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Senaste recensioner av Freyja Aurora

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57.8 timmar totalt (14.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
This game is immensely fun and pretty simple. I would've liked maybe a different model for each cashier as the one you get can be a bit strange especially when he's staring into the soul of himself across the lane. And what is behind that white door I wonder? Locked is what it has written behind it...

Anyways buy the game it's addicting and a great game for those that want something low energy to mess around in.
Upplagd 5 mars.
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14.5 timmar totalt (3.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game is a load of fun.
While the game is a tad limited in terms of overall playable maps especially for the arcade mode which only has 2, it's still 100% worth it for the price. The game hits the mark for ridiculous a fighting game that never fails to make you laugh. It's best played with friends most definitely, but there is an option for AI and a full blown matchmaking system in-case you have no friends or just want to play it by yourself.

Overall a hell of a fun game and one that generates a bunch of laughs.
Upplagd 28 november 2023.
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24.9 timmar totalt (10.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
At first I couldn't get much into the game as I was paying most of my attention to grabbing O2 kits and making sure my oxygen levels weren't being depleted however after getting past that first stage and getting myself a decent O2 kit I began to really enjoy the game. Im glad that the humour carried over from Borderlands 2 as it gives the game character and makes quotes and one liners memorable. I like the idea of cryo instead of slag as it's in my opinion more affective than slag. Overall I would definitely recommend this game for those who've played Borderlands 1 and 2
Upplagd 3 juli 2019.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
623.4 timmar totalt (125.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Trove is a really great game I was drawn into from the moment I started playing. It's class based system means you can change up your character and try new abilities and attacks while still have the base mechanics the same. The game is a little less enjoyable for new players however because of all the payed features limiting what they can do in the game. I feel however they have put a massive amount of time and effort into creating various different items, gamemodes and features that really benifit the game in many ways.
Upplagd 22 februari 2016.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
75.7 timmar totalt (29.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Red Orchestra 2 Is very realistic and hard to get away from.
Upplagd 18 oktober 2014.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
5,624.0 timmar totalt (3,612.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
As of the last Update produced by Valve and the way they continue to neglect improving their matchmaking system I believe the game is definitely ruined basically. I did enjoy jumping on a valve public server once in a while however I played a match today and living in New Zealand I expect to matched up on an Australian server, however that was not the case as ended up on a Singapore server with 200+ ping and a really un-enjoyable experience which has really ruined my thoughts of the game. Now days I wouldn't recommend the game because of this latest update which destroyed one of the things it was most known for. It's now just a free version of Counter Strike with some hats and a worse match making system and the only good servers are community run. Overall I am disappointing in Valve and the Team Fortress 2 team for not giving the game something that effectively works and that 90% of the players who play this game actually want.
Upplagd 16 april 2013. Senast ändrad 27 juli 2016.
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