dust of Appearance – Dust of Appearance
  • Ethereal Blade – Ether Blast AND Ethereal Blade Slow (both effects are purged when purging allies affected by an enemy Ethereal Blade - allies are not affected by Ethereal Blade Slow when an ally uses this item's active ability on them)
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity – Cyclone (only Brewmaster’s “Dispel Magic”, Oracle's "Fortune's End" and Diffusal Blade can purge this spell)
  • Ghost Scepter – Ghost Form
  • Heaven’s Halberd – Lesser Maim
  • Heaven’s Halberd – Disarm (only Spell Immunity can purge this spell)
  • Mask of Madness – Berserk
  • Medallion of Courage – Medallion of Courage (this effect can be purged on allies and enemies)
  • Mekansm – Mekansm Restore (even thoug this effect can be purged by enemies, this does not allow Mekansm's active ability to affect a purged target again within 25 seconds)
  • Mjollnir – Mjollnir Static Charge
  • Orb of Venom – Orb of Venom
  • Orchid Malevolence – Soul Burn
  • Pipe of Insight – Barrier
  • Rod of Atos – Rod of Atos
  • Sange – Lesser Maim
  • Sange and Yasha – Greater Maim
  • Satanic – Unholy Rage
  • Scythe of Vyse – Hex
  • Shiva’s Guard – Arctic Blast
  • Urn of Shadows – Soul Release (the positive version of this effect can be purged from enemies and the negative version of this effect can be purged from allies)
Hero Abilities That Create Illusions
Illusions are a type of summoned unit that mimic heroes. Illusions are normally controlled by the player that creates them. Most illusions are visually indistinguishable from the hero that they mimic. Illusions can never use spells, but they do benefit from some passive abilities. Several passive abilities that illusions do not benefit from create effects or animations to mimic these abilities. The fact that an animation or effect is displayed by an illusion does not mean that the illusion actually benefits from the corresponding passive ability. The source of an illusion determines how much damage it takes and how much damage it deals, with the exception that illusions always deal 25% less damage to structures. The following spells and items can create illusions:

Chaos Knight – Phantasm:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: 1x
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 2x
Number of Illusions: 1/2/3 (at levels 1/2/3 respectively) with a 50% chance to create a bonus illusion.
Duration of Illusions: 42 seconds
  • Chaos Knight is invulnerable for .5 seconds while casting this spell.
  • This spell purges some negative debuffs on Chaos Knight.

Dark Seer – Wall of Replica:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .7x/.8x/.9x (at levels 1/2/3 respectively) or 1x/1.2x/1.4x with Aghanim’s Scepter (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 4x
Number of Illusions: One illusion for each enemy hero that pass through the wall.
Duration of Illusions: 15/30/45 seconds (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)
  • More than one illusion will not be created if more than one Meepo crosses the wall. The first clone or Meepo prime will be dealt the damage and replicated, but any additional Meepos will not (assuming the illusion is still alive as would be the case for any other hero).
  • Illusions created by “Wall of Replica” do not attempt to visually mimic the hero that their stats are based on. “Wall of Replica” illusions have a special texture that indicates to enemy players that they are not real.

Morphling – Replicate:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .5x
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 1x
Number of Illusions: 1
Duration of Illusions: 30/45/60 seconds (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)
  • Morphling can use “Replicate” to create illusions of Spell Immune allied or enemy heroes.
  • Morphling cannot use “Replicate” on any illusion of himself that he controls (Manta Style, Illusion Rune). Morphling can use “Replicate” on illusions of himself that he does not control (Shadow Demon’s “Disruption”, Dark Seer’s “Wall of Replica”).

Naga Siren – Mirror Image:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .2x/.25x/.3x/.35x (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 6x/5x/4x/3x (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)
Number of Illusions: 3
Duration of Illusions: 30 seconds
  • Naga Siren is invulnerable for .3 seconds while casting this spell.
  • This spell purges some negative debuffs on Naga Siren.
  • Illusions created by “Mirror Image” cast “Rip Tide” when Naga Siren casts “Rip Tide”, regardless of whether the illusions are stunned or disabled in any way.

Phantom Lancer – Spirit Lance:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .20x
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 4x
Number of Illusions: 1
Duration of Illusions: 2/4/6/8 seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Phantom Lancer – Doppelganger (Type 1):
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: 0x
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 1x
Number of Illusions: 1
Duration of Illusions: 8 seconds

Phantom Lancer – Doppelganger (Type 2):
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .20x
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 6x
Number of Illusions: 1
Duration of Illusions: 8 seconds
  • Phantom Lancer is invulnerable for 1 second while casting this spell.
  • This spell purges some negative debuffs on Phantom Lancer.
  • Type 1 “Doppelganger” illusions have a special texture that indicates to allied players that they are more durable.

Phantom Lancer – Juxtapose:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .16x
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 5x
Number of Illusions: 5/7/9 (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)
Duration of Illusions: 8 seconds when created by Phantom Lancer, 4 seconds when created by an illusion.

Shadow Demon – Disruption:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .3x/.4x/.5x/.6x (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 1.5x
Number of Illusions: 2
Duration of Illusions: 5/6/7/8 seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Spectre – Haunt:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .3x
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 2x
Number of Illusions: One illusion for each enemy hero currently alive (including each Meepo clone, but not including other illusions).
Duration of Illusions: 5/6/7 seconds (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)
  • Illusions are created for invisible heroes and will follow their position.
  • Illusions created by “Haunt” cannot be controlled.
  • Illusions created by "Haunt" are destroyed when Spectre uses "Reality" on them, meaning that Spectre's total damage output when using "Haunt" is likely to be diminished by using "Reality" repeatedly, unless she is using "Reality" to move away from a dead enemy hero.
  • “Haunt” illusions will not attack for 1 second after they are created.
  • Illusions created by “Haunt” do not stop attacking or following an enemy hero when they are stunned. Entangles, ensnares, disables, slows, hexes and taunts effect “Haunt” illusions normally.
  • Illusions created by “Haunt” ignore all terrain and collision as if they were always affected by the “Shadow Trail” of “Spectral Dagger”.

Terrorblade – Reflection:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .4x/.5x/.6x/.7x (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)
Number of Illusions: 1
Duration of Illusions: 5 seconds
  • Illusions created by “Reflection” are invulnerable and phased. These illusions cannot be targeted and will not block spells like Pudge's "Meat Hook", Mirana's "Sacred Arrow", or Clockwerk's "Hookshot".
  • Illusions created by “Reflection” do not attempt to visually mimic the hero that their stats are based on. “Reflection” illusions have a special texture that indicates to enemy players that they are not real.

Terrorblade – Conjure Image:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .3x/.4x/.5x/.6x (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 4.25x
Number of Illusions: 1
Duration of Illusions: 5 seconds
Other Sources of Illusions

Illusion Rune:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .33x
Incoming Damage Multiplier Ranged Illusions: 2x if Melee Hero or 3x if Ranged Hero
Number of Illusions: 2
Duration of Illusions: 75 seconds

Manta Style – Mirror Image:
Outgoing Damage Multiplier: .33x if Melee Hero or .28x if Ranged Hero
Incoming Damage Multiplier: 3.5x if Melee Hero or 4x if Ranged Hero
Number of Illusions: 2
Duration of Illusions: 20 seconds
  • The owner of this item is invulnerable for .1 seconds when using this item’s active ability.
  • This item grants ground vision in radius 1000 for .1 second after using this item’s active ability.
  • This item purges some negative debuffs on the owner when activated.
Effects that Benefit Illusions
General effects that Illusions can benefit from:
  • Damage, Armor, or Attack Range from an ability that changes a unit's base statistics (abilities like this are extremely rare).
  • Evasion from any source.
  • Critical Strike from any source.
  • Movement Speed from any source.
  • Attributes from any source.
  • HP or Mana from any source.
  • Base magic resistance and magic resistance from abilities.
  • Attack speed from passive abilities.

Passive abilities provided by items that Illusions can benefit from:
  • Assault Aura provided by Assault Cuirass (attack speed provided by Assault Cuirass itself does not apply).
  • Feedback provided by Diffusal Blade (for melee heroes only).
  • Endurance provided by Drum of Endurance does increase the movement speed of illusions, but it does not increase their attack speed.
  • Swiftness Aura provided by Drum of Endurance.
  • True Sight provided by Gem of True Sight.
  • The attack speed provided by Manta Style.
  • True Strike provided by Monkey King Bar.
  • Attack Speed and Movement Speed Aura provided by the Necronomicon Archer unit summoned by the Necronomicon active ability Demonic Summoning.
  • Quell provided by Quelling Blade.
  • Burn Damage provided by Radiance (multiple illusions do not provide overlapping “Burn Damage” – a hero can never be affected by “Burn Damage” more than once at a time).
  • The attack speed provided by Sange and Yasha.
  • The attack speed provided by Yasha.

Passive abilities provided by heroes that Illusions can benefit from:
  • Anti-Mage – Mana Break
  • Anti-Mage – Spell Shield
  • Axe – Counter Helix
  • Beastmaster – Inner Beast
  • Brewmaster – Drunken Brawler
  • Bristleback – Bristleback
  • Broodmother – Incapacitating Bite
  • Centaur Warrunner – Return
  • Chaos Knight – Chaos Strike
  • Crystal Maiden – Arcane Aura
  • Death Prophet – Witchcraft
  • Dragon Knight – Splash Attack (Corrosive Breath and Cold Attack debuffs appear on enemies but are not real)
  • Dragon Knight – Dragon Blood (illusions will not benefit from hp regeneration, only bonus armor)
  • Drow Ranger – Precision Aura
  • Drow Ranger – Marksmanship
  • Elder Titan – Natural Order
  • Enchantress – Untouchable
  • Enchantress – Impetus (only increases attack range of illusions if Aghanim’s Scepter has been purchased)
  • Juggernaut – Blade Dance
  • Legion Commander – Moment of Courage
  • Luna – Moon Glaive
  • Luna – Lunar Blessing
  • Lycan – Feral Impulse (illusions will not benefit from bonus damage, only bonus attack speed)
  • Meepo – Geostrike
  • Medusa – Split Shot (if toggled on when illusions were created)
  • Omniknight – Degen Aura
  • Phantom Assassin – Blur
  • Phantom Assassin – Coup de Grace
  • Phantom Lancer – Phantom Rush
  • Phantom Lancer – Juxtapose
  • Pudge – Flesh Heap
  • Razor – Unstable Current
  • Riki – Permanent Invisibility
  • Rubick – Null Field
  • Shadow Fiend – Presence of the Dark Lord
  • Sniper – Take Aim
  • Sniper – Headshot (illusions will not stun or deal bonus damage, can only negate evasion/miss)
  • Spectre – Desolate
  • Spirit Breaker – Empowering Haste
  • Templar Assassin – Psi-Blades (attack range is increased, illusions cannot deal spill damage)
  • Troll Warlord – Berserker’s Rage (illusions will not benefit from bonus armor, only bonus damage)
  • Undying – Flesh Golem (the aura is applied by illusions)
  • Vengeful Spirit – Vengeance Aura
  • Viper – Corrosive Skin
  • Visage – Gravekeeper’s Cloak (illusions will not benefit from bonus armor, only bonus magic resistance)
  • Wraith King – Vampiric Aura
  • Wraith King – Mortal Strike
How to Destroy Illusions
Spells that can counter Illusions:

Brewmaster (Storm) – Dispel Magic:
This spell deals 200 damage to summoned units (including illusions).

Disruptor – Glimpse:
This spell destroys illusions.

Enchantress – Enchant:
This spell converts illusions to Enchantress’s team.

Huskar – Life Break:
This spell destroys illusions.

Legion Commander – Overwhelming Odds:
This spell deals 25% of an illusion's current hit points as damage before applying the damage from the spell itself.

Lion – Hex:
This spell destroys illusions.
Lion – Mana Drain:
This spell destroys illusions.

Medusa – Stone Gaze:
This spell destroys illusions.

Outworld Devourer – Arcane Orb:
This spell deals 100/200/300/400 bonus damage (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively) to summoned units (including illusions).

Pugna – Life Drain:
This spell destroys illusions.

Shadow Shaman – Hex:
This spell destroys illusions.

Any illusion that attacks Roshan is immediately destroyed. The attack damage from the illusion will still be dealt.

Items that can counter Illusions:

Scythe of Vyse – Hex:
This active ability destroys illusions.

Diffusal Blade – Purge:
This active ability destroys summoned units (including illusions).
Effects that Do Not Benefit Illusions
  • Damage from any ability or item that does not change a unit’s base statistics.
  • Armor from any ability or item that does not change a unit’s base statistics.
  • HP or Mana Regeneration from any source.
  • Cleave from any source.
  • Bash from any source.
  • Damage block from any source.
  • Magic Resistance from items.
  • Unique Attack Modifiers from items.
  • Attack speed from items or spells.
  • Any passive abilities provided by items or heroes not listed in the previous section.
The Mechanics of Roshan

The following section is dedicated to telling you everything Roshan doesn’t want you to know (about killing him). Concepts are ordered by my opinion of their importance and relevance to the topic of killing a giant man, err – dragon man, err – maybe he’s just a dragon?

Base Stats:
Health: 7500
Health Regen: 20 per second
Armor: 4
Magic Resistance: 75%
Attack Damage: 65
BAT: 1.0
Move Speed: 270
Vision Radius: 1400
Attack Range: 128
Turn Rate: 1.0

The most effective way to kill Roshan is by reducing his armor value. Since Roshan has such a high natural magical resistance the vast majority of damage dealt to him will be through auto attacks. Any spell or item that can reduce armor (even by only a few points) will greatly reduce the time required to kill Roshan.

Roshan is almost entirely impervious to damage from magical abilities due to his 75% magical resistance. The vast majority of spells and abilities in DotA2 are magical, but those that deal physical and pure type damage will still be effective. Implications:
  • Spells and abilities that add pure damage to auto attacks (like Silencer’s “Glaives of Wisdom” and Outworld Devourer’s “Arcane Orb”) are very effective against Roshan due to their damage type.
  • Spells and abilities that amplify magical damage are not very effective against Roshan because they only act as multipliers on the already very low 25% damage you will deal.
    • Example (assuming that Roshan’s “Spell Shield” is on cooldown): Pugna casts “Decrepify” on Roshan, then Pugna uses Veil of Discord’s “Magic Weakness” on Roshan, and finally Lina casts “Laguna Blade” on Roshan at level 16. Even with massive magical damage amplification, “Laguna Blade” only deals 445.31 magical damage (less than half its normal 950 damage). First “Laguna Blade” is reduced to 237.5 by Roshan’s 75% resistance, then it is amplified by 118.75 to 356.25 by “Decrepify”, and finally it is amplified by 89.06 to 445.31 by Veil of Discord.

Roshan provides 1789 experience and 200 gold when killed. The experience is awarded to all heroes on the team that successfully kills Roshan within experience range (1300). The 200 gold is awarded to all heroes on the team that successfully kills Roshan globally. The hero that last hits Roshan will gain an additional 150-400 gold (rolled randomly). Roshan drops the Aegis of the Immortal every time he dies. He drops Cheese every death after his second death. Implications:
  • Split 5 ways, killing Roshan at level 1 will bring all attending heroes to level 2. Killing Roshan at level 1 alone will power-level a hero to level 5.
  • The 200 gold gained from killing Roshan is reliable, but the randomized last hit gold is not.
  • The team that gets the reliable gold and experience is entirely dependent on who gets the last hit on Roshan. Dealing 99.9% of the damage is not sufficient.
  • Attacking the Aegis of the Immortal or the Cheese can deny these items to your enemies. The following heroes and items can be used to deny items on the ground without losing invisibility:
    • Bounty Hunter using “Shadow Walk”
    • Nyx Assassin using “Vendetta”
    • Shadow Blade

Roshan grows more powerful over time. From the 0:00 mark, Roshan will gain 500 max hit points, +10 damage and +.5 armor every 4 minutes when the day/night cycle changes. Roshan will grow stronger in this way indefinitely. Implications:
  • Roshan does not gain actual hit points when he grows stronger; he gains a higher maximum hit point value. He will have to regenerate the missing hit points at his normal rate (20 hp per second). If he grows stronger during a fight, he will benefit from the damage and armor immediately, but the higher maximum hit points will not help him in any way.
  • Roshan’s effective hit points do not scale in a linear fashion as the game progresses. A hero attempting to kill Roshan with physical damage (read: most heroes) should attempt to do so as soon as possible.

Any illusion that attacks Roshan is destroyed. While illusions are destroyed by attacking Roshan, their attack damage is still dealt to him before they are destroyed (making it possible, but improbable, to steal Roshan with an illusion). Illusions can be used to absorb Roshan’s damage by selecting them and issuing a move command on Roshan. Roshan will then prioritize the illusions, allowing the heroes to attack Roshan with impunity for a time.

Roshan is phased. It is not possible to body block Roshan with any units or heroes. This prevents him from being exploited with stationary units and some special hero abilities. This also allows heroes to move inside Roshan while attacking him, forcing him to attack them since they will become his closest target.

Roshan cannot be attacked outside of his pit. When attempting to pull him outside of the pit keep in mind that your attack commands will not have any effect if they are ordered against him. Entangling him or otherwise holding him outside of the pit has very little value for this reason.
Roshan's Spells and Abilities
Roshan has the following powerful spells and abilities:
  • Spell Block – Roshan effectively has a Linken’s Sphere on a 15 second cooldown (except he’s also Roshan, so many of the spells that might trigger a Linken’s Sphere might not even be able to be cast on Roshan). Notes:
    • Roshan’s "Spell Block" should be broken with a low mana cost spell or item if necessary. However, there is usually very little reason to trigger Roshan’s “Spell Block” since most abilities have so little effect on him. Triggering “Spell Block” (without any real strategy behind doing so) may even allow the enemy team to deal the killing blow to Roshan if they attempt to snipe his final hit points with a very high damage spell.
    • Roshan is treated as an ancient creep for the purposes of most spells that cannot target ancient creeps.
    • Some spells and passive abilities have absolutely no effect on Roshan at all, even though they can be cast on him normally and may even appear to apply debuffs to him. See the list of effective spells later in the guide for more information.
  • Bash – Roshan has a 15% chance to stun for 1.65 seconds and deal 50 bonus physical damage when he attacks. Notes:
    • Roshan’s bashes can drastically reduce the damage output of a single hero. Whenever multiple heroes attempt to kill Roshan, the most durable hero with the lowest damage per second should use a move command on Roshan (this will move that hero to point blank range). Roshan will then prioritize this target, allowing the hero that is dealing the most damage to continue to do so (uninterrupted by bashes). Any type of summon or dominated neutral can also be used in this way to almost entirely negate Roshan's damage output against heroes.
    • Roshan’s bash does affect Spell Immune units.
  • Slam – Roshan casts a 70 magical damage range 350 area of effect slow that reduces attack speed and movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds on heroes and 4 seconds on non-heroes when 3 or more units move within range of the spell. Notes:
    • This spell's damage increases by 20 every 4 minutes
    • Unless there are three melee heroes on your team there is no almost no good reason for this spell to be triggered. Ranged heroes moving too close to Roshan cause this spell to be triggered all too often and slow their team’s efforts to kill Roshan.
    • This spell does not cost mana (Roshan does not have mana), so causing him to cast it only puts it on a 10 second cooldown.
Spells and Abilities to use Against Roshan
Some spells and abilities are far more effective against Roshan than others. The following spells and abilities are useful when killing Roshan and should almost always be used to hasten his demise or reduce his potential DPS (any stuns included in this list are somewhat situational, and are only included to indicate that they do function against Roshan):
  • Abaddon’s “Curse of Avernus”
  • Alchemist's "Acid Spray"
  • Ancient Apparition’s “Cold Feet”
  • Batrider’s “Flamebreak”
  • Beastmaster’s Boar’s “Poison”
  • Beastermaster’s “Inner Beast”
  • Bounty Hunter’s “Jinada”
  • Brewmaster’s “Drunken Haze”
  • Brewmaster’s “Thunder Clap”
  • Brewmaster’s “Drunken Brawler”
  • Bristleback’s “Viscous Nasal Goo”
  • Broodmother’s “Incapacitating Bite”
  • Centaur Warrunner’s “Hoof Stomp”
  • Chaos Knight’s “Chaos Bolt”
  • Chen’s “Penitence”
  • Clinkz’s “Strafe”
  • Dragon Knight’s “Dragon Tail”
  • Drow Ranger’s “Precision Aura”
  • Earthshaker’s “Fissure”
  • Earthshaker’s “Enchant Totem”
  • Earth Spirit’s “Geomantic Grip”
  • Enchantress’s “Untouchable”
  • Enigma’s “Malefice”
  • Faceless Void’s “Backtrack”
  • Faceless Void’s “Time Lock”
  • Heaven's Halberd's "Disarm"
  • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
  • Invoker's "Alacrity"
  • Jakiro’s “Ice Path”
  • Jakiro’s “Liquid Fire”
  • Keeper of Light’s “Mana Leak” – Roshan does not have mana, and is therefore instantly stunned by this spell.
  • Leshrac’s “Split Earth”
  • Lich’s “Ice Armor” – Cast this on the player or unit that is tanking Roshan.
  • Lina’s “Light Strike Array”
  • Lone Druid’s “Rabid”
  • Lone Druid’s “Battle Cry”
  • Luna’s “Lucent Beam”
  • Lycan’s “Howl”
  • Magnus’s “Empower” – Cast this on your main source of physical DPS.
  • Mirana’s “Sacred Arrow”
  • Ogre Magi’s “Fireblast”
  • Ogre Magi’s “Bloodlust” – Cast this on your main source of physical DPS.
  • Ogre Magi’s “Unrefined Fireblast”
  • Omniknight’s “Degen Aura”
  • Oracle's "Fate's Edict"
  • Phantom Assassin’s “Blur”
  • Sand King’s “Burrowstrike”
  • Shadow Fiend’s “Presence of the Dark Lord”
  • Slardar’s “Slithereen Crush”
  • Slardar’s “Bash”
  • Slardar’s “Amplify Damage”
  • Spirit Breaker’s “Charge of Darkness”
  • Storm Spirit’s “Overload”
  • Sven’s “Storm Hammer”
  • Techies' "Stasis Trap"
  • Templar Assassin’s “Meld”
  • Tidehunter’s “Gush”
  • Tinker’s “Laser”
  • Tiny’s “Avalanche”
  • Tiny’s “Craggy Exterior”
  • Troll Warlord’s “Berserker’s Rage”
  • Troll Warlord’s “Fervor”
  • Troll Warlord’s “Battle Trance”
  • Tusk’s “Snowball”
  • Tusk’s “Frozen Sigil”
  • Tusk’s “Walrus Punch” – This ability does not launch Roshan but it will instead stun him for the duration.
  • Ursa’s “Fury Swipes” – This ability only lasts 6 seconds against Roshan. This means that an unlucky series of bashes can potentially remove the debuff applied by this ability.
  • Vengeful Spirit’s “Magic Missile”
  • Vengeful Spirit’s “Wave of Terror”
  • Viper’s “Poison Attack”
  • Viper’s “Corrosive Skin”
  • Visage’s “Grave Chill”
  • Visage’s Familiar’s “Stone Form”
  • Windranger’s “Shackle Shot”
  • Witch Doctor’s “Paralyzing Cask”
  • Wraith King’s “Wraithfire Blast”

Vision around Roshan’s pit is very restricted. Spells, abilities, and units with flying vision are a great boon when Roshan’s life is contested. The following spells, abilities, items, and units can prove useful when attempt to spy on Roshan and his potential guests (Ultimate abilities are only included in this list if their cooldown is less than one minute or if they have some persistent effect):
  • Ancient Apparition’s “Ice Vortex”
  • Ancient Apparition’s “Ice Blast”
  • Batrider’s “Sticky Napalm”
  • Batrider’s “Flamebreak”
  • Batrider’s “Firefly”
  • Beastmaster’s “Wild Axes”
  • Beastmaster’s Hawks
  • Broodmother’s Webs
  • Clockwerk’s “Rocket Flare”
  • Crystal Maiden’s “Crystal Nova”
  • Dazzle’s “Weave”
  • Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”
  • Ember Spirit’s “Sleight of Fist”
  • Gyrocopter’s “Call Down”
  • Invoker’s “Tornado”
  • Invoker’s “Sun Strike”
  • Invoker’s “Chaos Meteor”
  • Io’s “Spirits”
  • Jakiro’s “Ice Path”
  • Keeper of the Light’s “Illuminate”
  • Keeper of the Light with Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Kunkka’s “Torrent”
  • Kunkka’s “Ghost Ship”
  • Meepo’s “Earthbind”
  • Mirana’s “Sacred Arrow”
  • Nature’s Prophet’s “Sprout”
  • Night Stalker with Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Phoenix's "Sun Ray"
  • Puck’s “Illusory Orb”
  • Razor’s “Plasma Field”
  • Shadow Demon’s “Shadow Poison”
  • Spectre’s “Spectral Dagger”
  • Storm Spirit’s “Static Remnant”
  • Storm Spirit’s “Ball Lighting”
  • Timbersaw’s “Chakram”
  • Troll Warlord’s “Whirling Axes” (ranged and melee, but ranged is far better for vision)
  • Tusk’s “Frozen Sigil”
  • Vengeful Spirit’s “Wave of Terror”
  • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”
  • Visage’s Familiars
  • Weaver’s “The Swarm”
  • Windranger’s “Power Shot”

Roshan is heavy. Roshan cannot be lifted into the air or repositioned by any spell or effect. This means that several spells that lift and push units and heroes are completely wasted against him (the mana is spent and the cooldown begins, but there is no effect). The following spells are totally wasted against Roshan because of his weight:
  • Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso”
  • Brewmaster’s “Cyclone”
  • Chaos Knight’s “Reality Rift” (Roshan won’t be moved, but Chaos Knight will be)
  • Dark Seer’s “Vacuum”
  • Eul’s Scepter’s “Cyclone”
  • Force Staff’s “Force”
  • Invoker’s “Tornado”
  • Invoker’s “Deafening Blast”
  • Keeper of the Light’s “Blinding Light”
  • Kunkka’s “Torrent”
  • Lion’s “Earth Spike”
  • Magnus’s “Skewer”
  • Nyx Assassin’s “Impale”
  • Pudge’s “Meat Hook”
  • Spirit Breaker’s “Greater Bash”
The following abilities will not push or lift Roshan, but they will still stun him:
  • Batrider’s “Flamebreak”
  • Rubick’s “Telekinesis”
  • Sand King’s “Burrowstrike”
  • Tusk’s “Walrus Punch”
Situationally Useful Anti-Roshan Spells
The following spells might be used in some situations against Roshan:
  • Bane’s “Nightmare” – This spell affects Roshan in exactly the same way that it affects players. The only difference is that Roshan is too smart to attack an enemy affected by this spell.
  • Death Prophet’s “Exorcism” – Death Prophet’s ghosts will target Roshan normally, meaning that this spell can be used to kill him very quickly in a pinch.
  • Naga Siren’s “Song of the Siren” – This spell has no effect against Roshan what so ever. Of course, this is exactly the point.
  • Night Stalker’s “Crippling Fear” – This spell is far less useful against Roshan during the day and the mana might be spent better elsewhere.
  • Oracle's "False Promise" – This spell will allow a single hero to attack Roshan for several seconds with impunity. Roshan cannot attack the invisible hero, but he will attack anyone else in the pit, so this is only useful if you have a powerful carry soloing Roshan.
  • Pudge’s “Dismember” – This spell will disable Roshan for 6 seconds, but it will also be heard globally by the enemy, potentially giving away your Roshan attempt.
  • Pugna’s “Decrepify” – Using this spell on Roshan is almost always a bad idea for aforementioned reasons, but it might be used in rare situations to secure the last hit on Roshan when the enemy team is closeby.
  • Shadow Shaman’s “Mass Serpent Ward” – The wards do attack Roshan normally. It may be worth using the wards to kill him more quickly if you don't have enough damage to do so in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Undying’s “Flesh Golem” – The damage amplification aura affects Roshan normally, meaning that this spell can be used to kill him very quickly in a pinch.
  • Viper’s “Viper Strike” – This spell could be used against Roshan to reduce attack speed if an ally is at risk of dying to Roshan or if Viper has an Aghanim’s Scepter.
  • Windranger’s “Windrun” – This spell can be used to negate Roshan’s damage if another hero is not available to do so.
Table of Important Events
The following table contains a list of important events that occur at specific times during the first hour of a DotA2 match. The Day/Night cycle and the creep upgrades will continue far beyond the first hour, but this table is intended to be used a reference for these events, not a deep look at their mechanics.

Roshan Spawns in every mode except All Pick
Roshan Spawns in All Pick
First Rune Spawns
Runes spawn on every even numbered minute for the rest of the game.
First Creep Wave Spawns
Creep waves spawn every 30 seconds for the rest of the game. Waves have 3 Melee Creeps and 1 Ranged Creep.
First Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes.
First Jungle Creeps Spawn
Jungle Creeps will spawn on every minute for the rest of the game.
First Siege Creep Spawns
Siege Creeps will spawn every 7 creep waves.
First Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
1st Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Lane Creeps Lose 25% Speed Modifiers
Short (hard) lane creeps lose 25% 15 second movement speed debuff, Long (easy) lane creeps lose 25% 15 second speed buff
Second Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
Second Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
2nd Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Extra Melee Creep Added
All Lane Creep Waves now contain 4 Melee Creeps.
Third Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
Third Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
3rd Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Fourth Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
Fourth Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
4th Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Extra Melee Creep Added
All Lane Creep Waves now contain 5 Melee Creeps.
Fifth Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
Fifth Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
5th Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Sixth Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
Sixth Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
6th Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Extra Melee Creep Added
All Lane Creep Waves now contain 6 Melee Creeps.
Extra Ranged Creep Added
All Lane Creep Waves now contain 2 Ranged Creeps.
Seventh Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
Extra Siege Creep Added
Every 7th Lane Creep Wave now contains 2 Siege Creeps.

Seventh Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
7th Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Eighth Day Begins
Day cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
8th Lane Creep Upgrade
Melee and Ranged Lane creeps gain +10 HP and +1 Damage.
Eighth Night Begins
Night cycles last 4 minutes. Roshan grows stronger.
Table of Projectiles
The following table lists all spells that might be considered to be projectiles and whether or not they can be negated by blinks, jumps, gaining invisibility, or transformation.

Can be Negated:
Unstable Concoction
Bounty Hunter
Shuriken Toss
Drunken Haze
Hurl Boulder
Viscous Nasal Goo
Spawn Spiderlings
Chaos Knight
Chaos Bolt
Poison Touch
Homing Missile
Life Break
Sort of
Avoid by moving > 1400 instantly, can't be negated.
Chain Frost
Mystic Snake
Star Storm
Naga Siren
Death Pulse
Ogre Magi
Fortune's End
Sort of
Projectile still hits last location if negated.
Phantom Assassin
Stifling Dagger
Phantom Lancer
Spirit Lance
Queen of Pain
Scream of Pain
Queen of Pain
Shadow Strike
Skywrath Mage
Arcane Bolt
Skywrath Mage
Concussive Shot
Spectral Dagger
Spirit Breaker
Charge of Darkness
Spirit Breaker
Nether Strike
Storm Hammer
Heat-Seeking Missile
Sort of
Thown unit has limited homing properties.
Sort of
Avoid by moving 1250 away, can't be negated.
Vengeful Spirit
Magic Missile
Viper Strike
Soul Assumption
Shackle Shot
Winter Wyvern
Splinter Blast
Witch Doctor
Paralyzing Cask
Wraith King
Wraithfire Blast
Ethereal Blade
Ether Blast
Priorities of Unique Attack Modifiers
Unique Attack Modifiers (or UAMs) are a category of special effects associated with specific hero and item abilities. A single attack cannot normally benefit from more than one UAM, although there are a few exceptions to this rule. Equipping a hero with more than one UAM is usually a very poor choice. UAMs have established priorities in the event that a hero has access to more than one UAM at the same time. I have labeled UAMs with a tiered system. Lower numbered tiers trump higher numbered tiers.

