Sippy Cup Enthusiast
Lucas S.   Florida, United States
If you're looking at MY profile, and I'm looking at YOUR profile........... then who's flying the plane?
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getrekt2bro 9 juin à 21h19 
My friends refer to me as like the Fat friend because like I eat a lot and all I do is talk food because I'm so hungry, being fat is fun. Being so huge comes at a cost though. Like it's not just fun being a massive person, it makes the world seem yummier, but like that's just something I picked up from being fat like myself. My other effing nickname is BryceTON because of my attitude, like my friends literally call me fatso cuz if I had to choose between people and eating food forever then like I choose the food. +rep for buying me food
lilu 15 juin 2022 à 21h07 
Bendy Straw Enthusiast 15 juil. 2020 à 10h40 
where are you
Kiri-ешка 20 juil. 2019 à 16h44 
PC specs: Computer