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總時數 10.2 小時
This is probably the best single-player game I've played in the 2020s.

Played in the most challenging difficulty, and I was glad that the difficulty isn't just MAKE ENEMIES' HP 10 TIME LONGER TO BEAT! It increases the HP yes, but not to a level that makes it boring, which unfortunately a lot of games do that which makes the game lame to beat, so I'm glad they did the difficulty right.

The very hard difficulty makes that the timing of the beats tighter, and you take more damage, which is exactly what a lot of games should do, challenge the player, not making the player grind at just killing an enemy. If you're familiar with rhythm games by any chance, the tighter rhythm timing is so easy to be consistent with.

Story is great, although some annoying clichés here and there but didn't ruin the story for me. The major boss fights in this game are really good, some of my favorite parts of the game.

There's also a very good variety in items which you can choose, that there's also an item that punishes you for not reading what it does, which is funny and cool.

I honestly give this game a massive

Really fun game, but from my experience some of fanbase are just unhinged that never touched a women that isn't their mom. I don't play games for the fanbase anyways, and neither should you. Like with any good game you'll have this, it's just what it is.

Any who... getting this game on a sale is a massively great deal, even full price is worth it personally!
張貼於 4 月 29 日。 最後編輯於 4 月 29 日。
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總時數 0.7 小時
I'd honestly give this game middle between recommending and not recommending.

I love the artstyle and comedy it has, but unfortunately the game is from my first run there was a bug that ruined my progress, not sure if it's from my end, but it happened with this game.

The weapons you collect for the most part aren't as good as the the starting weapon, I just used my starting weapon most of the time, there was a laser gun that was good that I used, but overall only one weapon I actually used other than the starting weapon.

Also a big issue with this game that also gave the boredom, is that the game spawn the same enemies a lot wave after wave.

The game suffers from some bugs that could ruin your, balance issues and lack of variety in gameplay.

Feel like this game is an early access game, but I can say that I feel like this game is so close to being a good game.
張貼於 4 月 29 日。
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3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 3.7 小時
Moron Kombat.

Tried to give it a chance as a competitive FG fan, with top ranks in other FGs like Street Fighter.

Not fun at all, you have to block with a button, special cancelling is weird that you have to delay it heavily unlike in Street Fighter or you know the 95% of other FGs.

Very weird hitboxes that don't match the animation a lot of the time, which makes a heavy knowledge check game, there's clips about 'em.

There's a bug with Omni-Man that he does more damage in PC, more than in consoles, like what?

Realistic graphics but no style, which makes it ugly to look at.

I enjoyed doing Omni-Man combos, but that's probably it.

Also insane game size, reaching over 100GB, compared to Street Fighter 6 which is in total way less and you can delete the world tour size without any problems if you only want to play Fighting Ground, which is embarrassing honestly.

Probably good for the casual fans, but the die-hard competitive players like me won't enjoy it most likely.

And also it's really expensive, so please if you're curious about it just wait for a sale.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 6 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 12 月 6 日。
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總時數 0.2 小時
Great demo game!

Although it's way different from the actual Furi game, and the only thing I didn't like from this is parry input, it should have it's own bind for convenience, especially since there aren't many binds but even then it's playable if you adapt.

Furi sequel next, k? Thanks
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 1 日。
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17 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 48.0 小時 (評論時已進行 46.3 小時)
This game is honestly one of my favorite platformers of all time, and I loved FP1 heavily.

It's got pretty sprites, lots of levels that don't overstay their welcome, and good replayability.

And the parry mechanic in this game is really good and fun to use, major points for that mechanic alone.

Also, it comes with decent item loadouts, which I liked.

The only few things that I prefer in FP1 over FP2 are the following:

1 - The Music:
The OST in this game is still great and lively, it's just that FP1 does that better imo, some of the soundtracks feel like they're messing something to make 'em pop.

Overall, great music, Nalao Lake is probably my favorite.

2 - The Main Villain, Merga:
I personally think the story is structured better than in the first one, but at the same time FP1 has the better main villain, Lord Brevon.

Honestly, Lord Brevon is one of my favorite indie villains, smuggy and violent. The (in)famous torture scene in FP1 is what made me love him. You might call me an edgy for it, I don't mind, I feel like game stories should bring out the violence in villains, I mean he's a villain, of course he would be violent, it's makes the fiction a bit more real, but not too real imo.

Merga in the other hand just didn't hit the mark for me, I don't really hate her or even dislike her, she's just not as exciting as Brevon, not even close.
Good villain introduction, and a cool ass ship she got, but spoiler alert in the true ending, it made her lamer for me personally.
Not bad, but it isn't Brevon.

This game has 4 playable character, 3 of them are fun to play, but the character that I was interested in the most to try, Neera Li, came as a bit of a disappointment.
She's the "hardest" to play yes, I usually love playing the challenging characters, but she's really not that fun to play, I could get into details why, but I'll just she's doesn't feel as rewarding as playing the other 3 characters.

Overall, a fantastic game, shame it released at a very bad time, I wish it was more popular if it had a proper release date.
張貼於 2023 年 8 月 1 日。
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13 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
3 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 967.1 小時 (評論時已進行 236.1 小時)
No team-blaming.
9.5/10 netcode, would be a 10/10 if you could set your preferred input delay setting.
Decent balance for launch.
You can play with your brother that doesn't know what's going on by giving him huge advantage and making it a fun match if you're a veteran player.
Actual fun game that rewards people who put in the time, as it should.