Tier 1:

All effects provided by UAMs in this Tier are able to override other UAMs when their chance-based condition occurs. This means that Tier 1 UAMs can be used alongside Tier 2 and Tier 3 UAMs without losing much of the potential provided by Tier 2 and Tier 3 UAMs. It is not possible for more than one Tier 1 UAM to occur on a single attack. If a unit has access to more than one Tier 1 UAM then items will be checked before passive abilities.
  • Maelstrom
  • Mjollnir

Tier 2:

Hero Abilities override Tier 3 UAMs automatically. If a hero ability is cast manually (auto-cast disabled) it will also override any Tier 1 UAM. Passive Tier 2 UAMs that cannot be disabled will always override Tier 3 UAMs. The only way to prevent conflict between passive Tier 2 UAMs and Tier 3 UAMs is to intentionally never spend skill points on these passive abilities.
  • Anti-Mage’s “Mana Break”
  • Broodmother’s “Incapacitating Bite”
  • Drow Ranger’s “Frost Arrows”
  • Enchantress’s “Impetus”
  • Jakiro’s “Liquid Fire”
  • Outworld Devourer’s “Arcane Orb”
  • Sand King’s “Caustic Finale”
  • Silencer’s “Glaives of Wisdom”
  • Viper’s “Poison Attack”

Tier 3:

The priority of all remaining item-based UAMs is based on the order in which they were acquired (the inventory slot they are in is not relevant). A hero can switch the priority of their UAMs in this tier by dropping the UAM with the highest priority. The second most recently acquired UAM will now have the highest priority. Picking up the dropped item will not revert the priority (the item that was dropped now has the lowest priority).
  • Desolator’s “Corruption”
  • Eye of Skadi’s “Cold Attack” (works with any UAM that provides Lifesteal)
  • Helm of the Dominator’s “Lifesteal”
  • Mask of Madness’s “Lifesteal”
  • Morbid Mask’s “Lifesteal”
  • Orb of Venom’s “Poison Attack” (works with any UAM that provides Lifesteal)
  • Satanic’s “Lifesteal”
The Mechanics of Friendly Fire
When attempting to deny friendly heroes or when forced to attack an ally by "Winter's Curse" some offensive procs and defensive procs can occur. As with many things in DotA2, there are rules to these interactions and the while I have made notes on some of the more common rules, a lot of these will probably feel very arbitrary. I have organized these rules into 4 tables. Offensive effects would only be able to occur when the hero or item in question is used to attack an ally. Defensive effects would only be able to occur when the hero or item in question is attacked by an ally.
Hero Offensive Procs on Allies Table
Spell/Passive Ability:
Procs on Allies:
Curse of Avernus
Greevil's Greed
No bonus gold for last hitting ally.
Ancient Apparition
Chilling Touch
Mana Break
Beastmaster Boar
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter
Shadow Walk
Drunken Brawler
Crit is disabled.
Brewmaster Earth
Brewmaster Fire
Drunken Brawler
Crit is disabled.
Incapacitating Bite
Broodmother Spiderling
Poison Sting
Broodmother Spiderling
Spawn Spiderite
New spiderite is Broodmother's.
Chaos Knight
Chaos Strike
Crit is disabled.
Searing Arrows
Dragon Knight
Corrosive Breath
Dragon Knight
Splash Attack
Hits enemies of Dragon Knight.
Dragon Knight
Frost Breath
Drow Ranger
Frost Arrows
Enchant Totem
Demonic Conversion
New Eidolons are Enigma's.
Faceless Void
Time Lock
Flak Cannon
Hits enemies of Gyrocopter.
Burning Spear
Blade Dance
Crit is disabled.
Cleave is disabled. Tidebringer is not spent.
Lifesteal is disabled.
Moon Glaive
Hits enemies of Luna.
Crit is disabled.
Lycan Wolf
Critical Strike
Crit is disabled.
Cleave is disabled.
Split Shot
Hits enemies of Medusa.
No bonus health/mana for last hitting ally.
Nyx Assassin
Outworld Devourer
Arcane Orb
Phantom Assassin
Coup de Grace
Crit is disabled.
Phantom Lancer
Sand King
Caustic Finale
Glaives of Wisdom
Essence Shift
Spirit Breaker
Greater Bash
Storm Spirit
Great Cleave
Cleave is disabled.
Templar Assassin
Psi Blades
Hits enemies of Templar Assassin.
Cleave is disabled.
Troll Warlord
Berserker's Rage
Troll Warlord
Walrus Punch
Fury Swipes
Poison Sting
Poison Attack
Warlock Golem
Flaming Fists
Hits enemies of Warlock.
Geminate Attack
Winter Wyvern
Arctic Burn
Wraith King
Vampiric Aura
Lifesteal is disabled.
Wraith King
Mortal Strike
Crit is disabled.
Hero Defensive Procs on Allies Table
Spell/Passive Ability:
Procs when attacked:
Counter Helix
Drunken Bralwer
Brewmaster Fire
Drunken Bralwer
Hits enemies of Bristleback.
Centaur Warrunner
Hits allies of Centaur Warrunner.
Faceless Void
Legion Commander
Moment of Courage
Nyx Assassin
Spiked Carapace
Phantom Assassin
Hits enemies of Spectre.
Kraken Shell
Reactive Armor
Craggy Exterior
Vengeful Spirit
Vengeance Aura
The debuff is applied to Winter Wyvern.
Corrosive Skin
Item Offensive Procs on Allies Table
Active/Passive Ability:
Procs on Allies:
Abyssal Blade
Battle Fury
Cleave is disabled.
Blade Mail
Damage Return
Critical Strike
Crit is disabled.
Critical Strike
Crit is disabled.
Diffusal Blade
Eye of Skadi
Cold Attack
Heaven's Halberd
Lesser Maim
Helm of the Dominator
Lifesteal is disabled.
Chain Lightning
Mask of Madness
Lifesteal is disabled.
Chain Lightning
Monkey King Bar
Morbid Mask
Lifesteal is disabled.
Necronomicon Warrior
Mana Break
Quelling Blade
Lesser Maim
Sange and Yasha
Greater Maim
Lifesteal is disabled.
Unholy Rage
Lifesteal is disabled.
Shadow Blade
Shadow Walk
Skull Basher
Vladmir's Offering
Vladmir's Aura
Lifesteal is disabled.
Item Defensive Procs on Allies Table
Active/Passive Ability:
Procs when attacked:
Crimson Guard
Crimson Guard
Damage Block
Static Charge
Necronomicon Warrior
Last Will
Damage is not dealt and Warrior is denied.
Poor Man's Shield
Damage Block
Stout Shield
Damage Block
Damage Block
How to use the Hero Sections
The hero sections of this guide are not comprehensive collections of data regarding DotA2's heroes. The hero sections are intended to tell you everything you might not have learned about a hero from reading the in-game tooltips or playing the hero. While some of the data in the hero sections may be repeated in the tooltips, I have attempted to only include such information when the specifics of a spell are crucial to understand or when a property of a spell is extremely important.

The rules of damage types, immunities, evasion, invisibility, disables and resistances such as those described in the previous sections are sacred in DotA2 and are never broken, except in the wide variety of circumstances in which they are broken. I have mentioned many spells in the following sections that can affect Spell Immune units. Some of them do not mention that they can be cast on Spell Immune units. This exclusion is intentional, since some of them may be able to affect Spell Immune units but are unable to target them directly. I have explicitly stated when an area of effect spell can affect Spell Immune units. I have also noted in many spell descriptions that certain buffs or debuffs cannot be dispelled by allied purges or allied Spell Immunity. Every spell noted in this way can be purged by the enemy or dispelled with enemy Spell Immunity. Any spell that causes a transformation cannot be purged. All No Target and Passive invisibility spells cannot be purged. Every other spell that includes a buff or debuff that is not mentioned here can be purged or removed with Spell Immunity by the enemy.

Every spell or passive ability that damages structures, grants invulnerability, destroys illusions, negates projectiles, cannot be negated with blink/jump/transformation, grants maximum movement speed, heals Spell Immune units, negates damage block, targets/damages siege creeps, affects couriers, purges, destroys trees, can be cast without interrupting channels, allows heroes to be denied or just has weird special rules is listed here as well.

I have rated the importance of understanding the following rules with a numeric tiered system (since Steam Guides do not currently support colored text). These tiers are completely based on my opinion of the threat a spell poses and how surprised a player might be when it doesn't follow the rules that they might expect it to have adhered to. Tier 1 spells are very important to understand, regardless of whether you play that hero or not (either because of their potential lethality or their degree of deviance from the rules). If you do not understand the Tier 1 spells they will kill you or someone you love. Tier 2 spells are important to understand for anyone that ever plays that hero. Knowing Tier 2 spells will also provide an advantage against this hero. Tier 3 spells are only important to understand if you want to have a comprehensive understanding of a hero. Especially important key words in the document are bold to ensure that you notice their especial importance.

Abaddon – Mist Coil (magical on enemy, pure on self) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell does magical damage to the enemy but it does pure damage that pierces Spell Immunity to Abaddon.
  • Abaddon can use this spell to deny himself.
  • This spell can heal and damage siege creeps.
Abaddon – Aphotic Shield (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell is a purge.
  • This spell purges some debuffs that cannot normally be purged:
    • Bane’s “Nightmare”
    • Elder Titan’s “Echo Stomp”
    • Enigma’s “Malefice”
    • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
    • Medusa's "Stone Gaze"
    • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”
  • This spell can negate all stuns and many disables once they have been applied (even channeled disables like Pudge’s “Dismember” or Bane’s “Fiend’s Grip” and tethers like Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso” or Slark’s “Pounce”) except for Necrophos’s “Reaper’s Scythe”.
  • This spell cannot negate taunts.
  • Abaddon can use this spell to prevent “Mist Coil” from damaging himself.
  • “Aphotic Shield” will not burst or absorb damage if Abaddon is affected by “Borrowed Time”.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Abaddon – Curse of Avernus (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • The curse effects of this passive ability do affect Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • Abaddon benefits from the bonus movement speed and attack speed when this passive ability affects structures.
  • This passive ability affects siege creeps.
  • Couriers are slowed by this passive ability.
Abaddon – Borrowed Time (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell has an immediate (0 second) transformation time. Some projectiles can be negated if the transformation is timed correctly. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to negate it successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
  • This spell is a purge (only on Abaddon).
  • This spell purges some debuffs that cannot normally be purged:
    • Bane’s “Nightmare”
    • Elder Titan’s “Echo Stomp”
    • Enigma’s “Malefice”
    • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
    • Medusa's "Stone Gaze"
    • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”
  • This spell can negate all stuns and many disables once they have been applied (even channeled disables like Pudge’s “Dismember” or Bane’s “Fiend’s Grip” and tethers like Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso” or Slark’s “Pounce”) except for Necrophos’s “Reaper’s Scythe”.
  • This spell cannot negate taunts.
Alchemist (Razzil Darkbrew)

Alchemist – Acid Spray (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • The armor reducing effect of this spell does affect siege creeps (damage does not).
Alchemist – Unstable Concoction (physical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • The damage dealt by this spell is reduced by armor but it is not reduced by damage block.
  • Alchemist can use this spell to deny himself.
  • If Alchemist dies while this spell is counting down it will immediately affect all units within range 175 of Alchemist as if he had failed to cast “Unstable Concoction Throw”. The damage dealt will be proportionate to the amount of time the spell had been allowed to count down.
Alchemist – Chemical Rage (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell has a .35 second transformation time. Some projectiles can be negated if the transformation is timed correctly. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to negate it successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
Ancient Apparition (Kaldr)

Ancient Apparition – Cold Feet (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Ancient Apparition – Ice Vortex (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Ancient Apparition – Chilling Touch (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
Ancient Apparition – Ice Blast (magical if non-lethal, physical if lethal) Tier 1:
  • The shatter effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Spell Immune units will not take damage from the “Frostbitten” effect, but they can still shatter if they reach the hit point threshold. Kills from this spell are granted to the hero that causes the shatter to occur.
  • Units affected by Dazzle’s “Shallow Grave” will not shatter even if they are below the hit point threshold (assuming that the “Frostbitten” effect doesn’t last longer than “Shallow Grave”).
  • The instant kill shatter does not work on illusions.
  • If a unit’s health reaches the shatter threshold they will be killed instantly and all status effects will be removed from them before the damage occurs.
  • This spell provides flying vision.

Anti-Mage – Blink (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Anti-Mage can negate some projectiles with the blink effect of “Blink”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
  • This spell is disabled by entangles and ensnares.
Anti-Mage – Mana Void (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • The stun effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units. Even though a Spell Immune target of this spell will not be damaged by it, Spell Immunity on the target does not prevent other enemies within this spell’s area of effect from taking damage because of missing mana on the primary target.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are stunned by this spell.
Axe (Mogul Khan)

Axe – Berserker’s Call (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a taunt.
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell has equal priority to Winter Wyvern's "Winter's Curse". Whichever hero casts their taunt first (Axe or Winter Wyvern) will last its full duration. If either hero taunted a unit that was already taunted then their taunt will apply to the taunted unit when the first taunt debuff ends if the two taunts did not overlap in duration entirely.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Berserker’s Call" does force invisible units to attack Axe. In the rare even that this does not remove the unit’s invisibility "Berserker’s Call" will at least hold it in a known location.
Axe – Counter Helix (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability can damage siege creeps.
Axe – Culling Blade (magical if non-lethal, physical if lethal) Tier 1:
  • The speed buff granted by making a successful kill with this spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell does magical damage if it fails to kill the target. If the target is within the lethal hit point threshold the damage is applied as physical. The killing blow ignores Spell Immunity (since the damage is not magical).
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • Units below the health threshold are killed instantly, even killing units that cannot normally be killed with physical damage, such as units affected by Abaddon's "Borrowed Time", Dazzle’s “Shallow Grave”, Nyx Assassin’s “Spiked Carapace”, Omniknight’s “Guardian Angel”, or Templar Assassin’s “Refraction”. Faceless Void cannot "Backtrack" this spell. All status effects are removed before the damage is dealt.
  • Couriers are killed by this spell.
  • CHOP!
Bane (Atropos)

Bane – Enfeeble (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Bane – Brain Sap (pure) Tier 3:
  • This spell always gives the full amount of health to Bane, regardless of how much (or how little) the target actually lost.
Bane – Nightmare (pure) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • During the first second of the “Nightmare” the target of the spell is invulnerable (since Bane can choose to awaken himself from “Nightmare” at any time this can be used to negate powerful spells or attacks without suffering from much pure damage).
  • Bane can use this spell to deny allies.
  • This spell will end and the target will be freed if the target receives any type of damage from a spell (other than hp modification). Exception:
    • Ember Spirit's "Sleight of Fist"
  • If another player (of either team) attempts to attack the target of this spell the “Nightmare” is transferred to them.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…), but the "Nightmare" cannot be transferred to Spell Immune units.
Bane – Fiend’s Grip (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • The disable and mana draining effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can steal mana from illusions.
  • Couriers are disabled by this spell.

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1200
Night – 800

Batrider – Sticky Napalm (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • This spell's bonus damage is halved when applied to creeps.
  • All damage from Batrider's attacks, items and spells is amplified, except for damage from the following items:
    • Eul's Scepter of Divinity
    • Orb of Venom
    • Urn of Shadows
    • Radiance
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Batrider – Flamebreak (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Batrider – Firefly (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's buff stacks.
  • Batrider is a flying unit when this spell is active.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Batrider – Flaming Lasso (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are disabled by this spell.
Beastmaster (Karroch)

Beastmaster – Wild Axes (physical) Tier 3:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Beastmaster – Call of the Wild (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision (Hawk is a Flying unit).
Beastmaster (Boar) – Poison (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effects of this passive ability do affect Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are slowed by this passive ability.
Beastmaster – Primal Roar (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun and a disable (the primary target is stunned, all targets that are pushed by the roar are disabled).
  • The stun effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units. The additional effects of this spell do not ignore Spell Immunity.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are stunned by this spell.


Hawk (Invisibility):

Duration: 60 Seconds (hawk lifespan)

Fade Time: 1 Second (this skill only exists at levels 3 & 4)

Fade Delay: 3 Seconds (this skill only exists at levels 3 & 4)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Flying units do not collide with other units normally (even other flying units).

Best Counters: Kill the Hawk. With an extremely long fade delay and a noteworthy fade time, this low hit point unit is unlikely to survive more than one attack from a hero. Do not waste gold on anti-invisibility counters for this unit.

  • The Hawk is a flying unit and can be placed anywhere on the map.
Bloodseeker (Strygwyr)

Bloodseeker – Bloodrage (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
Bloodseeker – Blood Rite (pure) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
  • Blood Rite only provides ground vision, but it can be placed on levels of terrain above Bloodseeker by casting this spell near a cliff. Blood Rite will provide vision of whatever terrain it is created on.
Bloodseeker – Thirst (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability is activated by damaged Spell Immune heroes in the same way that it is activated normally.
  • This passive ability grants speeds faster than the maximum movement speed. Bloodseeker is able to break the 522 speed limit in DotA2 when affected by "Thirst". Bloodseeker's movment speed is not set to any specific value above 522, so he can still be slowed by any slowing effect.
  • This spell provides fogged vision.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Thirst allows Bloodseeker to gain True Sight of invisible units globally when they are at 30% of their total health.
Bloodseeker – Rupture (pure) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Bounty Hunter (Gondar)

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1800
Night – 1000

Bounty Hunter – Shuriken Toss (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Bounty Hunter – Jinada (physical) Tier 1:
  • The movement and attack speed slowing effects of this passive ability do affect Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • Couriers are slowed by this passive ability.
Bounty Hunter – Shadow Walk (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Bounty Hunter – Track – (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Track" provides True Sight and shared vision of the targeted unit.


Shadow Walk:

Duration: 20/25/30/35 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Fade Time: 1/.75/.5/.25 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Dust of Appearance or Gem of True Sight. Dust of Appearance is useful to counter the attacks of an aggressive Bounty Hunter. Gem of True Sight forces Bounty Hunter to play much more passively until the Gem holder can be taken out. Due to Bounty Hunter’s high burst damage and carry potential it may be necessary to purchase a Gem if an enemy Bounty Hunter becomes too dangerous.

  • Bounty Hunter can attack items on the ground without losing invisibility.
Brewmaster (Mangix)

This hero has a smaller collision size than most heroes (only during "Primal Split").

Brewmaster – Thunder Clap (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell has a 8 second duration when applied to creeps.
Brewmaster – Drunken Haze (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell has a 12 second duration when applied to creeps.
Brewmaster – Primal Split (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell grants Spell Immunity to Earth.
  • Brewmaster is invulnerable for .6 seconds while casting this spell.
  • Any items that Brewmaster owns that provide Auras will continue to function during “Primal Split”. The Auras will be provided by the Earth element (the Auras will be provided by Storm if Earth is killed and Fire if Earth and Storm are killed).
  • Earth, Storm, and Fire are treated as ancients for the purposes of targeting spells against them. This means that they cannot be targeted by some powerful spells.
Brewmaster (Earth) – Hurl Boulder (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Brewmaster (Storm) – Dispel Magic (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a purge.
  • Brewmaster can use the purging effect of this spell to dispel any cyclone, even his own. Any unit that is purged out of a cyclone in this way will also be purged (even though they were invulnerable in the cyclone).
Brewmaster (Storm) – Cyclone (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • This spell can only be dispelled with Diffusal Blade and Brewmaster's "Dispel Magic".


Wind Walk:

Duration: 20 Seconds (longer than Primal Split without Aghanim’s Scepter)

Fade Time: .6 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Since Brewmaster is so unlikely to make frequent use of this skill it is probably not necessary to purchase anti-invisibility items to counter this spell. In the event that you do have Dust of Appearance available, its low cost and low duration (compared to Brewmaster’s low ultimate duration) are a good counter if necessary.

  • Wind Walk is only available to the Storm during Brewmaster’s “Primal Split”.
Bristleback (Rigwarl)

Bristleback – Viscous Nasal Goo (physical) Tier 3:
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • This spell has a 10 second duration when applied to creeps.
Bristleback – Quill Spray (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • The damage dealt by this spell is reduced by armor but it is not reduced by damage block.
Bristleback – Bristleback (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Bristleback’s “back” is a 70° angle behind him. Bristleback’s “side” is a 110° angle behind him.
  • This passive ability does not affect damage that Bristleback takes from Towers.
Bristleback – Warpath (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability's buff stacks.
Broodmother (Black Arachnia)

Broodmother – Spawn Spiderlings (magical) Tier 3:
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
Broodmother – Spin Web (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • “Spin Web” can be used to pass through physical barriers. The following spells can be escaped or negated with “Spin Web”:
    • Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs”
    • Earthshaker’s “Fissure”
    • Nature’s Prophet’s “Sprout”
    • Shadow Shaman’s “Mass Serpent Ward”
    • Tusk’s “Ice Shards”
  • “Spin Web” cannot be used to pass through magical barriers such as Jakiro’s “Ice Path” or Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”.
Broodmother (Spiderling) – Poison Sting (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • Couriers are slowed by this passive ability.
Broodmother – Insatiable Hunger (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).


Spin Web (Invisible):

Duration: Infinite

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 2 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: Sort of (if Broodmother is in her web and is silenced before she can fade out she will not be able to fade out until the silence debuff ends)

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Sentry Wards are the best way to prevent Broodmother from using her invisibility effectively since you will know the only potential places that she (and her brood) can remain invisible. Dust of Appearance is not as useful against Broodmother since she will often use her extremely high speed when hiding in her webs to skitter away before she can be killed. A Gem of True Sight may be necessary when facing an aggressive or successful Broodmother. Broodmother's free movement is canceled when she takes damage in a web. This makes area of effect spells more useful against her than against other invisible heroes. If Broodmother takes damage for any reason (even if she is already revealed by true sight) in one of her webs any nearby trees will be automatically destroyed (this effect also applies to her Spiderlings and Spiderites). Remember that Broodmother's free movement is not tied to her invisibility (she can still climb cliffs and pass through anything even when revealed or silenced to prevent invisibility).
Centaur Warrunner (Bradwarden)

Centaur Warrunner – Hoof Stomp (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Centaur Warrunner – Return (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability can damage structures.
Centaur Warrunner – Stampede (magical) Tier 2:
  • Neither of the effects caused by this spell can be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell grants maximum movement speed. Targets with maximum movement speed cannot be slowed.
Chaos Knight

Chaos Knight – Chaos Bolt (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Chaos Knight – Reality Rift (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Chaos Knight – Phantasm (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Chaos Knight is invulnerable for .5 seconds while casting this spell.
  • This spell is a purge (only on Chaos Knight).

Chen – Test of Faith (allied version) (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
Chen – Holy Persuasion (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune neutral creeps and if Chen has Aghanim's Scepter this spell can be cast on ancients.
Chen – Hand of God (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.

Clinkz – Strafe (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Clinkz – Searing Arrows (physical) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.
Clinkz – Skeleton Walk (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Clinkz – Death Pact (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune neutral creeps but it cannot be cast on ancients (even ancients that are not Spell Immune).
  • This spell can target Spell Immune allied units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).


Skeleton Walk:

Duration: 20/25/30/35 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Fade Time: .6 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Dust of Appearance or Gem of True Sight. Dust of Appearance is less useful against Clinkz since he can escape very quickly from a failed assassination attempt, but it can save lives in the early game against an aggressive Clinkz. Gem of True Sight is the best counter to Clinkz since he relies on his stealth and the relatively short term “Death Pact” to cover for his innately low durability.
Clockwerk (Rattletrap)

Clockwerk – Battery Assault (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Clockwerk – Power Cogs (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disable (when units collide with the exterior boundary of the cogs).
  • This spell destroys trees when it pushes enemy units.
  • Power Cogs only provide ground vision, but they can be placed on levels of terrain above Clockwerk by casting this spell near a cliff. Power Cogs will provide vision of whatever terrain they are created on.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Power Cogs" collide with invisible units or trap them if they are within range. The unit won’t be revealed if it is hit by a cog, but it will cause the cog to animate electrical bolts as if a hero had collided with it normally.
Clockwerk – Rocket Flare (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Clockwerk – Hookshot (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun (does not stun allies).
  • This spell is a silence (only on Clockwerk).
  • The latch and stun effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • “Hookshot” does not latch on to some units. All units that cannot move (wards, traps, mines, supernovas, etc…) are ignored by "Hookshot". The following units are also ignored by “Hookshot”:
    • Elder Titan's Astral Spirit
    • Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Siege Creeps
    • Terrorblade's Reflection illusions
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Weaver’s Beetles
  • This spell can be used to bypass any of the following physical or magical barriers:
    • Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs”
    • Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”
    • Earthshaker's "Fissure"
    • Jakiro’s “Ice Path” (Clockwerk will still be frozen by this spell)
    • Nature's Prophet's "Sprout"
    • Shadow Shaman's "Mass Serpent Ward"
    • Tusk's "Ice Shards"
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Crystal Maiden (Rylai)

Crystal Maiden – Crystal Nova (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Crystal Maiden – Frostbite (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun and an entangle.
  • This spell has a 10 second duration when applied to creeps.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Units cannot fade out when entangled.
Dark Seer (Ish'Kafel)

Dark Seer – Vacuum (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Vacuum" can be targeted on the ground to trap or reposition invisible units.
Dark Seer – Ion Shell (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • "Ion Shell" cannot be cast on some units. All units that cannot move (wards, traps, mines, supernovas, etc…) are invalid targets for "Ion Shell". The following units are also invalid targets for "Ion Shell":
    • Brewmaster’s Elements (Earth, Storm and Fire)
    • Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit
    • Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Lone Druid's Spirit Bear
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Visage’s Familiars
    • Warlock’s Golem
    • Weaver’s Beetles
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Dark Seer – Surge (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell grants maximum movement speed. Targets with maximum movement speed cannot be slowed.
  • This spell can be cast on couriers.
Dark Seer – Wall of Replica (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell will create illusions of Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Wall of Replica" will damage invisible units and create illusions of them if they pass through it.

Dazzle – Poison Touch (physical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • The damage dealt by this spell is reduced by armor but it is not reduced by damage block.
Dazzle – Shallow Grave (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Dazzle – Shadow Wave (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
  • Couriers are healed by this spell.
Dazzle – Weave (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • The armor modifying effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's buff and debuff stack.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Death Prophet (Krobelus)

Death Prophet – Silence (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
Death Prophet – Exorcism (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • The spirits cannot be evaded.
  • The damage dealt by this spell is reduced by armor but it is not reduced by damage block.
  • If Death Prophet does not attack a specific target her spirits will randomly attack any valid targets within range 700 of her. If Death Prophet is given an attack order for a specific unit then all of her spirits will focus their attacks on that unit until. If Death Prophet gives another attack order on another unit the spirits will change targets. Spirits will not seek new targets that move greater than range 700 away from Death Prophet but they will chase previously designated targets up to range 1200.
  • This spell can damage structures.
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.

Disruptor – Thunder Strike (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Thunder Strike" provides shared vision around units that it is currently affecting. If a unit fades out during the spell it will continue to take the damage but the vision normally provided by this spell will not be provided again until the end of the spell. A small area of flying vision will be revealed indicating the position of the affected unit when "Thunder Strike" ended if the unit was in the fog at this time.
Disruptor – Kinetic Field (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Kinetic Field" can be targeted on the ground to trap or block invisible units.
Disruptor – Glimpse (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an interrupt.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • If the unit targeted by this spell is Spell Immune OR Invulnerable when its current position has been linked to its previous position it will not be moved back to its original location.
  • This spell destroys illusions.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Glimpse" will reposition invisible units that have faded out before the unit’s new position is linked to its old position.
Disruptor – Static Storm (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter this spell prevents item use.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Doom (Lucifer)

Doom – Devour (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Doom – Scorched Earth (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Doom – LVL? Death (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is an interrupt.
Doom – Doom (pure) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an interrupt and a silence.
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units but it cannot be targeted on ancient creeps.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell is a purge.
  • Allies affected by this spell can be denied.
  • “Doom” prevents item use.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter the following passive hero abilities (or passive functions of spells) are disabled by "Doom":
    • Abaddon – Borrowed Time (Borrowed Time will not activate automatically when Doomed)
    • Anti-Mage – Mana Break
    • Bloodseeker – Blood Bath
    • Bounty Hunter – Jinada (the slow is still applied but the bonus damage is not dealt)
    • Brewmaster – Drunken Brawler (both evasion and crit chance are disabled)
    • Bristleback – Bristleback
    • Broodmother – Spin Web (Broodmother cannot fade out in her webs when Doomed but still benefits from the hp regeneration and speed bonuses)
    • Dragon Knight – Frost Breath (only the movement and attack speed slow are disabled)
    • Faceless Void – Backtrack AND Time Lock
    • Gyrocopter – Rocket Barrage (Gyrocopter cannot deal damage with this spell while Doomed) AND Flak Cannon
    • Huskar – Berserker’s Blood
    • Juggernaut – Blade Dance
    • Kunkka – Tidebringer
    • Lifestealer – Feast
    • Lone Druid (Spirit Bear) – Entangling Claws
    • Lycan – Shapeshift (only the crit chance that Lycan gains when he is shapeshifted is disabled)
    • Magnus – Empower (only the cleave that Magnus grants with Empower is disabled)
    • Medusa – Split Shot
    • Mirana – Moonlight Shadow (heroes affected by Moonlight Shadow cannot fade out when Doomed)
    • Phantom Assassin – Blur (only the evasion chance with Blur is disabled) AND Coup de Grace
    • Phantom Lancer – Juxtapose
    • Riki – Permanent Invisibility
    • Slardar – Bash
    • Slark – Shadow Dance (both the passive HP regeneration and movement speed bonus of Shadow Dance are disabled when Doomed)
    • Sniper – Headshot
    • Spectre – Dispersion
    • Spirit Breaker – Greater Bash
    • Sven – Great Cleave
    • Tidehunter – Kraken Shell
    • Tiny – Grow (only the cleave that Tiny gains with Aghanim’s Scepter is disabled)
    • Troll Warlord – Berserker’s Rage (only the bash is disabled)
    • Tusk – Walrus Punch (only the crit chance is disabled)
    • Ursa – Fury Swipes
    • Viper – Corrosive Skin
    • Windranger – Windrun (only the evasion that Windranger gains during Windrun is disabled)
    • Wraith King – Mortal Strike AND Vampiric Aura (the aura will still be provided to allies, but it will not benefit Wraith King)
  • With Aghanim's Scepter the following passive item abilities are disabled by "Doom":
    • Abyssal Blade – Bash
    • Battle Fury – Cleave
    • Butterfly (evasion is disabled)
    • Crystalys – Critical Strike
    • Daedalus – Critical Strike
    • Diffusal Blade – Feedback
    • Gem of True Sight – True Sight
    • Heaven’s Halberd (evasion is disabled)
    • Helm of the Dominator – Lifesteal
    • Linken’s Sphere – Spellblock (Doom is blocked by Linken’s Sphere)
    • Mask of Madness – Lifesteal
    • Monkey King Bar – Mini-Bash AND True Strike
    • Morbid Mask – Lifesteal
    • Radiance – Burn Damage
    • Satanic – Lifesteal
    • Skull Basher – Bash
    • Talisman of Evasion (evasion is disabled)
    • Vladmir’s Offering – Vladmir’s Aura (lifesteal only)
Dragon Knight (Knight Davion)

Dragon Knight – Breathe Fire (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units (even though its damage will do nothing to Spell Immune units).
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.
Dragon Knight – Dragon Tail (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Dragon Knight (Green and Blue Dragon) – Corrosive Breath (magical) Tier 2:
  • The damage dealt by this passive ability is non-lethal.
  • This passive ability can damage structures.
  • This passive ability can damage siege creeps.
Dragon Knight (Blue Dragon) – Frost Breath (physical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability affects siege creeps.
  • Couriers are slowed by this passive ability.
Drow Ranger (Traxex)

Drow Ranger – Gust (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
Drow Ranger – Frost Arrows (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell has a 7 second duration when applied to creeps.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Drow Ranger – Marksmanship (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This passive ability can help to track invisible units. "Marksmanship" will not provide any bonus agility when any enemy hero is within range 400 of Drow Ranger (even an invisible enemy hero). Drow Ranger is wreathed in aura of burning cold when "Marksmanship" is active. Whenever this special effect is not present an enemy hero is within range 400, invisible or otherwise.
Earth Spirit (Kaolin)

Earth Spirit – Boulder Smash (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell affects siege creeps.
Earth Spirit – Rolling Boulder (magical) Tier 3:
  • Earth Spirit can take many different actions while in “Rolling Boulder”. Earth Spirit can take the following actions during “Rolling Boulder”:
    • Cast any of his spells.
    • Attack.
    • Pick up or bottle Runes.
    • Use any item (Manta Style will end “Rolling Boulder” immediately.).
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Rolling Boulder" collides with invisible enemy heroes normally, meaning that any time the boulder stops rolling without Earth Spirit being interrupted or disabled in some way it has hit an invisible enemy hero.
Earth Spirit – Geomantic Grip (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
  • This spell does not affect units in Enigma's "Black Hole", Faceless Void's "Chronosphere", or Legion Commander's "Duel". The cooldown will begin and the mana will be wasted.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Earth Spirit – Magnetize (magical) Tier 1:
  • The magnetizing effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • The slowing effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius (if any magnetized hero is slowed by “Rolling Boulder”).
  • This spell is a silence (if any magnetized hero is silenced by “Boulder Smash”).
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can be transferred from affected magnetized Spell Immune units to other units.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. The lightning bolts that are generated by exploding Stone Remnants arc to nearby invisible units, pointing out their position and damaging them.
Earth Spirit – Enchant Remnant (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a banish.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Allied heroes are invulnerable when affected by “Enchant Remnant”.
Earthshaker (Raigor Stonehoof)

Earthshaker – Fissure (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Earthshaker – Enchant Totem (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun (only stuns if “Echo Shock” has been skilled).
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Earthshaker – Echo Slam (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun (only stuns if “Echo Shock” has been skilled).
  • Couriers are killed by this spell.
Elder Titan (One)

Elder Titan – Echo Stomp (50% magical, 50% physical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disable (this disable is very similar to a stun for the first .65 seconds of the disable).
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell deals magical and physical damage. If an enemy is only inside the area of Elder Titan’s “Echo Stomp” then the spell’s full damage will be dealt as physical damage. If an enemy is only inside the area of Astral Spirit’s “Echo Stomp” then the spell’s full damage will be dealt as magical damage. If an enemy is inside the area of both spells (if Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit isn’t deployed or is just very close) then the spells damage will be dealt as half physical and half magical (meaning it will be reduced by both armor and magic resistance). In practice this means that “Echo Stomp” will almost always deal more damage when only one type of damage is dealt.
  • This spell will end and the affected units will be freed if they receive any type of damage from a spell other than damage caused by “Astral Spirit” (or hp modification).
Elder Titan – Astral Spirit (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Astral Spirit" will generate a visual effect that points in the direction of any enemy unit it makes contact with. This tendril of energy created by a collision will also be generated for invisible units.
Elder Titan – Natural Order (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • The armor reducing and magic resistance reducing effects of this passive ability do affect Spell Immune units.
Elder Titan – Return Astral Spirit (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Elder Titan – Earth Splitter (50% magical, 50% physical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an interrupt.
  • The slowing, interrupt and physical damage effects of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • This spell’s damage is half magical and half physical.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Ember Spirit (Xin)

Ember Spirit – Searing Chains (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is an ensnare.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Units cannot fade out when ensnared.
Ember Spirit – Sleight of Fist (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • Ember Spirit is invulnerable for the duration of “Sleight of Fist”.
  • Any Unique Attack Modifiers that Ember Spirit possesses still function during this spell.
  • Ember Spirit will not deal damage with this spell if he is disarmed.
  • Ember Spirit can take some actions while in “Sleight of Fist”. Ember Spirit can take the following actions during “Sleight of Fist”:
    • Attack. (this happens automatically)
    • Pick up or bottle Runes (Double Damage will not be applied if it was picked up or used when bottled).
    • Use most items with the following restrictions:
      • Ember Spirit cannot self-cast with the following items during “Sleight of Fist”:
        • Clarity
        • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
        • Force Staff
        • Healing Salves
        • Mjollnir
      • The following items will not apply a buff to Ember Spirit if he uses them during “Sleight of Fist”:
        • Buckler
        • Pipe of Insight
        • Smoke of Deceit
  • All units that cannot move (wards, traps, mines, supernovas, etc…) are ignored by "Sleight of Fist". The following units are also ignored by “Sleight of Fist”:
    • Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit
    • Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Siege Creeps
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Weaver’s Beetles
  • This spell provides flying vision (only when enemies are hit).
Ember Spirit – Flame Guard (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell will block an amount of magical damage equal to (1 – Magic Resistance) * 50/200/350/500.
Ember Spirit – Activate Fire Remnant (magical) Tier 2:
  • Ember Spirit is invulnerable during “Activate Fire Remnant”.
  • Ember Spirit can negate some projectiles with the blink effect of “Activate Fire Remnant”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
  • “Activate Fire Remnant” can be used to bypass any type barrier or terrain.
  • Ember Spirit can take many different actions while in “Activate Fire Remnant”. Ember Spirit can take the following actions during “Activate Fire Remnant”:
    • Cast any of his spells.
    • Attack.
    • Pick up or bottle Runes (Double Damage will not be applied if it was picked up or used when bottled).
    • Use most items with the following restrictions:
      • Ember Spirit cannot self-cast with the following items during “Activate Fire Remnant”:
        • Clarity
        • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
        • Force Staff
        • Healing Salves
        • Mjollnir
      • The following items will not apply a buff to Ember Spirit if he uses them during “Activate Fire Remnant”:
        • Buckler
        • Pipe of Insight
        • Smoke of Deceit
  • This spell destroys trees.
Enchantress (Aiushtha)

Enchantress –Enchant (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell converts illusions.
  • Morphling can still use “Morph Replicate” on an illusion converted by Enchantress.
Enchantress – Nature’s Attendants (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Enchantress – Impetus (pure) Tier 2:
  • Spell Immune units can be targeted by this spell, but they will not receive the bonus pure damage.

