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2,994.5 hrs on record
I haven't had to review this game in entirety of my 2,994.5 (currently) hours of playing. I'm about to reach a personal milestone of 3,000 soon enough. But I would love to earn those hours if the game is actually fixed from its bot problems. For the past years, I've played only community servers to avoid the main casual mode of the game. This game means a lot to me, I would not be here today if it was not for this game. And it breaks my heart seeing how this game is neglected.

I've gone through everything with this game. I created my steam account for Team Fortress 2 alone. So many good times and bad times took place on Team Fortress 2. And I keep coming back. But I cannot recommend it to anyone who wants to get into it. Valve is fine with profiting off a hacked game that they created. I cannot trust Valve with another game again. Not until they decide #FixTF2 and #SaveTF2 for good. There is no victory until the bots are gone. https://save.tf/
Posted June 3.
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0.1 hrs on record
I saw the user reviews were at 12%. It's getting too high. Here, play this instead. https://store.steampowered.com/app/440/Team_Fortress_2/
Posted September 18, 2023.
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6.5 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
This game was a worse bot crisis than Team Fortress 2.
Posted May 28, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
It is that time again that Frontier has added new DLC to Jurassic World Evolution. It’s been months the Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack’s release and only one of the three dinosaurs (Iguanodon) have been well received by most. However, I can say with confidence that all three dinosaurs are worth the price. I will go over each of their profiles, my opinions on them, and an overall score of the entire dinosaur pack.

A dinosaur who’s made a brief mention in the very first Jurassic Park movie finally makes its debut into the game. It is one of the smallest carnivores in the game but has a distant connection with one of the largest carnivores in contrast: Tyrannosaurus. Its animations are similar to Troodon in some aspects but also has some unique animations. Its skins are okay, with Alpine and Vivid being my personal favorites. It’s my least favorite dinosaur in the pack in comparison to the other dinosaurs but it’s at least very easy to unlock early on in the game. However, it might harder to contain than other small theropods. Its comfort threshold is at 70% and requires three of its kind to be satisfied.

How to unlock: Have a high reputation with the Security Divison on Isla Matanceros.

My first impressions of Acrocanthosaurus were not good. Its null skin looked boring and the model looks way too tyrannosaurine instead of a carcharodontosaurid. I thought it was going to be no different from Carcharodontosaurus and remain just as forgetful; I was wrong. Acrocanthosaurus is actually my favorite dinosaur in the pack and might be amongst my top ten favorite dinosaurs. Its skins are amazing, such as Jungle, Wetland, and Vivid. It also has a unique attacking animation by headbutting the enemy to stagger them, then bite down. It stands out from the rest of the large carnivores by a lot and easily better than the previous carcharodontosaurid from the last DLC pack.

How to unlock: Have a high reputation with the Entertainment Division on Isla Pena. (Have fun with that).

My initial favorite dinosaur in the pack, it’s about time a Triassic dinosaur finally debuted in Jurassic World Evolution. It’s a small carnivore like Proceratosaurus but substantially larger. The skins aren’t very expressive but that doesn’t necessarily make it bad. As one of the earliest known theropods, its generic look actually works in its favor and is my favorite small carnivore in the game so far. It’s very easy to take care of, as its comfort threshold is 50%, making it one of the most tolerable carnivores. It can be housed with a high population of 22 individuals and pack up to 5 of its kin. It’s a very safe dinosaur to have.

How to unlock: Have a high reputation with the Science Division on Isla Tacano.

Overall verdict:
All three dinosaurs are worthy additions to Jurassic World Evolution the addition of two small carnivores finally adds the variation JWE needed so badly and Acrocanthosaurus has been a fan favorite many of us have been demanding for a long time. There are only so nitpicks I have with this pack. It’s so much better than the Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack and easily crushes Secrets of Doctor Wu in terms of price and quality.

8.5/10. Great additions to JWE.
Posted April 18, 2019. Last edited April 18, 2019.
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0.0 hrs on record
I normally HATE DLC. I especially hate the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC's absurd price. I don't plan on buying that specific DLC anytime soon. That said, the Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack is actually worth something. There are only three dinosaurs but each one is unique and a popular choice people have been demanding for.

