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47.7 hrs on record (14.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Golden light is a weird meaty amalgam of a game, It trys to be a lot of things at once. And for the most part its pretty damn successful even in its current state. If you come for hardcore horror then i would say you will be disappointed. While the gut is a disturbing and sometimes frightening place the game overall feels more on the lines of something like Spookys jumpscare mansion where the goofiness of it cuts down on the scares even though they are still present. other than that though its absolutely worth checking out for the experience if anything because its certainly that.
Posted July 25, 2020.
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136.9 hrs on record (102.3 hrs at review time)
When Pit people first released, I would have recommended it in a heartbeat. Its funny, the mechanics (while simplified quite a lot compared to other strategy games) were fun in my book and still are, though some people might not like the spongeyness of all of the units, though i thought it worked in this games case as you were able to be a little more reckless than most strategy games. i loved the wide array of cosmetics and the vast amount of single player content, and my favorite part of all, the pvp. Pairing up with some random person and running troll moms or making a team of all cupcakes and mascots to buff your teammate into infinity was so satisfying.

So then why dont I recommend the game?

Well mainly it comes down to the fact that it gets old real fast, especially since multiplayer is essentially dead, as with most of the other behemoth games. The devs have consistantly updated the game with new content, but its almost always just more cosmetics, more ways to get money and cosmetics, and more quests to do so you can get cosmetics. The amount of unit types in the game are pretty small, and half of your team will be humans anyway since they are the most versitile of the units, so most of the others are made somewhat irrelevant. And i can kind of understand why they might not have wanted to do add more because of balancing things and the fact that adding new things to the world that arent mentioned at all before that would be kind of weird, but this isnt the type of game you play for immersion and i would rather see new units and mechanics and have them be shoehorned in without context in the game world than be stuck with such a small cast, because when your base mechanics are simplefied to the level that they are in this game, then its kind of important to at least have a lot of pieces to play around with to counteract that. You can only do so many different lineups and gimmicks with such a small cast before you are out of combinations to try out. And due to people running out of new fun combos to sick on each other, the pvp died out, and then once that was gone, going around collecting units and playing the single player just kinda felt pointless since now who are you going to show that new shaking colored name unit you got off to? Who are you going to pull dumb strategies off with and feel the satisfaction of beating a normal tried and true team or at least just have fun getting your ass handed to you with?

There is no community, there is nothing new and exciting, and there is simply nothing to come back to this game for. And i dont blame the developers because obviously they wanted to make a game that was focused on the single player aspect and that is fine. But its just sad to see that they didnt realize that that the best feature of their game, a feature that is literally the name of the game, THE PIT, the mutiplayer battle to death, was for the most part ignored.

And that is why i simply cannot recommend this game. I want to recommend it so badly but unfortunately it just isnt worth it unless it was on a heavy sale just for being able to go through the single player once for the humor.
Posted November 9, 2018.
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2.6 hrs on record
I feel as though this game tried to be a metroidvania type game while also being the SMB succesor people wanted, and was very meh on both levels, at least from the first part of the game, and i honestly doubt that changes. The exploration feels boring and frustrating because of its tough as nails style level design forcing you to try over and over for something that may or may not even be a secret. While it works in Meat boy, in this game it feels like your sitting through a time share talk that is supposed to only be 30 minutes but ends up being 2 hours of you life for just some free ♥♥♥♥ you really didnt want that bad in the first place, especially if your trying to collect everything as you go since after a while you just want to see the rest of the game instead of trying to get that one single tumor, but at the same time you just HAVE to get it. Combine with a much less manuverable character and time sensitve level that barely give you enough time to react to what happens or else you wont have enough left to complete it.

overall its really just not up to par with Edmunds other work. If its on sale or your a super duper meat boy fan, then go ahead and get it but for the rest, just go play Meat boy. it really just does everything better
Posted July 19, 2017. Last edited July 19, 2017.
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15.2 hrs on record
I bought this back when it first released and there was actually people playing it

would recomend if people were still playing it

but they arent so i cant
Posted May 29, 2017.
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60.0 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The combat in this game is satisfying. In fact it's too satisfying. It is so satisfying that you will cream yourself. You could be anywhere and yet all you have to do is think about this game and its combat and before you know it, BOOM! Cream in your jeans. Hell I creamed five times just writing this.

Overall, skip this game. Save your money and your cream
Posted May 18, 2017.
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227.1 hrs on record (92.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If you have way to much time to spare, get this game.
I went into the game thinking maybe id get like ten hours out of it at most, and that was back when there were only three levels. But the game is so satisfying and easy to get into that I spent hours and hours bashing in skulls. And now, all you have to do is download a few workshop levels, throw on some loud and obnoxios music, and watch as you waste your life away beating up the same ten dudes over and over and over and over again.
Posted May 7, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
110.1 hrs on record (101.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Robocraft is dead

As an older player who is already established and has a grandfathered in fully decked out bot, i can still get enjoyment out of it, but newer players have no chance at getting good drops other than mooching off of login bonuses since crate drop quality is based off of score and new players with their tiny ♥♥♥♥♥♥ robots arent gonna be able to rack up the points they need to actually get some traction

overall its just a vicious cycle of moneygrabbing and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ over potential players and pissing off the ones you already have
the game was always grindy but now they have made the game a different kind of grindy and its worse for it
Posted November 25, 2016.
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7 people found this review helpful
487.3 hrs on record (264.5 hrs at review time)
Toribash is a great game but its got a very high learning curve so if you are a baby and dont like losing or you dont have the patience to learn how to play or get angry and throw a fit when you lose at anything

do us all a favor and go play something else

the community is great and im sure most of the people who play want to keep it that way
Posted November 21, 2016.
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19.9 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
all the new fangled horror games can eat there hearts out
there truely is nothing mor terrifying than the beeping of a drone thats about to shove its tazer 10 ft up your anus
Posted October 6, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
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135.0 hrs on record (24.1 hrs at review time)
basic summery of game,
Guy gets bored and digs up cthulu who is hiding in his basement
Guy realizes this is a bad idea
Dies later
Wrote a will saying that he wants a bunch of dumbasses to come kill it.
Dumbasses come
Dumbasses die
Repeat the last two
Posted January 29, 2016.
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