You seem to be partically upset.. hm..?
Oh look! It's a custom info box
Hello and Welcome to my profile :zombie2:

Name's At0. Who Am I?

-Probably just Some guy. (I'm pretty sure there are plenty of At0's around this world.) :gordon:

What are you doing here?

-Taking over the world, simple. :k8happy:

Nah, just kidding. All I can say is that I am L4D2 Hammer Editor, creator who created these 3 maps so far, which got canceled..

"No Return Back" (In development) :eli:

"Highway Interstate10" (Removed)
"FracturedPassage" (Removed)
"InTooDeep - Extended" (Removed)

I started to work on my campaign project called "No Return Back" for Left 4 Dead 2.
Favorite Guide
Created by - мяFunreal
80 ratings
The L4D2 Hammer editor is not as good as it could be. So here's a few edits to make it better.
Recent Activity
71 hrs on record
last played on May 16
17.6 hrs on record
last played on May 11
0.3 hrs on record
last played on Apr 28