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112.3 hrs on record (79.6 hrs at review time)
Games WAY better after launch, but there's a few things to keep in mind:

-Ranked gives you the same person multiple times sometimes (don't know if that's the game’s fault, or the limited player pool), so you've been warned about that now. Hope this gets fixed soon.

-Lobbies are better, but only a few slight issues (people from different areas can still give issues with lag and viewing, and sometimes results in randomly being kicked from the lobby)

-DON'T ALT-TAB in lobbies (probably the same thing in the ranked waiting room) that still either freezes you or kicks you out. That seems like an internal issue, but if it doesn't get fixed I think we can all deal with that. If it can be fixed we all would be more impressed than anything else.

-Low player count, everyone who played Uni 1 was more then likely (like me) hyping this game up to ♥♥♥♥, and then the launch turned everyone away or at worst made them refund. I think we’re getting to the point where this might have the same niche players as Uni 1, and I think it would be a shame if we didn’t at least try to make more people enjoy it, can’t think of any other ways you could do it, but not really a marketing man in this so here’s a few spit-balls:
-OR that new DLC or BIG changes people riled up!

HOWEVER that should be after you stabilize the game to be able to handle a good amount of players all at once, this should come as a number one priority if you ever want the players to come back!

So to fix the player issues with massive inflows of people, I think the game is ironing out itself and is happening as we speak which is awesome! Just being ready and keeping things stable is going to be the key and things are getting better slowly.

Overall: I would recommend this to people, but give them caution to what they're getting into, with what points I listed. Hopefully the game can handle massive player counts next go around.

Fun add on: If you can, just for kicks and love tho. Add a community combo section, one where people create combos and vote on them to be a trail in the community, along with ratting them and adding tags to it for what kind of combos they are.
Posted April 18. Last edited April 18.
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62.0 hrs on record (28.2 hrs at review time)
Honestly faster then Xrd, has a version of Testament I like, and has the best system mechanics of any fighter known to man. 15 bucks is perfect, but when on sale buy some for you and your friends. Warning Doesn't have a tutorial and is for people who look elsewhere for things, also don't expect to find a similar skill level for a LONG time.

I rate this Testament +R / Testament +R,
Now go play Testament
Posted February 15. Last edited February 21.
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2 people found this review helpful
149.0 hrs on record (96.9 hrs at review time)
Proud to call this game the first (real) anime fighter that I got into, and all it took was Hilda to break me first...
Posted January 3.
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101.9 hrs on record (48.5 hrs at review time)
Kagura is the reason why God let America Nuke Japan twice /s.

Games fun beyond that joke.

Honestly I haven't played enough to say for a fact that this is worth your time, I just think that you should shun all Kagura players from society and let them kill themselves with a sharp stick in their eye.
Posted November 12, 2023. Last edited November 22, 2023.
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30 people found this review helpful
234.9 hrs on record (109.1 hrs at review time)
Fun game play (for now), but ultimately feel I have doubts about its future given that they care so little about the people who actually play the damn thing.

Also when you delete/hide reviews of people expressing their feelings to removing content from the art book, the skins, and even the main story that were all paid for by crowdfunding campaigns and tell people you aren't even going to talk about what your doing... Let's just say I'm not for that, and I wish to have at least a good discussion around a pro-consumer company rather then one who hates me for having the thing I paid for from them, to own, and then takes it away.

Update: Looks like the announcer Russian pack got replaced, that's good. People who paid for it in Kickstarter should be given what they paid for, even if it's a replacement. Does it make up for everything else? Well no, but after hearing some additional info from a third party, about the potential reason why they removed it in the first place it makes some sense. Again, just some basic communication is warranted if massive changes to things people paid for is going to happen. I think that would be common sense, but this wouldn't be the first time that happened. Hopefully, this will be a first note to how things will go forward.
Posted August 8, 2023. Last edited February 20.
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66.8 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Castlevaina 64 done right!!!

Going beyond that apt summary, this game delivers on what you might expect Castlevaina 64 to have delivered after Super Mario 64. Tight movement controls that rival how tight the character looks, story that is as dreamlike as it tries, and the feeling of progression in a non-linear fashion rings like the knockout bell in a match with the Hulk/Superman/etc. The music tho is on a step lower or at least par with SoTN, because it gives the whole feel of being a dreamlike state but also getting familiar with what might be going on.

The Story isn't really easy to understand, but honestly it's not going to distract you. You can come to realize the rules of the world by the environment and enemies as you play along. Along with dialog from npcs that give some context, but from the said go you are going and experiencing the world till the end of the game where a few contextual things are filled in, but you still wonder about the bigger picture. Which feels intentional and it does have me hooked for what was done,

Presentation, while it is n64 like, it owns it like a pimp. The large environments welcome you to challenge it face on, as well as take it in. I just wish Sybil had a bit more animation for her (just to have her have some personality to her, like something for being idle, or just doing something while she's sitting down), not to say she's stilted and stiff when she moves, she flows like water in this game! But I think going a step further to make her stand out, would go farther then her already impressive slide jump.

Combat is a bit of a sticking point, on one hand it felt a bit strange at first and second try, but after a while it became more of a backup plan when you gain the ability to heal off of just doing combat. It's not bad, there's a good sweet of tools to tackle things from the ground or better yet the sky, and it becomes more welcoming/fun as you progress.

Overall, this is fantastic most of my criticisms are minor since this game went the mile and took to heart the ideas of a 3d metroidvaina, and gave it a nice shine and polish. It is a bit short if you have the time and skills, but just like Portal you would enjoy it and wouldn't mind going back and finding things you missed. I would adore to see what is planned next, and hope that this is only the start!
Posted August 4, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
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0.5 hrs on record
I refunded Sonic Mania and bought this instead*. 10/10 would do again if SEGA pulls more c*** like this again

*Only because I REALLY HATE YOU SEGA FOR PUTTING DRM IN A PLATORMING SONIC GAME! That's worse than falling damage in platformer, having a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ small screen to not see what you’re going to run into, and having one-ups so far out of your way that you will most likely die if you get them. Even after all that I'm still glad that I refunded Sonic Mania on PC and bought this instead. You want to know why SEGA? It’s because this game didn’t treat me like a pirate who was going to steal this game anyway and didn't pull the rug from underneath my feet to tell me it was DRM. F*** YOU SEGA!
Posted September 1, 2017. Last edited September 1, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
85.8 hrs on record (73.0 hrs at review time)
This game was based on the classic game of X-Com and has come back with new things that are good, and bad that many new and old fans have debated on about for close to 2 years. For this review I will not be telling you wether or not to buy this game, insted I would like you to take this information as what this game is about, and as good start or end to making your choice to buy this game, or not. I'm also puting this review in the postitive posts about the game because I would like more poeple to see that even thought steam has implamented this system for reviews, I feel that this positive and negitive reviews has only seperated the good from the bad reviews. I know that steam has the power to change this but, it would only be for the worse. However with out further extending this little review of steam's review system, I give you Xcom: Enemy Unknown.

The plot of Xcom Enemy Unknown is somewhat of a simple one. The game starts with the Alien attack on Earth and then Earth's UN create the Xcom project which is an elite taskforce that was created to combat the alien threat. You (the player) are a pointed as leader of the Xcom project and your job is to make sure that you can protect the human race from being wiped out by using the skills as a leader in battle and in construction and progress of the Xcom project. With that Xcom begins and then you move the plot along by doing sertain plot missions that advance the plot, like collecting Alien bodies, capturing Aliens alive, defeating Alien leaders, defeating Aliens that have attacked a major city, saving civilians, nations, and leaders of nations and lastly using your two most important teams to create/discover new weapons, armor, and important and relavent info on Alien combatants and new and better upgrades for your soilders. Sadly the plot itself has little to explain about the Aliens and more to say about the three charaters of its plot (that being its field commander who you will be for most of the game when in combat sections, the lead scientist who commands the expert team of scientists, and the lead engineer who is the only character that ever brings up serious questions, gives the game slight humor, and adds more character to the story more then the other two combined), and how the Aliens are more or less plain bullies to the human race for no reason. In any case the story hops from new discovery to defeating the main Alien base, and then new discovery, and new Alien threat, and so on untill you reach a point when you discover the main mother ship which contains the leader of all the Aliens. The story actully comes to a swift and quick close to the end when the story reveals the leader of the Alien forces, and gives that character little to no understanding of what they were or what their motive was. The story only ends with one of the most important soilders (that was required to get to that level by the way) sacrifice themself to save the world. In short the story is a short one, but unlike Portal which used many important points to get across what was going on, and alow things to be added on like Doug Rattmann's lairs and out of testing facility areas to create a better understanding of what kind of situation you were realy in. However this story doesn't do that insted it focuses on what the Aliens are doing and doesn't give enough chararcter and emotion into its own story to realy make you care about it.