Enigma – Malefice (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Enigma – Demonic Conversion (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can target Spell Immune allied units.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Enigma – Midnight Pulse (pure) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Enigma – Black Hole (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable and a silence.
  • The disable and silence effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are disabled by this spell.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Faceless Void (Darkterror)

Faceless Void – Time Walk (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Faceless Void is invulnerable during “Time Walk”.
Faceless Void – Backtrack (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • With this passive ability Faceless Void has a chance to dodge (not evade) any attack OR spell with any damage type (except hp modification). While Faceless Void always has a chance to avoid potential damage, he does still always suffer the negative effects associated with spells (such as Stun, Silence, Hex, Banish, Disable, etc...).
  • Dodge is different than evasion and it does stack with evasion chance (not additively).
  • Monkey King Bar wielders can miss Faceless Void when this passive ability procs (this is the only ability in DotA2 that can cause a hero with Monkey King Bar to miss).
  • Faceless void can still use “Backtrack” even when he is stunned, disabled, silenced, banished, ethereal, or hexed. This passive ability is disabled when Faceless Void is doomed.
Faceless Void – Time Lock (magical) Tier 1:
  • This passive ability is a stun.
  • The stun effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability has a 2 second duration when applied to creeps.
  • Couriers are stunned by this passive ability.
Faceless Void – Chronosphere (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • The time pausing effect of this spell does affect enemy and allied Spell Immune units (including structures, wards, and mines).
  • The time pausing effect of this spell does not affect invulnerable units. Any unit that can move while invulnerable can pass through a “Chronosphere” without being paused.
  • Faceless Void can never be affected by the pausing effect of a “Chronosphere”, even if he did not cast the sphere (if Rubick stole and cast “Chronosphere”).
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Chronosphere" reveals any enemy invisible units trapped within it. Allied invisible units will not be revealed. Invisible units will retain their invisibility buffs and will resume their invisibility when this spell ends. Invisible units trapped in a "Chronosphere" have already faded out (even though they are currently visible). Silencing an invisible unit that is only visible because it is trapped in a "Chronosphere" will not prevent it from fading out again when "Chronosphere" ends.
Gyrocopter (Aurel)

Gyrocopter – Rocket Barrage (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell is canceled by hexes.
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.
Gyrocopter – Homing Missile (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This missile cannot be avoided with any type of purge or Spell Immunity.
  • If the rocket hits when the target unit is Spell Immune or invisible that unit will not take damage or be stunned.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Homing Missile" tracks any unit it is fired at, even if that unit has become invisible since the missile was fired. The missile will continue to track the unit and provide vision of the direction it is moving until it destroyed. The missile will not damage or stun an invisible unit if it makes contact with it.
Gyrocopter – Flak Cannon (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Gyrocopter – Call Down (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff, but if the affected unit is still inside the area of effect of “Call Down” and the second strike has not yet hit then this will be relatively pointless since a second more powerful slowing debuff is applied with the second strike.
  • This spell provides flying vision.

Huskar – Inner Vitality (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
Huskar – Burning Spear (magical on enemy, hp modification on self) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • This spell does magical damage to the enemy but it is an hp modification to Huskar. There is no way for Huskar to reduce the damage that this spell does to him.
Huskar – Berserker’s Blood (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability's buff stacks.
Huskar – Life Break (magical) Tier 1:
  • Huskar is granted Spell Immunity to everything but himself while casting “Life Break”. The magical damage he deals to himself can be avoided with another source of Spell Immunity (Black King Bar, Omniknight’s “Repel”) or reduced by additional magic resistance.
  • The slowing effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell destroys illusions.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Life Break" will hit invisible units that have already faded out if "Life Break’s" cast animation has ended.
Invoker (Carl)

Invoker – Cold Snap (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Invoker – Ghost Walk (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Invoker – Ice Wall (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Invoker – Tornado (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • This spell can only be dispelled with Diffusal Blade and Brewmaster's "Dispel Magic".
  • This spell is a purge (like the cyclone from Eul’s Scepter of Divinity).
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Invoker – Alacrity (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Invoker – Sun Strike (pure) Tier 3:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Invoker – Chaos Meteor (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Invoker – Forge Spirit (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
Invoker (Forge Spirit) – Melting Strike (physical) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability's debuff stacks.
Invoker – Deafening Blast (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disable and a disarm.
  • This spell cannot be purged (Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, etc…).
  • This spell destroys trees when it pushes enemy units.


Ghost Walk:

Duration: 100 Seconds

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Dust of Appearance or Sentry Wards. Dust of Appearance is the cheapest and most effective way to counter Invoker’s invisibility since his position will be obvious. Sentry Wards can also be used due to his likely lower movement speed when invisible and the low probability that he will notice when a Sentry Ward is dropped near him. In the extremely unlikely event that Invoker survives the duration of the Dust, a Sentry would have probably been superior.

  • The slowing aura created by this spell will persist for 2 seconds after the invisibility is removed.

Io – Tether (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be used to bypass any of the following physical or magical barriers:
    • Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs”
    • Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”
    • Earthshaker's "Fissure"
    • Jakiro’s “Ice Path” (Io will still be frozen by this spell)
    • Nature's Prophet's "Sprout"
    • Shadow Shaman's "Mass Serpent Ward"
    • Tusk's "Ice Shards"
  • This spell can be used to reposition in any root (Naga Siren’s “Ensnare”, Meepo’s “Earthbind”, Treant Protector’s “Overgrowth”, etc…).
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Io – Spirits (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell provides flying vision (only when enemies are hit).
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Spirits" do collide with invisible units. Io can use “Spirits In” and “Spirits Out” to search for invisible units with collisions.
Io – Overcharge (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell does affect tethered siege creeps.
Io – Relocate (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is an interrupt (only on allied units).
  • This spell is canceled and negated by entangles and ensnares.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision (at new location).

Jakiro – Ice Path (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Jakiro – Liquid Fire (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units (even though its damage will do nothing to Spell Immune units).
  • The bonus damage and attack speed slowing effects of this spell do affect structures.
  • This spell damages and affects siege creeps.
Jakiro – Macropyre (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell destroys trees.
Juggernaut (Yurnero)

Juggernaut – Blade Fury (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a silence (only on Juggernaut).
  • This spell grants Spell Immunity to Juggernaut.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
  • While the magical damage dealt by this spell does not affect structures or siege creeps, Juggernaut’s attacks can still target and damage both of these during the spell. Juggernaut's attacks can also still damage some units. The following units can be damaged during "Blade Fury" by attacks:
    • Clockwerk’s Power Cogs
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Gyrocopter's Homing Missile
    • Phoenix's Supernova
    • Pugna's Nether Ward
    • Shadow Shaman’s Mass Serpent Ward
    • Techies' Land Mines
    • Techies' Stasis Trap
    • Techies' Remote Mines
    • Templar Assassin's Psionic Trap
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Venomancer's Plague Ward
    • Weaver’s Beetles
  • Any Unique Attack Modifiers that Juggernaut possesses still function during this spell (Juggernaut's attacks only deal damage to a select few potential targets).
Juggernaut – Healing Ward (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • Couriers are healed by this spell.
Juggernaut – Omnislash (physical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun (first target only).
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • Juggernaut is invulnerable for the duration of “Omnislash”.
  • Any Unique Attack Modifiers that Juggernaut possesses still function during this spell.
  • Juggernaut can take some actions while in “Omnislash”. Juggernaut can take the following actions during “Omnislash”:
    • Attack. (this happens automatically)
    • Pick up or bottle Runes (Double Damage will not be applied if it was picked up or used when bottled).
    • Use most items with the following restrictions:
      • Juggernaut cannot self-cast with the following items during “Omnislash”:
        • Clarity
        • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
        • Force Staff
        • Healing Salves
        • Mjollnir
      • The following items will not apply a buff to Juggernaut if he uses them during “Omnislash”:
        • Buckler
        • Pipe of Insight
        • Smoke of Deceit
  • All units that cannot move (wards, traps, mines, etc…) are ignored by "Omnislash". The following units are also ignored by “Omnislash”:
    • Brewmaster’s Elements (Earth, Storm and Fire)
    • Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit
    • Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Siege Creeps
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Warlock’s Golem
    • Weaver’s Beetles
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Keeper of the Light (Ezalor)

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1800 (upgraded to Flying vision during the day if Keeper of the Light has Aghanim’s Scepter)
Night – 800

Keeper of the Light – Illuminate (magical) Tier 2:
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter the heal effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can damage siege creeps (and heal them Aghanim's Scepter).
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Keeper of the Light – Mana Leak (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun (only if the target runs out of mana).
Keeper of the Light – Chakra Magic (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
Keeper of the Light – Recall (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is an interrupt (only on allied units).
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can target invulnerable allied units.
Keeper of the Light – Blinding Light (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell destroys trees when it pushes enemy units.
Keeper of the Light – Spirit Form (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).

Kunkka – Torrent (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Kunkka – Tidebringer (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability’s offensive charge is not spent when Kunkka attacks allied units but the bonus damage is added.
Kunkka – X Marks the Spot (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an interrupt.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • If the unit targeted by this spell is Spell Immune or Invulnerable when the countdown ends (or when the spell is ended manually) it will not be moved back to its original location.
Kunkka – Ghost Ship (magical on enemies, hp modification on allies) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • The damage reducing buff placed by this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • The “Ghost Ship” rum buff provided by this spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • The hp modification that affects allies that were protected by the ghost ship’s rum is never lethal.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Legion Commander (Tresdin)

Legion Commander – Overwhelming Odds (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • While this spell does not affect Spell Immune units, they do count toward the total number of targets hit by this spell for the purposes of bonus damage dealt and the movement speed buff Legion Commander gains.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Overwhelming Odds" still hits invisible units, and the movement speed buff that Legion Commander gains from this hit is still applied to her.
Legion Commander – Press the Attack (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a purge.
  • This spell purges some debuffs that cannot normally be purged:
    • Bane’s “Nightmare”
    • Elder Titan’s “Echo Stomp”
    • Enigma’s “Malefice”
    • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
    • Medusa's "Stone Gaze"
    • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”
  • This spell can negate all stuns and many disables once they have been applied (even channeled disables like Pudge’s “Dismember” or Bane’s “Fiend’s Grip” and tethers like Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso” or Slark’s “Pounce”) except for Necrolyte’s “Reaper’s Scythe”.
  • This spell cannot negate taunts.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Legion Commander – Moment of Courage (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Legion Commander – Duel (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a taunt and a silence (Legion Commander is also subject to the taunt in exactly the same way as the target).
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Legion Commander will still gain bonus damage from killing an enemy hero with Aegis of the Immortal or Wraith King when “Reincarnation” is available (even though these “kills” don’t provide gold, experience, or any form of recognition on the scoreboard).
  • Dueling units cannot be disarmed.
  • Dueling units that were entangled before a duel begins are able to attack even if the duration of the entangle has not ended (if a unit becomes entangled during a duel it will not be able to attack as normal).
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Legion Commander will keep attacking and dealing damage to whatever she is dueling, even if it is invisible and she does not have access to True Sight.

Leshrac – Split Earth (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Leshrac – Diabolic Edict (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's buff stacks.
  • This spell can damage structures.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Diabolic Edict" damages invisible units and it can also potentially highlight their location. If an invisible enemy unit is the only target this spell is able to seek then all of the explosions generated by "Diabolic Edict" will be focused on this invisible unit’s position.
Leshrac – Pulse Nova (magical) Tier 2:
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Lich (Ethreain)

Lich – Frost Armor (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can be cast on structures.
Lich – Sacrifice (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can target Spell Immune allied units.
  • This spell grants full experience from sacrificed creeps to allies and enemies.
Lich – Chain Frost (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun (first target only).
  • The stun and bounce effects of this spell affect the first Spell Immune unit targeted by the spell.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell will bounce from Spell Immune units, but it will not damage them.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • Couriers are stunned by this spell.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Lifestealer (N'aix)

Lifestealer – Rage (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell grants Spell Immunity to Lifestealer.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Lifestealer – Feast (physical) Tier 2:
  • This lifesteal effect of this passive ability works normally on all Spell Immune units except Roshan. Feast does not lifesteal from Roshan.
Lifestealer – Infest (magical) Tier 2:
  • Lifestealer is invulnerable during “Infest”.
  • This spell is a purge (only on Lifestealer).
  • Lifestealer can infest Spell Immune allies and creeps, but he cannot infest ancients, couriers, enemy heroes, or Roshan.
  • Lifestealer can kill Necronomicon Warriors without taking damage from their “Last Will” passive ability by casting “Infest” and then “Consume” on them directly or by killing them with the area of effect damage caused by “Consume”.
  • This spell can target flying units.

Lina – Light Strike Array (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Lina – Fiery Soul (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability's buff stacks.
Lina – Laguna Blade (magical, pure with Aghanim's Scepter) Tier 2:
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter this spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell deals magical damage. With Aghanim's Scepter this spell deals pure damage.
  • This spell has a .25 second delay between the cast point and the time that the damage is dealt. This allows spells and items that grant Spell Immunity, invulnerability, or banishes to negate this spell entirely if well timed.

Lion – Earth Spike (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Earth Spike" will cause a special visual effect when it collides with any unit, even an invisible one. This larger spike effect appears directly under a unit that is hit by the spell and can be used to target more area of effect spells.
Lion – Hex (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a hex. Movement speed is reduced to 140.
  • This spell destroys illusions.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Hex" will prevent a unit from becoming invisible with a passive ability.
Lion – Mana Drain (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • Any purge that displaces the targeted unit will cancel this spell (Eul’s Scepter of Divinity or Manta Style). This spell is also cancelled by Spell Immunity normally.
  • This spell destroys illusions.
Lion – Finger of Death (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell has a .25 second delay between the cast point and the time that the damage is dealt. This allows spells and items that grant Spell Immunity, invulnerability, or banishes to negate this spell entirely if well timed.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter this spell hits in an area around the target unit instead of only hitting the target unit. If this spell is negated in any of the ways stated above it will still hit all available units in the area of effect.
Lone Druid (Sylla)

Lone Druid (Spirit Bear) – Return (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Spirit Bear can negate some projectiles with the blink effect of “Return”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
Lone Druid (Spirit Bear) – Entangling Claws (physical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an ensnare.
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • This passive ability has a 9 second duration when applied to creeps.
  • This passive ability is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Units cannot fade out when ensnared.
Lone Druid – Spirit Bear (pure on self) Tier 2:
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • The Spirit Bear can pick up Runes in the same way that heroes can. The following rules apply to the Spirit Bear when interacting with Runes:
    • The Spirit Bear can make use of Regeneration, Haste, and Invisibility in exactly the same way that heroes do.
    • The Spirit Bear’s damage will not be increased when picking up a Double Damage Rune.
    • Double Damage will be applied to Lone Druid if the Spirit Bear picks up a Double Damage Rune when Lone Druid is nearby.
    • Illusions will not be created when the Spirit Bear picks up an Illusion Rune.
  • The backlash damage dealt to Lone Druid by the Spirit Bear’s death can be avoided if the Spirit Bear is denied.
Lone Druid – Rabid (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Lone Druid – Battle Cry (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Lone Druid – True Form (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell has a 1.933 second transformation time. Some projectiles can be negated if the transformation is timed correctly. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to negate it successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1800
Night – 800 (1800 with at least one skill point in “Lunar Blessing”)

Luna – Lucent Beam (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Luna – Eclipse (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell pauses the day/night cycle for its duration. The game clock continues normally, but the day/night cycle will be offset by 10 seconds. Using this spell does not negate any daylight, it only postpones it.
Lycan (Banehallow)

This hero has a smaller collision size than most heroes.

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1800
Night – 800 (1800 when Lycan uses “Shapeshift”)

Lycan – Summon Wolves (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
Lycan – Howl (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Every effect of this spell affects all Spell Immune allied units that are eligible for its effects.
Lycan – Shapeshift (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell grants speeds faster than the maximum movement speed. Since Lycan's speed is set higher than maximum movement speed during “Shapeshift” he cannot be slowed. Lycan's movment speed is set to 650 for the full duration of this effect.


Summon Wolves (Invisibility):

Duration: 55 Seconds (wolf lifespan)

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (this skill only exists at levels 3/4)

Fade Delay: 1.7 Seconds (this skill only exists at levels 3/4)

Can be revealed by silence: Yes

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Kill the Wolves. These units need to be prioritized when they attack if possible due to their relatively high damage potential. Using Dust of Appearance or Sentry Wards against these units is a waste due to their high speed if they choose to disengage.

Magnus – Empower (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Magnus – Skewer (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • This spell can be used to bypass any of the following physical or magical barriers:
    • Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs”
    • Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”
    • Earthshaker's "Fissure"
    • Jakiro’s “Ice Path” (Magnus will still be frozen by this spell)
    • Nature's Prophet's "Sprout"
    • Shadow Shaman's "Mass Serpent Ward"
    • Tusk's "Ice Shards"
  • This spell can be used to reposition in any root (Naga Siren’s “Ensnare”, Meepo’s “Earthbind”, Treant Protector’s “Overgrowth”, etc…).
  • This spell destroys trees.
Magnus – Reverse Polarity (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable and a stun.
  • The disable and stun effects of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • This spell has a 3/4/5 second duration when applied to creeps.
  • Couriers are disabled and stunned by this spell.

Medusa – Mystic Snake (magical if not petrified, pure if petrified) Tier 2:
  • The mana draining effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell will bounce from Spell Immune units, but it will not damage them.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, or transforming.
  • This spell can steal mana from illusions.
  • This spell deals pure damage to anything that is currently petrified by “Stone Gaze”.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Medusa – Stone Gaze (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing and disable effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell destroys illusions.
  • This spell causes units to take damage in a unique way. The following rules apply to petrified units:
    • Petrified units only take bonus physical damage from attacks. Physical spells do not deal any additional damage (but they still deal damage normally).
    • All magical damage is multiplied by 0, meaning that no amount of magical amplification will cause petrified units to take magical damage. Petrified units can never take any magical damage.
    • Pure damage is dealt normally to petrified units.

This hero has a non-standard magic resistance value of 35%.

Meepo – Earthbind (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is an ensnare.
  • This spell will not ensnare invisible units.
  • This spell provides flying vision while in flight and shared vision on affected units.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Units cannot fade out when ensnared.
Meepo – Poof (magical) Tier 3:
  • Meepo can use “Poof” to teleport to illusions of himself.
Meepo – Geostrike (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on a unit affected by “Geostrike” removes any stacks of “Geostrike” currently applied to that unit.
  • This passive ability's debuff stacks. Each Meepo can apply a copy of this debuff, but a single Meepo cannot apply more than one stack.
Meepo – Divided We Stand (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • Meepo clones are treated as heroes by almost all spells and abilities in the game. Exceptions:
    • Dark Seer's "Wall of Replica" will only create one Meepo illusion, regardless of which one passes through it first. It will not deal damage to or create new illusions of any other Meepos that pass through the wall until the original illusion is destroyed.
    • Doom's "Doom" does not silence the use of active boot abilities if the Meepo prime is affected by "Doom".
    • Earth Spirit's "Magnetize" does not transfer or propagate the slow of "Rolling Boulder" or the silence of "Geomantic Grip" debuffs between clones.
    • Rubick's "Spell Steal" will steal whatever spell was used last by the collective Meepo. Targeting a clone that has never used a spell is possible if Meepo prime or any other clone has used a spell.
    • Zeus's "Thundergod's Wrath" only hits Meepo prime.
  • Meepo clones cannot pick up Runes.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter attributes stolen by non-permanent spells and abilities from Meepo prime will affect the clones. Without Aghanim's Scepter the clones are not affected by attribute stealing effects (unless they are permanent, like Silencer's "Stolen Intelligence").
  • Spells that steal base stats (such as Razor's "Static Link" or Visage's "Grave Chill") do not affect the clones.
  • Meepo clones cannot use the active abilities of Arcane Boots or Power Treads, but they can benefit from the effects of both if Meepo himself uses these abilities (assuming they are within range of the Arcane Boots).

Mirana – Starstorm (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
Mirana – Sacred Arrow (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • “Sacred Arrow” does not damage or stun some units. All units that cannot move (wards, traps, mines, supernovas, etc…) are ignored by "Sacred Arrow". The following units are also ignored by “Sacred Arrow”:
    • Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit
    • Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Siege Creeps
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Weaver’s Beetles
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Sacred Arrow" does damage and stun invisible units. Mirana will confirm whether the "Sacred Arrow" was successful or not with a positive or negative voice over response.
Mirana – Leap (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Mirana can negate some projectiles with the jump effect of “Leap”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
Mirana – Moonlight Shadow (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune allied heroes.


Moonlight Shadow:

Duration: 11 Seconds

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 2.5/2/1.5 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)

Can be revealed by silence: Sort of (units that are silenced before the initial fade or after they intentionally break the invisibility cannot fade out even when they are affected by this spell)

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Dust of Appearance or Gem of True Sight. Dust of Appearance is the cheapest way to ensure that Mirana doesn’t use this spell to save critically hurt allies. Gem of True Sight is the best way to prevent Mirana from using this spell offensively to initiate unsuspecting team fights.

Morphling – Waveform (magical) Tier 2:
  • Morphling is invulnerable during “Waveform”.
  • Morphling can take some actions while in “Waveform”. Morphling can take the following actions during “Waveform”:
    • Attack. (this happens automatically)
    • Pick up or bottle Runes (Double Damage will not be applied if it was picked up or used when bottled).
    • Use most items with the following restrictions:
      • Morphling cannot self-cast with the following items during “Waveform”:
        • Clarity
        • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
        • Force Staff
        • Healing Salves
        • Mjollnir
      • The following items will not apply a buff to Morphling if he uses them during “Waveform”:
        • Buckler
        • Pipe of Insight
        • Smoke of Deceit
Morphling – Adaptive Strike (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell destroys trees when it pushes enemy units.
Morphling – Morph (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Morphling can cast either variant of the “Morph” spell when he is stunned, disabled, banished, entangled, ensnared, or taunted. Morphling cannot cast “Morph” when he is silenced, hexed, or doomed (since these are all silence effects).
Morphling – Replicate (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can target and replicate Spell Immune units.
  • Morphling cannot use “Replicate” on any illusion of himself that he controls (Manta Style, Illusion Rune). Morphling can use “Replicate” on illusions of himself that he does not control (Shadow Demon’s “Disruption”, Dark Seer’s “Wall of Replica”).
Naga Siren (Slithice)

This hero has a smaller collision size than most heroes.

Naga Siren – Mirror Image (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Naga Siren is invulnerable for .3 seconds while casting this spell.
  • This spell is a purge (only on Naga Siren).
Naga Siren – Ensnare (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an ensnare.
  • The channeling interrupt and ensnare effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell does not affect ethereal units.
  • Couriers are ensnared by this spell.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Units cannot fade out when ensnared.
Naga Siren – Rip Tide (magical) Tier 3:
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • Any illusions of Naga Siren that are controlled by Naga Siren, regardless of their source (Illusion Rune, Manta Style, etc…), will cast “Rip Tide” when Naga Siren casts “Rip Tide”.
Naga Siren – Song of the Siren (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled on Naga Siren with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Items cannot be activated when under the effects of this magical disable. Spell Immune units are not affected by this disable.
  • Towers are affected by this spell and will be forced to stop attacking for the duration that they are affected.
  • Any unit affected by this spell is invulnerable until the spell ends.
Nature's Prophet

Nature’s Prophet – Sprout (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell does trap Spell Immune enemy units but it cannot be targeted (directly) on them.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • “Sprout” can be used to push enemy or allied units into or out of barriers, tethers, and disables by positioning “Sprout” in such a way that a unit does not have space to exist between the trees and the boundaries of the spell you are attempting to reposition within (or without).
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Sprout" can be targeted on the ground to trap or block invisible units.
Nature's Prophet – Teleportation (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Nature's Prophet can negate some projectiles with the blink effect of “Teleportation”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
  • This spell is disabled by entangles and ensnares.
  • Nature’s Prophet can cast this spell while invisible without losing invisibility until he arrives at his target destination.
Nature’s Prophet – Nature’s Call (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Nature’s Prophet – Wrath of Nature (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units (it will bounce from them if they are in line of sight). These bounces (even though they don’t deal damage) do increase the amount of damage that consecutive bounces will deal.
Necrophos (Rotund'jere)

Necrophos – Death Pulse (magical) Tier 2:
  • The heal effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • A projectile is generated for Spell Immune enemy units. If a previously Spell Immune enemy unit lost Spell Immunity before the projectile hits the unit, it will take the damage normally.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. Projectiles generated by "Death Pulse" do damage invisible units and the projectiles generated by this area of effect spell will follow invisible units to their current position.
Necrophos – Heartstopper Aura (negative regeneration) Tier 3:
  • This passive ability does not display on the buff bar of enemy heroes when Necrophos is invisible (or otherwise not visibile for any reason - including being in the fog of war). This passive ability still deals full damage when Necrophos is invisible.
Necrophos – Sadist (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Necrophos will still gain the 10x regeneration bonus from this passive ability by killing an enemy hero with Aegis of the Immortal or Wraith King when “Reincarnation” is available (even though these “kills” don’t provide gold, experience, or any form of recognition on the scoreboard).
Necrophos – Reaper’s Scythe (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • The stun effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
Night Stalker (Balanar)

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1200
Night – 1800 (upgraded to Flying vision if Night Stalker has Aghanim’s Scepter)

Night Stalker – Void (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Night Stalker – Crippling Fear (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
Nyx Assassin

Nyx Assassin – Impale (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Impale" will cause a special visual effect when it collides with any unit, even an invisible one. This larger spike effect appears directly under a unit that is hit by the spell and can be used to target more area of effect spells.
Nyx Assassin – Spiked Carapace (pure) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Spells that deal hp modification will not cause the retaliatory damage or stun dealt by “Spiked Carapace”.
  • Summoned units, illusions, mines, and wards that deal damage to Nyx Assassin when "Spike Carapace" is active will not cause the hero that owns them to be stunned.
  • Invulnerable units deal full damage to Nyx Assassin without receiving any damage or stun from “Spike Carapace”. “Spiked Carapace” only has one “charge”, meaning that if an invulnerable unit attacks Nyx Assassin during “Spiked Carapace” they cannot be damaged or stunned by any future attacks to Nyx Assassin even if “Spiked Carapace” is still active. Eul’s Scepter of Divinity can be used to avoid the return damage of most spells (animation canceling may be necessary – queuing the “Cyclone” spell may not be fast enough). The following spells will deal damage to Nyx Assassin without any potential for return damage (any hero with access to invulnerability can theoretically negate “Spiked Carapace” with proper timing, depending on their method of attack):
    • Brewmaster's "Primal Split" (any attack from the Elements)
    • Ember Spirit’s “Activate Fire Remnant”
    • Juggernaut’s “Omnislash”
    • Lifestealer’s “Infest”
    • Morphling’s “Wave Form”
    • Phoenix's "Supernova"
    • Storm Spirit’s “Ball Lightning”
    • Tusk’s “Snowball”
  • Some spells and passive abilities can cause an attack to damage Nyx Assassin when “Spiked Carapace” is active. Any damage over time spell or passive ability will do this since multiple damage instances are caused. The following spells and passive abilities without a damage over time component can also cause attacks to deal significant damage to Nyx Assassin when “Spiked Carapace” is active (the attacker will still be stunned and receive the base attack damage):
    • Ancient Apparition’s “Chilling Touch”
    • Batrider’s “Sticky Napalm”
    • Bounty Hunter’s “Shadow Walk”
    • Enchantress’s “Impetus”
    • Outworld Devourer’s “Arcane Orb”
    • Silencer’s “Glaives of Wisdom”
    • Spectre’s “Desolate”
    • Spirit Breaker’s “Greater Bash”
    • Storm Spirit’s “Overload”
    • Templar Assassin’s “Meld”
    • Weaver’s “Geminate Attack”
  • Damage dealt by "Blade Mail" deals full damage to Nyx Assassin without receiving any damage or stun from “Spike Carapace”.
Nyx Assassin – Vendetta (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.



Duration: 20/35/50 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight. Sentry Wards prevent Nyx Assassin from initiating successfully in a team fight that is about to occur because of a tower push or random encounter. Gem of True Sight is the best counter to Nyx Assassin’s invisibility, but it must be used with caution due to Nyx Assassin’s high burst damage. Dust of Appearance is rarely useful against Nyx Assassin since he will almost always initiate with “Vendtta” instead using it as an escape mechanism. When he does use “Vendetta” to escape he will move so quickly that Dust may not be effective.

