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266.1 hrs on record (254.8 hrs at review time)
Campaign was decent at best, nice story.

Multiplayer was refreshing even after the previous CoD, but was fun nonetheless.

Zombies is a blast. Brings an old map at first, Giants, to the table and brings new easter eggs. Shadows of evils was a new and exciting map, filled with mystery not just within the easter egg, but the map and it's design. Then the DLCs. As they came out, the maps kept getting better. Der Eisendrache was the best by far, with so much replayability and it's bows, just as Origins had its staffs. Then The Chronicle DLC, bringing back old maps with new graphics, gobblegums, and new fun with the old maps. And finally the modability, with custom maps and all.

Love zombies, MP and campaign aren't worth it as much.
Posted November 30, 2020.
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764.3 hrs on record (649.0 hrs at review time)
Not much to say about this game. If you love rockets, soccer, and cars then you will enjoy this game. It's got a huge learning curve, but it has a massive casual playstyle that allows you to get the feel of the game before you go competitive.
Posted June 29, 2019.
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821.0 hrs on record (671.6 hrs at review time)
I love playing the game, but it's become to much to handle lately with the desync, lag spikes, freezes, low FPS, and the battlepass that wasn't needed.
Posted July 8, 2018.
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0.0 hrs on record
I have never written a review for a DLC before, but this one I had to. I've clocked over 30 hours on these new maps and I still haven't scratched the surface. This will probably be one of the best DLCs I'll have bought ever. Sounds a little over the top, but the importance of having these maps and being able to replay them with new guns, gobblegums, new lighting, graphics, etc, is the best feeling in the world. Black Ops Zombies was on a downfall for me even though I love zombies games, but after playing Origins for the first time on BO3 I knew it was going to be a good one. I played a game for at least 3 hours trying to figure out what to do only to fail and restart but I knew I wouldn't care as it seemed so fun that it didn't matter to me if I died before I could complete the easter egg.
Posted June 19, 2017.
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2,245.4 hrs on record (658.5 hrs at review time)
I feel like this game doesn't need a review. It's just simply amazing. It's the best game for it's price, it doesn't matter what game you put up next to it it will beat it for the price you pay.
Posted November 24, 2016.
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1,444.8 hrs on record (329.5 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
After starting this game because I got a copy from a stranger and didn't know what it was until I added it to my library and installed it, I've come to love, and hate, the game in it's entirity.

Some people don't like it, other's love it, and some just play it because it's time consuming. And boy can it be if you really enjoy playing. It's fun to play when you are winning, but when you start losing you feel like you are just wasting time and then get annoyed because, either you are doing bad youself, or your teammates are doing bad.

Starting at Silver 4, I've worked my way up over a year and gotten to Master Guardian Elite. I feel as if I can do better, but with solo queuing being a problem, considering you can get placed with smurfs, scrubs, or people who, like me, feel, and can perform, better than they should be, it's hard to get past certain ranks, and it's hard to get out of some ranks if you lose so many games in a row that you just want to de rank.

The game has a different system of playing. Most people that join are from Call of Duty or Battlefield, or some of the lesser known, but highly played, Free-2-Play FPS titles, such as Combat Arms or Solider Front 2. But I didn't come from any of those. I came from a Free-2-Play title, but it was less known, but highly addicting, considering I was always playing with friends and getting better, FPS called Arctic Combat. If you've played this game you know what I mean when I saw it's addicting. You can play for hours and it only feel like 15-20 minutes. Now what does this have to do with CS: GO? Well I'm getting there.

I'm not one to write reviews for games, considering I don't enjoy typing it up, but I felt CS: GO deserves my review, whether or not it's viewed much or looked down on.

CS: GO was hard to start in. I had some friends join over from Arctic Combat, after it shut down unexpectingly, what was supposed to have been a beta game just for testing purposes, and for a while we played for fun and didn't think anything of getting a high rank. We did over time become more competitive and want to rank up, but we all got so upset at each other, some of us screaming hacker the whole game, or some just getting annoyed at each other for not playing well, or doing things right that we went our seperate ways. Some of us still play this wonderful game, but we don't queue together. It's sad, but some things just aren't meant to be.

I wish I could find that group of people, not neccissarily those who'm I've been with in the past, but those people that I enjoy playing with, that can play together and have fun without worrying about winning or losing. I'd much rather have fun losing, then have no fun winning. It's fun to win, don't get me wrong, but when you are with people who are, pardon my French, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, it becomes no fun queuing with them, or if they are in your game whilst you solo queued you just wish the game would end.

Now, ranking up in this game can be difficult. Considering that most people who rank up are just being carried, which means if you want to rank up by yourself, you better be ready to carry anything and anyone coming your way, either the people on your team, or against the enemy you are facing. Ranking up also takes skill. Some think it takes wins, which I agree with, but in all reality, if you don't know what you are doing you will eventually fail. You need to learn the basics of the game before you can actually say you are improving. If all you do is play the game, do the same thing and get the same result you won't get much progress. If you find that happening to you, just think, what can I do differently to improve on what I did bad my last game? Just thinking about getting better can make you perform better. And if you are wondering I am mentioning the Placebo effect. If you think you are doing good you will perform great, if you are off and you think, man I'm just not doing good, then you most likely won't perform where you want to.

Now, most of this rambling isn't needed in a game review that has thousands, but I felt like sharing my opinion on the game.

This review, after reading it in it's entirity may seem short typed, or cut off at the end. I feel like that too, so in the future I will add more to this when I feel it's needed.

Thanks for reading this review. If you enjoyed it, upvote it, if not downvote. I don't care, it's your opinion.
Posted July 26, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
32.4 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've only spent several hours playing this game thus far, but as an Early Access game I have to say, it's quite fun.

I normally don't write reviews, especially for a game that is in alpha stages and I have not played much of, but this one deserves a review from me.

I expected this game to be quite easy and well easy for my PC to run, but it turns out I can barely run the game on low settings for a measely 30 FPS - 60 FPS on average when looking around at omplex designs of the game, and around 100 FPS when looking at solid color objects, such as the sky or ground. Even though this game is somewhat intense on my PC, I have still decided to play it despite that fact.

This game is a survival based game that can be PvE or PvP. I've seen a lot of people complain about the game being a KOS (Kill on Sight) game despite the fact that it is also a majorly minor solo game. I have only played it solo on PvE and have enjoyed every aspect of it. I plan on moving to PvP once I get the basis on quick survival tricks and getting to know how to start off in any spawn that is given to me.

The PvE aspect of the game is the best thing in the game because it allows us newcomers a chance to learn the game before and after entering PvP mode. I enjoy running around knowing the only things that can kill me are zombies and wild animals because it gives me a sense of relief that I can learn the game without others ruining it. I've also noticed there are more helpful people who will gladly kill a zombie or animal attacking you if need be. But I've noticed less people wanting to join up as it's less of a fight for life because zombies are 1 shot headshot, 2-3 strikes to the body kills and wild animals, besides bears, are two shots with anything.

That's another thing. I died once, as everyone will eventually, and I spawned in the middle of the woods and ran for about 10 minutes to find more woods. I eventually found a bear and it killed me running down a hill despite bears not being able to run down hills fast at all in real life. Spawns in this game are simple, either lucky or unlucky, there is not in between because if you spawn somewhere near a town or place of habitance, then you are somewhat OK to continue going, but if you spawn somewhere like I did, then you might as well find the fasted way to kill yourself to start over in a different area.
Posted March 2, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Feels a lot like Super Smash Bro's Brawl. It's fun and isn't a typical game that you'd want to play.
Posted December 10, 2014.
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