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kayıtlarda 4.1 saat
Maintaining what we had isn't enough ill give a thumbs up when something worthy of it happens
Yayınlanma 9 Mayıs.
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kayıtlarda 178.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 77.5 saat)
11/10 Its a refreshing take on a d&d setting, focused on being a part of the story and the main characters rather than just another adventurer and the game treats you as such. Plenty of replayability and in the near future mods. You know if it upsets the lazy game devs on twitter enough to call it a stand out and not the new status quo you got a winner on your hands
Yayınlanma 10 Eylül 2023.
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kayıtlarda 55.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 30.2 saat)
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While there is no certainty to how well they fixed it this most recent update has drastically improved the game and is a wonderful step in the right direction and fixed almost all problems I had with it in terms of weapon balancing and grind. This isn't much of a why you should buy it as a the devs did right by me revision
Yayınlanma 5 Temmuz 2023. Son düzenlenme 6 Ağustos 2023.
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7 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1.4 saat
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$30 is a bit much for a game build upon having a multiplayer experience and in early access the upgrades also seems to be a grind once you finish doing each mission for the first time. I think if the game goes down to ~$20 on sale its worth it but the current price leaves a lot to be desired.
Yayınlanma 18 Mayıs 2023.
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kayıtlarda 0.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.2 saat)
Still a pvp exclusive game, if you want to enjoy it for anything other than pvp enjoy it for a bit till someone who is just sitting somewhere you can't see with a sniper domes you while you try to pve, kind of a waste to not just have options / servers for pve and maybe an arena area for pvp

Its free but for "multiplayer stalker" it just rubs me the wrong way to not allow people to play it as such
Yayınlanma 9 Aralık 2022.
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17 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 0.4 saat
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Game doesn't play like the trailer in actuality its a very floaty game that has the combat mechanics of circle strafe enemies that walk in straight lines with disjointed attack hitboxes weird aoes no weight to combat and "loot" that is every enemy dropping some common garbage you have to sort through and sell / toss one at a time
Yayınlanma 3 Eylül 2022.
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kayıtlarda 7.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 2.0 saat)
Alright mostly making this as an early review so that people can get a sense of should they try it or not only writing about what ive played

This is a souls-like experience it expects you to slam your face against a wall until you find the right combination of build or skills to pass its challenges, pretty fun if you stick it out but likely to drive a lot of people away, comparably its bloodborne with sekiro deflection being a decently big part of combat (but mostly boss and miniboss combat)

The combat is weightly like a souls like game but not all attacks will stagger / stagger forever this leads to a very fast paced and varied combat experience that varies wildly based on traits (which can be reset at any bonfire an unlimited amount of times) this leads to a good amount of discovery and options but some of them feel very spamable like the easy deflect but that's fine, 4 main attacks, a roll, and 2 extra attacks throws your hands all over the controller so its hard to pick up and go with the flow of combat, in general the flow of combat sees you throwing out light attacks to rake up wound and then heavy attacks to capitalize on that wound for higher permanent damage, all enemies healthbars are split into a white bar and a green bar, hit the white bar with wounding attacks then hit the green bar with damaging attacks to prevent the enemy from getting their health back. This requires you to be on your toes and to focus enemies a bit and play aggressive with bosses and rewards aggressive play with faster kills

So far after 2 levels it seems the game is devised into missions, effectively go to level 1-1 then unlock 2-1 but also be able to back track to 1-2 and 1-3 for extra loot / levels / shards

While there is no character customization build customization comes from a few sources, levels into 3 main skills, traits, and weapon skills, traits and weapon skills can be reset and changed at any bonfire and main skills seemingly gains a respec after every "main boss"

The levels themselves are full of enemies that range from basic enemies, elite enemies, mini-bosses, and bosses (seemingly in main act level) the mini-bosses don't respawn and are guaranteed to drop loot so its always a good idea to fight them if you are ready, not all of them are made equal but if you got a bonfire nearby and nothing but time is a surefire way of getting stronger, the level design is decently linear with a good amount of exploration and side tracks to follow for mini-bosses and loot

For 25 bucks or 22.5 on sale or whatever currency you use is pretty good for a souls like experience like this

Amount of content
Don't know this is a very early review

Overall its a pretty good game id recommend it at the price
Yayınlanma 18 Ağustos 2022. Son düzenlenme 18 Ağustos 2022.
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kayıtlarda 539.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 350.0 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Alright I came back to rewrite a review on the current state of the game AGAIN this is the 3rd rewrite.

Its extremely fun if you stick it out to get good

Its hard to get good alone but soon it will be easier to test learn and practice in safer environments and play around with friends, granted there is no ingame tutorials that are bringing this to you its all based on interaction with other players but it will provide better learning environments

Either wait till its easy enough for you to get in or try it out and see if you can stick it out
Yayınlanma 21 Temmuz 2022. Son düzenlenme 15 Kasım 2022.
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9 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
3 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 28.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.9 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Don't buy the game yet, single player offline saves haven't been implemented so its not as easy as it should be to play alone

Progression. To tiers 1-4 not bad crafting times are a bit long but overall you progress nicely and at a decent rate for the first ~8 hours that you might spend on a first play through. After that the grind becomes more and more astronomical, the next tier increases craft times by at least 4-5x as much at the minimum, then after that who knows because I don't have the patience for that, you end up grinding for materials and waiting hours for crafting even if you grind even more materials to mass produce crafting stations.

Time gating, The game feels the need at every point to slow you down and make you wait, hours to bind a servant, hours to craft, hours to grind materials to craft, hours to grind materials to make enough refinement stations so you don't have to wait 1680 minutes (not a joke btw to get 4 people SOME of the iron gear t5 imo)

Gameplay, the actual gameplay with combat and abilities is not bad actually, traversing the map tracking down bosses fighting through camps is a pretty decent experience the only problem is everything that has to happen up to that point, the combat itself does get a bit stale with only 2 basic enemy types for most of the game and areas but there are some unique enemies and bosses.

Bosses, one of the main draws hunting down bosses to gain new abilities, powers, and progress to the next tier (aka be able to start crafting it) most of the boss fights are pretty fun and unique but some of the expect you to bring a friend or two, it would be nice to see them scale depending on the amount of players attacking the boss but with preparation it can be handled solo almost all of the time it feels.

Most of the aspects in the game such as crafting can be made more manageable depending on the server settings but these problems are likely to stick around on all servers because its the "vanilla" experience.
Yayınlanma 20 Mayıs 2022. Son düzenlenme 23 Mayıs 2022.
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