Draco Drago
Chris Guzman   United States
-⁧⁧BR4D 23.5. klo 8.05 
██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete.....
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🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable ☪I could never delete you Brother!💖 Send this to ten other 👪Mujahideen👪 who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called ☁️Brother☁️ again If you get
0 Back: Juhanam for you 🚫†✡🚫
3 back: you're off the martyr list☁️💦
5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly☪💦
10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ!💕💕☪👅👅
LiamGorilla 14.8.2018 klo 15.03 
are you theos
LiamGorilla 14.8.2018 klo 15.00 
i'm online in the game
Draco Drago 14.8.2018 klo 14.55 
check friends and chat
Draco Drago 14.8.2018 klo 14.55 
im seding you messadges you know that right
LiamGorilla 14.8.2018 klo 14.51 
were are you in xenoverse