  • Nyx can attack items on the ground without losing invisibility.
Ogre Magi (Aggron Stonebreak)

Ogre Magi – Fireblast (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Ogre Magi – Ignite (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Ignite" will randomly target enemy and neutral units when it procs "Multicast". This causes the projectile to seek invisible units, signifying their positions and dealing damage to them.
Ogre Magi – Bloodlust (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
  • This spell can be cast on couriers.
Ogre Magi – Unrefined Fireblast (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Omniknight (Purist Thunderwrath)

Omniknight – Purification (pure) Tier 3:
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Omniknight – Repel (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell grants Spell Immunity to Omniknight's target.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell can be purged by any purge that affects Spell Immune units or by Diffusal Blade.
  • “Repel” provides different types of Spell Immunity depending on whether the Omniknight that cast “Repel” was on the same team as the unit that the spell was cast on. Some allied buffs can be cast on Spell Immune allied units (as noted throughout this guide), but these buffs cannot be able to be applied if an enemy Omniknight has already cast “Repel” on the target, since this is not allied Spell Immunity. If a hero uses Black King Bar while affected by an enemy Omniknight’s “Repel” their type of Spell Immunity will be switched, and buffs that can normally be cast on allied Spell Immune units will now be able to be cast on them.
  • “Repel” removes Ghost Scepter's "Ghost Form" buff from allies.
  • “Repel” cannot be cast on an enemy unit that is currently protected by enemy Spell Immunity.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
  • This spell can be cast on couriers.
Omniknight – Degen Aura (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • The slowing effects of this passive ability do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability affects siege creeps.
Omniknight – Guardian Angel (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell does affect Spell Immune allies (meaning they will be completely resistant to both magical and physical damage).
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell prevents all damage from physical type spells and abilities including cleaves and splash damage. Stuns and effects applied by physical spells are not blocked in any way.
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter this spell can heal structures.
  • This spell affects siege creeps.
Oracle (Nerif)

Oracle – Fortune's End (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stop.
  • This spell can target invulnerable units.
  • This spell cannot be negated entirely by blinking, jumping, or gaining invisibility. The projectile will still land at the last valid location of the target. If a blink or jump is very short the projectile may still hit. If an invisible unit fades out but is still in the area of effect it will be hit.
  • This spell is a purge (any units within the area of effect are purged).
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can purge invulnerable units (it cannot purge banished units).
  • This spell purges before it deals damage. Any positive buffs that can be removed (including "Purifying Flames") will be removed first. Even though "Fate's Edict" is not a positive buff, it will also be purged by "Fortune's End".
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Fortune's End" tracks any unit it is fired at, even if that unit has become invisible since the projectile was fired. The area of effect caused by this spell can still stop, purge, deal damage, and provide ground vision. Oracle will also rotate to keep facing invisible enemies while he casts this spell. If a phased enemy attempts to juke by passing through you this will be obvious.
Oracle – Fate's Edict (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disarm.
  • This spell can only be dispelled with Spell Immunity and Oracle's "Fortune's End". This spell cannot be purged (Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, etc…).
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Oracle – Purifying Flames (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell's buff stacks.
  • The damage dealt by this spell is always non-lethal to allies.
Oracle – False Promise (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell is a purge.
  • This spell purges some debuffs that cannot normally be purged:
    • Bane’s “Nightmare”
    • Elder Titan’s “Echo Stomp”
    • Enigma’s “Malefice”
    • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
    • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”
  • This spell can negate all stuns and many disables once they have been applied (even channeled disables like Pudge’s “Dismember” or Bane’s “Fiend’s Grip” and tethers like Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso” or Slark’s “Pounce”) except for Necrophos’s “Reaper’s Scythe”.
  • This spell cannot negate taunts.
  • Healing is always applied before damage when all totals are calculated at the end of this spell's delayed effect duration.
  • Units that take damage during "False Promise" do not ever actually count as being hit because the instances of damage applied when the buff ends are an HP modification. This means that allied buffs like "Living Armor", "Aphotic Shield", and "Ghost Ship" have no effect at all, while on the other hand Visage will never receive any "Soul Assumption" charges for damage dealt during "False Promise". This also means that effects like Blade Mail's "Damage Return" are not effective while affected by "False Promise".
  • The particle effect above units that currently benefit from "False Promise" changes depending on how much healing and damage have been accumulated over the duration of the buff. Notice that the sphere above the unit does not initially have any special effects. The more glowing green motes that float around the sphere the more the unit will be healed. The more red flames that appear on the sphere itself the more the unit will be damaged. Since both of these effects will placed on the sphere at the same time it can get very visually noisy, but it gives you a basic indication of healing and damage dealt.
  • Some HP modifications will still modify the hit points of units affected by "False Promise", despite the fact that these units cannot take damage. This means that Armlet of Mordiggian and Terrorblade's "Sunder" will still affect these units normally.


False Promise:

Duration: 7/8/9 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Dust of Appearance is an effective counter to this spell unless other heroes on Oracle's team can purge it easily. Oracle will not be able to purge Dust of Appearance easily since the spell that you are seeking to reveal is also his allied purge. Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight may be required against a competent Oracle and a team that makes good use of this spell. Invisible initiators and gankers are much harder to counter with Dust of Appearance.

  • Units can attack, use items, and use abilities during False Promise’s invisibility.
  • The spherical particle effect that can be seen enemies have True Sight of a unit affected by this spell will reveal to enemies how much relative healing and damage have been accumulated over the duration of this spell.
Outworld Devourer (Harbinger)

Outworld Devourer – Astral Imprisonment (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a banish.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Allied heroes (including Outworld Devourer) are invulnerable when affected by “Astral Imprisonment”.
  • This spell's buff and debuff stack.
Outworld Devourer – Sanity’s Eclipse (magical) Tier 2:
  • The mana draining effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
Phantom Assassin (Mortred)

Phantom Assassin – Stifling Dagger (pure) Tier 3:
  • This spell can crit.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Phantom Assassin – Phantom Strike (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Phantom Assassin – Blur (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability can help to track invisible units. The special effect and the buff associated with this passive ability will not be visible when invisible enemy heroes are within range 1600 of Phantom Assassin (even invisible enemy heroes obscured by the fog of war).
Phantom Lancer (Azwraith)

This hero has a smaller collision size than most heroes.

Phantom Lancer – Doppelganger (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Phantom Lancer can cast this spell on himself while he is Spell Immune.
  • Phantom Lancer is invulnerable for 1 second while casting this spell.
  • This spell is a purge (only on Phantom Lancer).
  • This spell destroys trees.
Phantom Lancer – Phantom Rush (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability is activated by targeting Spell Immune heroes in the same way that it is activated normally.
  • This spell grants speeds faster than the maximum movement speed. Since Phantom Lancer's speed is set higher than maximum movement speed during “Shapeshift” he cannot be slowed. Phantom Lancer's movment speed is set to 800 for the full duration of this effect.

Phoenix – Icarus Dive (magical on enemy, hp modification on self) Tier 2:
  • This spell does magical damage to the enemy but it is an hp modification to Phoenix. There is no way for Phoenix to reduce the damage that this spell does to him.
  • This spell cannot be stopped by some taunts, disables, interrupts, ensnares and entangles. The following abilities will not prevent Phoenix from completing “Icarus Dive”:
    • Axe's "Berserker's Call"
    • Clockwerk's “Power Cogs”
    • Doom's “Doom”
    • Elder Titan's “Earth Splitter”
    • Ember Spirit's "Searing Chains"
    • Legion Commander's "Duel"
    • Lone Druid's Spirit Bear's "Entangling Claws"
    • Meepo's "Earthbind"
    • Naga Siren's "Ensnare"
    • Treant Protector's "Overgrowth"
    • Winter Wyvern's "Winter's Curse"
  • Phoenix can take many different actions while in “Icarus Dive”. He can cast any spell or item (including channeled spells or items) in any direction (except "Sun Ray") without turning to face his target as long as the spell or item is within range.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Phoenix – Fire Spirits (magical on enemy, hp modification on self) Tier 2:
  • This spell can only be dispelled on Phoenix with Phoenix's "Supernova". This spell cannot be purged (Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, etc…).
  • This spell does magical damage to the enemy but it is an hp modification to Phoenix. There is no way for Phoenix to reduce the damage that this spell does to him.
Phoenix – Sun Ray (pure on enemy, hp modification on self) Tier 3:
  • This spell is an entangle (only on Phoenix). Phoenix can still move during this spell by casting "Toggle Movement".
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • The heal effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune allied units in its radius.
  • This spell does pure damage to the enemy but it is an hp modification to Phoenix. There is no way for Phoenix to reduce the damage that this spell does to him.
  • This spell cannot be stopped by some taunts, disables, interrupts, ensnares and entangles. The following abilities will not prevent Phoenix from completing “Icarus Dive”:
    • Axe's "Berserker's Call"
    • Clockwerk's “Power Cogs”
    • Elder Titan's “Earth Splitter”
    • Ember Spirit's "Searing Chains"
    • Lone Druid's Spirit Bear's "Entangling Claws"
    • Meepo's "Earthbind"
    • Naga Siren's "Ensnare"
    • Treant Protector's "Overgrowth"
    • Winter Wyvern's "Winter's Curse"
  • Phoenix can take many different actions while in “Sun Ray”. He can cast any spell or item (including channeled spells or items) in any direction without turning to face his target as long as the spell or item is within range.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Phoenix – Supernova (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun (on enemies) and a banish (only on Phoenix, unless Phoenix has Aghanim's Scepter).
  • With Aghanim's Scepter this spell is also an interrupt (on allied units).
  • This spell grants Spell Immunity to Supernova.
  • The stun effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter this spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Phoenix is invulnerable during “Supernova” (killing the “Supernova” will kill Phoenix and any allied hero inside the "Supernova" regardless of his or their total hit points).
  • This spell is a purge (only on Phoenix, unless Phoenix has Aghanim's Scepter).
  • Allies affected by this spell can be denied.
  • Illusions' attacks are not counted towards the required number of hits to destroy the supernova.
  • Rubick will lose any spells stolen with "Spell Steal" if Phoenix uses "Supernova" on him with Aghanim's Scepter.
  • Relocations (such as Io's "Relocate" and Keeper of the Lights "Recall") will occur after "Supernova" ends if their effects would have moved a unit during the "Supernova".
  • Hp modifications made by Oracle's "False Promise" will occur after "Supernova" ends if they would have occured during the "Supernova".
  • This spell destroys trees.

Puck – Illusory Orb (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Puck – Waning Rift (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
Puck – Phase Shift (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Puck is invulnerable during “Phase Shift”.
  • This spell is disabled by entangles and ensnares.
Puck – Ethereal Jaunt (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Puck can negate some projectiles with the blink effect of “Ethereal Jaunt”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
Puck – Dream Coil (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • Spell Immune units leashed by this spell are not stunned initially or when they break the leash. With Aghanim's Scepter Spell Immune units are stunned when they break the leash. The leash still tethers Spell Immune units for the full duration. If a unit loses Spell Immunity and then breaks the leash it will be damaged and stunned normally.
  • This spell cannot be purged (Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, etc…).
  • This spell's debuff stacks.

Pudge – Meat Hook (pure) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable and an interrupt (channeled allied spells are not interrupted or canceled).
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • “Meat Hook” does not pull, damage, or interrupt some units. All units that cannot move (wards, traps, mines, supernovas, etc…) are ignored by "Meat Hook". The following units are also ignored by “Meat Hook”:
    • Brewmaster’s Elements (Earth, Storm and Fire)
    • Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit
    • Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Siege Creeps
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Visage’s Familiars
    • Warlock’s Golem
    • Weaver’s Beetles
  • “Meat Hook” can pull some invulnerable units (including units in any cyclone effect). “Meat Hook” will not deal damage to an invulnerable enemy unit. Pudge can pull enemy units affected by the following invulnerability granting spells and items:
    • Bane’s “Nightmare”
    • Brewmaster’s Storm’s “Cyclone”
    • Chaos Knight’s “Phantasm”
    • Ember Spirit's "Activate Fire Remnant"
    • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity’s “Cyclone”
    • Faceless Void’s “Time Walk”
    • Juggernaut’s “Omnislash” (this spell continues even though Juggernaut is pulled, probably on Pudge himself)
    • Invoker’s “Tornado”
    • Manta Style’s “Mirror Image”
    • Morphling’s “Waveform”
    • Naga Siren’s “Mirror Image”
    • Naga Siren’s “Song of the Siren”
    • Storm Spirit’s “Ball Lightning”
    • Tusk’s “Snowball”
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Meat Hook" interrupts, damages, and pulls invisible units. Pudge will confirm whether the "Meat Hook" was successful or not with a positive or negative voice over response. A successful "Meat Hook" will also provide vision of the original position of the unit that was hooked even if that unit was invisible.
Pudge – Rot (magical) Tier 2:
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
  • Pudge can use this spell to deny himself.
Pudge – Dismember (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • The disable effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter this spell will heal Pudge even when he targets Spell Immune units.
  • This spell has a 6 second duration when applied to creeps.
  • Couriers are disabled by this spell.

Pugna – Nether Blast (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell can damage structures.
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.
Pugna – Decrepify (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • The Ethereal state granted by this spell does not amplify damage like other Ethereal states (1.4x magical damage). Magical damage against allies is amplified by 1.25x, while magical damage against enemies is amplified by 1.5x.
Pugna – Nether Ward (magical) Tier 2:
  • The mana degeneration effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • Pugna can cast “Decrepify” on “Nether Ward”.
  • “Nether Ward” will damage any enemy hero with an auto-cast spells every time they attack. The following hero abilities are affected in this way:
    • Clinkz’s “Searing Arrows”
    • Drow Ranger’s “Frost Arrows”
    • Enchantress’s “Impetus”
    • Outworld Devourer’s “Arcane Orb”
    • Silencer’s “Glaives of Wisdom”
    • Viper’s “Poison Attack”
Pugna – Life Drain (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units (even though its damage will do nothing to Spell Immune units).
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • The heal effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • If the target of this spell gains Spell Immunity this does not cancel this channeled spell (it will cease to transfer hit points to Pugna).
  • Any purge that displaces the targeted unit will cancel this spell (Eul’s Scepter of Divinity or Manta Style).
  • This spell destroys illusions.
  • Pugna can use this spell to deny himself.
  • The life drained by this spell is the same as the damage done. If a target is ethereal (because the target is affected by Pugna’s “Decrepify”) considerably more health will be drained because decrepified targets receive 1.5x magical damage. A target with high magical resistance will have less health drained.
  • Couriers are healed by this spell.
Queen of Pain (Akasha)

Queen of Pain – Shadow Strike (magical) Tier 2:
  • Allies affected by this spell can be denied.
Queen of Pain – Blink (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Queen of Pain can negate some projectiles with the blink effect of “Blink”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
  • This spell is disabled by entangles and ensnares.
Queen of Pain – Scream of Pain (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Scream of Pain" does damage invisible units and the projectiles generated by this area of effect spell will follow invisible units to their current position.
Queen of Pain – Sonic Wave (pure) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.

Razor – Plasma Field (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Razor – Static Link (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's buff and debuff stack. The buff and debuff components of this spell only stack if Razor casts "Static Link" again while it is still stealing damage.
  • This spell provides shared vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Static Link" does not break when a unit becomes invisible. This means that Razor and his team can follow the tether to track the position of the invisible unit until the tether breaks or the spell ends.
Razor – Unstable Current (magical) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability is a purge.
  • Only spells that target Razor directly can proc this retaliatory purge. Area of effect spells will not proc this passive ability.
Razor – Eye of the Storm (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…) on Razor or on enemies affected by the armor decreasing debuff.
  • This spell's buff stacks.
  • The armor reducing debuff of this spell that is applied to enemies will be immediately removed if Razor is killed.
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter this spell can damage structures.

Riki – Smoke Screen (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.
Riki – Backstab (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
Riki – Blink Strike (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are valid targets for this spell. Using "Blink Strike" on allied couriers works like using "Blink Strike" on any ally. Using "Blink Strike" on enemy couriers will cause Riki to "Backstab" the courier and kill it as he would with any enemy.


Permanent Invisibility:

Duration: Infinite

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 8/6/4/2 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Can be revealed by silence: Yes

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Gem of True Sight forces Riki to play much more passively until the Gem holder can be taken out. Since he can be watching your team at any time and has noteworthy carry potential, it may be necessary to purchase a Gem if an enemy Riki becomes too dangerous. Dust of Appearance is useful to counter the attacks of an aggressive Riki. Sentry Wards are useful against Riki when preparing for a tower push or team fight. Either of the aforementioned options may be necessary until a hero on your team is tough enough to survive being focused by the enemy team because of their ownership of a gem.

  • Riki is not revealed by using items or casting spells. Blink Strike will only reveal Riki if he casts it on an enemy or neutral unit or hero.

Rubick – Telekinesis (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a disable/stun (disables primary target, stuns any targets near landing point).
  • The disable portion of this spell can be negated by most spells that reposition heroes, knock heroes into the air, and a few other special spells. Ending the disable portion early will not prevent the stun duration. The following spells and items force Rubick to drop heroes levitated by “Telekinesis”:
    • Batrider’s “Flamebreak”
    • Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso”
    • Beastmaster’s “Primal Roar”
    • Brewmaster’s Storm’s “Cyclone”
    • Chaos Knight’s “Reality Rift”
    • Chen’s “Test of Faith” (friendly version)
    • Dark Seer’s “Vacuum”
    • Disruptor’s “Glimpse”
    • Earth Spirit’s “Boulder Smash”
    • Earth Spirit’s “Geomantic Grip”
    • Enigma’s “Black Hole”
    • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity’s “Cyclone”
    • Faceless Void’s “Chronosphere”
    • Force Staff’s “Force”
    • Invoker’s “Tornado”
    • Invoker’s “Deafening Blast”
    • Keeper of the Light’s “Blinding Light”
    • Keeper of the Light’s “Recall”
    • Kunkka’s “Torrent”
    • Kunkka’s “X Marks the Spot”
    • Lion’s “Earth Spike”
    • Magnus’s “Skewer”
    • Magnus’s “Reverse Polarity”
    • Morphling’s “Adaptive Strike”
    • Nyx’s Assassin’s “Impale”
    • Pudge’s “Meat Hook”
    • Pudge’s “Dismember”
    • Sand King’s “Burrowstrike”
    • Spirit Breaker’s “Greater Bash” (from any of his spells or passive abilities)
    • Storm Spirit’s “Electric Vortex”
    • Tidehunter’s “Ravage”
    • Timbersaw’s “Timber Chain”
    • Tiny’s “Toss”
    • Tusk’s “Snowball”
    • Tusk’s “Walrus Punch”
    • Vengeful Spirit’s “Nether Swap”
    • Wisp’s “Relocate”
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
Rubick – Spell Steal (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell can steal spells from Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
Sand King (Crixalis)

Sand King – Burrowstrike (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • Sand King can negate any spell (enemy or allied) that attempts to change his position during the .3 second underground phase of “Burrowstrike”. Spells that can be negated include:
    • Kunkka’s “X Marks the Spot”
    • Disruptor’s “Glimpse”
    • Chaos Knight’s “Reality Rift”
    • Vengeful Spirit’s “Nether Swap”
    • Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso”
    • Invoker’s “Deafening Blast”
    • Keeper of the Light’s “Recall”
    • Chen’s “Test of Faith”
    • Io’s “Relocate”
  • Projectiles targeted on Sand King cannot be avoided with this spell, but Point Target and No Target spells that affect a specific location can be avoided with this spell during the .3 second underground phase of "Burrowstrike". Area of effect Unit Target spells can also sometimes be avoided if Sand King is not the targeted unit. Some of the following spells' areas are too large to burrow directly under, but burrowing into these effects will not affect Sand King until he emerges, and Sand King can often burrow out of these dangerous areas even if he can't cross them. While sometimes extremely difficult, the following spells can be avoided with "Burrowstrike":
    • Ancient Apparition's "Ice Vortex"
    • Centaur Warrunner's "Stampede"
    • Crystal Maiden's "Freezing Field"
    • Dark Seer's "Ion Shell"
    • Dark Seer's "Wall of Replica"
    • Death Prophet's "Crypt Swarm"
    • Disruptor's "Static Storm"
    • Dragon Knight's "Breathe Fire"
    • Earth Spirit’s “Stone Remnant” pushed by “Boulder Smash”
    • Earth Spirit’s “Stone Remnant” pulled by “Geomantic Grip”
    • Elder Titan's "Astral Spirit"
    • Enigma's "Midnight Pulse"
    • Enigma's "Black Hole"
    • Faceless Void's "Chronosphere"
    • Gyrocopter's "Homing Missile" (the missile will not hit Sand King when he burrows under it, but it will continue to follow him)
    • Invoker's "Chaos Meteor"
    • Invoker's "Deafening Blast"
    • Invoker's "Tornado"
    • Io's "Tether"
    • Jakiro's "Macropyre"
    • Juggernaut's "Blade Fury"
    • Leshrac's "Diabolic Edict"
    • Leshrac's "Pulse Nova"
    • Lina's "Dragon Slave"
    • Lion's "Earth Spike"
    • Magnus' "Shockwave"
    • Magnus' "Skewer"
    • Mirana's "Sacred Arrow"
    • Morphling's "Wave Form"
    • Nyx Assassin's "Impale"
    • Phoenix's “Icarus Dive”
    • Phoenix's “Fire Spirits”
    • Phoenix's “Sun Ray”
    • Puck's "Illusory Orb"
    • Pudge's "Meat Hook"
    • Queen of Pain's "Sonic Wave"
    • Razor's "Plasma Field"
    • Riki's "Smoke Screen"
    • Shadow Demon's "Shadow Poison"
    • Skywrath Mage's "Mystic Flare"
    • Slark's "Pounce"
    • Sniper's "Shrapnel"
    • Spectre's "Spectral Dagger" (the dagger will not hit Sand King when he burrows under it, but it will continue to follow him if he was the targeted unit - if the dagger is not targeted on Sand King he can burrow under it to avoid the damage and/or the negative effects)
    • Storm Spirit's "Static Remnant"
    • Tinker's "March of the Machines"
    • Tiny's "Avalanche"
    • Troll Warlord's "Whirling Axes (Ranged)"
    • Tusk's "Ice Shards"
    • Tusk's "Snowball"
    • Venomancer's "Venemous Gale"
    • Warlock's "Upheaval"
    • Weaver's "Shukuchi"
    • Windranger's "Powershot"
  • This spell can be used to bypass any of the following physical or magical barriers:
    • Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs”
    • Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”
    • Earthshaker's "Fissure"
    • Jakiro’s “Ice Path”
    • Nature's Prophet's "Sprout"
    • Shadow Shaman's "Mass Serpent Ward"
    • Tusk's "Ice Shards"
  • This spell can be used to reposition in any root (Naga Siren’s “Ensnare”, Meepo’s “Earthbind”, Treant Protector’s “Overgrowth”, etc…).
Sand King – Caustic Finale (magical) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Sand King – Epicenter (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff, but if the affected unit is still near Sand King and the “Epicenter” is still active then this will be relatively pointless since the debuff is continuously applied.
  • Couriers are slowed by this spell.


Sand Storm:

Duration: 20/40/60/80 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: Yes

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Dust of Appearance is the cheapest and best way to counter Sand King’s stationary and obvious invisibility spell. Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight should only be considered when other invisible heroes are also causing difficulty for your team as well.

  • The invisibility granted by this spell will persist for 1.5 seconds after the spell has ended at all levels. If Sand King takes any actions other than movement during this period of invisibility he will be revealed instantly (casting any spells, attacking, using items, etc…).
  • This is the only invisibility spell that is also a channeled spell. This spell can be cancelled with spells that interrupt/silence/stun. Movement cancels this spell (like any other channeled spell).
Shadow Demon

Shadow Demon – Disruption (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a banish.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Allied heroes (including Shadow Demon) are invulnerable when affected by “Disruption”.
Shadow Demon – Soul Catcher (pure) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Soul Catcher" amplifies damage against invisible targets within its area of effect and creates a special particle effect that will signify the position of an invisible unit if it successfully catches such a unit. Shadow Demon will also confirm whether the "Soul Catcher" was successful or not with a positive or negative voice over response. Unfortunately Shadow Demon sometimes speaks in his native Ozkavosh tongue. The only successful "Soul Catcher" voice over response that Shadow Demon speaks in Ozkavosh is "Izh icha safras" (pronounced Eezs ih-HHA sah-FRAHS), directly translated as: "You will suffer."
Shadow Demon – Shadow Poison (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Shadow Poison" affects invisible units normally and creates a small short-lived shadowy sphere when the wave impacts with an invisible unit.
Shadow Demon – Release Shadow Poison (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Release Shadow Poison" creates a very visible blotch of shadows on any afflicted invisible unit’s position if it is not in the fog of war.
Shadow Demon – Demonic Purge (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an ensnare (ONLY AGAINST CREEPS - has 3 second duration).
  • The slowing and purge effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell is a purge.
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • Couriers are slowed and eventually killed by this spell.
Shadow Fiend (Nevermore)

Shadow Fiend – Necromastery (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This passive ability's buff stacks.
  • Shadow Fiend will still gain 12 souls from killing an enemy hero with Aegis of the Immortal or Wraith King when “Reincarnation” is available (even though these “kills” don’t provide gold, experience, or any form of recognition on the scoreboard).
Shadow Fiend – Presence of the Dark Lord (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are affected by this passive ability.
  • This passive ability does not display on the buff bar of enemy heroes when Shadow Fiend is invisible. This passive ability is totally disabled and provides no benefit if Shadow Fiend is not visible to the enemy team.
Shadow Fiend – Requiem of Souls (magical) Tier 2:
  • The slowing and damage-reducing effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • If Shadow Fiend is invisible when he casts “Requiem of Souls” he will be revealed after 1 second. The cast animation of “Requiem of Souls” will occur .7 seconds later (meaning that Shadow Fiend will be visible without dealing damage for .7 seconds).
Shadow Shaman (Rhasta)

Shadow Shaman – Hex (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a hex. Movement speed is reduced to 100.
  • This spell destroys illusions.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Hex" will prevent a unit from becoming invisible with a passive ability.
Shadow Shaman – Shackles (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a disable.
Shadow Shaman (Serpent Ward) – Mass Serpent Ward (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • The damage dealt by these wards is reduced by armor but it is not reduced by damage block.
Silencer (Nortrom)

Silencer – Curse of the Silent (magical) Tier 2:
  • The mana draining effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Curse of the Silent" damages and mana drains invisible units. This spell may force an invisible unit to act by casting another spell (which may remove their invisibility).
Silencer – Last Word (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a silence and a disarm.
  • The first debuff placed by this spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…). Once this spell has silenced and/or disarmed the target the second debuff can be removed with Spell Immunity or a purge normally.
  • “Last Word” deals damage directly before an enemy casts a spell except in the case of channeled spells (channeled spells pause the first countdown debuff). This means that almost all burst self-heals, self-applied Spell Immunity, self-applied invulnerability, and retaliatory spells will not protect in any way from the damage that “Last Word” deals. Only one spell of the aforementioned types in DotA2 negates “Last Word” damage and negative effects:
    • Puck’s “Phase Shift” (Puck must wait the entire duration of “Phase Shift” to avoid the damage)
  • This spell provides shared vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. If a unit fades out during the spell it will still take the damage but the vision normally provided by this spell will not be provided. If a unit fades out after it was affected by Last Word the circular visual effect will remain on the unit and signify the position of the unit until the countdown ends.
Silencer – Global Silence (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a silence.
  • This spell does silence Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
Skywrath Mage (Dragonus)

Skywrath Mage – Arcane Bolt (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. Arcane Bolt provides flying vision around the projectile and the point of impact. If a unit fades out before the projectile hits the vision normally provided by this spell will not be provided again until the damage is dealt. A small area of flying vision will be revealed indicating the position of the affected unit when Arcane Bolt hit if the unit was in the fog at this time.
Skywrath Mage – Concussive Shot (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. Concussive Shot provides flying vision around the projectile and the point of impact. If a unit fades out before the projectile hits the vision normally provided by this spell will not be provided again until the damage is dealt. A small area of flying vision will be revealed indicating the position of the affected unit when Concussive Shot hit if the unit was in the fog at this time.
Skywrath Mage – Ancient Seal (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a silence.

Slardar – Sprint (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Slardar – Slithereen Crush (physical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Slardar – Bash (physical) Tier 1:
  • This passive ability is a stun.
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability has a 2 second duration when applied to creeps.
  • Couriers are stunned by this passive ability.
Slardar – Amplify Damage (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
  • Couriers are affected by this spell.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Amplify Damage" provides True Sight and shared vision of the targeted unit.

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1800
Night – 1800

Slark – Dark Pact (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell is a purge (only on Slark).
  • This spell purges some debuffs that cannot normally be purged:
    • Bane’s “Nightmare”
    • Elder Titan’s “Echo Stomp”
    • Enigma’s “Malefice”
    • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
    • Medusa's "Stone Gaze"
    • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”
  • This spell can negate all stuns and many disables once they have been applied (even channeled disables like Pudge’s “Dismember” or Bane’s “Fiend’s Grip” and tethers like Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso” or Slark’s “Pounce”) except for Necrophos’s “Reaper’s Scythe”.
  • This spell cannot negate taunts.
  • This spell cannot be canceled through any means, even if Slark is stunned or otherwise disabled before the purge is applied during the 1.5 second delay.
Slark – Pounce (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be purged (Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, etc…).
  • Slark can negate some projectiles with the jump effect of “Pounce”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
  • Any spell or ability that repositions a hero in any way (whether cast by an allied or enemy hero) can break the tether effect of this spell with the following exceptions:
    • Force Staff’s “Force”
    • Magnus’s “Skewer”
    • Mirana’s “Leap”
    • Slark’s “Pounce”
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Pounce" leashes and deals damage to invisible units that Slark collides with.
Slark – Essence Shift (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • The stat-stealing debuff caused by this passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability's buff and debuff stack.
Slark – Shadow Dance (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • "Shadow Dance" will not provide any bonus movement speed or HP regeneration when any enemy unit has vision of Slark. Slark can use this knowledge to determine when he is being affected by global vision abilities like Spirit Breaker's "Charge of Darkness".
  • This passive ability can help to track invisible units. By watching the buff bar for "Shadow Dance's" presence and by observing Slark’s stats change (movement speed and HP regeneration) you can see when an invisible enemy unit is hiding nearby or when you are visible to wards.


Shadow Dance:

Duration: 4 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: None of the normal invisibility counters will allow you to detect Slark during Shadow Dance. Area of effect stuns, disables and slows may be useful depending on your positioning with relation to Slark. Be ready to punish Slark when his invisibility ends. This spell’s long cooldown will prevent him from using it to escape after a dive attempt.

  • No detection of any kind will allow you to target Slark during his Shadow Dance.
  • Slark can attack, use items, and use abilities during Shadow Dance’s invisibility.
  • Slark is surrounded by a dark cloud that is completely visible to enemies at all times when he uses Shadow Dance.
  • Any time that Slark is not visible to the enemy (not necessarily invisible – he could just be in the fog of war in some location they can’t see) he benefits from this ability’s passive health regeneration and speed bonuses. Any kind of vision counts for this effect including towers, lane creeps, player controlled units, and wards.
  • If Slark takes damage from a neutral unit (like Roshan or a jungle creep) he loses the passive bonuses of this ability for 2 seconds.
Sniper (Kardel Sharpeye)

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1800
Night – 1000

Sniper – Headshot (physical) Tier 2:
  • The extra damage effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • Attacks that proc this passive ability cannot be evaded.
Sniper – Assassinate (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an interrupt.
  • The channeling interrupt effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can target invulnerable units.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Assassinate" provides True Sight and shared vision of the targeted unit until the unit is hit by the projectile generated by this spell. This means that a unit that attempts to become invisible while targeted by "Assassinate" will only be translucent and can still be attacked by any member of Sniper’s team.
Spectre (Mercurial)

Spectre – Spectral Dagger (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • “Spectral Dagger” can be used to pass through physical barriers. The following spells can be escaped or negated with “Spectral Dagger”:
    • Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs”
    • Earthshaker’s “Fissure”
    • Nature’s Prophet’s “Sprout”
    • Shadow Shaman’s “Mass Serpent Ward”
    • Tusk’s “Ice Shards”
  • “Spectral Dagger” cannot be used to pass through magical barriers such as Jakiro’s “Ice Path” or Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”.
  • This spell provides flying vision while in flight and shared vision on affected units.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Spectral Dagger" can be targeted on the ground to throw the dagger in a direction that you believe an invisible unit is hiding. The dagger will damage the unit and the unit will leave a Shadow Trail that you can follow like any other unit (even though the invisible unit will remain invisible while leaving the trail).
Spectre – Dispersion (pure for damage calculation, hp modification for item interruption) Tier 3:
  • This passive ability deals pure damage to surrounding enemies but this damage is treated as an hp modification for purpose of items that are interrupted by damage. The following items are not interrupted by “Dispersion”: Blink Dagger, Heart of Tarrasque, Healing Salve, Clarity, and Bottle (meaning that these items will not be put on cooldown or be canceled when receiving “Dispersion” damage).
Spectre – Haunt (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Haunt" does not reveal invisible heroes but a haunt illusion will be generated normally at the location of any invisible hero. This haunt will follow the invisible hero and can be used to track its location.
Spirit Breaker (Barathrum)

Spirit Breaker – Charge of Darkness (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun (only stuns secondary targets if “Greater Bash” has been skilled).
  • The stun effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units in the path of the charge and the target of the charge (assuming that “Greater Bash” has been skilled).
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell grants speeds faster than the maximum movement speed. Spirit Breaker is able to break the 522 speed limit in DotA2 when charging. Any slowing effects applied to Spirit Breaker during “Charge of Darkness” will alter his movement speed stat in the stat pane but he will not actually slow down. Since Spirit Breaker's speed is set higher than maximum movement speed during “Charge of Darkness” he cannot be slowed.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell is disabled by entangles and ensnares.
  • Spirit Breaker can use some items while charging without breaking the charge. Most items with No Target abilities can be used in this way. The following is a list of every item Spirit Breaker can use while charging that will have any effect at all (usable items that will have no effect are not listed):
    • Animal Courier
    • Arcane Boots
    • Armlet of Mordiggian
    • Black King Bar
    • Blade Mail
    • Boots of Travel (only if double clicked – effect is canceled if charge ends due to collision)
    • Bottle
    • Buckler
    • Cheese
    • Drum of Endurance
    • Dust of Appearance
    • Ghost Scepter
    • Magic Stick
    • Magic Wand
    • Mask of Madness
    • Mekansm
    • Necronomicon
    • Pipe of Insight
    • Power Treads
    • Radiance
    • Refresher Orb
    • Ring of Aquila
    • Ring of Basilius
    • Satanic
    • Shadow Blade
    • Shiva’s Guard
    • Smoke of Deceit
    • Soul Ring
    • Town Portal Scroll (only if double clicked – effect is canceled if charge ends due to collision)
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Charge of Darkness" is not interrupted when a targeted unit becomes invisible. The charge indicator will still appear above the invisible unit’s head regardless of where it goes and some vision will be provided of the targeted unit’s position. This doesn’t mean that Spirit Breaker or his team can attack this unit, but they will know the unit’s exact location until the charge ends.
Spirit Breaker – Empowering Haste (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • The speed increasing effects of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Spirit Breaker – Greater Bash (magical) Tier 1:
  • This passive ability is a stun.
  • The stun effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability destroys trees when it pushes enemy units.
  • Couriers are stunned by this passive ability.
Spirit Breaker – Nether Strike (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • The stun effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • With Aghanim’s Scepter the stun effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell destroys trees when it pushes enemy units.
  • Couriers are stunned by this spell.
  • This spell provides fogged vision.
Storm Spirit (Raijin Thunderkeg)

Storm Spirit – Static Remnant (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell provides flying vision.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Static Remnant" is triggered by invisible units normally. This can be used to damage invisible units that you know will travel through a specific area or that are very close to you.
Storm Spirit – Electric Vortex (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a disable.
Storm Spirit – Overload (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Storm Spirit – Ball Lightning (magical) Tier 2:
  • Storm Spirit is invulnerable during “Ball Lightning”.
  • Storm Spirit can negate some projectiles with the blink effect of “Ball Lightning”. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
  • “Ball Lightning” can be used to bypass any type barrier or terrain.
  • Storm Spirit can take many different actions while in “Ball Lighting”. Storm Spirit can take the following actions during “Ball Lightning”:
    • Cast any of his spells.
    • Attack.
    • Pick up or bottle Runes (Double Damage will not be applied if it was picked up or used when bottled).
    • Use most items with the following restrictions:
      • Storm Spirit cannot self-cast with the following items during “Ball Lightning”:
        • Clarity
        • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
        • Force Staff
        • Healing Salves
        • Mjollnir
      • The following items will not apply a buff to Storm Spirit if he uses them during “Ball Lightning”:
        • Buckler
        • Pipe of Insight
        • Smoke of Deceit
      • Manta Style and Blink Dagger will end “Ball Lightning” immediately.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.

Sven – Storm Hammer (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
Sven – Warcry (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell's aura affects couriers.
Sven – God’s Strength (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • With Aghanim's Scepter the damage increasing effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune allied units in its radius.
Techies (Squee, Spleen, and Spoon)

Techies – Land Mines (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • The following units cannot be hit by "Land Mines":
    • Batrider while using Firefly
    • Beastmaster's Hawk
    • Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit
    • Flying Courier
    • Gyrocopter’s Homing Missile
    • Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
    • Phoenix's Supernova
    • Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
    • Visage's Familiars
    • Weaver’s Beetles
    • Winter Wyvern while using Arctic Burn
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can damage structures.
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.
  • Animal Couriers are killed by this spell (Flying Couriers are not affect by this spell in any way).
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Land Mines" will detonate when invisible units move within their activation radius.
Techies – Stasis Trap (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • "Stasis Trap" will not activate if a Spell Immune unit moves inside its activation radius.
  • This spell affects siege creeps.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. While a "Stasis Trap" will not activate when an invisible unit enters its activation radius like "Land Mines" do, any invisible unit that is stunned by a "Stasis Trap" (perhaps because the trap activated while they where still fading out) will still be outlined by the special particle effect that is applied to units stunned by Stasis Traps. This particle effect will signify the position of an invisible unit that is currently stunned by the "Stasis Trap" effect for the full duration of the stun.
Techies – Suicide Squad, Attack! (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • Techies can use this spell to deny himself.
  • If Techies is under the effect of Dazzle’s “Shallow Grave” spell when he uses "Suicide Squad, Attack", he will still die.
  • Techies still earns gold and experience from any unit or hero he kills with this spell.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.


Land Mines:

Duration: Infinite

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 2 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Gem of True Sight is needed to cleanse the map of Techies' numerous lethal mines. Sentry Wards will almost certainly be necessary in the early game for the same reason.

  • This unit cannot be revealed by Dust of Appearance.

Stasis Trap:

Duration: 270/300/330/360 Seconds (trap lifespan)

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 2 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Gem of True Sight is needed to cleanse the map of Techies' numerous powerful traps. Sentry Wards will almost certainly be necessary in the early game for the same reason.

  • This unit cannot be revealed by Dust of Appearance.

Remote Mines:

Duration: 600 Seconds (mine lifespan)

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 2 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Gem of True Sight is needed to cleanse the map of Techies' numerous lethal mines. Sentry Wards will almost certainly be necessary in the early game for the same reason.

  • This unit cannot be revealed by Dust of Appearance.
Templar Assassin (Lanaya)

Templar Assassin – Refraction (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's offensive charges are not spent when Templar Assassin attacks allied units.
Templar Assassin – Meld (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
Templar Assassin – Psi Blades (physical on primary target, pure spill damage) Tier 3:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability grants Templar Assassin’s attacks pure damage on secondary targets hit by the spill effect. Templar Assassin’s primary targets will never take pure damage from her attacks.



Duration: Infinite

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Dust of Appearance is the cheapest and most effective way to ensure kills against a Templar Assassin attempting to hide from imminent death. Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight should only be considered when other invisible heroes are also causing difficulty for your team as well.

  • Movement will reveal Templar Assassin when using Meld.

Psionic Trap:

Duration: Infinite

Fade Time: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 2 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Gem of True Sight is the best way to cleanse the map of Templar Assassin’s slowing traps, but purchasing a Gem for this reason alone is usually not worthwhile.

  • This unit cannot be revealed by Dust of Appearance.


Terrorblade – Refraction (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. Illusions created by "Reflection" continue to exist and follow enemy heroes even when the hero they are attacking becomes invisible for any reason. The illusion's existence will also continue to slow the invisible enemy hero, even if they are not able to attack it.
Terrorblade – Metamorphosis (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell has a .35 second transformation time. Some projectiles can be negated if the transformation is timed correctly. The cast/attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to negate it successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight).
Terrorblade – Sunder (hp modification) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allied heroes and illusions.
Tidehunter (Leviathan)

Tidehunter – Kraken Shell (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This passive ability is a purge (only on Tidehunter).
  • This spell purges some debuffs that cannot normally be purged:
    • Enigma’s “Malefice”
    • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
    • Medusa's "Stone Gaze"
    • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”
  • This passive ability can negate all stuns and many disables once they have been applied (even channeled disables like Pudge’s “Dismember” or Bane’s “Fiend’s Grip” and tethers like Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso” or Slark’s “Pounce”) except for Necrophos’s “Reaper’s Scythe”.
  • This passive ability cannot negate taunts.
  • If the damage from a stun or disable would cause Tidehunter’s hit points to cross this passive ability’s damage threshold then that spell will apply normally. If Tidehunter’s hit points do not cross this threshold from the initial spell damage any subsequent damage can negate the stun or disable (as well as purging Tidehunter of other negative effects that this passive ability is able to purge).
  • If Tidehunter does not take damage for 6 seconds then the damage threshold required to proc this passive ability will be reset.
  • Damage from neutral units does not count towards this passive ability’s damage threshold.
Tidehunter – Anchor Smash (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
Tidehunter – Ravage (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Timbersaw (Rizzrack)

Timbersaw – Whirling Death (pure if trees are cut down, magical if not) Tier 3:
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • This spell deals pure damage if any trees are cut down when it is used.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Timbersaw – Timber Chain (pure) Tier 3:
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can be used to bypass any of the following physical or magical barriers:
    • Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs” (Timbersaw will still be damaged and mana drained by the cogs)
    • Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”
    • Earthshaker's "Fissure"
    • Shadow Shaman's "Mass Serpent Ward"
    • Tusk's "Ice Shards"
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Timbersaw – Reactive Armor (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Timbersaw – Chakram (pure) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a disarm (only on Timbersaw).
  • This spell cannot be dispelled on Timbersaw with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Tinker (Boush)

Tinker – Laser (pure) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell has a 6 second duration when applied to creeps.
Tinker – March of the Machines (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can damage siege creeps.
Tinker – Rearm (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell affects all items with cooldowns except for the following:
    • Arcane Boots
    • Black King Bar
    • Hand of Midas
    • Helm of the Dominator
    • Linken's Sphere
    • Necronomicon
    • Refresher Orb

Tiny – Avalanche (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Tiny – Toss (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disable (the thrown unit is disabled, not the target of spell unless the target is also the unit thrown).
  • Spell Immune units can be tossed but they will not take damage.
  • If Tiny uses “Toss” on a unit that is currently within the area of effect of an active “Avalanche” then the remaining damage over time dealt by “Avalanche” will be doubled against this unit.
  • Units can be tossed to runes.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • The area of effect damage caused by this spell can damage structures.
Tiny – Craggy Exterior (magical) Tier 3:
  • This passive ability is a stun.
Treant Protector (Rooftrellen)

Treant Protector – Nature’s Guise (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can target siege creeps.
  • This spell can be cast on couriers.
Treant Protector – Leech Seed (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. The healing projectiles generated by "Leech Seed" will continue to travel between an affected invisible enemy unit’s position and any allied units being healed by this spell.
Treant Protector – Living Armor (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can heal structures.
  • This spell can be cast on couriers (couriers must be unit targeted, the ground targeting functionality of this spell does not work on them).
Treant Protector – Eyes In The Forest (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Treant Protector – Overgrowth (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an entangle.
  • The entangle effect of this spell does affect Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. Units cannot fade out when entangled.


Nature’s Guise:

Duration: 15/30/45/60 Seconds (at levels 1/2/3/4 respectively)

Fade Time: 2 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight. Dust of Appearance is less useful (but not worthless since he has no other escape) against Treant Protector since he is likely to be watching you from the trees at any given moment without attacking. Sentry Wards provide protection from his invisible spell casting shenanigans when a team fight is about to start. Gem of True Sight will completely shut down his team-buffing potential and help to de-ward the wards he is likely to be placing, but this is a more expensive option to counter a spell that he may not use proactively.

  • Treant Protector can use abilities and items without cancelling the invisibility effect of Nature’s Guise.
  • Nature’s Guise can be purged.

Eyes In The Forest:

Duration: Infinite

Fade Time: 0 Seconds

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: No

Best Counters: Gem of True Sight is the best counter to Treant Protector's omnipresent spy trees.

  • Trees affected by Eyes In The Forest are still trees, and cannot be attacked normally. Any spell or item that destroys trees will be required to destroy them once they have been located.
  • This unit cannot be revealed by Dust of Appearance.
Troll Warlord (Jah'rakal)

Troll Warlord – Berserker’s Rage (magical) Tier 1:
  • This passive ability is a stun.
  • The stun effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • Couriers are stunned by this passive ability.
Troll Warlord – Whirling Axes (ranged) (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Troll Warlord – Whirling Axes (melee) (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Troll Warlord – Fervor (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability's buff stacks.
Troll Warlord – Battle Trance (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Tusk (Ymir)

Tusk – Ice Shards (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell does trap Spell Immune units.
Tusk – Snowball (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • Tusk and any allies alongside him are invulnerable during “Snowball”.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming, unless a blink or jump moves the targeted unit further than range 1250 from the starting position of “Snowball”.
  • Illusions will not be pulled into the “Snowball”. Any number of Meepo clones and allied heroes can be pulled into the snowball.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Tusk – Frozen Sigil (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • The slow effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision (Frozen Sigil is a Flying unit).
  • "Frozen Sigil" cannot be affected by any type of mine.
Tusk – Walrus PUNCH! (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a disable.
  • The disable and slowing effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell does proc on siege creeps.
  • Couriers are killed by this spell.
Undying (Dirge)

Undying – Decay (magical) Tier 2:
  • The lingering strength reducing effect of this spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
Undying – Soul Rip (magical on target, hp modification on units in area of effect) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • “Soul Rip” deals a separate instance of damage for each allied and enemy unit within the area in which it seeks. This spell is extremely effective at bypassing effects that protect enemies from a specific number of instances of damage (such as Templar Assassin’s “Refraction”, Nyx Assassin’s “Spiked Carapace”, and “Treant Protector’s “Living Armor”).
Undying – Tombstone (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • While the Tombstone itself is Spell Immune, it can still be healed by Undying’s “Soul Rip” spell.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • Pugna can cast “Decrepify” on “Tombstone”.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Undying – Flesh Golem (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
Undying (Zombies) – Deathlust (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on a unit affected by “Deathstrike” removes any stacks of “Deathstrike” currently applied to that unit.
  • This passive ability's debuff stacks.
Ursa (Ulfsaar)

Ursa – Fury Swipes (physical) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • The damage increasing stacks placed by this passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Ursa – Enrage (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of allied purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Vengeful Spirit (Shendelzare)

Vengeful Spirit – Magic Missile (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Vengeful Spirit – Wave of Terror (pure) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • Gaining Spell Immunity or using a purge on an affected unit removes this debuff.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Vengeful Spirit – Nether Swap (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is an interrupt (also on allied units).
  • This position-swapping and channeling interrupt effects of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cancels the disable effects of the following spells:
    • Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso”
    • Rubick’s “Telekinesis” (Vengeful Spirit will be subjected to this spell's stun regardless of the positions of the swapped heroes)
  • This spell destroys trees.
Venomancer (Lesale)

Venomancer – Venomous Gale (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Allies affected by this spell can be denied.
  • This spell will not damage or slow invisible units.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Venomancer – Poison Sting (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability's debuff stacks with itself if Venomancer and a Plague Ward have both placed the debuff, but both cannot deal damage simultaneously. Venomancer's higher damage "Poison Sting" from the hero himself will always deal damage first if it is applied to the target before the "Poison Sting" applied by the Plague Wards.
  • This passive ability deals magical damage but it is treated as an hp modification for purpose of items that are interrupted by damage. The following items are not interrupted by “Poison Sting”: Blink Dagger, Heart of Tarrasque, Healing Salve, Clarity, and Bottle (meaning that these items will not be put on cooldown or be canceled when receiving “Poison Sting” damage).
  • Couriers are slowed by this passive ability.
Venomancer (Plague Ward) – Plague Ward (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • The damage dealt by these wards is reduced by armor but it is not reduced by damage block.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
Venomancer (Plague Ward) – Poison Sting (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effect of this passive ability does affect Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This passive ability deals magical damage but it is treated as an hp modification for purpose of items that are interrupted by damage. The following items are not interrupted by “Poison Sting”: Blink Dagger, Heart of Tarrasque, Healing Salve, Clarity, and Bottle (meaning that these items will not be put on cooldown or be canceled when receiving “Poison Sting” damage).
  • Couriers are slowed by this passive ability.
Venomancer – Poison Nova (magical) Tier 2:
  • The poison effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius (the spell will not deal damage).
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • The damage dealt by this spell is non-lethal.
  • This spell will not damage invisible units.

Viper – Nethertoxin (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units
  • This passive ability can damage structures.
  • This passive ability can damage siege creeps.
Viper – Corrosive Skin (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effects (movement and attack speed) of this passive ability do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Viper – Viper Strike (magical) Tier 1:
  • The slowing effects (movement and attack speed) of this spell do affect Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Couriers are slowed by this spell.
Visage (Necro'lic)

This hero has a non-standard magic resistance value of 10%.

Visage – Soul Assumption (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
Visage – Gravekeeper’s Cloak (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • This passive ability cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Visage – Summon Familiars (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell grants Spell Immunity to Familiars.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • Familiars can never be stunned or slowed and very few disables affect them in any way. Some spells prevent Familiars from moving or attacking. The following stuns, disables, interrupts and entangles have some effect on Familiars:
    • Axe's "Berserker's Call"
    • Batrider’s “Flaming Lasso”
    • Enigma’s “Black Hole”
    • Faceless Void’s “Chronosphere”
    • Spirit Breaker’s “Greater Bash” – Cannot Move (Greater Bash from any source)
    • Treant Protector’s “Overgrowth” – Cannot Attack
    • Tusk’s “Walrus Punch”
    • Winter Wyvern's "Winter's Curse"
  • Familiars are not targeted or damaged by some wards, traps and mines. The following wards, traps, and mines can attack or damage Familiars:
    • Shadow Shaman's "Mass Serpent Ward"
    • Venomancer's "Plague Ward"
  • This spell provides flying vision (Familiars are Flying units).
Visage (Familiars) – Stone Form (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • Familiars are invulnerable for the 8 second duration of this spell.
  • This spell destroys trees.
Warlock (Demnok Lannik)

Warlock – Fatal Bonds (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell's debuff stacks.
  • Any source of damage amplification (including damage bonuses received by illusions) affecting a unit affected by “Fatal Bonds” will increase the amount of damage dealt to other bonded units whenever the affected unit takes damage.
Warlock – Shadow Word (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell's buff and debuff stack.
  • This spell can heal and damage siege creeps.
Warlock – Chaotic Offering (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • The stun effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • The units spawned by this spell block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • Couriers are stunned by this spell.
Warlock (Warlock Golem) – Flaming Fists (pure) Tier 3:
  • Every effect of this passive ability affects Spell Immune units.
  • This passive ability does not affect ethereal units.
Weaver (Skitskurr)

Weaver – The Swarm (physical) Tier 1:
  • This spell attaches a summoned beetle unit to each enemy unit within its area of effect. The beetle deals physical damage to the unit it is attached to. These beetles will attach to Spell Immune units and deal damage normally.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • Becoming invisible for any reason will kill the beetle.
  • This spell provides flying vision (both when cast and on affected units).
Weaver – Shukuchi (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell grants maximum movement speed. Targets with maximum movement speed cannot be slowed.
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
Weaver – Time Lapse (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a purge (only on Weaver).
  • This spell purges some debuffs that cannot normally be purged:
    • Enigma’s “Malefice”
    • Invoker’s “Cold Snap”
    • Venomancer’s “Venomous Gale”



Duration: 4 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Time: .25 Seconds (at all levels)

Fade Delay: 0 Seconds (at all levels)

Can be revealed by silence: No

Can phase through other units: Yes

Best Counters: Weaver’s invisibility is very difficult for any single counter to be effective against, depending on how he chooses to use “Shukuchi” (too fast for Dust or Sentrys, too short to be worth the attention of a Gem). The short duration of “Shukuchi” may be reason enough for your team to ignore invisibility counters when facing Weaver all together. Even though “Shukuchi” is hard to counter well, the basic rules still apply. Use Dust of Appearance against a Weaver using “Shukuchi” aggressively but don’t forget that Weaver can always purge Dust of Appearance if he wants to spend “Time Lapse”. Use a Gem of True Sight if necessary to prevent Weaver from escaping from team fights.
Windranger (Lyralei)

Windranger – Shackleshot (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. "Shackleshot" can shackle invisible units but it cannot target them. If you believe an invisible unit is behind another enemy you can attempt to shackle them together since you don’t need to be able to see the second unit.
Windranger – Powershot (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell provides flying vision.
Windranger – Windrun (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Windranger can negate attack projectiles with the dodge effect of “Windrun”. The attack animation for the projectile must have ended for this spell to dodge successfully (meaning the projectile will be in flight - this spell only dodges attacks, not spells).
Windranger – Focus Fire (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell can be cast on structures and Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
Winter Wyvern (Auroth)

This hero has unique vision ranges. They are as follows:

Day – 1800
Night – 800 (1200 when Winter Wyvern uses “Arctic Burn”)

Winter Wyvern – Arctic Burn (pure) Tier 1:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • Winter Wyvern is a flying unit when this spell is active.
  • This spell destroys trees.
  • This spell can slow and damage siege creeps.
  • Couriers are slowed and damaged by this spell.
Winter Wyvern – Splinter Blast (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • A projectile is generated for Spell Immune enemy units. If a previously Spell Immune enemy unit lost Spell Immunity before the projectile hits the unit, it will take the damage normally.
  • This spell cannot be negated by blinking, jumping, gaining invisibility, or transforming.
  • This spell can block creep camp spawns.
  • This spell can help to track invisible units. Projectiles generated by "Splinter Blast" do damage invisible units and the projectiles generated by this area of effect spell will follow invisible units to their current position.
Winter Wyvern – Cold Embrace (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • This spell is an stun (only on allied units).
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune allies.
  • This spell can protect and heal siege creeps.
Winter Wyvern – Winter's Curse (does not have a damage type) Tier 1:
  • This spell is a stun and a taunt.
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • This spell can be cast on Spell Immune units.
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • This spell has equal priority to Axe's "Berserker’s Call". Whichever hero casts their taunt first (Axe or Winter Wyvern) will last its full duration. If either hero taunted a unit that was already taunted then their taunt will apply to the taunted unit when the first taunt debuff ends if the two taunts did not entirely overlap in duration.
  • This spell can be used to force enemy units to attack heroes and heroes to attack enemy units. Stationary units such as wards, traps, and mines cannot be taunted.
  • This spell can taunt siege creeps.
  • Couriers are taunted by this spell. Since couriers do not have an attack, they will just be disabled by this spell.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Winter's Curse" does force invisible units to attack the targetd unit. In the rare even that this does not remove the unit’s invisibility "Winter's Curse" will at least hold it in a known location.
Witch Doctor (Zharvakko)

Witch Doctor – Paralyzing Cask (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell will bounce from Spell Immune units, but it will not damage or stun them.
  • This spell cannot target Spell Immune units.
  • This spell has a 5 second duration when applied to creeps.
Witch Doctor – Voodoo Restoration (does not have a damage type) Tier 2:
  • The heal effect of this area of effect spell will affect Spell Immune units in its radius.
  • Casting this spell does not interrupt channeled spells or items.
  • Couriers are healed by this spell.
Witch Doctor – Maledict (magical) Tier 1:
  • This spell cannot be dispelled with Spell Immunity or any type of purge (Black King Bar, Manta Style, Diffusal Blade, etc…).
  • The damage dealt by this spell is based on the difference between an affected unit’s current hit point value and the same value when Maledict was cast. The larger the difference is between the current hit point value and the original value, the more damage the spell will do with each successive tick. This means that a unit that is severely wounded when this spell is cast on it may survive the spell if it takes no additional damage, but that a high hit point unit that is still relatively healthy may die from the spell if it has taken a considerable hit point loss since the debuff was applied.
  • Burst heals such as Magic Wand charges or Mekansm are extremely effective when attempting to reduce the potential damage over time caused by “Maledict”. Using these heals as quickly as possible is the key to minimize the damage.
Witch Doctor – Death Ward (physical) Tier 2:
  • Every effect of this spell affects Spell Immune units.
  • The damage dealt by this ward is reduced by armor but it is not reduced by damage block.
Wraith King (Ostarion)

Wraith King – Wraithfire Blast (magical) Tier 3:
  • This spell is a stun.
Wraith King – Reincarnation (does not have a damage type) Tier 3:
  • If Wraith King has an Aegis of the Immortal and “Reincarnation” is available when he is killed “Reincarnation” will be used first.

Zeus – Lightning Bolt (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a stun.
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Lightning Bolt" provides flying vision with True Sight of invisible units in radius 750 of the targeted unit or targeted location for 4.5 seconds. Casting this spell on an empty location where you believe an invisible enemy unit may be lurking is the perfect way to reveal them.
Zeus – Thundergod's Wrath (magical) Tier 2:
  • This spell is a noteworthy invisibility counter. "Thundergod’s Wrath" provides flying vision with True Sight in radius 900 around each hero struck by a bolt for 3 seconds. If a hero was invisible when Zeus cast "Thundergod’s Wrath" then it will not be damaged, but it will still be revealed with flying vision for 3 seconds.
How to use the Item Sections
Unlike the hero sections of this guide, the item sections are intended to be a comprehensive look at each item in DotA2. Just like the hero sections of this guide however, the rules of damage types, immunities, evasion, invisibility, disables and resistances such as those described in the previous sections can and will be broken at random. Any rules broken in this way are notated as such in the appropriate item’s description. I have notated every item’s cost, purchase locations, available stock, restock time, cooldown, mana cost, cast range, ability to be shared, ability to be disassembled, and list of components. If an item’s section does not list one or more of these parameters then the parameter(s) is not applicable to this item. Any item that can be purchased in the Side Shop or that must be purchased in the Secret Shop are notated as such. Commas separating purchase locations denote multiple possible purchase locations. The use of an upper case "AND" in the purchase locations parameter of an item section indicates that this item will require components from two different types of shop.

Item sections are arranged alphabetically for ease of access. Items with Unique Attack Modifiers are denoted, and any special interactions these items have with other Unique Attack Modifiers are also noted.
Abyssal Blade

Cost: 6750
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 60 Seconds (passive stun has a 2 second cooldown)
Mana Cost: 150
Cast Range: 140
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Skull Basher, Sacred Relic

+ 100 Damage
+ 10 Strength

Active: Stuns a targeted enemy unit / hero / Roshan for 2 seconds. This stun does affect Spell Immune units.

Passive: Gives a 25% melee or 10% ranged chance to stun for 1.4 seconds when attacking enemy units / heroes / Roshan. This ability does affect Spell Immune units.

  • Illusions do not benefit from this item’s passive ability.
  • This item cannot be purchased by Slardar, Faceless Void, Spirit Breaker, or Troll Warlord.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Aegis of the Immortal

This item is always dropped from Roshan when he is killed.

Passive: Reincarnates the owner of this item if they die within 5 minutes of picking it up with full HP and mana. They will be reincarnated 5 seconds after they were killed in the same location that they were killed. This item will disappear from the owner’s inventory once it has been used to reincarnate the owner of the item. If the owner of this item does not die within 5 minutes of picking the item up it will disappear from the owner’s inventory. In this event, the owner will then be healed and restored to full mana with a very powerful restoration effect, healing the hero fully over 5 seconds. This effect can be cancelled by attacks from enemy heroes or towers (similar to the healing effect provided by Urn of Shadows). If Roshan respawns before this item is picked up it will disappear without providing any benefit.

  • Cooldowns are not affected by this item.
  • Enemy players will be informed of which hero picked up the Aegis of the Immortal.
  • This item can be denied if it has not yet been picked up by a hero.
  • This item cannot be dropped, traded, or sold.
  • This item is destroyed if it is still on the ground when Roshan respawns.
  • This item is destroyed when Roshan spawns whether it has been picked up or not. This means it is not possible to have more than one Aegis of the Immortal in play at once. It is possible (although probably not wise) to postpone picking up the item to prevent the 5 minute countdown from beginning.
Aghanim’s Scepter

Cost: 4200
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Point Booster, Staff of Wizardry, Ogre Club, Blade of Alacrity

+ 10 Strength
+ 10 Agility
+ 10 Intelligence
+ 200 Health
+ 150 Mana

Upgrades the ultimate ability of some heroes when possessed.

  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Animal Courier

Cost: 120
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Stock: 1
Restock: 7 Seconds
Shareable: Completely

Active: Summons a creature that will carry items to allied players and different locations.

  • Gives 150 gold to each enemy player when killed (750 to enemy team).
  • Couriers respawn 140 seconds after they are killed automatically.
  • Items on a courier that is killed are not lost. These items are inaccessible until the courier respawns.
  • Couriers are invulnerable when near the fountain.
  • Couriers can use some items that have no mana cost on themselves (Healing Salve, Clarity, Tango, Smoke of Deceit).
  • Moves at speed 350.
  • This unit has 75 hit points and 0 armor.
  • Couriers cannot hold Aegis of the Immortal.
  • Couriers can buy Divine Rapiers, but they cannot pick them up from the ground, even if a player has never had it in their inventory.
  • Most spells and passive abilities do not affect animal couriers since they have permanent Spell Immunity. The following spells and passive abilities are able to affect or kill couriers:
    • Anti-Mage's "Mana Void" (stun)
    • Axe's "Culling Blade" (kill)
    • Bane's "Fiend's Grip" (disable)
    • Batrider's "Flaming Lasso" (disable)
    • Beastmaster's Boar's "Poison" (slow)
    • Beastmaster's "Primal Roar" (stun)
    • Broodmother's Spiderite's "Poison Sting" (slow)
    • Dazzle's "Shadow Wave" (heal)
    • Dragon Knight's "Frost Breath" (slow)
    • Enigma's "Black Hole" (disable)
    • Faceless Void's "Time Lock" (stun)
    • Juggernaut's "Healing Ward" (heal)
    • Lich's "Chain Frost" (stun)
    • Lina's "Laguna Blade" with Aghanim's Scepter (kill)
    • Magnus's "Reverse Polarity" (stun and disable)
    • Naga Siren's "Ensnare" (ensnare)
    • Pudge's "Dismember" (disable)
    • Sand King's "Epicenter" (slow)
    • Shadow Fiend's "Presence of the Dark Lord" (armor reduction)
    • Slardar's "Bash" (stun)
    • Slardar's "Amplify Damage" (armor reduction and shared vision)
    • Spirit Breaker's "Greater Bash" (stun)
    • Spirit Breaker's "Nether Strike" (stun)
    • Troll Warlord's "Berserker's Rage" (stun)
    • Tusk's "Walrus Punch" (disable and damage, probably kills)
    • Venomancer's "Poison Sting" (slow)
    • Viper's "Viper Strike" (slow)
    • Warlock's "Chaotic Offering" (stun)
    • Winter Wyvern's "Arctic Burn" (slow and damage)
    • Winter Wyvern's "Winter's Curse" (taunt)
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Arcane Boots

Cost: 1450
Purchase Locations: Side Shop, Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 55 Seconds
Mana Cost: 35
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Energy Booster, Boots of Speed

+ 55 Movement Speed
+ 250 Mana

Active: Restores 135 mana to allies in range 600. This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units.

  • Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
  • Meepo Clones cannot use this item’s active ability.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Armlet of Mordiggian

Cost: 2400
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Helm of Iron Will, Gloves of Haste, Blades of Attack, Armlet of Mordiggian Recipe

+ 9 Damage
+ 15 Attack Speed
+ 5 Armor
+ 7 HP Regeneration

Active: Gives +31 Damage, +10 Attack Speed, and +25 Strength over .7 seconds while active, but drains 40 HP per second which can't be reduced.

  • The owner cannot die from the 40 HP per second lost by this item’s active ability, nor can they die from the hit point loss they will suffer when deactivating this item.
  • Toggling this item’s active ability will not interrupt channeling abilities or items.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Assault Cuirass

Cost: 5250
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Platemail, Hyperstone, Chainmail, Assault Cuirass Recipe

+ 35 Attack Speed
+ 10 Armor

Passive: Grants a +20 attack speed aura and a +5 armor aura in range 900 that affects allied heroes and units. This aura also reduces enemy heroes / units / structures / Roshan armor by -5 in range 900.

