Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
        •● W E L C O M E- T O -M Y -P R O F I L E ●•

Please Read Below Before adding me:

I don’t accept random friend requests. If you want to add me post a clear reason on my profile why are you adding me. Unless I posted a trade saying "Add me to trade or send me a steam offer".

My Main rule is:
'Give Respect to earn Respect'

If you have a Iphone with siri say "112"

If you want to trade here is my trade link : https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=162944448&token=uyh6O-m1

This is my new account its my new main add it if you want to play CS :

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Counter-Strike 2
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11.2 hrs on record
last played on Jun 19, 2023
102 hrs on record
last played on May 14, 2023
930 hrs on record
last played on Sep 9, 2020
byteframe's cat Aug 10, 2020 @ 5:00am 
Free Jokes! Sorry if they're crude!

🏀 * 🐊 * 🌏 * 👃 * 👹 * 💎 * ⛳ * 😺 * ⚡ * 🎍 * 👔 * 🎈 * 🎄 * 💎 * 💛 * 📕
ㅤ* It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end.
ㅤ* Virginity is like a soapbubble, one prick and it is gone.
ㅤ* When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?
📀 * 🚙 * 🌏 * 🏓 * 🌽 * 🔋 * 🍇 * 🌂 * 🎫 * 🐝 * 💄 * 👽 * 🍆 * 📗 * 🍖 * 👳

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Ba-Dum-Tiss!
goat Feb 17, 2020 @ 7:57pm 
-rep smurf
1badspeed6 Feb 26, 2018 @ 5:57pm 
+rep, helped me trade up and cash out
Crumble Dec 30, 2016 @ 12:09am 
Sucks at golf -rep
o Dec 29, 2016 @ 8:12am 
im adding you cause im punkfrost, sensei, uhm.. the guy you got a knife for.. idk :steamsalty:
born to yap Oct 15, 2016 @ 11:27pm 
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