Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
all you need is love
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807 Hours played
i build rokcet ship
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6,968 hrs on record
last played on May 19
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633 hrs on record
last played on May 15
u_u 18 hours ago 
sometimes i like to imagine myself as an asteroid or small planetoid. my gravitational control over smaller rocks and dust particles makes me develop an overdeveloped sense of ego but then a REAL planet comes around or maybe even a star (adfsjldhfs) and just totally makes me into his ♥♥♥♥♥. making me orbit him literally held captive by him. it's rlly hot desu....
siniaievd May 10 @ 6:35pm 
u_u May 8 @ 4:23pm 
Change Ur ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ name
Fake hour this b*ch got 100 hundred dozen hours on mge. :steamhappy:
u_u May 4 @ 7:49am 
Are you think you behave in feminine way?? Phh, no. Your way of behavior will always male. You just will never know what is it to be real female. You can lie to people, get surgery, but your brain will always be male. When you see on your lover is male gaze, even if you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ - you are all agp fetishists (i don't believe in blanchard hsts ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥). So understand you are male in your core even if you behave differently from average male. You like makeup in male way, you like fashion in male way, you love your partner in male way, the way you act and think is male. BECAUSE no way for you be female. You will never understand females, you aren't one. You are eunuch. You just different male. Don't fool people. Live your miserable live truthfully.
u_u May 4 @ 6:22am 
Punainen Scout, nopea kuin tuuli,
Soldier taivaalle kurottaa, kuin auringon huuli.
Demoman räjäyttää, miinat maahan jää,
TF2 MGE:ssä, taidot kohtaavat, kun taistelun hetki tää.

Elo kultaa, jokainen liike merkityksen saa,
Kun voitto kutsuu, ja elo kimaltaa.
Mutta pelko hiipii, tappion varjo kolkkaa,
Elo menetetty, tuska sydämeen polkaa.

Scout haluaa kohota, eloportaiden ylle,
Soldier unelmoi, korkeuksiin taivaan tälle.
Demoman toivoo, että miinoillaan tiensä löytää,
TF2 MGE, missä elo kutsuu, ja tahto voittaa syttyy.