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5.6 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
Amazing mod made with a whole lot of love and detail-- HEAVY on the post-soviet vibes, and the Central Asian environment is truly unique, immersive, and fitting for the HL universe. Of course, HL2 was always very post-soviet, but this is the single most post-soviet HL anything I've ever experienced...and I love it! I tip my Greek Fisherman's cap to the team-- thanks for giving us this great work for free
Posted January 31.
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3.0 hrs on record
Very high quality and inventive HL2 mod that laid the groundwork for its masterpiece sequel, but is still a wholly worthy game in its own right. Breadman's love for the HL universe really shines through and he excelled at repurposing existing HL2 content to make a short, detailed and immersive campaign. I particularly love how he used existing HL2 beta Metrocop voice lines as the basis for the original Bad Cop persona. There's also a punchy soundtrack (was pleasantly surprised to hear a little of Chris Jensen's OP4 music sprinkled in there) that adds to this mod's exciting feeling of originality.

Breadman, you rock!
Posted January 19, 2023.
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32.4 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Best flippin HL mod there's ever been. A near-perfect Valve-tier experience that every HL fan has to give a shot. Seriously, it's even better than people say. Go play it! Breadman and co are heroes <3
Posted January 18, 2023.
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19.4 hrs on record (19.2 hrs at review time)
Words can't do my feelings for this masterpiece justice: you guys made me feel like a kid experiencing HL for the first time again. I've played the entire series over probably over a hundred times but this was truly HL's second coming...amazing, if I could hug the entire team I would. Thank you all <3

PS Joel Neilsen makes the most kickass music EVER.
Posted March 16, 2020.
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3.3 hrs on record
*NO SPOILERS* Just finished my first playthrough and let me say that HEKTOR is an absolute must-play for horror fans. Horror is my favorite genre and I've played so many generic Amnesia/Slender ripoffs (I swear there's an entire genre of terrible freeware Unity horror games to suffer through) that it can be impossible sometimes to find interesting new stuff to play. Hektor felt totally fresh and I was constantly on the edge of my seat. I screamed out loud at one point and I think the key to this game's horror is its unpredictability; so many horror games, even the greats like Amnesia, can become all too predictable once you know how the game mechanics work, and this breaks the illusion of the game world. That never happened to me in Hektor because the gameplay is so dynamic that I never knew what to expect. There's also a great integration of puzzles and exploration, two vital elements of a horror experience such as this. The story, taking place during the 1950s apparently, has a great Cold War atmosphere that history buffs like me will LOVE; indeed, this added so much to the experience and I loved it. Furthermore, the story is so open ended that I'll certainly be returning to play this again at some point to try and understand it better. This is probably one of the best horror games on Steam (especially for Mac users, yeah there's still a depressing amount of stuff we can't play :/ )

I completed Hektor in just over 3 hours; it seems that most people can finish much faster than that but it all depends on how you play. In any case, great game and horror fans should definitely check it out.
Posted December 9, 2018.
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1,964.1 hrs on record (1,709.9 hrs at review time)
This is literally the most you'll get out of ten bucks in ANY game ever! Garry's Mod is perfect. It's a creative outlet and sandbox alone will give you an inifinite amount of fun. TTT is some of the most exciting and downright fun gameplay you can have online, especially with friends. It's impossible to describe how much fun I've had with this!! GET IT NOW!!!!!!
Posted February 4, 2018.
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1.2 hrs on record
GREAT mod for lovers of classic HL! It's quite challenging and very well designed, and the music is fricken awesome. The graphics are beautiful as well, like a mix of classic HL models and those from the HD pack of Blue Shift that are tweaked and have new sounds. I played on hard mode and took my time exploring, total gameplay time was 70 mins. If you're a fan of good old Half Life or GoldSrc games in general, definitely check this one out!
Posted January 27, 2018.
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0.6 hrs on record
Posted January 6, 2018.
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8.5 hrs on record (8.3 hrs at review time)
WICK is a thrillingly fun, consistently terrifying horror game and I love it. As a die hard fan of all first person horror games, and as someone who was introduced to said genre through freeware indie games like SLENDER (usually on the Unity engine) I can say that Wick is familiar enough in gameplay and design, however distinct in its story, characters, and most importantly, its atmosphere. Indeed, the atmsophere of Wick (lighting, sound design, tension) is FANTASTIC and easily the highlight of the game for me. The music is very well done and will stick with you at certain scenes. Also, there's a great amount of secrets and easter eggs put in that are really fun to uncover - sometimes by accident!

The game consists of five main levels, an unlockable epilogue level, and an unlockable prequel level (No Way Out expansion.) The epilogue level really stands out, definitely the most haunting sequence of the game with an ending that is dark, tragic, but also calming in a way. No Way Out is basically Wick on hard mode for players who have mastered the main game, with some new mechanics put in. Not terribly revealing from a narrative standpoint (the main levels and epilogue tell the full story) but still a fun, challenging, and scary addition - and for free.

Whilst this is a pretty short game I fully recommend it to fans of horror games, Wick has definitely had a lasting impact on me since I first played in 2016. Let's hope Hellbent Games makes another experience in horror one of these days.
Posted March 18, 2017. Last edited February 27, 2018.
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96.5 hrs on record (71.9 hrs at review time)
Short version: Go buy Black Mesa. If you want to know why this game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke, by all means, proceed.

HL Source is the only bad Valve game ever released. It's honestly unbelievable how awful and fundamentally broken this one is, Valve managed to take their most iconic game- not to mention the one which launched their company to stardom, and absolutely deprive it of quality. For 10 bucks, what do you get from HL Source? An unplayable mess full of broken scripted sequences, broken NPCs, unbalanced weapons and damage systems, infuriating glitches, levels so broken you can't win, levels so broken you can't lose, just a total disaster. I hate to repeat myself so much, but this game is a broken mess. Even the Garry's Mod content is pretty lackluster, you'd be better off with a free mod like Half Life Renaissance. Oh, and for fans of the HD models that came with Blue Shift, don't even bother. For one they seem to be modified from the original release (why bother with such tiny changes?) and most importantly, the models are incomplete showing wireframes, and even the sounds on the guns like the M4 and SPAS-12 are missing altogether.

The "selling points" of HL Source include a HL2 style chapter select, improved Source Engine lighting, HL2 style water, and ragdoll physics. That's it. For ten bucks. How could Valve have gone so wrong? Counter Strike Source and Day of Defeat Source offered complete Source remakes of their predecessors, so why are we stuck with this awful port instead of a real remake, like the mod Black Mesa? And more importantly, why hasn't Valve even bothered to make this garbarge at least functional? It's full of little distracting mistakes any HL series veteran will notice immediately. Just a mess.

I will say the Deathmatch multiplayer is fun. You can actually get this in a pack of other Source multiplayer titles without having to get HL Source. DMS has a lot of the same problems as Source, but luckily the abudance of great community made maps makes it worthwhile.
Posted January 13, 2017.
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