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2 people found this review helpful
297.1 hrs on record (169.7 hrs at review time)
A fantastic game, chivalry without ballerina ♥♥♥♥. People who do that will only kill you when you're new, once you're good they're not an issue. Maps could use some balancing but that's just about the only complaint I could even think of. Weapons feel great and it's one of the most satisfying games I've ever played. Fantastic game.
Posted June 30, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
12.2 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
Far Cry 3 being one of my favorite games and hearing about this one just being what everyone loved from that game I picked it up looking forward to finally enjoying the series again after not liking 4 and Primal too much. Shame that what I got was more reptitive, annoying, and overall bland. I bought the game expecting to play through it with my friend in co op only to be greeted by the fact that he would get no progress and the idea of co op was dropped. Now without my team mate I decided to work with the hiring function and hire some added muscle. Only to turn them off because they will not stop talking and get incredibly annoying. The Ai in general sucks in standard ubi fashion. The outposts are almost all the same and enemies are way too common. This is the middle of Montana I'm not expecting to see constant cars and gunfights every 50 steps.

The characters other than the antagonists are all the same and will just preach about how good you are whenever you're near. The only solace I had was fishing and hunting but in those spots you have vendors who spout one of three voice lines literally every 5-10 seconds. The general feel of the game is also way different than the tone that the cutscenes show making it feel like you're playing a game and watching a seperate movie. The customization is also way behind games like The Division and Ghost Recon Wildlands which are both Ubi made. Theres also a notable lack of variety in some catagories of guns and half of the store is filled up with rekins of guns with a fancy paintjob and pre attached attachments.

Overall the game to me is worth 20-30$ and I will be refunding the game until I can get it at those prices. Hopefully the DLC adds some good content because right now there just isn't enough to keep me interested.
Posted April 3, 2018.
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7 people found this review helpful
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756.1 hrs on record (85.6 hrs at review time)
This has been my first fighting game that I took seriously past playing casually with friends and I must say it's impressive how much it's changed my opinion of fighting games. Before I was not much of a fan because I felt that they were too hard to get into. But this game is sort of an "entry level" fighting game, it will allow you to focus more on your movement and positioning in the beginning with auto combos where you just have to press the same button a few times and it performs a short combo while you focus more on finding the opening on the enemy instead of performing some complicated combo that you can't be expected to implement very early on if you're new to fighting games.

Because of this the game is very easy to pick up and atleast give a shot if you don't like fighting games. While still being very easy to get into it can become very complex as you improve but the game will let you do that at your own pace giving you breathing room as you don't have to spend your early hours of the game trying to learn a combo before you even know how to find an opening and hit the combo on an enemy. The online community has made it even easier to learn as they will post tech and combo tutorials online (I specifically look on the subreddit which has hundreds of helpful players willing to answer the most basic of questions.) The community has been great on introducing newcomers such as myself to the game as it has one of the (if not the) largest pc release of a fighting game.

Though the game is not without it's flaws just yet. The servers may disconnect you sometimes but with a solid wired connection I've only been dropped from games 2 times in my play time. The single player is also very very weak currently. I believe it is rumored that more modes will be added later but currently for single player modes you have the practice, the story, and arcade. Practice is just as any other fighting game, nothing to complain about here, it's actually quite nice and gives you lots of options based on what you want to practice. The story however is not good to put it bluntly. If you're a Dragon Ball fan the story is mainly there to teach you the controls and give you nice character interactions in the cutscenes. Other than that don't expect too much. Arcade is also very weird, in most fighting games higher difficulty would mean that the ai reacts better and punishes harder but in the harder arcade modes (which are not available right off the bat and will require you to beat the normal version of that arcade map) are downright BS. Making the Ai do more damage and take less while pumping out supers that do ridiculous amounts of damage. Thankfully that is not the main focus of the game. As it is like other fighting games where the main focus is on online ranked play. Which while others have had many problems I haven't encountered many at all. Maybe a laggy match or two but it was because of an opponents wireless connection.

The games graphics are also top notch and fit the style of Dragon Ball incredibly well. Animations are easy to read and tell what attack is being thrown at you for the most part and allows an easier time at learning how to block attack strings. If you have below the recommended specs for the game it's still worth trying and turning all of the settings down because the lowest settings look nearly like a PSP or DS game which should allow most of anything to run it. It is also moddable which allows for custom skins and music while still being allowed to play online!

This game is a satisfying and accessible game to someone that's never even touched a fighting game. It will take commitment and time to learn and to get good at but it's well worth it as finally being able to pull off your combo you worked on for a while in a ranked match. The graphics and details are wonderful and really fill out the fact that this is a Dragon Ball game. While it has it's flaws the main problems lie in the modes that aren't really much of a focus and you really won't worry about after the beginning of playing. It is well worth the money and probably one of my favorite games right now. I'm truely amazed that this game was able to live up to expectations and give a fun and easy to learn time.
Posted February 16, 2018. Last edited February 16, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
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226.0 hrs on record (73.8 hrs at review time)
I honestly don't understand why this game is getting such a large amount of hate. Out of about 20-30 matches only one has had any issue with servers and any connections. There have been 3 migration issues that were resolved within seconds and the devs have said that they're trying to take notes from the Rainbow Six Siege team's route and are planning on adding dedicated servers. The game is incredibly fun and smooth. The animations are fantastic and the skill ceiling is large leaving a lot of room to improve and working on more combos and such to have a higher chance of winning. The game is fluid and feels made for a controller, I would honestly not recommend not playing with a keyboard but it's still doable. Overall enjoy this game and the fact that the devs are no actively trying to improve the game and bring it back to a more competitive/casual environment where people can play and enjoy themselves. Overall I believe this game is worth the 30$ that this sale has and will hopefully show itself as an even greater game than it is known to be soon enough. It may seem like more of an investment hoping that they do turn it around but even now 30$ is reasonable for what the game is giving you right now.
Posted August 12, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
24.7 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I would really like to recommend this game. I honestly would have in my first few hours.
Lets start with the pros
-Fun crafting system
-Battle Royale
-Surviving is actually a challenge
Those are the main points I have.
The cons
-Community seems funny at first but becomes cancerous after it stops being funny
-Hackers are a problem, not very frequent but a problem for sure
-People who call hacks when you get a kill on two people (not a problem with the game but the community)
I can't recommend the game until community grows up and the hacker problem is fixed. Again I have more of a problem with hackers than the community but it would be nice to have people who try to survive with others instead of trying to kill you on sight ad calling you a hacker for having better aim than them.
Posted March 25, 2015.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries