Un, Vad Signan? 🥚
New Jersey, United States
Old bio wasn't updated for a while, I'll update it soon.
Zurzeit offline
Beat Saber Settings
Headset: Valve Index

Saber Positions:
Position X: 0 cm
Position Y: -10 cm
Position Z: 10 cm

Rotation X: 50
Rotation Y: -10
Rotation Z: 0

Color Settings:

Right Hand Notes: R = 106, G = 255, B = 251
Left Hand Notes: R = 255, G = 185, B = 213
Particles are the same as the note color.
Walls: R = 150, G = 209, B = 213

Player Height: 0.2m (I tried to go as low as I could lol)

Note Jump Offset: Default
Jump Duration Type: Dynamic

Environment Effects: No

Trail Intensity: 0.5

No Text and HUDs: Off
Advanced HUD: On
Reduce Debris: On
Hide Note Spawning Effect: On
Auto Restart on Fail: On

Max Shockwave Particles: 0
Smoke: Off
Screen Distortion Effects: Off
Bloom Post-Process: On
Mirror Quality: High

Field of View: 170
Camera Smoothness: 0.7
Dying Light Be The Zombie Loadout

Gust of Wind (Impact Bolts)
Gold-tier Undertaker Shovel. Yes.
Kuai Dagger
Dark Machete (Toxic Reaper blueprint)


Grappling Hook
Night Vision Boosters/Freezing Throwing Stars (Night Vision Booster is swapped to throwing stars while Night Vision effects are active)
UV Flares
UV Flashlight

Gust of Wind - Shooting the Night Hunter from ranges or if I evade a tackle/pounce.
Gold-tier Undertaker Shovel - A 2H weapon for hitting the Hunter with a devastating impact after I evade a tackle/pounce.
Kuai Dagger - Speed + Easy way to take down nests.
Dark Machete - 1H. Main weapon for attacking the Hunter.
Grappling Hook - (Self-explanatory)
Night Vision Boosters/Freezing Throwing Stars - Freezing Throwing Stars for doing great damage to nests, freezing annoying virals, and exploding Suiciders before they can get to you. Night Vision is great, especially in the Countryside so you don't ram into a tree while driving your buggy.
UV Flares - (Self-explanatory)
UV Flashlight - (Self-explanatory)
This group collects user with STEAM-Level 110 or higher.
Im Spiel
Im Chat
Thanks so much Windyson. I got my own sabers designed. :D
5 7
The Entire Shrek Movie. Completed. Best 83 minutes of my life.
21 5 1
Stunden gespielt
Stunden gespielt
Kürzliche Aktivitäten
611 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 30. Mai
53 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 30. Mai
14,8 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 30. Mai
Penguin 29. Mai um 7:08 
Pyro dood atleast my pfp is....... Ok you got me :(
SHEK BALLMAN 29. Mai um 5:06 
Csgo is better
SHEK BALLMAN 29. Mai um 5:06 
U play valorant?
A Prussian Lad 28. Mai um 4:38 
signa is crazy 💀
@PumpkinEater69 29. Apr. um 18:31 
Stay mad you auto shotgun using neckbeard LoL playing valorant playing mid-game kicking fagbag :GDDemon: :D
CrunchMaster69 29. Apr. um 17:06 
Fat ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ beat saber playing ♥♥♥♥