Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

43 évaluations
Persona 5 - Akira Kurusu
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Models: Character
Mots-clés : SFM
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6.200 MB
11 sept. 2017 à 10h57
11 sept. 2017 à 10h59
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Persona 5 - Akira Kurusu

No heart is safe from this guy.

Port by :Xelandis

Model by Atlus

-Anime Lightwarp
-Bodygrouped Optics
-Outline (with a seperate model included)
-2 Skins for the eyes
-Jigglebones for the hair

These posters are for older MMD port, models are slightly different.

11 commentaires
reynn 23 juin 2020 à 20h17 
how do i remove the red highlight around him?
MrMisterio 7 juil. 2018 à 16h14 
Why are there no settings for face animation? Why no rig?
gentu 13 mai 2018 à 12h27 
That anime lightwarp needs to be a mod for TF2.
Vincent von Helsing 17 nov. 2017 à 5h18 
Alright, that's it. I'm following you. The last guy to post things related to Persona had removed the models he had out of spite for everyone who requested more Persona models.

Thank you so much!
TheAmagiChallenge 30 oct. 2017 à 18h56 
Awesome model hope you do Makoto, and the rest of the Phantom Thieves
TheMotionHero.TTV 15 sept. 2017 à 23h32 
Hey, you deserve a follow mate! Can you please make Makoto in her Winter uniform Please?? :steamhappy:
-gaz- 15 sept. 2017 à 11h08 
GMOD port, Please. I beg you.
badposttodd.chungus.greg 14 sept. 2017 à 17h34 
the boi
Freesha 12 sept. 2017 à 0h49 
Lookin' cool, Joker. Also, thanks bud. SFM needs more Persona.
Yakupup 11 sept. 2017 à 15h39 
oh shit harry has a knife