  • The armor bonus provided by this item does stack with similar bonuses from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila, or Vladmir’s Offering.
  • Does not stack with other Assault Cuirasses.
  • Illusions benefit from this item’s passive ability.
  • This item's passive aura affects couriers.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Band of Elvenskin

Cost: 450
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 6 Agility
Battle Fury

Cost: 4350
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Broadsword, Claymore, Perseverance

+ 65 Damage
+ 6 HP Regeneration
+ 150% Mana Regeneration

Passive: Deals 35% of a hero’s attack damage in a range 250 cleave. This passive ability does not benefit ranged heroes.

  • Fully stacks with other Battle Furies and cleave abilities.
  • The area of effect of a cleave is circular, where the length of the radius of the circle is equal to the cleave range. The circular area of effect is always placed directly adjacent to the attacking unit and oriented in the direction that the attacking unit was facing when the attack was made. The diameter of the aforementioned circle runs through the attacking unit and the unit being attacked.
  • Cleave damage on non-primary targets is not reduced by armor values (only by armor type).
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Belt of Strength

Cost: 450
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 6 Strength
Black King Bar

Cost: 3975
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 80/75/70/65/60/55 Seconds (cooldown decreases after each use)
Components: Ogre Club, Mithril Hammer, Black King Bar Recipe

+ 10 Strength
+ 24 Damage

Active: Grants Spell Immunity for 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds. The duration of this effect decreases with each successive use of this item’s active ability. The duration cannot go lower than 4 seconds. The cooldown cannot go lower than 50 seconds. This buff cannot be purged.

  • Purchasing a new Black King Bar will not reset the degrading duration/cooldown effects that this item suffers.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Blade Mail

Cost: 2200
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Cooldown: 17 Seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Components: Broadsword, Chainmail, Robe of the Magi

+ 22 Damage
+ 6 Armor
+ 10 Intelligence

Active: Returns any damage the owner takes after reductions to the unit that dealt the damage for 4.5 seconds as pure damage. The owner still takes the damage. This buff cannot be purged.

  • Blade Mail does not reflect damage from other Blade Mails.
  • Blade Mail does not reflect damage from Nyx Assassin's "Spiked Carapace".
  • Blade Mail does not reflect damage from summons with hit points (including illusions) to heroes. The damage will be redirected to the summon.
  • Blade Mail does not reflect damage from most stationary units such as mines, traps or wards. Exception:
    • Clockwerk's "Power Cogs"
  • All of the damage dealt by an attack or spell that kills the owner of Blade Mail when this item’s ability is active will be reflected completely (even if the owner of Blade Mail didn’t have anywhere near that many hit points left to lose).
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Blade of Alacrity

Cost: 1000
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 10 Agility
Blades of Attack

Cost: 450
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 9 Damage
Blink Dagger

Cost: 2250
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Cooldown: 12 Seconds

Active: Teleport to a target point up to range 1200 away. If damage is taken from an enemy hero the owner cannot teleport for 3 seconds. Any additional damage taken during this time will reset the 3 second countdown.

  • HP modifications do not count for the purposes of damage that affects this item.
  • This item's active ability is not disabled if you take 0 damage from an ability or attack that hits you.
  • Self damage disables this item.
  • Damage from Roshan disables this item.
  • Trying to blink outside of the maximum range will cause the teleport to only go range 960 instead of 1200.
  • Double clicking the Blink Dagger in the inventory will teleport the hero in the direction of their fountain. This does cause the dagger to try to blink further than the maximum distance unless the owner is very close to the fountain.
  • The teleport can be used to cause many projectiles to miss. Some projectiles cannot miss.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 4900
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop
Cooldown: 300 Seconds
Components: Soul Booster, Soul Ring, Bloodstone Recipe

+ 500 Health
+ 400 Mana
+ 9 HP Regeneration
+ 200% Mana Regeneration

This item starts with 8 charges. The Bloodstone will gain a charge each time an enemy hero dies in range 1600 of the owner hero or when the owner gets a kill (outside this range).

Active: Instantly kill yourself (triggering the heal that is normally provided passively on death).

Passive: Each charge on this item gives 1 mana regeneration per second. When the bearer dies, allied units in range 1675 will be healed a minimum of 500 hit points. Each charge on the Bloodstone at the time of the bearer’s death will heal for an additional 30 hit points and the Bloodstone will lose a third (0.33) of its charges (rounded down). The amount of unreliable gold that would normally be lost on death is reduced by 25 gold for each charge on the Bloodstone when the bearer died. The respawn time of the bearer is reduced by 4 seconds per charge (also counting total charges before the character died and some were subtracted). While the bearer is dead they gain 1800 day and night vision of the area in which they died. They also continue to gain experience when enemies are killed within range 1600 of their death location.

  • This item's active ability treats the subsequent death as a deny.
  • Using this item’s active ability when in possession of an Aegis of the Immortal or when using a hero with a passive ability that will revive the owner (such as Wraith King’s “Reincarnation”) will put the item on cooldown and kill the owner normally. No charges will be expended and no healing will be applied to nearby allies since the hero will be revived shortly.
  • This item’s passive ability will only function for the highest priority Bloodstone in the hero’s inventory if the hero has multiple Bloodstones (meaning it is a bad idea to have multiple Bloodstones).
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Boots of Speed

Cost: 450
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 50 Movement Speed

  • Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Boots of Travel

Cost: 2450
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 50 Seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Components: Boots of Speed, Boots of Travel Recipe

+ 100 Movement Speed

Active: Teleports the owner to a targeted allied structures or unit in 3 seconds.

  • Shares the same cooldown as Town Portal Scroll.
  • The teleport will automatically target the fountain if the item is double-clicked.
  • The casting time of Boots of Travel is always 3 seconds, regardless of recent allied teleports of any kind.
  • Enemy creeps will ignore a creep that is a currently being teleported to by Boots of Travel, even if they were already attacking this creep (they will switch targets if possible and will not reacquire the targeted creep until the player arrives or the channel is canceled).
  • Unlike a Town Portal Scroll, no trees are destroyed by a successful teleport with this item.
  • This item pings the minimap for all allied players at the target location of the teleport.
  • Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
  • The teleport will be canceled if it was targeting an allied creep and that creep is converted or killed during the teleport channel. The cooldown penalty will still apply as if the Boots of Travel had been used.
  • Prioritizes nearby structures over units within range 325 from the targeted location when ground targeted.
  • The following spells do not interrupt the channeling of this item (or any channeled ability):
    • Bounty Hunter’s “Shadow Walk”
    • Clinkz’s “Strafe”
    • Clinkz’s “Skeleton Walk”
    • Elder Titan’s "Return Astral Spirit"
    • Invoker’s “Ghost Walk”
    • Juggernaut’s “Blade Fury”
    • Leshrac’s “Pulse Nova”
    • Nyx Assassin’s “Vendetta”
    • Pudge’s “Rot”
    • Slardar’s “Sprint”
    • Templar Assassin's "Trap"
    • Timbersaw’s “Return Chakram”
    • Weaver’s “Shukuchi”
    • Witch Doctor’s “Voodoo Restoration”
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 700
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: .5 Seconds
Shareable: Partially

Active: Restores 135 hit points and 70 mana over 3 seconds. The effect is immediately ended if the owner takes damage during the 3 second period. Empty bottles can be refilled at the fountain. Runes can be stored in a bottle for later use. Bottled runes will last 2 minutes before they are automatically applied to the character carrying the bottle. This item has 3 charges.

  • The bottle cannot be used when it is empty.
  • When a rune is activated from a bottle (whether manually or automatically) the bottle will be refilled with all 3 charges.
  • The bottle cannot be dropped or traded when a rune is stored in it.
  • Holding CTRL before pushing the Bottle’s hotkey will grant a context sensitive cursor that allows you to share bottle charges with allies. Only one charge will be expended at a time. Attempting to share a bottle charge when a rune is stored in the bottle will activate the rune (without sharing a charge with an ally).
  • This item will be refilled at the fountain, even if it is on the courier. This means that a hero can call the empty courier manually and send their bottle back with the courier to the fountain so that it can be refilled without having to return to base.
  • Bottles without all 3 charges slow courier movement speed by 30%.

Cost: 525
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Circlet, Gauntlets of Strength, Bracer Recipe

+ 6 Strength
+ 3 Agility
+ 3 Intelligence
+ 3 Damage

Cost: 1200
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 18 Damage

Cost: 800
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 25 Seconds
Mana Cost: 10
Components: Chainmail, Iron Branch, Buckler Recipe

+ 2 Strength
+ 2 Agility
+ 2 Intelligence
+ 5 Armor

Active: Gives + 2 armor to all allied units and heroes within range 750. Lasts 25 seconds on heroes and 30 seconds on units. This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units. This buff can be purged.

  • The armor buff from this item does not stack with the armor buff from Mekansm.

Cost: 6000
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 35 Seconds
Components: Talisman of Evasion, Quarterstaff, Eaglesong

Active: Gives a 20% movement speed bonus and disables the evasion provided by any number of this item for 8 seconds. This ability does affect the owner if they are Spell Immune. This buff cannot be purged.

+ 30 Agility
+ 30 Damage
+ 35% Evasion
+ 30 Attack Speed

  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 550
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 5 Armor

Cost: 1000
Cooldown: 40 Seconds
Shareable: Completely

This item is dropped from Roshan every time he is killed after his second death.

Active: Instantly restores 2500 HP and 1000 mana when used.

  • This items stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • This item can be sold for half of its cost (500 gold). Cheese can only be sold by the hero that picks it up first.
  • This item can be denied if it has not yet been picked up by a hero.

Cost: 165
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 2 Strength
+ 2 Agility
+ 2 Intelligence

Cost: 50
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cast Range: 100

Active: Restores 150 mana over 40 seconds. The effect is immediately ended if the player takes damage. This buff cannot be purged.

  • HP modifications do not count for the purposes of cancelling consumable items.
  • This consumable item can be cast on allies.
  • This items stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • The effect is not dispelled if less than 20 magical damage is taken after reductions. An attack always dispels this effect. This means that some damage over time spells cannot remove the mana restoration effect (such as Dark Seer’s “Ion Shell”, Huskar’s “Burning Spear”, or the damage over time effect provided by Urn of Shadows).
  • Double clicking on this item in the inventory will use it on the owner’s hero.

Cost: 1400
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 21 Damage

Cost: 550
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 15% Spell Resistance
Crimson Guard

Cost: 3850
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 70 Seconds
Components: Vanguard, Buckler, Crimson Guard Recipe

+ 2 Strength
+ 2 Agility
+ 2 Intelligence
+ 5 Armor
+ 250 Health
+ 6 HP Regeneration

Active: Grants allied heroes and units within range 750 a shield that lasts 10 seconds and gives a 100% chance to block 50 damage along with +2 armor. This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units. This buff can be purged.

Passive: Gives a 67% chance to block 40 damage for a melee hero or 20 damage for a ranged hero.

  • The blocking shield does not affect units that been given a blocking shield in the last 70 seconds by another Crimson Guard.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 2150
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Broadsword, Blades of Attack, Crystalys Recipe

+ 30 Damage

Passive: Grants a 20% chance to crit for 175% damage.

Cost: 5550
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Crystalys, Demon Edge, Daedalus Recipe

+ 81 Damage

Passive: Grants a 25% chance to crit for 240% damage.

  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 2720/3970/5220/6470/7720 (at levels 1/2/3/4/5 respectively)
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 35/30/25/20/15 (at levels 1/2/3/4/5 respectively)
Mana Cost: 180
Cast Range: 600/650/700/750/800 (at levels 1/2/3/4/5 respectively)
Components: Staff of Wizardry, Null Talisman, Dagon Recipe

+ 3 Strength
+ 3 Agility
+ 13/16/19/22/25 Intelligence (at levels 1/2/3/4/5 respectively)
+ 9 Damage

Buying the Dagon Recipe again will upgrade this item to level 2, level 3, level 4, or level 5 depending on its current level.

Active: Deal 400/500/600/700/800 (at levels 1/2/3/4/5 respectively) magical damage to a target enemy unit / hero / Roshan.

  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Demon Edge

Cost: 2400
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 46 Damage

Cost: 4100
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Mithril Hammer, Mithril Hammer, Desolator Recipe

+ 60 Damage

Passive: Causes the owner’s attacks to place a debuff that reduces the armor of enemy units / heroes / structures / Roshan by 7 for 15 seconds. This debuff can be purged.

  • Desolator is a Unique Attack Modifier and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
  • The armor reducing passive effect of this item does not stack with repeated attacks from the same source or with attacks from other heroes using Desolator.
  • The armor reducing passive effect of this item is placed before an attack hits (meaning that the first attack from a hero using Desolator will benefit from the passive ability).
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Diffusal Blade

Cost: 3150/3850 (at levels 1/2 respectively)
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Cast Range: 600
Components: Blade of Alacrity, Blade of Alacrity, Robe of the Magi, Diffusal Blade Recipe

+ 20/35 Agility (at levels 1/2 respectively)
+ 6/10 Intelligence (at levels 1/2 respectively)

This item starts with 8 charges. Buying the Diffusal Blade Recipe again will upgrade this item to level 2 and reset the item’s charges to 8 regardless of its current number of charges. More charges cannot be added to Diffusal Blade after it has been upgraded to level 2.

Active: Purges a target unit or hero and spends one charge on the Diffusal Blade. The purge removes some buffs/debuffs and slows the movement speed of enemy units / heroes / Roshan for 4 seconds with a purge rate of 5 (meaning every .8 seconds the purged unit will regain 20% of its movement speed). Summoned units (including illusions) are instantly destroyed. Non-hero, non-Roshan units will be rooted for 3 seconds (rooted units cannot attack but can still use most spells). The owner can purge themselves and all allied units. Allied targets are not slowed when purged. This debuff can be purged.

Passive: Causes the owner’s attacks to burn 25 mana and deal bonus physical damage equivalent to the amount of mana burned.

  • Diffusal Blade's passive effect does not stack with Anti-Mage's "Mana Break" passive ability. These two passive abilities treat each other like Unique Attack Modifiers with equal priority. Whichever one Anti-Mage buys/learns first will be used. Dropping or purchasing the Diffusal Blade with "Mana Break" skilled will make it impossible for Anti-Mage to benefit from this items passive ability.
  • Melee illusions are granted the passive mana burning ability of Diffusal Blade but ranged illusions are NOT.
  • Does not affect Spell Immune units (but is able to purge Omniknight's "Repel").
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Divine Rapier

Cost: 6200
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop
Shareable: Partially
Components: Sacred Relic, Demon Edge

+ 300 Damage

When a Divine Rapier is first purchased it can be dropped and picked up by the hero that purchased it or by his teammates. The Divine Rapier’s bonus damage only functions on the hero that purchased it until that hero is killed. The Divine Rapier will be dropped whenever a hero carrying it dies. Once the Divine Rapier has been picked up by the opposite team of the original owner, it is bound until death to the hero that picks it up. From this point onwards it cannot be dropped or traded and will only provide bonus damage for the hero that currently holds it.

  • If the original owner of the Divine Rapier dies and a team mate is able to pick up the Divine Rapier before an enemy can, the Divine Rapier will not provide any benefits to that team mate as if the team mate had picked up the Divine Rapier after it was purchased.
  • The Divine Rapier cannot be destroyed when it is dropped on the ground. It is totally invincible.
  • Couriers can buy Divine Rapiers, but they cannot pick them up from the ground, even if a player has never had it in their inventory.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Drum of Endurance

Cost: 1850
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Components: Bracer, Robe of the Magi, Drum of Endurance Recipe

+ 9 Strength
+ 9 Agility
+ 9 Intelligence
+ 3 Damage

This item has 6 charges when it is purchased. A charge is expended each time the active ability is used.

Active: Grants +10 attack speed and +10% movement speed for 6 seconds to all allied player-controlled heroes and units in range 900. This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units. This buff can be purged.

Passive: Grants +5 attack speed and +5% movement speed to all allied player-controlled heroes and units in range 900. This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units.

  • This items passive aura does not stack with other Drums of Endurance.
  • Illusions benefit from this item’s passive ability.
  • Illusions benefit from the movement speed bonus of this item’s active ability (they do not benefit from the attack speed bonus).
  • While a hero can be affected by multiple back-to-back drum charges, a hero cannot be affected by more than one use of this item’s active ability at once.
  • This item’s charges can be replenished by purchasing the Drum of Endurance Recipe again (875 gold).
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Dust of Appearance

Cost: 180
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 60 Seconds
Mana Cost: 5
Shareable: Completely

Active: Immediately reveals invisible heroes and units within range 1050. All heroes and units within range 1050 (not just those revealed by dust of appearance) will have a debuff placed on them that will last for 12 seconds. As long as the debuff is on a hero or unit it will remain visible and be unable to fade out completely as well as suffer a 15% movement speed slow. This item has 2 charges. This debuff can be purged (most commonly by Diffusal Blade).

  • This item stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • This item does not reveal invisible units that cannot move such as wards, traps, and mines.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 3300
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 25 Agility
Energy Booster

Cost: 1000
Purchase Locations: Side Shop, Secret Shop

+ 250 Mana
Ethereal Blade

Cost: 4900
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Mana Cost: 150
Cast Range: 800
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Eaglesong, Ghost Scepter

+ 10 Strength
+ 40 Agility
+ 10 Intelligence

Active: Fires a projectile that moves at speed 1200 and converts the target into Ethereal form. If the target is an enemy unit / hero / Roshan it is slowed by 80%, remains in Ethereal form for 3 seconds, and is dealt magical damage equal to 75 + 2x the owner’s primary attribute. If the target is the caster or an allied unit it will remain in Ethereal form for 4 seconds and it will not be slowed. No projectile is generated if the owner targets themself. Ethereal units cannot be targeted or damaged by any sort of physical attack, spell, or snare. Ethereal units cannot attack. Ethereal units take 40% extra magical damage. This debuff can be purged.

  • Shares the same cooldown as Ghost Scepter.
  • Using a teleport scroll will remove the Ethereal buff from the owner (using Boots of Travel will not).
  • Becoming Spell Immune will not remove the Ethereal buff from the owner hero or from allied heroes (it will remove it from enemies) when it is caused by Ethereal Blade (unlike when it is caused by Ghost Scepter). This means that it is possible to be both physically and magically immune at the same time (practically invincible) when using Ethereal Blade and Black King Bar together for a short time. Ether Blast must be used before Avatar or Avatar will remove the Ether Blast buff.
  • Does not affect Spell Immune enemy units.
  • The Ethereal debuff is applied before the damage is dealt, meaning that it will be amplified by 40%.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity

Cost: 2850
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 23
Mana Cost: 75
Cast Range: 700
Components: Staff of Wizardry, Sage’s Mask, Void Stone, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity Recipe

+10 Intelligence
+ 150% Mana Regeneration
+ 40 Movement Speed

Active: Makes the target unit or hero invulnerable and unable to act for 2.5 seconds while they are held in a cyclone. Deals 50 magical damage to enemy units and heroes when this spell ends. This debuff can only be purged by Diffusal Blade and Brewmaster's "Dispel Magic".

  • Double clicking on this item in the inventory will use it on the owner’s hero.
  • Can target the owner’s hero or enemy units and heroes.
  • This item’s active ability can be used on the owner even if the owner is Spell Immune. This ability does not function on any other Spell Immune units (allied or enemy).
  • Does not affect Roshan (even if his Spell Shield is down).
  • Does not affect Spell Immune units.
  • Pudge can use “Meat Hook” to pull units out of a cyclone (allied or enemy).
  • Using this item on enemy units or the owner’s hero purges some buffs and debuffs.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Eye of Skadi

Cost: 5675
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Ultimate Orb, Ultimate Orb, Point Booster, Orb of Venom

+ 25 Strength
+ 25 Agility
+ 25 Intelligence
+ 250 Health
+ 250 Mana

Passive: Causes the owner’s attacks to place a debuff that slows the movements speed of the target by 35% and the attack speed of the target by 45%. This debuff lasts for 5 seconds when it is applied by a melee hero and 3 seconds when it is applied by a ranged hero. This ability does affect Spell Immune units. This debuff cannot be purged.

  • Eye of Skadi is a Unique Attack Modifier and does not stack with *most* other Unique Attack Modifiers.
  • Eye of Skadi does stack with Lifesteal Unique Attack Modifiers for both ranged and melee heroes.
  • This Unique Attack Modifier will never proc when hero-specific Unique Attack Modifiers are cast manually.
  • This item’s passive ability affects siege creeps.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Flying Courier

Cost: 220
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Stock: 0
Restock: 4 Minutes 30 Seconds
Shareable: Completely

Active: Upgrades an Animal Courier to a Flying Courier.

  • This item is recipe, but it does not have a recipe icon.
  • Flying couriers move faster than regular couriers at speed 430.
  • This unit has 150 hit points and 10 armor.
  • This unit can use the spell "Speed Boost" to increase its speed to 650 for 4 seconds on a 90 second cooldown. This spell grants the courier maximum movement speed. Targets with maximum movement speed cannot be slowed.
  • This unit takes 50% extra damage from melee heroes.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Force Staff

Cost: 2250
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Cast Range: 800
Components: Staff of Wizardry, Ring of Regen, Force Staff Recipe

+ 10 Intelligence
+ 3 HP Regeneration

Active: Pushes any target unit or hero 600 units over .4 seconds in the direction it is facing.

  • Does not affect Roshan (even if his Spell Shield is down).
  • This item’s active ability can be used on the owner even if the owner is Spell Immune. This ability does not function on any other Spell Immune units (allied or enemy).
  • This item’s active ability can be used on siege creeps.
  • Can be used to escape Clockwerk’s “Power Cogs” but it will proc the effects of crossing all of the cogs that the hero is pushed over.
  • Does not affect units trapped in Enigma’s “Black Hole”, Faceless Void’s “Chronosphere”, Disruptor’s “Kinetic Field”, or Legion Commander's "Duel".
  • Can be used to push Gyrocopter's "Homing Missile".
  • Does not affect Phoenix during "Icarus Dive".
  • Can be used to negate Rubick's "Telekinesis" and Spirit Breaker’s “Charge of Darkness”.
  • Does not interrupt the target’s actions.
  • Can force units over cliffs and through trees (destroying them)
  • Double clicking on this item in the inventory will use it on the owner’s hero.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Gauntlets of Strength

Cost: 150
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 3 Strength
Gem of True Sight

Cost: 900
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Stock: 1
Restock: 10 Minutes
Shareable: Completely

Passive: Gives the ability to see all invisible units and heroes within range 1100. This item is dropped on death.

  • This item does not function when carried by a courier.
  • Illusions benefit from this item’s passive ability (any illusion of a hero with Gem of True Sight also has the ability to see invisible units).
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • This item cannot be destroyed when it is dropped on the ground. It is totally invincible.
  • This item does not function when the owner is affected by Doom’s “Doom” spell.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Ghost Scepter

Cost: 1600
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 30 Seconds

+ 7 Strength
+ 7 Agility
+ 7 Intelligence

Active: Become Ethereal for 4 seconds. Ethereal units cannot be targeted or damaged by any sort of physical attack, spell, or snare. Ethereal units cannot attack. Ethereal units take 40% extra magical damage. This buff can be purged.

  • Using a teleport scroll will remove the Ethereal buff from heroes (using Boots of Travel will not).
  • Becoming Spell Immune will remove the Ethereal buff from heroes.
  • Shares the same cooldown as Ethereal Blade.
Gloves of Haste

Cost: 500
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 15 Attack Speed
Hand of Midas

Cost: 2050
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 100 Seconds
Cast Range: 600
Components: Gloves of Haste, Hand of Midas Recipe

+ 30 Attack Speed

Active: Kills a non-hero target for 190 reliable gold and 2.5x the normal experience. Cannot be used on Ancients. This ability can be used on Spell Immune targets.

  • This item cannot be used on Necronomicon Warriors or Necronomicon Archers for bonus gold.
  • The bonus and normal experience gained from killing a creep with Hand of Midas is never shared; regardless of the proximity of allies or enemies (when used on jungle creeps).
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 600
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Ring of Regen, Iron Branch, Headdress Recipe

+ 2 Strength
+ 2 Agility
+ 2 Intelligence

Passive: Provides a + 3 HP regeneration aura within range 750 for all allied units and heroes.

  • The + 3 HP regeneration aura does not stack with other Headdresses.
Healing Salve

Cost: 110
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cast Range: 100

Active: Restores 400 hit points over 10 seconds. The effect is immediately ended if the player takes damage. This buff cannot be purged.

  • HP modifications do not count for the purposes of cancelling consumable items.
  • This consumable item can be cast on allies.
  • This items stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • The effect is not dispelled if less than 20 magical damage is taken after reductions. An attack always dispels this effect. This means that some damage over time spells cannot remove the health restoration effect (such as Dark Seer’s “Ion Shell”, Huskar’s “Burning Spear”, or the damage over time effect provided by Urn of Shadows).
  • Double clicking on this item in the inventory will use it on the owner’s hero.
Heart of Tarrasque

Cost: 5500
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 4/6 Seconds (melee/ranged respectively)
Components: Reaver, Vitality Booster, Heart of Tarrasque Recipe

+ 40 Strength
+ 300 Health

Passive: Regenerates 2% of the bearer’s total hit points per second.

  • The HP regeneration effect of this item’s passive ability will be disabled if the bearer takes damage from an enemy hero, hero controlled unit, or Roshan for 4 seconds if the bearer is a melee hero or 6 seconds if the bearer is a ranged hero.
  • The passive ability of this item does not stack with other Hearts of Tarrasque.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Heaven’s Halberd

Cost: 3850
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Cast Range: 600
Components: Sange, Talisman of Evasion

+ 25 Damage
+ 20 Strength
+ 25% Evasion

Active: Disarm a target enemy unit / hero / Roshan. Disarmed units cannot attack but they can still cast spells. This ability disarms melee targets for 3 seconds and ranged targets for 4.5 seconds. This debuff cannot be purged by Eul’s Scepter, Manta Style, or Diffusal Blade. This debuff can be purged by Spell Immunity.

Passive: Grants a 15% chance to slow movement speed and attack speed by 20% for 4 seconds when attacking enemy units or heroes. This item’s passive debuff can be purged.

  • Does not affect Spell Immune units.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Helm of Iron Will

Cost: 950
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 5 Armor
+ 3 HP Regeneration
Helm of the Dominator

Cost: 1850
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Cooldown: 60 Seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Cast Range: 700
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Morbid Mask, Helm of Iron Will

+ 20 Damage
+ 5 Armor
+ 3 HP Regeneration

Active: Take control of a non-hero, non-ancient, non-Roshan target unit indefinitely. This unit gains 500 additional maximum hit points.

Passive: Gives 15% Lifesteal on attacks.

  • This item cannot be used to control more than one creep at a time. If the owner attempts to control another creep the original dominated creep will die.
  • This item cannot be used to dominate Necronomicon Warriors or Necronomicon Archers.
  • If this item is sold, disassembled, or used as a component for Satanic the dominated creep will die.
  • Helm of the Dominator is a Unique Attack Modifier and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
  • Does not affect Spell Immune units.
Hood of Defiance

Cost: 2125
Purchase Locations: Side Shop, Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Ring of Health, Cloak, Ring of Regen, Ring of Regen

+ 9 HP Regeneration
+ 30% Spell Resistance

  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 2000
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 55 Attack Speed
Iron Branch

Cost: 50
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 1 Strength
+ 1 Agility
+ 1 Intelligence

Cost: 1500
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 21 Damage

Passive: Has a 20% chance to deal 40 bonus magical damage.
Linken’s Sphere

Cost: 5175
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 17 Seconds
Cast Range: 700
Components: Ultimate Orb, Perseverance, Linken’s Sphere Recipe

+ 15 Strength
+ 15 Agility
+ 15 Intelligence
+ 6 HP Regeneration
+ 150% Mana Regeneration
+ 10 Damage

Active: Grants the targeted allied hero a temporary 17 second one-charge version of this item’s passive ability. This active ability puts this item on cooldown for the owner. If the charge is expended because an enemy unit or hero attempts to cast a spell on the aforementioned allied hero then this item’s cooldown will be reset and the owner of the item will suffer the full duration of the cooldown again (meaning that in the worst case scenario this item could remain on cooldown for 34 seconds). The buff placed by this item's active ability stacks.

Passive: Blocks a spell targeted at the bearer every 17 seconds. Most Target Unit spells are blocked by Linken’s Sphere. Most No Target and many Target Point spells are not blocked by Linken’s Sphere.

  • Linken's Sphere does not block the following Target Unit spells:
    • Dark Seer – Ion Shell
    • Earth Spirit – Geomantic Grip (only possible if an enemy is affected by "Enchant Remnant")
    • Omni-Knight – Repel
    • Spectre – Spectral Dagger
    • Tiny – Toss
    • Tusk – Snowball
  • Linken's Sphere does block the following spells:
    • Abaddon – Mist Coil
    • Alchemist – Unstable Concoction
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Ancient Apparition – Cold Feet
    • Anti-Mage – Mana Void
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Axe – Battle Hunger
    • Axe – Culling Blade
    • Bane – Enfeeble
    • Bane – Brain Sap
    • Bane – Nightmare
    • Bane – Fiend’s Grip
    • Bat Rider – Flaming Lasso
    • Beastmaster – Primal Roar
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Bloodseeker – Bloodrage
    • Bloodseeker – Rupture
    • Bounty Hunter – Shuriken Toss
    • Bounty Hunter – Track
    • Brewmaster – Drunken Haze
    • Brewmaster – Hurl Boulder
    • Brewmaster – Cyclone
    • Bristleback – Viscous Nasal Goo
    • Broodmother – Spawn Spiderlings
    • Centaur Warrunner – Double Edge
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Chaos Knight – Chaos Bolt
    • Chaos Knight – Reality Rift
    • Chen – Penitence
    • Chen – Test of Faith
    • Crystal Maiden – Frostbite
    • Dazzle – Poison Touch
    • Disruptor – Thunder Strike
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Disruptor – Glimpse
    • Doom – LVL? Death
    • Doom – Doom
    • Dragon Knight – Dragon Tail
    • Earth Spirit – Boulder Smash
    • Enchantress – Enchant
    • Enigma – Malefice
    • Gyrocopter – Homing Missile
    • Huskar – Life Break
    • Invoker – Cold Snap
    • Juggernaut – Omnislash
      Linken’s Sphere only blocks the first attack and the stun effect of this spell. This spell still interrupts the first target and continues normally.
    • Keeper of the Light – Mana Leak
    • Kunkka – X Marks the Spot
    • Legion Commander – Duel
    • Leshrac – Lightning Storm
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Lich – Frost Blast
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Lich – Chain Frost
      Linken’s Sphere only blocks the stun effect of this spell. This spell still continues normally.
    • Lifestealer – Open Wounds
    • Lina – Laguna Blade
    • Lion – Earth Spike
      This spell is not blocked for any targets without a Linken’s Sphere.
    • Lion – Hex
    • Lion – Mana Drain
    • Lion – Finger of Death
    • Medusa – Mystic Snake
    • Morphling – Adaptive Strike
    • Morphling – Replicate
    • Naga Siren – Ensnare
    • Nature’s Prophet – Sprout
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Nature’s Prophet – Nature’s Wrath
      This spell is blocked entirely if a Linken’s Sphere owner is the primary target. If a Linken’s Sphere owner is affected by this spell because another unit was targeted the damage will be blocked, but the bounces will continue.
    • Necrophos – Reaper’s Scythe
    • Night Stalker – Void
    • Night Stalker – Crippling Fear
    • Nyx Assassin – Mana Burn
    • Ogre Magi – Fireblast
    • Ogre Magi – Ignite
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Ogre Magi – Unrefined Fireblast
    • Oracle – Fortune's End
    • Oracle – Fate's Edict
    • Oracle – Purifying Flames
    • Outworld Devourer – Astral Imprisonment
    • Phantom Assassin – Stifling Dagger
    • Phantom Assassin – Phantom Strike
    • Phantom Lancer – Spirit Lance
    • Pudge – Dismember
    • Pugna – Decrepify
    • Pugna – Life Drain
    • Queen of Pain – Shadow Strike
    • Razor – Static Link
    • Riki – Blink Strike
    • Rubick – Telekinesis
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Rubick – Fade Bolt
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Rubick – Spell Steal
    • Sand King – Burrowstrike
      This spell is not blocked for any targets without a Linken’s Sphere.
    • Shadow Demon – Disruption
    • Shadow Demon – Demonic Purge
    • Shadow Shaman – Ether Shock
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Shadow Shaman – Hex
    • Shadow Shaman – Shackles
    • Silencer – Last Word
    • Skywrath Mage – Arcane Bolt
    • Skywrath Mage – Ancient Seal
    • Slardar – Amplify Damage
    • Sniper – Assassinate
    • Spirit Breaker – Charge of Darkness
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target and Linken’s Sphere’s is put on cooldown as if it had blocked a spell successfully.
    • Spirit Breaker – Nether Strike
    • Storm Spirit – Electric Vortex
    • Sven – Storm Hammer
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Terrorblade's "Reflection"
    • Terrorblade's "Sunder"
    • Tidehunter – Gush
    • Tinker – Laser
    • Treant Protector – Leech Seed
    • Undying – Soul Rip
    • Vengeful Spirit – Magic Missile
    • Vengeful Spirit – Nether Swap
    • Viper – Viper Strike
    • Visage – Grave Chill
    • Visage – Soul Assumption
    • Warlock – Fatal Bonds
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Warlock – Shadow Word
    • Windranger – Shackle Shot
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Windranger – Focus Fire
    • Winter Wyvern – Splinter Blast
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Winter Wyvern – Winter's Curse
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Witch Doctor – Paralyzing Cask
      Linken’s Sphere can only block one bounce from this spell, regardless of whether the owner is the primary target or not.
    • Wraith King – Wraithfire Blast
    • Zeus – Arc Lighting
      This spell is not blocked if a Linken’s Sphere owner is not the primary target.
    • Zeus – Lightning Bolt
      This spell is still blocked if it is targeted on the ground.
  • Linken's Sphere does block the following item abilities:
    • Abyssal Blade – Overwhelm
    • Dagon – Energy Burst
    • Diffusal Blade – Purge
    • Ethereal Blade – Ether Blast
    • Force Staff – Force
    • Heaven’s Halberd – Disarm
    • Necronomicon (Necronomicon Archer) – Mana Burn
    • Orchid Malevolence – Soul Burn
    • Rod of Atos – Cripple
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 2800
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Gloves of Haste, Mithril Hammer, Maelstrom Recipe

+ 24 Damage
+ 25 Attack Speed

Passive: Grants a 25% chance on attack to release a burst of Chain Lightning that deals 120 magical damage to up to 4 units or heroes with a bounce range of 900 and a .25 second delay between each bounce.

