Benjamín Mravec   Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia

1 ban VAC registrato | Informazioni
1981 giorno/i dall'ultimo ban
Attività recente
68 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 7 mag
76 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 11 apr
29 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 10 apr
Achievement   17 di 31
byteframe's cat 12 set 2019, ore 10:06 
Fry: Drugs are for losers, and hypnosis is for losers with big weird eyebrows.
Tuesday After Lunch is the cosmic time of the week.
Without life, Biology itself would be impossible.
Professor: No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it.
It's difficult to see the picture when you are inside the frame.
Holy Moly! The bastard's rich!

-- Homer Simpson
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
((lambda (foo) (bar foo)) (baz))
HP had a unique policy of allowing its engineers to take parts from stock as
long as they built something. "They figured that with every design, they were
getting a better engineer. It's a policy I urge all companies to adopt."
-- Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, "Will Wozniak's class give Apple to teacher?"
EE Times, June 6, 1988, pg 45

"There may be no excuse for laziness, but I'm sure looking."

byteframe's cat 29 set 2018, ore 18:44 
🎄 | 📗 | 🎽 | 🌋 | 👳 | 👔 | 📕 | 🐝 | 🐊 | 🐟 | 🎍 | 🍖 | 👃 | 😺 | 💎 | 🌂 | 🚙 | 👔 | 📕 | 📒

Sam Vimes could parallel process. Most husbands can. They learn to follow
their own line of thought while at the same time listening to what their
wives say. And the listening is important, because at any time they could
be challenged and must be ready to quote the last sentence in full. A vital
additional skill is being able to scan the dialogue for telltale phrases
such as "and they can deliver it tomorrow" or "so I've invited them for
dinner?" or "they can do it in blur, really quite cheaply."
(The Fifth Elephant)

🚙 | ⛳ | 🥞 | 🎫 | 🌋 | 💄 | 🚘 | 🐊 | 👃 | 💙 | 🎈 | 🐛 | 👑 | 🚕 | 🥒 | 🐟 | 💃 | 🌸 | 📣 | 🕺
byteframe's cat 7 set 2018, ore 21:13 
🌽 | 💗 | 🐟 | 🌸 | ⚡ | 💚 | 🍆 | 🍖 | 👾 | 📣 | 🐊 | 🏓 | 🔋 | 📀 | 🐳 | 📗 | 🐝 | 🎫 | 🌂 | 🌏

Sam Vimes could parallel process. Most husbands can. They learn to follow
their own line of thought while at the same time listening to what their
wives say. And the listening is important, because at any time they could
be challenged and must be ready to quote the last sentence in full. A vital
additional skill is being able to scan the dialogue for telltale phrases
such as "and they can deliver it tomorrow" or "so I've invited them for
dinner?" or "they can do it in blur, really quite cheaply."
(The Fifth Elephant)

👽 | 💄 | 🥞 | 👔 | 💃 | 🎍 | 👑 | 👃 | 💎 | 📕 | 🎄 | ⛳ | 🚕 | 👹 | 🍧 | 🎈 | 🍇 | 🌳 | 💛 | 🎁
Ernest 15 giu 2016, ore 8:45 
BENDZO! rychlo
Ernest 15 giu 2016, ore 5:24 
add me
PsychicalGamer 8 giu 2016, ore 13:08 
add me