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Recent reviews by RolliePollie

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3,326.5 hrs on record (2,368.2 hrs at review time)
My gripes from my previous review have been dealt with. As a new player take your time and ask for help, look at new player resources and generally get a feel of the game. Game is a lot of fun and well worth the money spent.
Posted February 11, 2023. Last edited November 28, 2023.
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439.8 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
Game has a lot of potential. Just needs a bit more polish.
Posted November 21, 2022.
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11.9 hrs on record
based devs
Posted January 13, 2022.
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27.5 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
My dumb friends scare me more than the actual ghosts.
Posted October 26, 2020.
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4.8 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
As much as I liked playing the beta the game is unplayable with an almost non-existent userbase. After around almost 2 hours of queuing I could not find a single soul to play with. It also doesn't help that mechanics like experienced Masterminds can go against 4 new players. This should've not been bundled as a game with RE3 but as a f2p title as probably originally envisioned. It's a shame because the core mechanics is pretty fun.
Posted October 9, 2020.
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146.4 hrs on record (68.2 hrs at review time)
Just gonna throw this out here: I'm a newcomer / foreigner to the Resident Evil franchise and my friends have been banging on about it for quite a while. So when it was on sale I decided to pick it because it looked like a fun 3rd person survival horror.

So in terms of gameplay its a mash of survival horror, puzzle solving and a bit of stealth mixed in I would say. The gameplay is probably the best reason to buy this game. Its no joke its really good. A similar game that came to my mind when playing this was Luigi's Mansion for the GameCube and yes it did come out before it, but the original game also came out before I was born so there's that. The gameplay revolves around a main objective that has sub-objectives (usually obstacles blocking your path) and your job is to find a way to get to the next area while cautiously capping zombies and other biological terrors and solving elaborate puzzles. I have mixed feelings on the Tyrant. On one hand he is crazy scary when he's first introduced with no cutscene, my first instinct was to duck in a saferoom and granted he doesn't enter those. He becomes a nuisance as his thunderous footsteps echo throughout the building. Sometimes he could be on a different floor or outside of the room you're in but you could never tell which I guess is both a good and bad thing I suppose. As for graphics, they are top notch with beautifully rendered models and outstanding gore effects that a lot of work went into. There is however a grey filter that ever so slightly washes over the screen but this can be reduced in the settings menu.

The story centers around 2 main protagonists, Clair Redfield and Leon Kennedy. I can come to a reasonable conclusion that you don't need prior context of the story from earlier Resident Evil games. Leon, a rookie cop arrives late to his new job at Raccoon City and Clair who's failed attempts to contact her brother attempts to visit her in person. I have played through both scenarios A and B for both characters for a combined run of 4 playthroughs and never once had I been disinterested in the game.

There are some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ though that are absolutely not deal breakers. First I have to say is the mobility which is kinda sluggish especially around stairs and because of the game mechanic where you can't counter on stairs making evasion difficult. There's also a few obscure puzzles and the 2nd boss fight in the game that was also a pain to deal with, even after many playthroughs.

There's a plentiful amount of endgame content that aren't locked behind DLC. The DLC advertised on the storepage is weapon skins, character models and an unlock everything pass.

Final score is gonna be a strong 9.5 and is probably the best game I have played in the last 10 years and this isn't an understatement! Clearly a masterpiece.
Posted March 7, 2020.
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199.8 hrs on record (106.5 hrs at review time)
Hey ZUN take my money and save up for that brewery you always wanted!
Posted November 18, 2017.
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160.5 hrs on record (98.0 hrs at review time)
The game I once cherished is now gone, hidden deep beyond a Real Money Paywall and 21 day timer.

The Game
The game used to great and still is, Wargaming Ltd. or WG have muffed it up so badly that many veteran players and those who have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars have either quit or entered hibernation.
I myself own 3 Tier X tanks, a T62A, Obj. 268 and IS-7. It took me a lot of time and money and to get me to where I am. Now they release 'seasons' or whatever and its a complete grindfest to achieve some currency.

The core game is fantastic, basically its not just look at him and he's dead but armour does indeed play a role. That is until Random Number Generators kick in. LEGIT EVERYTHING that the game offers you is RNG! The Credits, Penetration, Matchmaking, spare parts. There were times were I stole victory from within the confines of the enemy.
The Devs also didn't reimburse/compensate us properly! This have lead many to boycott this game.

TL:DR Don't download because the devs will screw you over and will NOT rollback. The game is great but their no rollback update policy and excessive grindfest and microtransactions have pushed the game to a new low.

4/10 will return in 6 months and will revaluate.
Posted May 7, 2017.
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246.1 hrs on record (83.1 hrs at review time)
This little guide is for people with AMD GPUs.

If you load into a map and find the colours all wonky, just like after taking acid, simply go into your device panel and rollback your drivers. Your screen will flicker for a bit and after that your all good to go!

Never play conquest on Polis Massa if you're either the Empire or Republic! That map is so one sided!
Posted April 2, 2017.
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3,035.7 hrs on record (1,539.7 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
The 7 Deadly Sins of CSGO

1. Greed: Skins will become your livelihood.

2. Lust: All the boys will get erections when a girl is around.

3. Sloth: Many AFKers.

4. Gluttony: Being called for dinner while in a comp game will result in a ban.

5. Wrath: Prepare to rage a lot and blame it on hitboxes or lag.

6. Pride: Both in your virtual inventory and Global Elite rank.

7. Envy: Be envious of all of your teammates with Karambit Sapphires and AWP Dragon Lores.
Posted April 14, 2016. Last edited August 29, 2017.
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