  • Maelstrom is a Unique Attack Modifier that DOES stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers but will override them when this item’s passive procs.
  • This Unique Attack Modifier will never proc when hero-specific Unique Attack Modifiers are cast manually.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Magic Stick

Cost: 200
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Cooldown: 13 Seconds

Active: 15 hit points and mana are restored for each charge stored on the Magic Stick.

Passive: This item gains a charge each time a visible enemy unit casts a spell within range 1200. This item can store up to 10 charges.

  • Some spells with Unique Attack Modifiers do not add charges to the Magic Stick (ex: Drow’s “Frost Arrow”, Viper’s “Poison Attack”, etc…).
  • Toggled spells do not add charges to the Magic Stick (ex: Pudge’s “Rot”, Morphling’s “Morph”, etc…).
Magic Wand

Cost: 500
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 13 Seconds
Components: Iron Branch, Iron Branch, Iron Branch, Magic Stick, Magic Wand Recipe

+ 3 Strength
+ 3 Agility
+ 3 Intelligence

Active: 15 hit points and mana are restored for each charge stored on the Magic Wand.

Passive: This item gains a charge each time a visible enemy unit casts a spell within range 1200. This item can store up to 17 charges.

  • Some spells with Unique Attack Modifiers do not add charges to the Magic Stick (ex: Drow’s “Frost Arrow”, Viper’s “Poison Attack”, etc…).
  • Toggled spells do not add charges to the Magic Wand (ex: Pudge’s “Rot”, Morphling’s “Morph”, etc…).
  • Charges from Magic Stick are preserved when upgrading to Magic Wand.
Manta Style

Cost: 4950
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 35 Seconds for Melee Heroes, 50 Seconds for Ranged Heroes
Mana Cost: 165
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Yasha, Ultimate Orb, Manta Style Recipe

+ 10 Strength
+ 26 Agility
+ 10 Intelligence
+ 15 Attack Speed
+ 10% Movement Speed (this movement speed bonus does not stack with “Yasha”, “Sange and Yasha”, or “Manta Style”)

Active: Creates 2 illusions of the owner’s hero that last 20 seconds and resets the current attack and spell targeting priority of the owner's hero. Melee illusions deal 33% of the owner’s damage and take 350% bonus damage. Ranged illusions deal 28% of the owner’s damage and take 400% bonus damage.

  • The owner of this item is invulnerable for .1 second after using this item’s active ability.
  • This item grants ground vision in radius 1000 for .1 second after using this item’s active ability.
  • Using this item purges some debuffs.
  • Illusions benefit from the attack speed provided by this item.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Mantle of Intelligence

Cost: 150
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 3 Intelligence
Mask of Madness

Cost: 1800
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 25 Seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Components: Morbid Mask, Mask of Madness Recipe

Active: Grants +100 attack speed and +30% movement speed but causes the wearer to take 30% extra damage for 12 seconds. This buff can be purged.

Passive: Grants 20% Lifesteal on attacks.

  • Mask of Madness is a Unique Attack Modifier and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
  • Activating this item will not break channeling abilities or items.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Medallion of Courage

Cost: 1200
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 7 Seconds
Cast Range: 1000
Components: Chainmail, Sage’s Mask, Medallion of Courage Recipe

+ 6 Armor
+ 50% Mana Regeneration

Active: Reduces or exchanges the armor of the owner and their target by 7 for 7 seconds. Armor is reduced if the target is an enemy. Armor is exchanged if the target is an ally. This ability can be used on Spell Immune targets. Both the buff and the debuff can be purged from both the owner and the affected target.

  • The active ability of this item does not count as a spell and can be used on Roshan without proccing his Spell Block.
  • This item’s active ability can be used on siege creeps.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 2300
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 45 Seconds
Mana Cost: 225
Components: Headdress, Buckler, Mekansm Recipe

+ 5 Strength
+ 5 Agility
+ 5 Intelligence
+ 5 Armor

Active: Heals 250 hit points and gives +2 armor in range 750. This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units. This buff can be purged.

Passive: Grants +4 HP Regeneration in range 750 to all allied heroes and units. This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units.

  • The +2 armor bonus granted by the active ability will last 25 seconds.
  • The armor buff from this item does not stack with the armor buff from Buckler.
  • The active heal does not affect units that have been healed in the last 25 seconds by another Mekansm.
  • The passive effect does not stack with other Mekansms.
  • This item's passive aura affects couriers and couriers are healed by this item's active ability.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Mithril Hammer

Cost: 1600
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 24 Damage

Cost: 5700
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 35 Seconds (Chain Lightning on shielded units has a 1 second cooldown)
Mana Cost: 50
Cast Range: 600
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Hyperstone, Maelstrom, Mjollnir Recipe

+ 24 Damage
+ 80 Attack Speed

Active: Places a charged shield on a targeted allied unit or hero for 15 seconds. Whenever the shielded target takes damage there is a 20% chance to release a burst of Chain Lighting that deals 200 magical damage to the source of the damage and to up to 4 nearby enemies. The 4 secondary targets of the Chain Lightning cannot be further than range 900 from the shielded unit. This ability can be used on Spell Immune allied targets. This buff can be purged.

Passive: Grants a 25% chance on attack to release a burst of Chain Lightning that deals 150 magical damage to up to 8 units or heroes with a bounce range of 900 and a .25 second delay between each bounce.

  • Mjollnir is a Unique Attack Modifier that DOES stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers but will override them when this item’s passive procs.
  • This Unique Attack Modifier will never proc when hero-specific Unique Attack Modifiers are cast manually.
  • The shield placed by this item’s active ability can be procced by any type of damage or damage source (as usual, hp modifications do not count as damage).
  • This item’s active ability is a useful for tracking invisible units. The lightning bolts that are generated by attacks against a shielded unit will arc to invisible units, pointing out their position and damaging them.
  • Casting this item’s active ability on a unit that already has this buff (because multiple heroes have a Mjollnir) will have no effect. It will not increase the duration of the current buff.
  • Double clicking on this item in the inventory will use it on the owner’s hero.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Monkey King Bar

Cost: 5400
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Demon Edge, Javelin, Javelin

+ 88 Damage
+ 15 Attack Speed

Passive: Grants a 35% chance to stun a target for .01 seconds and deal 100 extra magical damage when attacking. Also grants True Strike, which prevents any attacks from missing due to terrain miss chance, blinding effects, or evasion.

  • Faceless Void can still dodge attacks from a hero equipped with Monkey King Bar using his “Backtrack” passive ability.
  • This item's passive ability does not take effect against structures.
  • The bonus damage and stun provided by this item do not affect Spell Immune units.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Morbid Mask

Cost: 900
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

Passive: Gives 15% Lifesteal on attacks.

  • Morbid Mask is a Unique Attack Modifier and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
Mystic Staff

Cost: 2700
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 25 Intelligence

Cost: 2700/3950/5200 (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 95 Seconds
Mana Cost: 50
Components: Staff of Wizardry, Belt of Strength, Necronomicon Recipe

+ 8/12/16 Intelligence (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)
+ 15/21/24 Strength (at levels 1/2/3 respectively)

Buying the Necronomicon Recipe again will upgrade this item to level 2 or level 3, depending on its current level.

Active: Summons controllable allied Necronomicon Warrior and Necronomicon Archer units for 40 seconds. Their strengths and abilities are dependent on the level of the Necronomicon.

  • The Necronomicon Warrior has the Mana Break passive ability which reduces the target’s mana with each hit. The targets mana will be reduced by 25/50/75 (at levels 1/2/3 respectively). 60% of the mana lost will be dealt as physical damage to the target.
  • The Necronomicon Warrior has the Last Will passive ability which deals 400/500/600 (at levels 1/2/3 respectively) pure damage to any unit or hero that kills the Necronomicon Warrior (assuming it doesn’t time out).
  • The Necronomicon Warrior has a range 1000 True Sight passive ability at level 3 which allows the Warrior’s team to see any invisible units within this radius.
  • The Necronomicon Archer has the Mana Burn active ability which reduces the target’s mana by 125/175/225 (at levels 1/2/3 respectively) when cast on a unit or hero within range 600. This ability has a 20 second cooldown. Does not affect Spell Immune units.
  • The Necronomicon Archer has the Attack Speed and Movement Speed Aura passive ability which increase the movement speed and attack speed of surrounding allied units by 3%/6%/9% (at levels 1/2/3 respectively) in range 900.
  • Illusions benefit from the Necronomicon Archer’s passive ability.
  • Necronomicon units grant 100/150/200 gold per unit when killed.
  • Using a Necronomicon again while any Necronomicon units from the same Necronomicon are still alive (such as through the use of a Refresher Orb) will kill the Necronomicon units. Using a Refresher Orb to negate the fact that using a Necronomicon puts all Necronomicons on cooldown will allow you to have a second set of Necronomicon units deployed simultaneously as long as you use the second Necronomicon after using the Referesher Orb.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Null Talisman

Cost: 470
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Circlet, Mantle of Intelligence, Null Talisman Recipe

+ 3 Strength
+ 3 Agility
+ 6 Intelligence
+ 3 Damage
Oblivion Staff

Cost: 1675
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Components: Quarterstaff, Sage’s Mask, Robe of the Magi

+ 6 Intelligence
+ 10 Attack Speed
+ 15 Damage
+ 75% Mana Regeneration
Observer Ward

Cost: 150
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Stock: 2 (Starts at 1)
Restock: 6 Minutes
Cooldown: 1 Second
Cast Range: 500
Shareable: Completely

Active: Use this item on a target location to place an invisible 200 hit point ward with 1600 vision of the surrounding area. This item has 2 charges.

  • This item stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • Can be used to block neutral creeps from spawning in the jungle.
  • Ward lasts for 7 minutes.
  • Ward vision is obstructed in the same way as heroes. Wards cannot see through trees or above themselves.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
  • These units grant 50 gold to the hero that destroys them (destroying them with summons will still grant the gold to the hero).
  • Targeting this item on an allied hero while holding CTRL will give that hero one ward. If you only have one ward it will be given to them. If you have more than one it will split your stack (if the targeted hero does not have room in their inventory this item will be placed on the ground).
Ogre Club

Cost: 1000
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 10 Strength
Orb of Venom

Cost: 275
Purchase Locations: Side Shop, Secret Shop

Passive: Causes the owner’s attacks to place a debuff that slows enemy heroes / units / Roshan by 4% when applied by ranged heroes and 12% when applied by melee heroes for 4 seconds. This debuff also does 3 magical damage per second for the 4 second duration. The slowing effect of this ability does affect Spell Immune units. This debuff can be purged.

  • Orb of Venom is a Unique Attack Modifier and does not stack with *most* other Unique Attack Modifiers. Orb of Venom does stack with Lifesteal Unique Attack Modifiers for both ranged and melee heroes.
  • The damage dealt by this item is non-lethal.
  • This item’s passive ability affects siege creeps.
Orchid Malevolence

Cost: 4125
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 18 Seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Cast Range: 900
Components: Oblivion Staff, Oblivion Staff, Orchid Malevolence Recipe

+ 25 Intelligence
+ 30 Attack Speed
+ 30 Damage
+ 150% Mana Regeneration

Active: Silences the target unit / hero / Roshan for 5 seconds and amplifies the damage it takes by 30%. This debuff can be purged.

  • Amplified damage is dealt at the end of the 5 second duration as magical damage.
  • Does not affect Spell Immune units.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 1750
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop
Shareable: Partially
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Ring of Health, Void Stone

+ 10 Damage
+ 5 HP Regeneration
+ 125% Mana Regeneration

  • This item can be traded to allied heroes and provides all of its benefits to any allied hero that possesses the item. When it is possessed by an allied hero it cannot be used as component for other items.
Phase Boots

Cost: 1350
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Components: Boots of Speed, Blades of Attack, Blades of Attack

+ 50 Movement Speed
+ 24 Damage

Active: Gives a 16% movement speed bonus and lets the owner phase through heroes, units, and summons for 4 seconds. Using another ability or item will cancel the bonuses. This buff cannot be purged.

  • Activating this item will not break channeling abilities or items.
  • Heroes can phase through any unit, hero, or summon when using this item’s active ability (including Shadow Shaman’s “Mass Serpent Ward”).
  • Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Pipe of Insight

Cost: 3525
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop, Main Shop AND Side Shop
Cooldown: 60 Seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Components: Hood of Defiance, Headdress, Pipe of Insight Recipe

+ 9 HP Regeneration
+ 30% Spell Resistance

Active: Grants allied heroes and units within range 900 a shield that lasts 12 seconds and will block an amount of magical damage equal to (1 – Magic Resistance) * 400. This ability does not shield against pure or physical damage (hp modifications also ignore this shield). This ability does affect Spell Immune allied units.

Passive: Grants allied heroes within range 900 +4 HP Regeneration.

  • The spell shield does not affect units that been given a spell shield in the last 50 seconds by another Pipe of Insight.
  • This item's passive aura affects couriers and couriers are granted the shield by this item's active ability.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 1400
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+10 Armor
Point Booster

Cost: 1200
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 150 Health
+ 200 Mana
Poor Man’s Shield

Cost: 550
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Components: Slippers of Agility, Slippers of Agility, Stout Shield

+ 6 Agility

Passive: Poor Man’s Shield always blocks 20 damage from enemy heroes for melee heroes and 10 damage from enemy heroes for ranged heroes. Grants a 53% chance to block 20 non-hero damage for a melee hero or 10 non-hero damage for a ranged hero.
Power Treads

Cost: 1400
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Components: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt of Strength OR Band of Elvenskin OR Robe of the Magi

+ 50 Movement Speed
+ 8 Selected Attribute
+ 30 Attack Speed

Active: Changes the selected attribute between Strength, Intelligence, and Agility.

  • Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
  • The initial +8 stat bonus from this item is determined by which item was used to complete it. Belt of Strength will set it to Strength, Band of Elvenskin will set it to Agility, and Robe of the Magi will set it to Intelligence.
  • Using this item’s active ability will always switch the item from Strength to Intelligence to Agility and then back to Strength again. Memorizing this order is important when tread switching.
  • Switch to Intelligence before casting a spell to reduce the total percentage of mana used on the spell.
  • Switch to Intelligence or Agility before using HP Regeneration items to use these items most effectively.
  • Switch to Agility or Strength before using Mana Regeneration items to use these items most effectively.
  • Switch to Strength as soon as possible when retreating from multiple enemy heroes or when initiating a team fight.

Cost: 900
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 10 Damage
+ 10 Attack Speed
Quelling Blade

Cost: 225
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Cast Range: 350

Active: Destroy a target tree or deal 100 damage to Observer/Sentry Wards.

Passive: Gives a 32% melee or 12% ranged damage bonus when attacking non-hero units.

  • Illusions benefit from this item’s passive ability.
  • This item’s passive ability does affect damage dealt by almost all types of cleave. Kunkka's passive ability "Tidebringer" is not affected by this item.

Cost: 5150
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Sacred Relic, Radiance Recipe

+ 65 Damage

Active: Toggles burn damage on and off.

Passive: When toggled “on” this passive ability deals 50 magical damage per second in range 700.

  • The Burn Damage aura does not stack with other Radiances.
  • Illusions benefit from this item’s passive ability.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 3200
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 25 Strength
Refresher Orb

Cost: 5225
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 195 Seconds
Mana Cost: 375
Components: Oblivion Staff, Perseverance, Refresher Orb Recipe

+ 5 HP Regeneration
+ 200% Mana Regeneration
+ 40 Damage
+ 10 Attack Speed
+ 6 Intelligence

Active: Resets the cooldowns of all of the owner's abilities and items.

  • Refresher Orb does not reset the cooldowns of other Refresher Orbs.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Ring of Aquila

Cost: 1010
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Wraith Band, Ring of Basilius

+ 9 Damage
+ 3 Strength
+ 9 Agility
+ 3 Intelligence
+ 1 Armor

Active: Grants a .65 mana regeneration aura and a +2 armor aura in range 900 that affects all allied heroes and units.

Passive: Grants a .65 mana regeneration aura and a +2 armor aura in range 900 that affects allied heroes only.

  • The armor bonus provided by this item does not stack with similar bonuses from Ring of Basilius or Vladmir’s Offering (only the highest bonus affecting a hero will be applied).
  • The mana regeneration bonus provided by this item does not stack with similar bonuses from Ring of Basilius or Vladmir’s Offering (only the highest bonus affecting a hero will be applied).
  • Does not stack with other Rings of Aquila.
  • This item's passive aura affects couriers.
Ring of Basilius

Cost: 525
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Sage’s Mask, Ring of Protection

+ 6 Damage
+ 1 Armor

Active: Grants a .65 mana regeneration aura and a +2 armor aura in range 900 that affects all allied heroes and units.

Passive: Grants a .65 mana regeneration aura and a +2 armor aura in range 900 that affects allied heroes only.

  • The armor bonus provided by this item does not stack with similar bonuses from Ring of Aquila or Vladmir’s Offering (only the highest bonus affecting a hero will be applied).
  • The mana regeneration bonus provided by this item does not stack with similar bonuses from Ring of Aquila or Vladmir’s Offering (only the highest bonus affecting a hero will be applied).
  • Does not stack with other Rings of Basilius.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
  • This item's passive aura affects couriers.
Ring of Health

Cost: 875
Purchase Locations: Side Shop, Secret Shop
Shareable: Partially

+ 5 HP Regeneration

  • This item can be traded to allied heroes and provides all of its benefits to any allied hero that possesses the item. When it is possessed by an allied hero it cannot be used as component for other items.
Ring of Protection

Cost: 200
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 3 Armor
Ring of Regen

Cost: 350
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Shareable: Partially

+ 2 HP Regeneration

  • This item can be traded to allied heroes and provides all of its benefits to any allied hero that possesses the item. When it is possessed by an allied hero it cannot be used as component for other items.
Robe of the Magi

Cost: 450
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 6 Intelligence
Rod of Atos

Cost: 3100
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Mana Cost: 50
Cast Range: 1200
Components: Staff of Wizardry, Staff of Wizardry, Vitality Booster

+ 25 Intelligence
+ 350 Health

Active: Slow a target unit’s / hero’s / Roshan’s movement speed by 60% for 4 seconds. This debuff can be purged.

  • Does not affect Spell Immune units.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Sacred Relic

Cost: 3800
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 60 Damage
Sage’s Mask

Cost: 325
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Shareable: Partially

+ 50% Mana Regeneration

  • This item can be traded to allied heroes and provides all of its benefits to any allied hero that possesses the item. When it is possessed by an allied hero it cannot be used as component for other items.

Cost: 2050
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Ogre Club, Belt of Strength, Sange Recipe

+ 10 Damage
+ 16 Strength

Passive: Grants a 15% chance to slow movement speed and attack speed by 20% for 4 seconds when attacking enemy units or heroes. This ability does affect Spell Immune units. This debuff can be purged.
Sange and Yasha

Cost: 4100
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Sange, Yasha

+ 16 Damage
+ 16 Strength
+ 16 Agility
+ 16 Attack Speed
+ 16% Movement Speed (this movement speed bonus does not stack with “Yasha”, “Sange and Yasha”, or “Manta Style”)

Passive: Grants a 16% chance to slow movement speed and attack speed by 32% for 5 seconds when attacking enemy units or heroes. This ability does affect Spell Immune units. This debuff can be purged.

  • Illusions benefit from the attack speed provided by this item.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 6150
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 35 Seconds
Components: Reaver, Helm of the Dominator, Satanic Recipe

+ 20 Damage
+ 25 Strength
+ 5 Armor

Active: Gives 175% Lifesteal for 3.5 seconds. This buff can be purged.

Passive: Gives 25% Lifesteal on attacks.

  • Satanic is a Unique Attack Modifier and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Scythe of Vyse

Cost: 5675
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop, Side Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 35 Seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Cast Range: 800
Components: Mystic Staff, Ultimate Orb, Void Stone

+ 10 Strength
+ 10 Agility
+ 35 Intelligence
+ 150% Mana Regeneration

Active: Hexes a target unit / hero / Roshan for 3.5 seconds. This debuff can be purged. Destroys illusions.

  • Scythe of Vyse is a hex and reduces the target’s movement speed to 140.
  • Does not affect Spell Immune units.
  • Units with passive abilities that grant invisibility cannot fade out when hexed.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Sentry Ward

Cost: 200
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 1 Second
Cast Range: 500
Shareable: Completely

Active: Use this item on a target location to place an invisible 200 hit point ward with 150 vision of the surrounding area. This 150 vision has a 12 second duration, after which this ward will provide no vision. This ward provides True Sight in a range 850 for the full 4 minute duration. This item has 2 charges.

  • This item stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • Can be used to block neutral creeps from spawning in the jungle.
  • Ward lasts for 4 minutes.
  • Ward vision is obstructed in the same way as heroes. Wards cannot see through trees or above themselves.
  • This ward provides true sight in a much larger radius that it can actually see, making it almost totally useless in monitoring the enemy without the assistance of other wards or players.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
  • Targeting this item on an allied hero while holding CTRL will give that hero one ward. If you only have one ward it will be given to them. If you have more than one it will split your stack (if the targeted hero does not have room in their inventory this item will be placed on the ground).
Shadow Amulet

Cost: 1400
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Cast Range: 600

+ 30 Attack Speed

Active: Fades the targeted allied unit out over 1.5 seconds. The unit will become invisible at the end of this time. The targeted unit can move during the fade time but must stop before the fade time ends for the invisibility to take effect. The targeted unit will stop moving automatically after 1.5 seconds. If the unit moves after the fade time ends, it will lose its invisibility. This ability can be used on Spell Immune allied targets.

  • Has 1.5 second Fade Time. No Fade Delay.
  • When the owner of this item casts its active ability on themselves it will not break channeling abilities or items. This means that a hero can start teleporting with a scroll, cast Fade on themselves, and arrive invisible.
  • Activating this item will not break channeling abilities or items.
  • Heroes using this item’s active ability are phased. Any unit, hero, or summon can pass through the stationary phased hero without colliding with them.
Shadow Blade

Cost: 3000
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 28 Seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Components: Shadow Amulet, Claymore

+ 22 Damage
+ 30 Attack Speed

Active: Makes the owner invisible for 14 seconds or until they take any action other than a move (attack, use a spell, use an item, etc…). While invisible the owner moves 20% faster and can phase through units and heroes. Attacking to break invisibility (not using a spell) will deal 175 bonus physical damage in addition to the owner’s physical attack damage.

  • Has .3 second Fade Time. No Fade Delay.
  • Activating this item will not break channeling abilities or items. This means that a hero can start teleporting with a scroll, activate Shadow Blade, and arrive invisible.
  • Heroes can phase through any unit, hero, or summon when using this item’s active ability (including Shadow Shaman’s “Mass Serpent Ward”).
  • The owner can attack items on the ground without losing invisibility.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Shiva’s Guard

Cost: 4700
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Can be disassembled?: Yes
Components: Platemail, Mystic Staff, Shiva’s Guard Recipe

+ 30 Intelligence
+ 15 Armor

Active: Emit a freezing wave that does 200 magical damage and slows movement speed by 40% for 4 seconds in range 900 affecting all enemy units and heroes. The wave travels at speed 350. The active debuff can be purged.

Passive: Emits an aura that reduces all enemy hero and unit attack speed by 40 in range 900.

  • Multiple instances of this item’s passive aura do not stack.
  • Activating this item will not break channeling abilities or items.
  • Does not affect Spell Immune units.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Skull Basher

Cost: 2950
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Components: Belt of Strength, Javelin, Skull Basher Recipe

+ 40 Damage
+ 6 Strength

Passive: Gives a 25% melee or 10% ranged chance to stun for 1.4 seconds when attacking enemy units / heroes / Roshan. This ability does affect Spell Immune units.

  • Illusions do not benefit from this item’s passive ability.
  • This item cannot be purchased by Slardar, Faceless Void, Spirit Breaker, or Troll Warlord.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Slippers of Agility

Cost: 150
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 3 Agility
Smoke of Deceit

Cost: 100
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Stock: 3
Restock Time: 12 Minutes
Cooldown: 90 Seconds
Shareable: Completely

Active: The owner and all allied player-controlled units within range 1200 gain perfect invisibility and a 15% movement speed bonus for 35 seconds. Heroes with invisibility granted by this item cannot be revealed by ANY form of detection, including Sentry Wards, Dust of Appearance, or Gem of True Sight. Hero abilities that normally provide True Sight or some form of detection will have no effect on heroes granted invisibility by this item (Bloodseeker’s “Thirst”, Bounty Hunter’s “Track”, Slardar’s “Amplify Damage”, etc…). Upon moving inside range 1025 of an enemy hero or tower all of the effects are lost. This item does affect Spell Immune allied targets.

  • Has 0 second Fade Time. No Fade Delay.
  • This item stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • This item can be used by the courier.
  • The main purpose of this item is to circumvent wards, however it can also be very useful in escaping from enemies with some form of True Sight at a distance. This item is very useful for killing Roshan as a team or even alone (when playing a hero that is capable of this).
  • The perfect invisibility provided by this item prevents the following hero abilities from granting True Sight or Shared Vision:
    • Bloodseeker’s “Thirst”
    • Bounty Hunter’s “Track”
    • Slardar’s “Amplify Damage”
    • Sniper’s “Assassinate”
    • Zeus’ “Lighting Bolt
    • Zeus’ “Thundergod’s Wrath”
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Soul Booster

Cost: 3300
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop
Components: Vitality Booster, Energy Booster, Point Booster

+ 450 Health
+ 400 Mana
+ 4 HP Regeneration
+ 100% Mana Regeneration
Soul Ring

Cost: 800
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Components: Ring of Regen, Sage’s Mask, Soul Ring Recipe

+ 3 HP Regeneration
+ 50% Mana Regeneration

Active: Consume 150 hit points to temporarily gain 150 mana for 10 seconds.

  • If the mana generated by using this item’s active ability will not fit into the owner’s mana pool an invisible buffer of mana is created that will be used before any of the mana from the owner’s current mana pool is used when casting a spell. Mana that is still in this buffer when the 10 second timer runs out will be lost.
  • A hero cannot kill themselves by using Soul Ring. They will be reduced to 1 hit point.
Staff of Wizardry

Cost: 1000
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 10 Intelligence
Stout Shield

Cost: 250
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

Passive: Gives a 53% chance to block 20 damage for a melee hero or 10 damage for a ranged hero.
Talisman of Evasion

Cost: 1800
Purchase Locations: Main Shop

+ 25% Evasion

Cost: 125
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cast Range: 165
Shareable: Completely

Active: Consume a targeted tree to restore 115 hit points over 16 seconds. This item has 4 charges. If this item is used on an allied hero one charge is expended and a new single-charge Tango is created in that hero’s inventory (if the targeted hero does not have room in their inventory this item will be placed on the ground). This new tango does not stack with any other items (including more single-charge Tangos created into this hero’s inventory by the same allied hero). This new shared Tango item can be used immediately, but this type of Tango has a 60 second cooldown, so if more than one of these items has been created in a single hero’s inventory then they cannot be used in quick succession. This buff cannot be purged.

  • Since trees are destroyed when using this item it is often used to avoid enemies when in jungle areas or when attempting lose an enemy when hiding in the trees.
  • The healing effect is not broken when damage is taken.
  • Using a tango before a fight will increase a hero’s HP Regeneration significantly for the next 16 seconds in the early game, even if that hero is currently at full HP.
  • This items stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • This item can be used by the courier.
Town Portal Scroll

Cost: 100
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop
Cooldown: 65 Seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Shareable: Completely

Active: Teleports the owner to a targeted allied structure.

  • This item stacks with itself in the inventory.
  • Can be targeted at a point up to range 575 away from a structure. If targeted directly on a structure the teleporting hero will be placed range 70 away from the structure as it arrives from the teleport.
  • This item pings the minimap for all allied players at the target location of the teleport and the owner is given range 200 vision in a circle around the target location for the duration of the teleport.
  • All of the trees in a 480x480 square around the destination are destroyed when a teleport occurs successfully.
  • The casting time of the teleport is determined by how many allies have targeted a Town Portal Scroll in range 1100 around the target location in the last 25 seconds. Each recent allied teleport adds time to the teleport. The first recent allied teleport adds 2 seconds. Each additional recent allied teleport adds .5 seconds (stacking delay progression is 3/5/5.5/6/6.5). The default casting time is 3 seconds. Recent allied teleports have no effect on the cast time if the target of the teleport is the Fountain.
  • This item shares its cooldown with Boots of Travel.
  • The teleport will automatically target the fountain if the item is double-clicked.
  • The following spells do not interrupt the channeling of this item (or any channeled ability):
    • Bounty Hunter’s “Shadow Walk”
    • Clinkz’s “Strafe”
    • Clinkz’s “Skeleton Walk”
    • Elder Titan’s "Return Astral Spirit"
    • Invoker’s “Ghost Walk”
    • Juggernaut’s “Blade Fury”
    • Leshrac’s “Pulse Nova”
    • Nyx Assassin’s “Vendetta”
    • Pudge’s “Rot”
    • Slardar’s “Sprint”
    • Templar Assassin's "Trap"
    • Timbersaw’s “Return Chakram”
    • Weaver’s “Shukuchi”
    • Witch Doctor’s “Voodoo Restoration”
Tranquil Boots

Cost: 1000
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Boots of Speed, Ring of Protection, Ring of Regen

+ 90 Movement Speed
+ 4 Armor
+ 12 HP Regeneration

Passive: If the owner attacks anything or is attacked by anything Tranquil Boots lose 30 speed and the + 12 HP Regeneration until 13 seconds pass without the owner attacking anything or being attacked by anything.

  • Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Ultimate Orb

Cost: 2100
Purchase Locations: Main Shop, Side Shop

+ 10 Strength
+ 10 Agility
+ 10 Intelligence
Urn of Shadows

Cost: 875
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 7 Seconds
Cast Range: 950
Components: Sage’s Mask, Gauntlets of Strength, Gauntlets of Strength, Urn of Shadows Recipe

+ 6 Strength
+ 50% Mana Regeneration

Active: Use an urn charge on an allied or enemy unit. Allied units will be healed for 400 over 8 seconds. Enemy units will take 150 pure damage over 8 seconds. The healing effect on allied units is lost if they take damage from anything other than creeps. This ability can be used on Spell Immune allied targets. This buff can be purged.

Passive: Whenever an enemy hero dies within range 1400 of a hero with an Urn of Shadows the urn gains 2 charges if it has 0 charges. If it has 1 or more charges then it gains 1 charge (each enemy hero death can only charge one of these items; if two or more heroes in range have this item only one will be charged).

  • Double clicking on this item in the inventory will use it on the owner’s hero.
  • The damage over time effect provided by this item does not interrupt Healing Salve or Clarity.
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.

Cost: 2225
Purchase Locations: Main Shop AND Secret Shop, Side Shop AND Secret Shop
Components: Ring of Health, Vitality Booster, Stout Shield

+ 250 Health
+ 6 HP Regeneration

Passive: Gives a 67% chance to block 40 damage for a melee hero or 20 damage for a ranged hero.

