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932.9 hrs on record (880.4 hrs at review time)
EDIT2: Not really sure if countries are still delisted cuz of AH or Sony, but the CEO said that it's still going to be rectified eventually...it's wrong for me to go negative for having played this much, so it's positive review for me. Still, hopefully it gets resolved soon.


Uhhh...i love the game, you can just look at the amount of hours I have. Will probably continue playing until ♥♥♥♥ really goes downhill with the Sony PSN linking thing. I personally don't mind linking, data-selling this, security breach that, EH. Our data get sold by companies and various services daily, so it's honestly whatever...but the issue is I'm not from a country that has PSN account creation enabled, so uh...that's pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Hopefully things get iron'd out. And of course, even if I'm cool with linking...Sony can SUCK IT.

Negative review for now, unfortunately.
Posted May 4. Last edited May 22.
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15.3 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted May 25, 2023.
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2,638.0 hrs on record (268.6 hrs at review time)
The game definitely has its own problems right now. But in my own honest opinion, the gameplay is just SO GOOD that I'm PERFECTLY HAPPY to keep playing and wait it out to see all the stuff that the game has to offer. I mean...look at my hours, honestly I should probably slow down...


I think this is one of the most apparent issues, I played a bunch of the closed beta and the pre-launch beta, when the game "officially launched", I noticed that there was a pretty big drop in FPS, dunno what caused it but yes.THANKFULLY, they fixed it with hotfixes that came after, and now I'm currently able to play the game with pretty damn decent FPS, considering my fairly average rig.

As for the crashes, I personally don't get crashes that often after the full release...but I DID have A LOT of it during the pre-launch beta, which was also fixed after some patches during that...but I suppose it's a different case for everyone, and I honestly really hope they'll get it patched up soon.


To be completely honest, I do not mind spending a couple of extra bucks for some bling bling, if the gameplay is good, and it IS ! But when I found out that the shop is...what it is, it did put me off a bit. I mean, I played 1.2k+ hours of Vermintide 2, I SPENT quite a lot of money into DLCs and cosmetics in that game already, and they're all on the steam store and all that, none of the whole premium currency deal.

But, that being said though, from reading some articles that Fatshark talked about these issues, the premium currency does allow them to create...giveaways or twitch drops for them, which players can use to buy the stuff they want. They ALSO said that they're going to...fix up the shop and bundles...To be frank, I don't know how they're gonna go about it, I can only hope that they're going to be positive changes.


I truly believe that Darktide's gameplay is AMAZING, the gameplay loop is amazing, people keep saying that the maps will become...repetitive, and I suppose it's valid, but I mean, I was able to play 1.2k+ hours in Vermintide 2, playing the same old maps and missions over and over again. The maps are cool and all but ULTIMATELY, at least for me, they're NOT the main selling point.

The MAIN SELLING POINT , is the COMBAT , and oh boy, the combat in this game is pretty TOP-TIER in my opinion. It will keep you hooked and playing for ages, it's dynamic and varied, and each mission playthrough is NEVER the same, there will always be different mixes of enemies which will force you to adapt accordingly.

Of course, we all know that...some of the contents of this game...aren't in the game yet. And I do feel that it's a valid thing to be upset about. But personally, I'm a fairly patient person, if the gameplay's great on its own, I do not mind waiting a bit more for everything to be in order.

But I suppose at the end of the day, it's on you to judge it on your own.
Posted December 5, 2022.
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67.6 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
This game almost ruined my student life.
Had to just
say no...
Posted March 31, 2020.
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1,298.8 hrs on record (599.9 hrs at review time)
Love this game, would play a lot more if my so called gaming laptop doesn't stutter every 3 seconds.
Posted December 1, 2018.
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0.0 hrs on record
good ♥♥♥♥ man. weapons are kinda a bit meh but I think the perk deck seems cool, havent tried it but I like the idea of it!
Posted November 22, 2017. Last edited November 22, 2017.
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6,689.2 hrs on record (1,855.7 hrs at review time)
I really do have to say that WARFRAME, aesthetically, is one of the best games I've ever played. So many things that are so...aesthetically unique in WARFRAME, from the guns, swords, equipment, maps, factions, and enemies. They all look so different from other games, it fascinates me IMMENSELY. I especially like the GRINEER and their aesthetics, just the industrial, gritty, messy and dirty look to them, GRINEER is probably one of the things that really keep me hooked into WARFRAME! The shapes and designs of WARFRAME are very dynamic and artistic, it's just...great!

Ofc, gameplay, it's rather pretty good, you shoot, you kill, you hack and slash, you slide and jump from point A to point B, finish objectives and so on and so on. Things get a bit too fast sometimes but of course, WARFRAME is a very fast paced game and I can't really complain about it.

Though I honestly don't know if it's one of those games that is the most fun when played with friends...in my perspective anyway. Like I mean friends like talking through voice chat and stuff, not just Public matchmaking random players and such. Warframe is very fast and most of the times, you're gonna be going everywhere, doing your own thing and such, everyone will. It's not an entirely hard game.

When you get to a certain point in the game, things are pretty darn automatic for you and yeah. It isn't like Overwatch or anything where communication is quite crucial if you really want to win a game. Warframe isn't really like that, everyone is pretty much independent and can handle themselves alone, as far as I know. For a lot of the cases, there isn't really a point in....grouping up with your squad...if you can because it's really hard, most of the times, you really can't stand still.

Of course, that ain't really the ONLY case in WARFRAME haha, but I'll let people figure that out when they get to that.

And yeah, the GRIND is REAL. That's a pretty core part of Warframe and a lot of people know that so yeah.

So...YEAH! I recommend this game but eh, you do you. I do have to say that AESTHETICALLY!? Warframe is very unique and beautiful. Without its awesome aesthetics, I don't think I'd have gotten 2k3 hours into the game!
Posted September 17, 2017.
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48.0 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
if you love Alien Swarm then you will ABSOLUTELY love this one too!
Posted May 12, 2017.
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2.5 hrs on record
Cool game to play with friends, but if you got no friends, then well, it's not very enjoyable. You can play publically with other people though but well, it's not as nice.
Posted April 22, 2016.
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0.7 hrs on record
Played this when it was free, it was meh-ishly okay....but now, I don't see a reason to spend 14.99$ for this game.
Posted March 29, 2016.
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