The gameplay as guessed is a mimic of original X-Com's gamplay of turn based strategy combat with some new twists that are for the most part on the good side. First off the soilders that you are given are equipped with the basic tools of war (an assault rifle, a pistol, and a grenade) and for the start of the game this is ok. The amount of soilders you carry in to combat (without upgrades) is about 4 and you can upgrade this number to 6 by leveling your self up (more on that later). Now with the vastley decreased numbers you have compared to the previous X-Com, changes have been made to make sure that combat will not be unfair for you and your troops. For example a cover system has been created to protect your troops from on coming fire and has now prevented your troops from standing out in the open. These upgrades also alow your troops to move very fast around the battlefield, take more hits, deal more damage, give defensive protection, give them stealth, alow them to control the minds of enemy Aliens, and more. Now with all these upgrades does come a downside, and as you play this game you will realise that even with the great improvements that have been brought to the table it has been matched with its down sides, along with problems that can be made about its original to this that should have been rethought. First to start the upgrades that are given to you troops are thee most hardest things to come by because they need to be researched, then you need to gather the materials, and then pay for them on top of that. Now even though that doesn't sound hard keep in mind that these materials can only be gathered by Alien encounters and even though this would be acceptable if the game accommodated in a more fequent encounters, but it doesn't untill the half way point when the game floods you with a spike that doesn't leave untill you beat the game. With this it creates an unbalanced troops that are ether under armored, or under leveled by the Aliens that you are combating at that point of time. Now at this point this is where the game could be called unfair to any and all that play it, but that is were the battle saves come in and only soften the blow that this spike will have on your progress. You see these battle saves are just normal saves that you can do in battle. These saves can be extremely help full by alowing you to rewind to a point that you made a mistake and you could fix it, but during the begining of the game you will not use them because the game is fair enough for you to not want to use the battle saves, and the game does not tell you about them to begin with. This save is invaluable for the spike of the game, but can and/or will be unreliable, and thus this brings us to the biggest problems that this game sufers from.
To begin, the game (since its release) has come under the rightfull fire of bugs and glitchs that were mostly left in the game and thankfuly some were patched and we now have a some what cleaner game, but as any one who owns this game can tell you their are still bugs that can completely force you to restart everything, and make you lose progress (look at "Reasons why we hate Xcom Enemy Unknown" for good refrence). Also a bugy game is not all you have to deal with; this game second fault is a gameplay feature that is the bane of the game's over all worth, the percentage system. The percentage system is a simple numbers system that caluclates the chances of your soilder hiting the Alien opponent. Percentages range from the regular 0% to 100% with 0% being no chance of hiting the target and 100% being that you are guaranteed to hit. This system is an aggravating experience to say the least becuase of how much the numbers that the game provides you are unreliable to begin with. Everyone who has played this game or has known about this game knows the infamous "99% miss" shot that will agravate the player to no end, but that joke is far more real then it seems. There has been more then a fair share of moments when the game has told me there was 79% to hit and it missed.

Unfortunately due to the lack of proper planing and time management that has been in this review of which I planed to only take an hour or 2, has now forced me to quit at up to 7 hours of typing. I would like to thank all who took time to read this and to thank a sertain search engine that helped me correct many of the simple mistakes that I have made. I know that I have alot more mistakes in here then I realise, but I hope you have found this review usefull. Sorry :(
Posted September 27, 2014.
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6.6 hrs on record
Portal is a puzzle game. Its almost as simple as that, and thankfuly that all portal needs to do to get your attention. What this game is using a portals fired from a gun to get around obstacles. The plot of the game is that you are Chell and you are chosen by a computer named GLaDOS to full-fill a test, and if you finish that test then you will receive cake. The gameplay was the most inovative at the time and it still stacks up to the demands of today, although this game has one small weakness, the game is only 2-4 hours. With that in mind, this game can be what you expect it to be but, its twist comes from what the game does with its small amount of time and simple premise that is created.
Posted March 25, 2014.
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