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25 people found this review helpful
174.2 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Overwatch had everything to be a good game, but the greed of the developers ruined it. In 2017 it was an exciting team game, I remember a lot of people laughing and saying that this is a Team Fortress 2 killer. And now here we are, the TF2 and Overwatch community have come together to humiliate Overwatch and I fully support them! The greedy company is to blame for everything, which is squeezing the last juices out of its cash cow. I don’t even see the point in listing all their broken promises and sins, you all know them very well. They killed Overwatch with a "2". I had hope for the best, but apparently you can no longer hope, all adequate people have long since left Blizzard and they are left with only LGBT workers who are only interested in holding a month of pride and a wallet full of money. I think it's not worth talking about the fact that they have production hell there. This is a vivid example of the fact that the greed of developers can ruin any game at any time.
Posted August 12, 2023. Last edited December 3, 2023.
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845.1 hrs on record (811.3 hrs at review time)
In the ever-evolving landscape of battle royale games, one title has risen above the rest, and its name is Apex Legends. Developed by Respawn Entertainment and unleashed upon the gaming world in 2019, this game has not just embraced the battle royale formula; it has elevated it to new heights with its unique blend of fast-paced action, innovative mechanics, and a diverse cast of legends that inject personality and strategy into every match.

One of the immediate standouts of Apex Legends is its exceptional character design. The game introduces a cast of "legends," each with a distinct personality, backstory, and set of abilities. From the adrenaline-fueled Wraith to the tactical mastermind Bangalore, every legend feels like a carefully crafted piece of a puzzle that, when combined with the right teammates, creates a winning formula. This character-driven approach doesn't just add diversity to the battlefield; it transforms each match into a dynamic, strategic experience where team composition and communication are key.

The moment-to-moment gameplay in Apex Legends is nothing short of exhilarating. The game's movement system is a masterclass in fluidity, allowing players to seamlessly traverse the map with parkour-like grace. The addition of sliding and ziplines adds a layer of verticality to the battles, turning firefights into dynamic, three-dimensional skirmishes. It's not just about aiming skill; it's about outmaneuvering your opponents, choosing the right vantage points, and making split-second decisions that can turn the tide of a match.

The unique "ping" system in Apex Legends deserves special mention. A stroke of genius by the developers, this system allows for non-verbal communication that is both intuitive and effective. Whether you're marking enemy locations, suggesting loot, or indicating your next move, the ping system ensures that even players without microphones can contribute meaningfully to the team. It's a feature that fosters teamwork and elevates the overall cooperative experience.

The ever-shrinking play area, known as the "Ring," keeps the pace of the game intense from start to finish. Apex Legends strikes a delicate balance between encouraging aggressive playstyles and rewarding strategic positioning. The inclusion of respawn beacons and the ability to revive fallen teammates introduces a unique layer of tension and opportunity. Choosing when to engage, when to retreat, and when to take risks becomes a delicate dance that adds an extra layer of depth to the battle royale genre.

Apex Legends' commitment to innovation is evident in its regular seasonal updates. Each season introduces a new battle pass, map changes, and, most importantly, a new legend with their own set of abilities. This constant influx of content keeps the game fresh, ensuring that returning players always have something new to explore. The developers' responsiveness to community feedback and their willingness to tweak and balance the game based on player input have created a sense of collaboration between the developers and the player base.

The game's visual and auditory presentation is top-notch. The vibrant, sci-fi-inspired environments are a treat for the eyes, and the sound design is impeccable. The distant echoes of gunfire, the distinctive footsteps of nearby enemies, and the roar of approaching supply drops all contribute to the immersive experience. The attention to detail extends to the character animations, weapon designs, and the satisfying visual and auditory feedback of each successful kill.

In conclusion, Apex Legends is a battle royale masterpiece that has not only set a new standard for the genre but has managed to continuously evolve and refine itself. Its engaging gameplay, strategic depth, and commitment to innovation make it a standout title in a crowded market. Whether you're a solo player seeking intense firefights, a strategic mind orchestrating team plays, or a lore enthusiast delving into the rich backstories of the legends, Apex Legends offers an experience that is as diverse as its player base. In the ever-competitive world of battle royales, Apex Legends confidently stands at the apex, and it's a title that deserves a spot in the library of any true gamer.
Posted November 5, 2020. Last edited December 3, 2023.
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1,457.5 hrs on record (1,457.4 hrs at review time)
Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is not just a game; it's a vibrant and timeless masterpiece that has solidified its place in the pantheon of multiplayer shooters. Developed by Valve Corporation and initially released in 2007, TF2 has managed to maintain its relevance and charm over the years, thanks to its unique blend of fast-paced action, distinctive art style, and a community that is as passionate as it is creative.

One of the first things that strikes you about TF2 is its art direction. The game's cartoonish, almost Pixar-like aesthetic, is a breath of fresh air in a genre dominated by gritty, realistic shooters. The colorful and exaggerated character designs not only add to the game's visual appeal but also contribute to its lighthearted and humorous atmosphere. Each of the nine playable classes is not just a set of skills and abilities but a memorable and iconic character with its own personality, quirks, and catchphrases.

The beauty of TF2 lies in its simplicity. The core gameplay revolves around two teams, RED and BLU, battling it out for control of various objectives across a variety of maps. The game's mechanics are easy to grasp but hard to master, providing a perfect balance that caters to both casual players and those seeking a more competitive experience. The diverse cast of characters ensures that there's a playstyle for everyone, whether you prefer the brute force of the Heavy, the sneaky espionage of the Spy, or the precision of the Sniper.

The class-based system is a stroke of genius, fostering teamwork and strategy. A successful team requires a well-balanced composition, with each class playing a crucial role. The synergy between classes, along with the need for effective communication, adds a layer of depth that ensures no two matches are ever the same. Whether you're pushing the payload, capturing control points, or engaging in the chaotic and hilarious "Payload Race," TF2 offers a diverse range of experiences that keep players coming back for more.

TF2's community is another standout feature. The game's iconic hats and cosmetic items have become a cultural phenomenon, spawning a thriving economy within the game. The dedication of the community is evident in the countless fan-made animations, comics, and videos that celebrate the absurd and entertaining world of TF2. The "Meet the Team" video series, showcasing each character's personality and backstory, has become legendary and showcases Valve's commitment to storytelling within the game.

Despite its age, TF2's graphics have held up remarkably well, thanks in part to its timeless art style. The optimization ensures that even on modest hardware, the game runs smoothly, allowing a broad spectrum of players to enjoy the experience. The game's relatively low system requirements contribute to its accessibility, making it a title that can be enjoyed by players with varying levels of gaming hardware.

In conclusion, Team Fortress 2 is not just a game; it's a cultural phenomenon that has stood the test of time. Its engaging gameplay, distinct art style, and vibrant community make it a must-play for any fan of multiplayer shooters. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of TF2, there's always something new to discover, and the sheer joy of playing never seems to wear off. Team Fortress 2 is a true classic that continues to define the multiplayer shooter genre and remains an essential experience for gamers of all ages.
Posted October 23, 2016. Last edited December 3, 2023.
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