
Slade! 最近的评测

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总时数 38.7 小时 (评测时 37.9 小时)
Worth the five bucks
发布于 2022 年 12 月 12 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 24.1 小时 (评测时 10.1 小时)
Its a WWII based shooter with familiar gamemodes that anybody should recognize if theyve played any shooter. The game is TOUGH as ♥♥♥♥ to get good at. Most things kill you in one shot, the ones that dont still hurt like hell, and airstrikes are common. The biggest challenge to overcome is the lack of information. No minimap, rarely occuring hitmarkers, and no on screen markers (points and friendly player IDs are the only markers you get). If you use the Enemy Spotted command, that only gives the navigational direction (North, South, etc) of where the enemy was. You dont have a health bar, and only your reserve ammo is displayed in magazine format. in short, its a decent game, but its frustrating, and some of the maps are unbalanced (dog red, im looking at you.) its pretty fun with some friends, so you should get it.
发布于 2017 年 8 月 11 日。
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总时数 1.9 小时
Alright, im gonna keep this as short and as informational as possible with not much experience with the game, so bear with me.
First of all, what the hell is this game about?
Well, basically, it's about this developer that needs to upload a game before his publishing licesce expires. However, as luck would have it, it fails epically. And his licesce expires tomorrow. But, lucky for him, there are five other developers in his apartment building, and they all have developed one game. His mission now is to source hack all of thier games and put something on the app store.
Alright, so what's the gameplay like?
Well, the camera follows your character as if its on a wall. Its sorta hard to describe, but you'll know what i mean if you download it. Your character (his name is warren, so we'll use that from now on) travels on this grid, sorta like an old Pokemon game. You use either WASD or the arrow keys to control Warren, E to inspect, and R to interact.
Now for the main part of the game: the minigames.
When Warren hacks a game, all you have to do is play a short minigame. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but the minigames are actually very short. The longest minigame is about 15-20 minutes, assuming it's your first time. That's really it. It is a very simplistic game; some would even call it humble.
This leads me to the next category: Graphics, Sound, Interface, and Stability (GSI&S)
The graphics are , as i said before, simplistic. not much else to say. The sound also is simplistic, but it has a cartoonish sort of ring to it. The interface is... AGAIN, simplistic. It's simply drawn out, and the hud only appears when you can interact with an item (e.g, hacking a game, etc.). The game is extremely stable; i havent run into any problems yet, not even lag. Overall, it has a very simple feel to it. Games today (Especially freemium clash of clans ripoffs) try to overexaggerate, both in ads and in the game. I mean, seriously, when some chick with triple G's in metal lengere (nailed that spelling) pops on your screen and starts yakking about how you must RISE TO POWAR AND CONCAR YAR FOES FOR THA GLARY OF YAR KINDAM and all that shtuff, its... overwhelming. This game, however, dosen't shove triple G's in your face (execpt for one part but thats not the point). It offers what it has, nothing more and nothing less. But, im ranting too much. Lemme talk about the cons.
What are the cons?
Well, there arent many cons i can think of that shtick out. I mean, some of the dialouge needs some proofreading, but, aside from that and a couple other things, it dosent really have any cons. A simple game dosent have room for cons. Big ones, that is.
So, ive listened to you up to here. What do you think?
Well, if you have 35 minutes to spare, get it. It's a neat little game that has some humor sprinkled in there with simplicity for all. So, I say get it.
Before you leave, i just wanna thank you for putting up with my B.S. for however many lines this is. I really hope this review helped you choose to download this game. Now, i hate begging like a betch, buut imma beg like a betch. If you though this was funny and/or helpful, please gimme a thumbs up and/or a smiley face. Thank you, and stay away from chicks with triple G's with metal lengere.
发布于 2015 年 12 月 19 日。
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总时数 20.6 小时 (评测时 11.7 小时)

发布于 2015 年 3 月 31 日。
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