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245.6 ч. всего (30.6 ч. в момент написания)
Truth be told, I can't recommend this to people if they are here to play casually. Dead By Daylight has a notoriously toxic community and the devs have done absolutely nothing about it. The devs are very hands-off when it comes to the community and it shows.

Not only that, but it seems that having fun is a complete oddity in this game. If you aren't playing to win, you may as well not be playing at all. If you're not following the meta, you're not playing at all. You'd be better off playing another game if you feel like playing Dead By Daylight.

You're not going to be replaying game after game because you find it fun. You're going to be replaying game after game because you're so pissed off about the last one you need to play another to make yourself feel better. Whether you play survivor or killer, everyone's going to be toxic.

I can't say this game is worth your money if you wanna play casually and have fun with it.
Опубликовано 19 июня 2022 г..
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1,061.3 ч. всего (54.1 ч. в момент написания)
I can't count how many times I lost track of how long I've been playing this game in a session. This game is way too addicting.

10/10 would lose track of time again
Опубликовано 19 февраля 2022 г..
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0.0 ч. всего
Can't say I really recommend this DLC, it's certainly not one of Obsidian Entertainment's better works.

What they tried to do is this weird Silent Hill or Resident Evil sort of thing with all the horror aspects, but the horrifying thing about this whole DLC is everything else.

What's annoying is how terribly the DLC flows. Every single part of the DLC is just inconvenience after inconvenience. The entire map layout is so stupid and nearly impossible to navigate properly without having to guess every other corner you have to turn. And even if you get passed that, there's the holograms when you actually get in to the Sierra Madre. They're unkillable, deal ♥♥♥♥ loads of damage, and can ruin things really damn easily.

And on the topic of annoyances, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ explosive collar Father ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ put on you that is about as stable as a deck of cards on the damn Windwaker. The thing is so easy to explode and can go off for stupid reasons like going near a radio that's so much as has an electrical current. And most times you have to deal with holograms AND the damn collar. The entire DLC is just dying to the collar 70% of the time.

Although there is a way to turn off the holograms, but let's hope you're running a build where you spec into repair AND stealth, because for some reason the hologram projectors may as well have been bought right from fort knox because in order to turn them off, it goes about as high as to needing 100 in repair, and to slip past any of the holograms you may as well need 100 in stealth, too.

Not to mention how badly the game progresses. Go get this person, tell them to go here, do it again but with another person, go in here, terminal, terminal, terminal, terminal, locked door, key, another key, terminal AGAIN. I don't know if the writers of the DLC were on some potent ♥♥♥♥, but the progression of this "DLC" is just so unbelievably boring.

There's barely anything to explore either. You may as well be on a damn Disney Land tour because for the entire game you just go one direction and get lost every now and then because as said before, the entire map is so hard to navigate around.

Just play Honest Hearts or Old World Blues.
Опубликовано 21 июня 2021 г..
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26.2 ч. всего (21.5 ч. в момент написания)
Kill the world, and feel good about it.
Опубликовано 16 декабря 2019 г..
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80.0 ч. всего (7.3 ч. в момент написания)
Easily one of the best metroidvania games ever made.

Compelling story, fun combat mechanics, fluid movement, solid feeling of progression and strength, you'd be hard pressed to find better metroidvania games better than this one nowadays.
Опубликовано 24 января 2019 г.. Отредактировано 21 июня 2021 г..
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3.8 ч. всего
A good mix between weeb ♥♥♥♥ and horror ♥♥♥♥ wrapped nicely in a little bow of degeneracy.

8/10 would ♥♥♥♥ my pants again
Опубликовано 24 марта 2018 г.. Отредактировано 21 июня 2021 г..
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614.2 ч. всего (46.0 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор CS:GO
I sure do love fueling my gambling addiction. 8/10 would regret my life choices again
Опубликовано 4 октября 2016 г.. Отредактировано 21 июня 2021 г..
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112.9 ч. всего (3.7 ч. в момент написания)
If your planning to be a videogame designer or something along those lines when you're able to get a career, this is the software to use! Some people say unity is way better, but have you seen most unity games? They're garbage. So using this gives you the ability to make platformers and other things. So if you want to use this, I storngly advise you do so.
Опубликовано 19 августа 2016 г..
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1,341.8 ч. всего (169.2 ч. в момент написания)
honest to god i wanna kms

Опубликовано 6 августа 2016 г.. Отредактировано 18 мая 2023 г..
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127.8 ч. всего (72.2 ч. в момент написания)
Wonky-ass controls make for a funny-ass game
Опубликовано 2 августа 2016 г.. Отредактировано 21 июня 2021 г..
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