Grey Zarcovski
Grey "SureShot" Zarcovski   Bakersfield, California, United States
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◟"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." ◞
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"SureShot" Drawn by: Mrs. Mourne
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Q: Are you the "Real" Grey Zarcovski?
A: Yep.

Q: G-Grey Senpai.. Why did you leave us?
A: Honestly speaking, stress. I was a highschool student when I started the original channel and during that time I made a great deal of friends as well as enemies. One of those as any of those who followed me knew, was Sansy and that was one that caused me a great deal of stress. So, when everything got to be too much, I jumped ship.

TL;DR - I got tired of fighting against a scammer who never learned.

Q: It's been XXXX years, why are you coming back now?
A: Mmh.. There's something about this name that has always been special to me. I've tried making a return with many names, CyrexTheCyberSpaceMann, UncleRuskie, UrsaTheBlacksmith, MindOfRuss. But, after awhile, as I've somehow found myself back here. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sick of running from something I'm not afraid to take credit for anymore.

TL;DR - Confidence & Old friends work wonders.

Q: TF2 Content when?
A: I've gotta git gud first. :steamhappy:

Q: Are you the same "Grey Zarcovski" that kicked Krunchynaut out of a game..?
A: Yep, it's called a YouTuber power high and while I'm sorry I did it looking back at it now it's not necessarily something I can take back.

Q: What do you think about the TF2 community?
A: I don't know, check Russ . As you can see, I've done nothing but trade for the past bit of time and after that have let everything I've owned rot. The last person I spoke to in the TF2 community was Bearded Expense.

Q: Why do you have two accounts?
A: Believe it or not, once someone has your steam id, it's over. You can't change your profile or ever run away, so I got another account and went there while things blew over.

Q: What's your main account?
A: Russ

A: A lot of people have came and gone throughout my life when it comes to me having names and passing them by. I remember people I've been around, if you're an old sub that adds this account or even my main, there's a chance I'll remember you so, don't be afraid.

PS: I've got a metric ♥♥♥♥ ton of fan art I'm probably going to upload after typing this.
PPS: I'm not a brony, but the character "SureShot" is affiliated with Grey Zarcovski and in the spirit of it, I won't remove him.
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802 hrs on record
last played on Jul 2, 2023
802 hrs on record
last played on Jul 2, 2023
802 hrs on record
last played on Jul 2, 2023
WonderCrown Dec 21, 2023 @ 7:48pm 
Lord Scout Dec 21, 2023 @ 4:20pm 
time's a ♥♥♥♥♥ huh
[SG|TYS] Niko [Medic] Nov 10, 2023 @ 11:17pm 
WonderCrown Nov 10, 2023 @ 5:44am 
One-Hundred and Thirty one days since Grey Zarcovski was Kill... :gng:
Grey Zarcovski Dec 14, 2022 @ 10:53am 
Converted To: 24/7 Idling... :steammocking:
Grey Zarcovski Dec 3, 2022 @ 7:10am 
Sometimes, I come back here and realize how absolutely minute my library here is compared to my main... :steamfacepalm: