Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

435 人が評価
Mali (Brave New World)
20.979 MB
2013年1月15日 19時29分
2016年5月17日 13時55分
26 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Mali (Brave New World)

Tomatekh 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Tomatekh's New Civilizations
31 アイテム
Adds Mali to the base game.

One of the great centers of Islamic culture and wealth, Mali was one of sub-Saharan Africa's most influential empires. It owed much of its reputation to its situation as a major trading center, effectively controlling trans-Saharan African trade. The Mali Empire had many profound cultural influences on West Africa, allowing the spread of its language, laws, and customs along the ♥♥♥♥♥ River as well as the popularization of Islam in the region. It is perhaps most famous today for its tenth Mansa, Musa I, who is regarded as the richest individual to have ever lived. His greatest legacy, however, was his royal hajj which not only helped to romanticize the Mali Empire to the European public, but caused an economic inflation in the Mediterranean and indirectly supplied financial support for the Italian renaissance.

This is an update to my Gods and Kings mod which can be found here: Mali (Gods and Kings).


- This civilization requires the Brave New World expansion.
- Updates will most likely break saves. Do not update unless you are ready to start a new game.

- This mod uses a 3D leaderhead for Mansa Musa. However, some people have been experiencing problems viewing the 3D leader. To switch to a 2D image please follow these steps:

1) Locate your mods folder; (~/Documents/My Games/ Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods/Mali (Brave New World).
2) Directly in the Mali mod folder you should find two xml files: “Mali_Leader_Scene” and “Mali_Leader_Scene_Alt”.
3) Delete “Mali_Leader_Scene”.
4) Rename “Mali_Leader_Scene_Alt” to “Mali_Leader_Scene”.


Leader: Mansa Musa

UA: Royal Hajj: City Connections generate +1 Faith. Great Prophets may visit a friendly foreign Holy City to generate a one-time Gold bonus (this does not consume the Unit).*

UU: Sofa: Replaces Crossbowman. Starts with the Medic promotion. May move after attacking. +1 Defensive Combat Strength. (-2 Ranged Combat Strength).

UB: Treasury: Replaces Mint. +2 Gold on Salt. Provides Golden Age Points based off your total Gold reserves.** No terrain requirement.

* The Prophet must end its turn adjacent to the Holy City. Generates Gold equal to 50% of a Great Merchant Trade Mission.
** Scales to game speed, providing +1, +2, or +3 GA points at the following Gold thresholds, respectively:
- 150, 300, 600 (Quick)
- 200, 400, 800 (Standard)
- 250, 500, 1000 (Epic)
- 400, 800, 1600 (Marathon)


- 3D leader screen by Ekmek (image background by Janboruta)
- Map graphic by Sukritact
- Mansa leader icon by TPangolin
- UU graphic[] by JTitan:
- War music, by Firaxis from Civ IV, Peace music from "Ancient Heart: Mandinka and Fulani Music of the Gambia"
- All code and art otherwise not listed created by Tomatekh (primary author)
149 件のコメント
antoni.wisneiwski.1990 2023年1月29日 10時05分 
No, they are entirely different, like France and England. Mali's culture split into a bunch of groups collectively know as the Mande and Songhai got split in half along the Mali-Niger border leading to the culture to become almost entirely gone, although it was in rapid decline before this.,western%20Sahel%20in%20the%2015th%20and%2016th%20century .


Closest singe group is the Mandinka (notice how many countries they are split between):

The Ghana Empire was also a different culture than these two:
antoni.wisneiwski.1990 2023年1月29日 10時03分 
The Wassoulou Empire, the last precolonial powerful Empire was the same culture as Mali but a different country:

These cultures used to be a lot larger and more numerous, but following the collapse of Songhai, the groups diverged into a bunch of different groups leading to the division and strife in the regions today. Colonialism has made the situation nearly hopeless to overcome because the similar groups are split up across a bunch of countries and with dissimilar groups leading to constant discrimination which leads to war.
dennisdieterich96 2021年2月8日 9時36分 
Isn't Mali similar to Songhai? Can someone please enlighten me on the difference?
Tomatekh  [作成者] 2020年1月18日 9時38分 
Some people experience issues with the 3D leader which may be what's causing the crash. Read the note in the description above about switching to a static leader screen and see if that fixes the issue.
zipwip 2020年1月17日 5時46分 
Crashes my game when I meet Mali, warning for anyone else.
Zevon 2018年12月2日 0時46分 
Oml yes, just what I've been looking for. I love the Mali Empire from Civ 4.
Loekman3 2018年8月31日 2時36分 
Sofa directly upgrades to Gatling Gun instead of Skirmisher even with the Enlighthenment Era mod. Is this intentional?
George Cukold 2018年4月30日 9時04分 
@Tomatekh I also had a bug with great prophet, I couldn't use them to found a religion
Tomatekh  [作成者] 2018年4月22日 9時04分 
Yes, all my civ mods with with YnAEMP!
Kris 2018年4月22日 8時37分 
does it works with ynaemp?