Sander   Limburg, Netherlands
I only accept invites from irl friends.
Trade offer: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=156965128&token=hWv-DN3p
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The Doctor Dec 26, 2022 @ 6:43am 
Oh, yeah!
You gotta get schwifty
You gotta get schwifty in here
It's time to get schwifty
You gotta get schwifty
Oh yeah

Take off your pants and your panties
♥♥♥♥ on the floor
Time to get Schwifty in here
Gotta ♥♥♥♥ on the floor
I'm Mr. Bulldops
I'm Mr. Bulldops

Take a ♥♥♥♥ on the floor
Take off your panties and your pants
It's time to get schwifty in here

New song, schwifty
Double X
Schwifty song, comin' at ya
It's the schwif-schwifty

Hey, take your pants off
It's schwifty time today
Party Parrot 2k24 Dec 26, 2022 @ 4:47am 
I used to go to school with him and he always used to eat raw chicken for his lunch. Literally slices of raw chicken and he'd
just dip then into vinegar and constantly look shifty like a nervous bit of prey, never seemed to get ill though and always had small feet.
Proper nice kid though, he used to wear a golf glove to school everyday and he had pet mice at home,
he used to gather up a months worth of their droppings and them ferment them in vinegar for 6 months,
then sniff them to get himself high before geography. He reckoned the smell alone was strong enough to fell a rhino. Nice kid though as I said,
just a bit weird
The Doctor Sep 24, 2022 @ 2:07pm 
Hey I found your steam through a mutual and I just wanted to say that I think we could get along real well :) I don't normally do things like this cause I'm a real gentleman :3, but do you want to maybe play a bit of tf2 sometime (omg I'm so embarrassed) >< I could go on my smurf so you don't have to put in that much effort, even though you're like the best and you'll probably be on top every round. When I see your name I just feel like we have this special connection that I can't describe in words, I think.. maybe we knew each other in a past life xDD like I can do the cooking and everything, you don't have to worry about that cuz I'm a real feminist, but I'll still take care of you <3 I know how to make a man feel like a girl, but I won't do anything that freaks you out, just say one word and I'll stop so so fast! so maybe just consider me? I can't believe I'm writing this all out to you >< !! Even if you reject me it's all worth it just for you, my wuv <3 (plz don't reject me !!)
The Doctor Sep 4, 2022 @ 8:27am 
hello! sorry for scare, but just notice profile on the Steam Community. you know how hard it are to find girls who play video game nowadays??? well, Im glad I stumble apon this little prof cause I gotta say.... ur prety cute!! ^ ((sorry for scare, no trouble ) well... I was wondering if u wanted to play tf2 with me (Im a plat sniper, so I can carry my little princes if need. =-}) CUZ I really want someone to pub wit me.. hey hey, maybe even I could get you unusual as little gift. you like Buring? Me too, me too. anyways any, do you maybe have Skype? (no scare. no scare, I iust like meating eye to eye.) if we skype, I think we could have some good buddy commucation. :)) ( i can even turn down my dubstep music in the background if you want...) add me if you want please, I jsit need friend maybe even girlfriend, to play video with.m I can be the perfect guy for you, trust!! ill buy whatever, do whatever, okay?? jsit pick up that phone and CALL. :)
The Doctor Aug 2, 2022 @ 3:32pm 
saul goodman touched me while being in his brothers law firm. we went to the bathroom, asked me if "i eat ass" i nonned. he proceed to lead me to the bathroom. not even a minute in he grabbed my wraist with his strong, frim yet soft hands looking me in the eyes with a buring passion. afterwards he touched my lips with his finger "im the best ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lawyer" out of nowhere he grabbed my balls. it felt wrong yet arousing, i said nothing. he proceeded to move his hand though my hair fondling my balls while doing so. his brother called him, he had to go. he gave me one last wink and left. i felt wrong. after getting home i find my apartment door opend. he was inside waiting for my body. i felt like a piece of meat. he grabbed a gumball and told me to undress. i follwed his request. he started to fondle my balls agian. he proceeded to put the gumball inside of my bum, "your hole needs some gum too yaknow hehe". i blacked out and dont remember the rest.
Party Parrot 2k24 Jul 12, 2022 @ 1:01pm 
This is actually IRS I am need you to send Target Gift Card or you will be under the rest