wow   United States
Rip Drew Brees
Kirjautunut ulos
1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
1215 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 30 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 29.5.
yhteensä 23 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 15.5.
yhteensä 9,3 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 13.5.
skythecat 21.12.2023 klo 22.59 
CreaM 20.10.2021 klo 5.15 
csgp players be like
imaginegettingbanned 3.2.2021 klo 7.26 
ok look man my reason for my vac ban was phone sharing so it means i didnt cheat on this account holy man are you like brain dead i didnt cheat on this account
STYLZ Zㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ⭐ 2.2.2021 klo 17.16 
1 VAC ban on record | Info
3 day(s) since last ban
Not only you have cheated, but you are unable to admit to wrongdoing.
It is a wrong mindset you have. You need to admit to your mistakes and all be forgiven in the next chapter of your life. Otherwise it will dwell on you. I know you feel it everyday. It bothers you. Just let it go. Just tell me the truth. You will feel better. I promise.
Xiiro 2.2.2021 klo 12.47 
i smile all the time lol
imaginegettingbanned 2.2.2021 klo 10.56 
Ok and i got banned because i was friends with a cheater. My friend got banned and i palyed 50 matches with him. I didnt even know he cheated. My reason for my vac ban doesnt even say i cheated just being friends with one and playing with one. whatever kid karma will kick you someday. Lets see who will be the one smiling then