Unfortunately it's my least favorite dinosaur in the pack. But it is a still a wonderful addition because it finally adds a Titanosaur to the game. Its design though could be less Mamenchisaurus like. It's also a massive bummer that not even the "Fear Nothing" dinosaur can take on the Indominus. However, it's easier to care for in my opinion over Mamenchisaurus because you only need one of its kind. Social demands are something to consider, the less of a social need it wants, the more desirable it is for your park.

If it I had to place this guy on a carnivore tier list. It'd be a mid-tier. There are some great things and some bad things about it. The good things are that it adds yet another super large carnivore to your park. It's akin to Giganotosaurus except it's slimmer. It can still size up to the massive carnivores. Now on to the bad stuff, I really dislike the carnivore's head. There are too many spikes and armored plating that it feels like a downgrade from Operation Genesis' Carcharodontosaurus. Its skins also aren't very impressive except for the base and rainforest skin.

By far the best dinosaur in the entire pack. Unlike its other ornithopod kin, it can actually defend itself from most other carnivores, except for the massive ones and Indoraptor. It can even go toe to toe with the smaller carnivores in your park like Deinonychus, Troodon, etc. Having this in your park will make other carnivores think twice before making a meal of it. Its social needs are low and its skins are also very impressive. Already one of my favorite dinosaurs in the game.

Overall verdict:
Despite not being entirely satisfied with two of the dinosaurs in the pack, they are far better than anything the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC. This pack won't be for you if you didn't have fun with the game beforehand. You still have to keep your research centers, fossil centers, and expedition centers in other islands to unlock them. If you're willing to go through the grind and obtain these three dinosaurs, they just might be worth your time.

7/10. They're okay, maybe worth your $5.
Posted December 13, 2018. Last edited December 16, 2018.
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0.0 hrs on record
Posted July 19, 2018.
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859.2 hrs on record (31.1 hrs at review time)
I do not hate this game. I do have fun times with this game. But it would only appeal to a specific audience. But it definitely does not appeal to the general audience. This is also the first time that I've played a game from Frontier Developments, so their games may appeal to other audiences than most.

Jurassic World Evolution is a game where you build a park and entertain people. The best way to entertain people is to have dinosaurs in their enclosures. You have to manage your park 24/7 and improve your park as you go. But you also have to get cozy with three different departments. The Science, Entertainment, and the Crazy As ♥♥♥♥ (Security) departments. They will allow you to research different upgrades for buildings. You must also keep them in check as much as your dinosaurs because they could feel butthurt if you don't give them enough attention.

If you are a person who enjoys managing and making pretty parks, then this is the game for you. If you were expecting a Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis sequel or a Zoo Tycoon-esque game, then you might want to look elsewhere. I have mixed feelings about this game. This was not exactly the game for me because I was more interested in the dinosaurs than I was about task managing. It's not a bad game but this game depicted something else to me. I'll talk about the pros, cons, and my overall rating.

+The game looks pretty, nothing more to it. The dinosaurs and buildings look fantastic.

+User Interface is very easy to get a grip of and you can easily keep track of your assets like nothing.

+The references to the movies of the Jurassic series is amazing. I felt a ton of nostalgia when playing around on Isla Nublar.

+There are some really creative missions given to you. You will have your hands with violent dinosaurs and entertaining people. It's also a quick and easy way to earn money.

+It's so much fun to see your carnivores duke it out. You can set up many fun scenarios of dino carnage. Which also leads to modifying your dinosaurs to be combatants for your horrific satisfactions.

+ There's a small mystery of a story within the game. Doctor Henry Wu has many secrets and questionable ethnics. You have to play to game to find out what Wu really wants. Also Ian Malcom is the best voice of reason character in the entire park.

+In respects to Paleontology, the devs did their homework and impressed me with some of the knowledge within the game. Some dinosaurs even look accurate. But some...not so much. I have to understand that this game favors the movie canon over accuracy however.

-The game is much more concerned about taking care about your guests than it is about taking care of your dinosaurs. Considering the trailers show off the dinosaurs as the main concern, I was lead to believe that Jurassic World Evolution would require the player to satisfy the dinosaur's needs along with keeping your guests happy. But there's a problem, the gameplay (aside from their streams and dev logs) have shown just the dinosaurs. That doesn't mean that the dinosaurs aren't important, they are, but you'll be more worried about your buildings than you would be about your dinosaurs.

