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kayıtlarda 3.3 saat
What can I say about this here game?! Well to begin this review about this game I'll have to do some heavy thinking and speaking of which SEGA has created this game that makes it like those Ace Attorney games except they left out no objection to this game but loads of thinkin and as well as obstacle course that it was sooooooooooo painful for even me to handle and I'm sure plenty of people like me has had the same issue as me so here's something I ask myself and to those people who's got this game and gave it A shot. Is it fun? sure and I say this cause I like how it was A murder mystery game with as I said no objections but just A Who killed whom and who done it game. Is this game worth it to go and play on PC or Steam deck though?! I would have to say no and I personally wouldn't recommend it because again it was A pain just to get what from 10 - 70 Rings to collect in our little device and jump over obstacles?! I say no and this game should die okay
Yayınlanma 25 Kasım 2023.
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kayıtlarda 32.0 saat
Okay so I like A little Witch Craft, Wizardry, & it's an MMORPG game that's also got some tactics involved but with abit of A card play which this game reminds me as going back to my time when I use to play Final Fantasy Tactics and other Final Fantasy games I played that involve I'd say take turns not to mention all the Yu-Gi-Oh! or regular playing card games we all play on so yeah I kinda like it however this game too would be a whole lot better if we could just decide on how much we'll spend all of our crowns or membership here on Steam so this way we can use these crowns and either continue our legacy or we can just spend our crowns on better pets and plenty of other things that we can do with our crowns or memberships! But enough about all that it is time we're going back to learn magic that we cast on bad guys and set off for an adventure!! So get this game, Choose your favorite magical tricks, & most importantly have fun with this here game me hearties okay.
Yayınlanma 8 Ekim 2023.
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kayıtlarda 2.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 2.1 saat)
Okay so I like A little Pirate MMORPG game as well as something that's got some tactics involved which this game reminds me as going back to my time when I use to play Final Fantasy Tactics and other Final Fantasy games I played that involve I'd say take turns so yeah however this game would be a whole lot better if we could just decide on how much we can spend all of our crowns or membership here on Steam so this way we can use these crowns and either continue our legacy or we can just spend our crowns on better pets, Better ships, and plenty of other things that we can do with our crowns or membership but enough about all that it's time me hearties that we cast off and set sail for an adventure and as well as look for treasure!! So Get this game, Hoist the anchor, & most importantly have fun with this here game me hearties okay.
Yayınlanma 8 Ekim 2023.
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kayıtlarda 2.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.7 saat)
Yo dudes And Dudettes! Let's eat some pizza as well as kick some shreddar's tailbone while I explain about this game alright!

So what do I like about the game? Well it's all got of your favorite dudes and dudettes including all the cameos in the game

So what do I hate about the game or what the game could do better? By not throwing A punch at me that's what it can do okay but nah I'm kidding I don't hate the game I only just wished my friends even friends of mine from japan would go and get this game because it's not fun when I'm just playing this game all by my lonesome and that's pretty much all I can say.

So what are you waiting for my dudes and dudettes?! Go get this game while this game is still going through the Autumn sale from this week throughout November 29 cause it's going back to it's normal price by then dudes and also dudettes K?!
Yayınlanma 25 Kasım 2022.
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kayıtlarda 2,470.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 7.8 saat)
Well there's nothing that I hate about this game I mean it feels only when I 1st played this game in the year of 2013 or was it 2015.....Anyways I like this game because it takes me to decide to join the side of good and save the galaxy from Imperials or me join in the side of EVIL & rule the galaxy and Rain Despair on these Republic Scumbags and show the Republic Scumbags just who rules it. So all I advice to my 6 friends is that if you haven't ♥♥♥♥♥♥ your hand on this...GET IT!, IT'S FREE!, & May the force be with ya or May you Republic Scumbags fall into the fate of galaxy by our own hands of the Empire. Finally to every1 you should play the Expansion because the Expansion are cool too & they continue this game of Star Wars: The Old Republic!
Yayınlanma 19 Şubat 2021.
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kayıtlarda 6.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 5.2 saat)
Okay so here is what I would think or do not think about this game Ladies, Gentleman, Boyz & Gals okay K so here we Go!

What I Like about this game: Hmm well to begin it's all the modes of your favorites Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Murder, and finally it's even got Deathruns and or parties and you can even choose your skins from up to Marvel to almost anything

What I don't Like about this Game: Hmm well there's only 1 thing I really don't like about it and that's getting owned from people who are either too good at it or there's cheaters, Haxors, & so much more people in this game that I hated okay K.

That's all I think about this game and if anyone including Pancakes reads this then y'all should 100% get this game okay K.
Yayınlanma 26 Kasım 2020.
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kayıtlarda 10.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 3.5 saat)
What I like and don't like about this game well where to start. As I started playing this game I've began playing it years ago and see what's it's all about because alot of people played this game and or other games that was just like this and or at the least I have uh stopped playing it because this game requires taking money out of you just to unlock more characters so I guess that's why I am not much fund of this game because as I've said this game requires money to unlock new character that will run you completely broke K
Yayınlanma 30 Haziran 2019.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 139.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 48.8 saat)
Hmm what do I like & don't like about this game well here's are my What I like & don't like about DANGANRONPA Okay haha

What I Like about this game
1. I like most of the characters of this game and the way they react in this here game guys so that's my reason why I like it K

2. I like the voice actor who played Chihiro because well I just loved their voices & I actually met them In Real Life but I won't say who it is for you guys will have to find out who that is and also...GIVE EVERYTHING YOU GOT! about this game K

3. Finally I just love the game itself because of the tags it described this game plus most people is streaming this game K K

What I don't like about this game
1. Well for starters I don't like & SPOILER ALERT! I don't like how Touhou became all scary looking I mean sheesh girlfriend

2. I don't like the coloring of the blood like why couldn't Spike Chunsoft & the others make the blood more real like red huh

3. It's sad for me to say that the this voice actor who played as Chihiro that I love and adore had to die guys I mean no joke
Yayınlanma 22 Kasım 2018.
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kayıtlarda 28.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 26.8 saat)
Okay so here's my reason this game should win and even if it doesn't there will always be next year but anyways here goes hundreds maybe even thousands of people play this game and even myself played it and I think I even liked how the story plays out and lastly I've seen the anime version of this game also & it was pretty rad and awesome that I want to play more so again this is my reason why this game should win if not there's always next year & if not next year then maybe the year after
Yayınlanma 24 Kasım 2017.
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kayıtlarda 2.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 2.7 saat)
We <3 this game it's like taking Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon back when it was released for the nintendo all the way to this & what more is better then also adding a little Contra to the mix where you get to shoot em up razzle them up & also Kill em up to particles & not only that But you also get to choose any character any weps and even grenade power ups K

Klaus Baudelaire Attorney @ Law: HOLDIT!!! & OBJECTION!!!...There's more according to my research if they get the source Bran D Gentlespy from the site beyond sight then they can play that with the Open Source which gives everypony more op

Right you are Klaus Baudelaire Attorney @ Law so get this game play with your friends or family & kick some tailbones K
Yayınlanma 8 Eylül 2015.
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