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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
40.4 Std. insgesamt
I've tried writing this review dozens of times and I always come up short. Outer Wilds means so much to me that I can't even put it into words. It had such a deep, profound, and personal effect on me that I can't even really begin to rationalize it.

So instead of talking about what makes the game so great, I'll just say this: Almost all of my favorite games (& other pieces of media) are action-packed romps that step on the gas from the start and are filled with badass, adrenaline-pumping moments from start to finish. I typically don't engage with media that takes things slow, it's just not enough for my hyperactive mind. Despite all that, Outer Wilds, this slow, atmospheric game with no combat at all is my favorite piece of art ever created and had me bawling like a baby by the time its credits rolled.

I love this game with every ounce of my being and I pray that you'll give it a chance.

I promise you won't regret it.

“We do not have much connection, you and I. Still, this encounter feels special. I hope you won’t mind if I think of you as a friend.”
Verfasst am 28. Mai.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
3 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
8.4 Std. insgesamt
Peter you have to stop. You grill too tough. Your shorts too different. Your bug is too bad. They'll clone you.
Verfasst am 26. Mai.
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38.8 Std. insgesamt
Wow this was BAD

And I say that as a huge fan of Dying Light 1.

This was BAD BAD

Like..."only could get through the final few missions because I was streaming this to my friends on discord taking a shot every time something dumb happened" kinda bad.

I've never seen a story go so many directions and yet ultimately go nowhere.

Verfasst am 3. August 2023.
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Ein Entwickler hat am 23. Mai um 21:35 geantwortet (Antwort anzeigen)
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22.8 Std. insgesamt
God this game ♥♥♥♥♥♥' rules

This is the first RE game I've completed (got halfway through 7 years ago around its release and played the first few hours of RE2 Remake) and I've got to say, I think I now understand why people go crazy for this series.

I haven't played a lick of the original RE4, but if it was as polished and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane as this, it probably would've been one of my favorite games of all time had I played it growing up.

There's some things this game does do wrong, sure, but the sheer thrill ride RE4:R provides in its roughly 15-20 hours more than makes up for any shortcomings. This is nothing short of a masterpiece.

Verfasst am 29. April 2023.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
62.4 Std. insgesamt (27.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Verfasst am 25. September 2022.
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80.2 Std. insgesamt (30.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Verfasst am 8. Juni 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
3.3 Std. insgesamt (2.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game barely functions...10/10
Verfasst am 19. März 2022.
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34.5 Std. insgesamt (14.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This is the coolest video game ever made
Verfasst am 15. Februar 2022.
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424.5 Std. insgesamt (163.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game and its soundtrack make me wanna turn into a being of pure energy, punch through the sun, and kill god.

Guilty Gear Strive is easily my favorite fighting game ever made and is a damn strong contender for my favorite game ost of all time.

I am now in love with this series and everything surrounding it.

There's no shot in hell that this isn't my game of the year.

Needless to say, it's pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good.

Verfasst am 18. Oktober 2021.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1.3 Std. insgesamt (1.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The gameplay loop just isn't very fun and feels very wonky. The dash feels very unintuitive to use as does most of the movement in general. Maybe the game feels better to play later on, but within the first hour of playing the most interesting upgrade I found was a shotgun type blast that I came across once. This game has potential. The art, shorter run loop, and music are all refreshing, but in its current state I would've felt gypped if I didn't request a refund.
Verfasst am 11. März 2021.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 55