-For a Park Builder, there's a lack of creative options to make your enclosures for your dinosaurs. You can edit the amount of trees and hills but aside from that, every enclosure is going to look the same.

-There is a severe lack of unique dinosaur choices for small and large carnivores. As it stands, you only 3 small carnivores and 5 large carnivores, including the Indominus Rex. Some herbivores from the last game, like Dryosaurus are flat out missing.

Update: The Fallen Kingdom DLC adds six more dinosaurs to the park, four of which are really cool predators. Allosaurus in particular is a widely famous and well known dinosaur. But we could still get some more good predators, especially small ones.

-The contract system is very tedious. Each time you do something for one of the departments, the other two will lose respect for you. If you ignore one of them for too long, they are able to sabotage your park and really mess things up. You will worry about this system more than your dinosaurs eating guests.

-Power. Every building requires ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ power. The trailers showed nothing of power supplies. In real life, power should be a main priority but it just adds more concern as you can't have as many buildings as you want without having to worry about how much power you're spending in each building. Space is limited in some islands and you have to make sure that your enclosures for dinosaurs are big enough. Not to mention every building requires a path just to function.

Overall Rating

Overall, this game will be satisfactoy for people who are a fan of something along the lines Planet Coster and other Frontier Development games. But for someone who was expecting a sucessor to Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis? We're going to have to endorse another park. (Don't take it as fact, if you like the game then that's fine).

There are ways to improve this game. I am looking forward to modding community in the future. It has great potential to become a really good dinosaur park game. And DLC could add new and more unique dinosaurs. But right now, unless you're familiar with Frontier Developments' games, it's not worth a $60 for the Deluxe Edition. (Why would you pass up those five other dinosaurs?)

Posted June 15, 2018. Last edited June 22, 2018.
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52.2 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very few games let you play as a dinosaur. And the ones that do are based more at their monstrous appearance rather than what they really are: Animals.
Saurian is definitely one of a kind. There is no dinosaur game to date that allows you play as dinosaurs in their natural habitat but above all else. Deploying as much accuracy as possible.
The idea of a game like this was long overdue and it was about time we got it. Does it deliver?


I know this game is in Early Access. This game is not nearly half of what the developers intend. The game constantly changes, adding in new animals and updating gameplay to make it function better while making it all the more fun.


I truly felt I was immersed in the dinosaur world of Hell Creek. The scenery is extremely beautiful. The world look very different, such as the lack of any grass and the dominating plant life were ferns and conifers. But mixed with the swampy look of the terrain.
I’ve yet to explore more territory the game has to offer.

The dinosaurs are amazing. They truly made each dinosaur in the game look unique with different color patterns. I was captivated by the black and almost crow-like appearance of the Archaeoraptor for example.

I love how you start out as a hatching and struggle to survive. You had work to hard and smart to grow into the next stages of your life. You also have the option of not growing up. Which I found a little funny personally but it allows you to get an idea of what a dinosaur that age would be able to do.

The feel of the game can switch from absolutely gorgeous, mysterious, and frightful in a moment. Night feels the most scariest. The unsettling screech of an Archaeoraptor jumped me a little. Especially when I was unexpectedly ambushed by it. Sometimes when your turn your camera just a bit, you could a see a Tyrannosaurus in the distance. Fearing what it could do to you, the natural reaction is to step back and give it space.


The game is buggy and poorly optimized. Yes it’s in pre-alpha but it’s still shows up as a problem regardless in gameplay moments. Though, this is extremely rare and works fine for the most part.

While Dakotaraptor is a nice dinosaur, I would hope that more dinosaurs become available through later patches. Right now, only Dakotaraptor is playable and sometimes I just really want to be a Tyrannosaurus rather than look at one.

My most critical issue with the game is the hitboxes. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have gotten hit by an attack and it caused me to die. Or sometimes I feel like I should’ve landed that hit but it did go through because of it.
The hixboxes did get better but they still pose an annoyance here and there.

Overall score: 7.5/10

The game is far from complete. New stuff is being added periodically and I can only hope for this game to get even better. Give this game a shot if you really love dinosaurs or want to know more about them.
Posted January 8, 2018. Last edited January 15, 2018.
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