Mommy Rage
Apex, North Carolina, United States
if you got a man, you should cut him off
grab your passport, cause we runnin off :steamhappy:

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287 Hours played
To put it simply...

Stumbling around through ugly, monotonous environments isn't "spooky". It's just boring. There isn't anything to do in the world but stare at the same few creatures you're hacking and slashing your way through. Endless. Sprawling. Grey and brown.

And then there's the lack of video settings options. And the abject failure of the button mapping to update the HUD's tips and labels. So after you remap your keys you better remember what they are when you come back after a month because the game absolutely will not tell you. This is basic UI design issues and it's profoundly embarrassing to be seeing this in the 21st century. And then there's the awkward translations which end up misdirecting you or even just flat-out lying to you about what things do. No, you actually can't This critique has been repeating a theme a lot, but it's fitting for this specific game. It's not actually a game. It's just a tedium simulator. It's not difficult, it's anti-designed. It's not dark and depressing, it's just boring and ugly.

Is it the absolute worst I've ever played? No. But it's among the worst ten, in the last twenty five years of gaming.

At least Barbie's Shopping Adventure had colors.
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287 hrs on record
last played on May 18
173 hrs on record
last played on May 18
103 hrs on record
last played on May 18
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