  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Veil of Discord

Cost: 2670
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Cast Range: 1000
Components: Helm of Iron Will, Null Talisman, Veil of Discord Recipe

+ 6 Armor
+ 6 Strength
+ 6 Agility
+ 6 Intelligence
+ 6 Damage
+ 6 HP Regeneration

Active: Applies a debuff to all enemy units / heroes / Roshan in range 600 of the casting point that cause them to take 25% more magic damage from enemy sources for 25 seconds. This ability does affect Spell Immune units. This debuff cannot be purged.

  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Vitality Booster

Cost: 1100
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop

+ 250 Health
Vladmir’s Offering

Cost: 2075
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Ring of Regen, Ring of Basilius, Morbid Mask, Vladmir’s Offering Recipe

+ 2 HP Regeneration

Passive: Grants 16% Lifesteal, 15% bonus damage, 5 bonus armor, and .8 bonus mana regeneration in an aura that affects all allied heroes and units in range 900. Ranged units do not benefit from the Lifesteal effect granted by the aura.

  • The 15% bonus damage is calculated by adding a unit’s base damage to its damage provided by attribute points. Damage provided directly by items is not increased by this aura.
  • The armor bonus provided by this item does not stack with similar bonuses from Ring of Basilius or Ring of Aquila (only the highest bonus affecting a hero will be applied).
  • The mana regeneration bonus provided by this item does not stack with similar bonuses from Ring of Basilius or Ring of Aquila (only the highest bonus affecting a hero will be applied).
  • Does not stack with other Vladmir’s Offerings.
  • The Lifesteal effect of Vladmir’s Offering is not a Unique Attack Modifier and it will stack with other Lifesteal effects (excluding another Vladmir’s Offerings).
  • This item’s purchase will be declared to all allied players.
Void Stone

Cost: 875
Purchase Locations: Secret Shop
Shareable: Partially

+ 100% Mana Regeneration

  • This item can be traded to allied heroes and provides all of its benefits to any allied hero that possesses the item. When it is possessed by an allied hero it cannot be used as component for other items.
Wraith Band

Cost: 485
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Circlet, Slippers of Agility, Wraith Band Recipe

+ 3 Strength
+ 6 Agility
+ 3 Intelligence
+ 3 Damage

Cost: 2050
Purchase Locations: Main Shop
Components: Blade of Alacrity, Band of Elvenskin, Yasha Recipe

+ 16 Agility
+ 15 Attack Speed
+ 10% Movement Speed (this movement speed bonus does not stack with “Yasha”, “Sange and Yasha”, or “Manta Style”)

  • Illusions benefit from the attack speed provided by this item.
How to use the List Sections
The list sections of the guide are intended to provide a quick reference for essential information. All lists are organized starting with the heroes or units with the highest or best attribute to those with the lowest or worst attribute in a given category. All values in the lists are from scripts/npc/npc_heroes.txt and npc_units.txt inside pak01_dir.vpk.
Base Movement Speed List
Enchantress - 335
Luna - 330
Chaos Knight - 325
Lone Druid - 325
Skywrath Mage - 325
Legion Commander - 320
Naga Siren - 320
Pugna - 320
Anti-Mage - 315
Bane - 315
Bounty Hunter - 315
Clockwerk - 315
Elder Titan - 315
Gyrocopter - 315
Keeper of the Light - 315
Leshrac - 315
Lich - 315
Lifestealer - 315
Magnus - 315
Meepo - 315
Outworld Devourer - 315
Terrorblade - 315
Abaddon - 310
Beastmaster - 310
Earthshaker - 310
Ember Spirit - 310
Phantom Assassin - 310
Undying - 310
Ursa - 310
Dazzle - 305
Earth Spirit - 305
Juggernaut - 305
Lycan - 305
Omniknight - 305
Oracle - 305
Shadow Fiend - 305
Slark - 305
Templar Assassin - 305
Tidehunter - 305
Tinker - 305
Tusk - 305
Witch Doctor - 305
Brewmaster - 300
Centaur Warrunner - 300
Chen - 300
Clinkz - 300
Dark Seer - 300
Disruptor - 300
Drow Ranger - 300
Enigma - 300
Faceless Void - 300
Huskar - 300
Kunkka - 300
Mirana - 300
Nyx Assassin - 300
Queen of Pain - 300
Sand King - 300
Silencer - 300
Slardar - 300
Treant Protector - 300
Troll Warlord - 300
Wraith King - 300
Alchemist - 295
Ancient Apparition - 295
Bristleback - 295
Broodmother - 295
Io - 295
Lina - 295
Nature’s Prophet - 295
Night Stalker - 295
Ogre Magi - 295
Puck - 295
Razor - 295
Shadow Demon - 295
Sven - 295
Vengeful Spirit - 295
Warlock - 295
Windranger - 295
Zeus - 295
Axe - 290
Batrider - 290
Bloodseeker - 290
Doom - 290
Dragon Knight - 290
Jakiro - 290
Lion - 290
Medusa - 290
Necrophos - 290
Phantom Lancer - 290
Riki - 290
Rubick - 290
Sniper - 290
Spectre - 290
Spirit Breaker - 290
Storm Spirit - 290
Timbersaw - 290
Weaver - 290
Morphling - 285
Phoenix - 285
Pudge - 285
Shadow Shaman - 285
Tiny - 285
Venomancer - 285
Viper - 285
Visage - 285
Winter Wyvern - 285
Crystal Maiden - 280
Death Prophet - 280
Invoker - 280
Techies - 270
Base Armor List
Terrorblade - 7.08
Ogre Magi - 6.96
Techies - 6.96
Dark Seer - 6.68
Bounty Hunter - 5.94
Naga Siren - 5.94
Riki - 5.76
Night Stalker - 5.52
Ursa - 5.52
Slardar - 5.38
Spirit Breaker - 5.38
Outworld Devourer - 5.36
Omniknight - 5.1
Storm Spirit - 5.08
Sven - 4.94
Beastmaster - 4.52
Gyrocopter - 4.36
Phantom Assassin - 4.22
Templar Assassin - 4.22
Meepo - 4.22
Magnus - 4.1
Bane - 4.08
Enigma - 3.96
Chaos Knight - 3.96
Faceless Void - 3.94
Tinker - 3.82
Vengeful Spirit - 3.78
Dragon Knight - 3.66
Nyx Assassin - 3.66
Juggernaut - 3.64
Nature's Prophet - 3.52
Undying - 3.4
Bristleback - 3.38
Earth Spirit - 3.38
Bloodseeker - 3.36
Lone Druid - 3.36
Lycan - 3.24
Phantom Lancer - 3.22
Leshrac - 3.22
Spectre - 3.22
Tusk - 3.22
Tidehunter - 3.1
Cenatur Warrunner - 3.1
Venomancer - 3.08
Luna - 3.08
Death Prophet - 2.96
Elder Titan - 2.96
Earthshaker - 2.68
Sand King - 2.66
Broodmother - 2.52
Legion Commander - 2.52
Shadow Demon - 2.52
Wraith King - 2.52
Warlock - 2.4
Jakiro - 2.4
Bat Rider - 2.1
Necrophos - 2.1
Oracle - 2.1
Anti-Mage - 2.08
Brewmaster - 2.08
Puck - 2.08
Razor - 2.08
Clinkz - 2.08
Kunkka - 1.96
Sniper - 1.94
Viper - 1.94
Dazzle - 1.94
Slark - 1.94
Troll Warlord - 1.94
Clockwerk - 1.82
Axe - 1.8
Mirana - 1.8
Shadow Fiend - 1.8
Ancient Apparition - 1.8
Invoker - 1.8
Medusa - 1.8
Zeus - 1.54
Alchemist - 1.54
Queen of Pain - 1.52
Lifestealer - 1.52
Windranger - 1.38
Abaddon - 1.38
Morphling - 1.36
Crystal Maiden - 1.24
Lina - 1.24
Shadow Shaman - 1.24
Pugna - 1.24
Silencer - 1.24
Winter Wyvern - 1.24
Lich - 1.1
Lion - 1.1
Huskar - 1.1
Chen - 1.1
Treant Protector - 1.1
Disruptor - 1.1
Keeper of the Light - 1.1
Ember Spirit - 1.08
Pudge - 0.96
Weaver - 0.96
Rubick - 0.96
Witch Doctor - 0.82
Enchantress - 0.66
Drow Ranger - 0.64
Doom - 0.54
Tiny - 0.26
Timbersaw - 0.24
Io - -0.04
Skywrath Mage - -0.18
Phoenix - -0.32
Visage - -0.46
Turn Rate List
Batrider - 1.0
Bristleback - 1.0
Faceless Void - 1.0
Lifestealer - 1.0
Phoenix - 1.0
Shadow Fiend - 1.0
Earthshaker - 0.9
Magnus - 0.8
Storm Spirit - 0.8
Io - 0.7
Pudge - 0.7
Templar Assassin - 0.7
Meepo - 0.65
Alchemist - 0.6
Ancient Apparition - 0.6
Axe - 0.6
Bane - 0.6
Bounty Hunter - 0.6
Brewmaster - 0.6
Chen - 0.6
Clockwerk - 0.6
Dark Seer - 0.6
Dazzle - 0.6
Dragon Knight - 0.6
Drow Ranger - 0.6
Earth Spirit - 0.6
Gyrocopter - 0.6
Juggernaut - 0.6
Kunkka - 0.6
Morphling - 0.6
Nature’s Prophet - 0.6
Ogre Magi - 0.6
Omniknight - 0.6
Phantom Lancer - 0.6
Riki - 0.6
Shadow Demon - 0.6
Silencer - 0.6
Sniper - 0.6
Sven - 0.6
Timbersaw - 0.6
Tinker - 0.6
Undying - 0.6
Vengeful Spirit - 0.6
Windranger - 0.6
Zeus - 0.6
Abaddon - 0.5
Anti-Mage - 0.5
Bloodseeker - 0.5
Broodmother - 0.5
Centaur Warrunner - 0.5
Chaos Knight - 0.5
Crystal Maiden - 0.5
Death Prophet - 0.5
Disruptor - 0.5
Doom - 0.5
Ember Spirit - 0.5
Enigma - 0.5
Huskar - 0.5
Invoker - 0.5
Jakiro - 0.5
Keeper of the Light - 0.5
Legion Commander - 0.5
Leshrac - 0.5
Lich - 0.5
Lina - 0.5
Lion - 0.5
Lycan - 0.5
Medusa - 0.5
Naga Siren - 0.5
Necrophos - 0.5
Night Stalker - 0.5
Nyx Assassin - 0.5
Outworld Devourer - 0.5
Pugna - 0.5
Queen of Pain - 0.5
Rubick - 0.5
Sand King - 0.5
Skywrath Mage - 0.5
Slardar - 0.5
Slark - 0.5
Techies - 0.5
Terrorblade - 0.5
Tiny - 0.5
Treant Protector - 0.5
Troll Warlord - 0.5
Tusk - 0.5
Ursa - 0.5
Visage - 0.5
Weaver - 0.5
Beastmaster - 0.4
Clinkz - 0.4
Elder Titan - 0.4
Enchantress - 0.4
Lone Druid - 0.4
Luna - 0.4
Mirana - 0.4
Oracle - 0.4
Phantom Assassin - 0.4
Puck - 0.4
Razor - 0.4
Shadow Shaman - 0.4
Spectre - 0.4
Spirit Breaker - 0.4
Tidehunter - 0.4
Venomancer - 0.4
Viper - 0.4
Warlock - 0.4
Winter Wyvern - 0.4
Witch Doctor - 0.4
Wraith King - 0.4
Attack Range List
Winter Wyvern Arctic Burn Level 4 - 1000
Sniper Take Aim Level 4 - 950
Winter Wyvern Arctic Burn Level 3 - 900
Sniper Take Aim Level 3 - 850
Winter Wyvern Arctic Burn Level 2 - 800
Sniper Take Aim Level 2 - 750
Enchantress with Aghanim's Scepter - 740
All Towers - 700
Techies - 700
Winter Wyvern Arctic Burn Level 1 - 700
Lina - 670
Sniper Take Aim Level 1 - 650
Clinkz - 630
Drow Ranger - 625
Oracle - 620
Ancient Apparition - 600
Chen - 600
Crystal Maiden - 600
Death Prophet - 600
Disruptor - 600
Invoker - 600
Keeper of the Light - 600
Leshrac - 600
Lion - 600
Medusa - 600
Mirana - 600
Nature’s Prophet - 600
Pugna - 600
Rubick - 600
Silencer - 600
Skywrath Mage - 600
Visage - 600
Warlock - 600
Windranger - 600
Witch Doctor - 600
Io - 575
Viper - 575
Dazzle - 550
Enchantress - 550
Lich - 550
Lone Druid - 550
Necrophos - 550
Puck - 550
Queen of Pain - 550
Sniper - 550
Terrorblade Metamorphosis - 550
Dragon Knight Elder Dragon Form - 500
Enigma - 500
Phoenix - 500
Shadow Demon - 500
Shadow Fiend - 500
Shadow Shaman - 500
Tinker - 500
Troll Warlord - 500
Storm Spirit - 480
Razor - 475
Outworld Devourer - 450
Venomancer - 450
Weaver - 425
Winter Wyvern - 425
Bane - 400
Huskar - 400
Jakiro - 400
Vengeful Spirit - 400
Templar Assassin Psi Blades Level 4 - 380
Batrider - 375
Gyrocopter - 365
Morphling - 350
Zeus - 350
Luna - 330
Templar Assassin Psi Blades Level 3 - 320
Templar Assassin Psi Blades Level 2 - 260
Tiny with Aghanim's Scepter - 235
Templar Assassin Psi Blades Level 1 - 200
Doom - 150
Templar Assassin - 140
Abaddon - 128
Alchemist - 128
Anti-Mage - 128
Axe - 128
Beastmaster - 128
Bloodseeker - 128
Bounty Hunter - 128
Brewmaster - 128
Bristleback - 128
Broodmother - 128
Centaur Warrunner - 128
Chaos Knight - 128
Clockwerk - 128
Dark Seer - 128
Dragon Knight - 128
Earthshaker - 128
Earth Spirit - 128
Elder Titan - 128
Ember Spirit - 128
Faceless Void - 128
Juggernaut - 128
Kunkka - 128
Legion Commander - 128
Lifestealer - 128
Lone Druid True Form - 128
Lycan - 128
Magnus - 128
Meepo - 128
Naga Siren - 128
Night Stalker - 128
Nyx Assassin - 128
Ogre Magi - 128
Omniknight - 128
Phantom Assassin - 128
Phantom Lancer - 128
Pudge - 128
Riki - 128
Sand King - 128
Wraith King - 128
Slardar - 128
Slark - 128
Spectre - 128
Spirit Breaker - 128
Sven - 128
Terrorblade - 128
Tidehunter - 128
Timbersaw - 128
Tiny - 128
Treant Protector - 128
Troll Warlord Berserker's Rage - 128
Tusk - 128
Undying - 128
Ursa - 128
Projectile Speed List
Gyrocopter - 3000
Sniper - 3000
Razor - 2000
Queen of Pain - 1500
Vengeful Spirit - 1500
Huskar - 1400
Morphling - 1300
Ancient Apparition - 1250
Drow Ranger - 1250
Windranger - 1250
Dazzle - 1200
Disruptor - 1200
Io - 1200
Medusa - 1200
Shadow Fiend - 1200
Troll Warlord - 1200
Viper - 1200
Warlock - 1200
Winter Wyvern - 1200 (when Winter Wyvern uses "Arctic Burn")
Witch Doctor - 1200
Nature’s Prophet - 1125
Rubick - 1125
Chen - 1100
Jakiro - 1100
Phoenix - 1100
Storm Spirit - 1100
Zeus - 1100
Death Prophet - 1000
Lina - 1000
Silencer - 1000
Skywrath Mage - 1000
Bane - 900
Batrider - 900
Clinkz - 900
Crystal Maiden - 900
Dragon Knight - 900 (when Dragon Knight uses "Elder Dragon Form")
Enchantress - 900
Enigma - 900
Invoker - 900
Keeper of the Light - 900
Leshrac - 900
Lich - 900
Lion - 900
Lone Druid - 900
Luna - 900
Mirana - 900
Necrophos - 900
Oracle - 900
Outworld Devourer - 900
Puck - 900
Pugna - 900
Shadow Demon - 900
Shadow Shaman - 900
Techies - 900
Templar Assassin - 900
Tinker - 900
Venomancer - 900
Visage - 900
Weaver - 900
Winter Wyvern - 700
Night Vision List
Night Stalker - 1800
Slark - 1800
Luna - 1800 (with at least one skill point in “Lunar Blessing”)
Lycan - 1800 (when Lycan uses “Shapeshift”)
Winter Wyvern - 1200 (when Winter Wyvern uses "Arctic Burn")
Bounty Hunter - 1000
Sniper - 1000
All Other Heroes - 800
Base HP Regen List
Axe - 3.0
Nyx Assassin - 2.5
Ogre Magi - 2.5
Terrorblade - 2.0
Bounty Hunter - 0.75
Brewmaster - 0.75
Death Prophet - 0.75
Ember Spirit - 0.75
Faceless Void - 0.75
Juggernaut - 0.75
Naga Siren - 0.75
Phantom Lancer - 0.75
Spirit Breaker - 0.75
Lone Druid - 0.5
Shadow Fiend - 0.5
All Other Heroes - 0.25
Base Mana Regen List
Techies - 0.02
All Other Heroes - 0.01
Magic Resistances List
All units and structures not specifically named on this list - 0%
Nature's Prophet's Treants - 0%
Visage's Familiars - 0% (These units are Spell Immune)
Visage - 10%
All heroes not specifically named on this list - 25%
Undying's Tombstones - 33%
Undying's Zombies - 33%
Warlock's Golems - 33%
Meepo - 35%
Necronomicon Warriors - 40%
Necronomicon Archers - 40%
Enigma's Eidolons - 50%
Roshan - 75%
Lycan's Wolves - 80%
Agility Gain Per Level List
Terrorblade - 3.2
Phantom Assassin - 3.15
Bloodseeker - 3.0
Bounty Hunter - 3.0
Clinkz - 3.0
Morphling - 3.0
Phantom Lancer - 3.0
Silencer - 3.0
Riki - 2.9
Shadow Fiend - 2.9
Sniper - 2.
Anti-Mage - 2.8
Gyrocopter - 2.8
Luna - 2.8
Vengeful Spirit - 2.8
Mirana - 2.75
Naga Siren - 2.75
Troll Warlord - 2.75
Lone Druid - 2.7
Templar Assassin - 2.7
Faceless Void - 2.65
Venomancer - 2.6
Magnus - 2.5
Medusa - 2.5
Viper - 2.5
Weaver - 2.5
Juggernaut - 2.4
Slardar - 2.4
Clockwerk - 2.3
Night Stalker - 2.25
Ancient Apparition - 2.2
Axe - 2.2
Broodmother - 2.2
Dragon Knight - 2.2
Nyx Assassin - 2.2
Shadow Demon - 2.2
Spectre - 2.2
Bane - 2.1
Chaos Knight - 2.1
Chen - 2.1
Sand King - 2.1
Tusk - 2.1
Ursa - 2.1
Centaur Warrunner - 2.0
Lich - 2.0
Outworld Devourer - 2.0
Queen of Pain - 2.0
Razor - 2.0
Sven - 2.0
Treant Protector - 2.0
Brewmaster - 1.95
Drow Ranger - 1.9
Invoker - 1.9
Lifestealer - 1.9
Lycan - 1.9
Meepo - 1.9
Nature’s Prophet - 1.9
Winter Wyvern - 1.9
Bristleback - 1.8
Ember Spirit - 1.8
Enchantress - 1.8
Storm Spirit - 1.8
Omniknight - 1.75
Dazzle - 1.7
Legion Commander - 1.7
Leshrac - 1.7
Necrophos - 1.7
Oracle - 1.7
Puck - 1.7
Spirit Breaker - 1.7
Wraith King - 1.7
Beastmaster - 1.6
Crystal Maiden - 1.6
Io - 1.6
Keeper of the Light - 1.6
Rubick - 1.6
Shadow Shaman - 1.6
Ogre Magi - 1.55
Abaddon - 1.5
Batrider - 1.5
Earth Spirit - 1.5
Elder Titan - 1.5
Lina - 1.5
Lion - 1.5
Pudge - 1.5
Slark - 1.5
Tidehunter - 1.5
Death Prophet - 1.4
Disruptor - 1.4
Earthshaker - 1.4
Huskar - 1.4
Windranger - 1.4
Witch Doctor - 1.4
Kunkka - 1.3
Phoenix - 1.3
Techies - 1.3
Timbersaw - 1.3
Visage - 1.3
Alchemist - 1.2
Dark Seer - 1.2
Jakiro - 1.2
Tinker - 1.2
Zeus - 1.2
Enigma - 1.0
Pugna - 1.0
Warlock - 1.0
Doom - 0.9
Tiny - 0.9
Skywrath Mage - 0.8
Undying - 0.8
Strength Gain Per Level List
Centaur Warrunner - 3.8
Treant Protector - 3.3
Doom - 3.2
Ogre Magi - 3.2
Pudge - 3.2
Kunkka - 3.0
Tidehunter - 3.0
Tiny - 3.0
Brewmaster - 2.9
Chaos Knight - 2.9
Earth Spirit - 2.9
Earthshaker - 2.9
Phoenix - 2.9
Ursa - 2.9
Wraith King - 2.9
Dragon Knight - 2.8
Night Stalker - 2.8
Slardar - 2.8
Lycan - 2.75
Magnus - 2.75
Abaddon - 2.7
Clockwerk - 2.7
Sven - 2.7
Omniknight - 2.65
Legion Commander - 2.6
Sand King - 2.6
Vengeful Spirit - 2.6
Axe - 2.5
Broodmother - 2.5
Warlock - 2.5
Windranger - 2.5
Batrider - 2.4
Huskar - 2.4
Lifestealer - 2.4
Spirit Breaker - 2.4
Visage - 2.4
Dark Seer - 2.3
Elder Titan - 2.3
Jakiro - 2.3
Naga Siren - 2.3
Razor - 2.3
Tusk - 2.3
Zeus - 2.3
Beastmaster - 2.2
Bristleback - 2.2
Silencer - 2.2
Troll Warlord - 2.2
Bane - 2.1
Enigma - 2.1
Lone Druid - 2.1
Templar Assassin - 2.1
Timbersaw - 2.1
Undying - 2.1
Winter Wyvern - 2.1
Bloodseeker - 2.0
Ember Spirit - 2.0
Morphling - 2.0
Necrophos - 2.0
Nyx Assassin - 2.0
Riki - 2.0
Shadow Fiend - 2.0
Spectre - 2.0
Techies - 2.0
Tinker - 2.0
Death Prophet - 1.9
Disruptor - 1.9
Drow Ranger - 1.9
Io - 1.9
Juggernaut - 1.9
Luna - 1.9
Oracle - 1.9
Shadow Demon - 1.9
Viper - 1.9
Dazzle - 1.85
Mirana - 1.85
Outworld Devourer - 1.85
Phantom Assassin - 1.85
Venomancer - 1.85
Alchemist - 1.8
Bounty Hunter - 1.8
Gyrocopter - 1.8
Keeper of the Light - 1.8
Nature’s Prophet - 1.8
Slark - 1.8
Witch Doctor - 1.8
Crystal Maiden - 1.7
Invoker - 1.7
Lion - 1.7
Phantom Lancer - 1.7
Puck - 1.7
Queen of Pain - 1.7
Sniper - 1.7
Medusa - 1.65
Clinkz - 1.6
Faceless Void - 1.6
Meepo - 1.6
Shadow Shaman - 1.6
Lich - 1.55
Chen - 1.5
Leshrac - 1.5
Lina - 1.5
Rubick - 1.5
Skywrath Mage - 1.5
Storm Spirit - 1.5
Weaver - 1.5
Ancient Apparition - 1.4
Terrorblade - 1.4
Anti-Mage - 1.2
Pugna - 1.2
Enchantress - 1.0
Intelligence Gain Per Level List
Pugna - 4.0
Skywrath Mage - 3.6
Dazzle - 3.4
Enigma - 3.4
Outworld Devourer - 3.3
Lich - 3.25
Lina - 3.2
Winter Wyvern - 3.1
Death Prophet - 3.0
Leshrac - 3.0
Lion - 3.0
Shadow Shaman - 3.0
Crystal Maiden - 2.9
Nature’s Prophet - 2.9
Oracle - 2.9
Techies - 2.9
Witch Doctor - 2.9
Bristleback - 2.8
Chen - 2.8
Enchantress - 2.8
Jakiro - 2.8
Keeper of the Light - 2.8
Dark Seer - 2.7
Shadow Demon - 2.7
Warlock - 2.7
Zeus - 2.7
Ancient Apparition - 2.6
Sniper - 2.6
Storm Spirit - 2.6
Windranger - 2.6
Batrider - 2.5
Disruptor - 2.5
Invoker - 2.5
Necrophos - 2.5
Queen of Pain - 2.5
Silencer - 2.5
Undying - 2.5
Visage - 2.5
Earth Spirit - 2.4
Ogre Magi - 2.4
Puck - 2.4
Rubick - 2.4
Timbersaw - 2.4
Legion Commander - 2.2
Tinker - 2.2
Bane - 2.1
Doom - 2.1
Gyrocopter - 2.1
Nyx Assassin - 2.1
Abaddon - 2.0
Broodmother - 2.0
Phantom Lancer - 2.0
Shadow Fiend - 2.0
Templar Assassin - 2.0
Naga Siren - 1.95
Beastmaster - 1.9
Slark - 1.9
Spectre - 1.9
Luna - 1.85
Medusa - 1.85
Alchemist - 1.8
Anti-Mage - 1.8
Earthshaker - 1.8
Ember Spirit - 1.8
Omniknight - 1.8
Phoenix - 1.8
Razor - 1.8
Sand King - 1.8
Spirit Breaker - 1.8
Treant Protector - 1.8
Viper - 1.8
Weaver - 1.8
Lifestealer - 1.75
Terrorblade - 1.75
Vengeful Spirit - 1.75
Venomancer - 1.75
Bloodseeker - 1.7
Dragon Knight - 1.7
Io - 1.7
Tidehunter - 1.7
Tusk - 1.7
Magnus - 1.65
Mirana - 1.65
Axe - 1.6
Centaur Warrunner - 1.6
Elder Titan - 1.6
Meepo - 1.6
Night Stalker - 1.6
Tiny - 1.6
Wraith King - 1.6
Clinkz - 1.55
Lycan - 1.55
Faceless Void - 1.5
Huskar - 1.5
Kunkka - 1.5
Morphling - 1.5
Pudge - 1.5
Slardar - 1.5
Ursa - 1.5
Bounty Hunter - 1.4
Drow Ranger - 1.4
Juggernaut - 1.4
Lone Druid - 1.4
Clockwerk - 1.3
Riki - 1.3
Sven - 1.3
Brewmaster - 1.25
Chaos Knight - 1.2
Phantom Assassin - 1.0
Troll Warlord - 1.0
Non-hero XP Value List
Lane Creeps:
Melee Mega Creep - 25
Ranged Mega Creep - 25
Denied Lane Creep of any type - 36
Ranged Lane Creep - 41
Melee Lane Creep - 62
Siege Creep - 88

Barracks - 25
Filler Buildings - 25
Towers - 25

Courier - 0
Flying Courier - 349

Neutral Creeps (organized by camps):
Kobold - 25
Kobold Tunneler - 25
Kobold Foreman - 41

Hill Troll Berserker - 41
Hill Troll Priest - 41

Vhoul Assassin - 41

Harpy Scout - 41
Harpy Stormcrafter - 62

Fell Spirit - 41
Ghost - 62

Centaur Courser - 41
Centaur Conqueror - 119

Mud Golem - 42
Shard Golem - 23

Ogre Bruiser - 41
Ogre Frostmage - 62

Giant Wolf - 62
Alpha Wolf - 88

Hellbear - 88
Hellbear Smasher - 119

Wildwing - 25
Wildwing Ripper - 119

Satyr Mindstealer - 62
Satyr Tormentor - 119
Satyr Banisher - 41

Dark Troll - 62
Dark Troll Summoner - 119
Skeleton Warrior - 12

Rock Golem - 119
Granite Golem - 155

Thunderhide - 155
Rumblehide - 119

Black Drake - 62
Black Dragon - 155

Roshan - 1789

Clockwerk's Power Cogs - 0
Juggernaut's Healing Wards - 0
Pugna's Nether Wards - 0
Tusk's Frozen Sigils - 0
Undying's Zombies - 0
Techies' Remote Mines - 6
Techies' Stasis Traps - 6
Enigma's Eidolons - 12
Templar Assassin's Psionic Traps - 12
Techies' Land Mines - 14
Broodmother's Spiderites - 20
Gyrocopter's Homing Missile - 20
Lycan's Wolves - 20
Venomancer Plague Wards Level 1 - 20
Weaver's Swarm - 20 (per beetle)
Venomancer Plague Wards Level 2 - 25
Nature's Prophet's Treants - 30
Venomancer Plague Wards Level 3 - 30
Broodmother's Spiderlings - 31
Invoker's Forged Spirits - 31
Shadow Shaman's Mass Serpent Wards - 31 (per ward)
Venomancer Plague Wards Level 4 - 35
Visage's Familiars - 41
Undying's Tombstones - 44
Beastmaster's Boars - 59
Beastmaster's Hawk - 77 (at all levels)
Warlock's Golems - 98
Level 1 Necronomicon Warrior - 100
Level 1 Necronomicon Archer - 100
Level 2 Necronomicon Warrior - 150
Level 2 Necronomicon Archer - 150
Brewmaster's Level 1 Elements - 196
Brewmaster's Aghanim's Scepter Fire Level 1 - 196
Level 3 Necronomicon Warrior - 200
Level 3 Necronomicon Archer - 200
Brewmaster's Level 2 and 3 Elements with or without Aghanim's Scepter - 242
Lone Druid's Spirit Bears - 300
Camp Blocking Spells List
All of the following summons/spells can be used to block creep camp spawns (Note: Any illusion can be used to block creep camp spawns as well):

Beastmaster’s Hawks and Boars
Broodmother’s Spiderites and Spiderlings
Clockwerk's Rocket Flare
Clockwerk's Hookshot
Enigma’s Eidolons
Gyrocopter's Homing Missile
Invoker's Tornado
Invoker’s Forge Spirits
Invoker's Chaos Meteor
Juggernaut’s Healing Ward
Kunkka's Ghost Ship
Lone Druid’s Bear
Lycan’s Wolves
Mirana's Sacred Arrow
Nature’s Prophet’s Treants
Oracle's Fortune's End
Puck's Illusory Orb
Shadow Demon's Shadow Poison
Skywrath Mage's Arcane Bolt
Skywrath Mage's Concussive Shot
Techies' Land Mines
Techies' Stasis Trap
Timbersaw's Timber Chain
Troll Warlord’s Whirling Axes (Ranged)
Tusk’s Frozen Sigil
Undying’s Tomb Stone
Vengeful Spirit's Wave of Terror
Venomancer’s Plague Wards
Visage’s Familiars
Warlock's Golem
Weaver’s Swarm
Winter Wyvern's Splinter Blast
304 commentaires
rISO(ITA) 28 avr. 2020 à 22h20 
Unbelievable job...
Chickychichickn 18 avr. 2018 à 14h34 
RIP Poormans sheild
clawz161 11 sept. 2016 à 16h26 
Very nice and detailed guide, needs a few updates which you already know about.
7A.Calá7 6 avr. 2016 à 6h29 
Nice guide,but you should change some things,for example:
*Remotes mines doesn´t work against blade fury (juggernaut),meanwhile suicide squad,attack! does
*Remotes mines doesn´t block camps anymore
Caro 9 janv. 2016 à 6h55 
This is perfect, just what I needed, thanks for making this..
Turbo Potato 3 nov. 2015 à 23h54 
Also, as of 6.82, Denied creeps provide 50% exp, not a flat 36 exp per unit. I get that you're not updating it right now, but thought I'd leave this here.
Turbo Potato 3 nov. 2015 à 23h47 
Non-hero XP Value List- "Brewmaster's Aghanim's Scepter Fire Level 1 - 196"

Why is this here? It seems redundant.

Also, do "super creeps" that appear after you take one rax give any different exp?
WhiteHawke  [créateur] 10 oct. 2015 à 6h21 
I apologize to everyone waiting on updates to the guide. I do still plan on making them for 6.85, but I've been very busy with another guide project.
cytraL skunK 9 oct. 2015 à 22h39 
Beastmasters' roar pierces spell immunity, might want to update
Banana 9 oct. 2015 à 8h16 
Who would spend their life updating this?