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Review Showcase
30 Hours played
1: Crowdfunding saw the dev Red Thread Games remain as publisher of the game, avoiding the problems Dontnod Entertainment encountered in the making of Life Is Strange;
2: Realistic graphics crush Telltale Games and Life Is Strange;
3: Believable, grounded drama reflecting and dealing with real life issues seriously;
4: Choices matter in branching storylines, determinant deaths and fun revelations;
5: Story Recap helps newcomers learn about the TLJ universe and the story's setting.
1: Some choices don't matter as they seem to do;
2: The Unity engine brings optimization problems;
3: Repeatedly used scenes;
4: Story not as densely-packed as Telltale Games' works ('cause it's more like a traditional point-click adventure than Telltale Games's interactive movie subgenre).
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