SF6 has some annoying issues at higher levels of play, like the HUGE input buffer system, inconsistent Drive Impact cancellation, the top tier character have barely any weakness, region-locked matchmaking, etc...

But I say launch competitive games overall will always have issues, some small some unfortunately big, for SF6's launch it's actually quite good and I don't think it'll hurt the lower level players that much.

Hopefully as more updates come, better balancing, more consistency in certain stuff, this game will be one of the best fighting games ever made.

Hell, it's already my favorite multiplayer game of all time as a fellow high ranked player in multiple games.

Every competitive player if they haven't ever played any FG seriously, I'd say they should give SF6 a go.
張貼於 2023 年 8 月 1 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 8 月 1 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 1.7 小時 (評論時已進行 0.1 小時)
Gonna talk about the actual game:

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World - The Game is a beat 'em up 1-4 players game where there are 7 levels in this game so it's not that long, but the price fits it alright, and that's not including the other game modes available, which I'll talk about later.

The game is based on the Scott Pilgrim comics, so if you played this game without seeing the comics, you're gonna miss a lot of references, just like how I did over 10 years ago on the Playstation 3 days. Other than comics references, there are other cool references in here like Mario, Zelda, Street Fighter, but some references require a bit more thinking to understand like in the end of the game for Mega Man 2 reference. Not gonna spoil it, as it's better for you to find 'em for yourself.

So the beating up part, at the start you won't have special moves, just two normal moves, a fast attack and a strong attack, calling a striker and a super attack. Calling a striker is unique for each character, it's basically a quick assist to help ya out that uses a meter called GP. And a Super Attack from what I remember, is basically a tornado-like kick for all characters that also uses GP, it's a get-off me button. Even stuff like running attacks and blocking you'll not have access to until shortly later on. To get new moves, you just have to level up your character, by just beating up enemies, y'know a beat 'em up.

There's also a shop, where you can increases your typical stats like HP, damage, etc...
The shop has a really good song that I love, but the thing that I really hate about it is that it doesn't tell you what each item does, for example you'll buy an item just called Soda, but it doesn't tell you the stats only after you buy it, which is really something I hate, but usually in each shop, the cheapest items in the store heals you and restores some of your GP.
I'm not the type of person who looks up game guides, as I'm a self-learner, but for this reason I'd honestly won't blame ya if you went to a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ website like GameFaqs that tells you the stats of each item, that's not a good designed shop, but again the shop music carries it.
There's also moves that you can get by only buying, but you're gonna need to grind a bit to get 'em , and to be honest usually they're not worth it, as you'll have beaten the game already before you get 'em, but they're a cool moves, so if you like progressing even after beating the game, here's a reason for ya.

I think the controls are great, so no issues with that. However I think with most Beat 'Em Up games, the game can be quite repetitive with the same enemies, especially if you're 2-players or solo, 3-players in my memory had way more enemies, which can make the game a bit more fun and less repetitive. At least some of the bosses are fun to play against. It's really like most Beat 'Em Up games, so nothing else needs to be said. I'd recommend to play this game with at least 2 other players.
Honestly the top tier quality of this game comes from the pixel-art and music, they really carry this game.

The game length is not that long, you can probably beat it in less than 4 hours according to HowLongToBeat, especially if you're a quick learner, then you'll probably beat it a lot faster than the average completion time, but it fits the price so it's fine in my book.

In Conclusion:

Outside of the port not having achievements, which is really disappointing, for the price of this game I'd say it's worth it.

I'd also recommend to play this game in either Steam's Remote Play or Parsec, as the multiplayer in UPlay is broken, also in local multiplayer you can't have a player disconnect and ruin it for the other players by forcing to end the game just because one player decided to leave or their internet randomly cuts out.

It's a mindless Beat 'Em Up game that has Scott Pilgrim, if you read the comics, then you'd probably love this more.

I absolutely recommend this game, just wait for sales.
張貼於 2023 年 1 月 5 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 1 月 5 日。
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4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 87.6 小時 (評論時已進行 72.5 小時)
DNF Duel is a game designed to be played by new players that don't have much experience in FGs.

- You can do the Mana Special Moves by just pressing a direction and the MS button. Obviously inspired by platform fighter games, specifically Smash, as a lot of the players rather play and come from Platform Fighters. This makes it characters with DP (aka the invincible reversal) a very strong tool to have, as you can just react to jump-in attack easily with the direction input instead of the traditional Z-Motion input. Yes, of course it has the con of having your MP regeneration delayed by doing the easy inputs rather than the traditional inputs.

- This game only has 2 normal buttons. I like to call them Light and Medium buttons. There's also the Skills button, which is kind of a weird one, some characters' Skills act as either a Heavy button, or Mana Free Special Moves, or hell even both. For Example, Kunoichi's 5S or Neutral Skill[dustloop.com] by just looking at it, it obviously acts as a 2 multi-hit heavy attack. However, Kunoichi's 6S or Forward Skill[dustloop.com] we see that it's a projectile attack.

I don't mind the Skills button acting as 2 different type of moves, but the fact that it only has 2 normal moves makes the game quite limiting.

- A guard button that automatically blocks for you on either side. The only way to mix your opponent is by doing either an overhead attack which has to be blocked standing, or doing a low attack that has to be blocked crouching. The existence of this button immediately tells you that there won't be side-switching mix ups, and that's it's pretty much a strike/throw game, as there's barely no instant overheads or overhead moves generally (moves that hits high while in the ground).


- Amazing and colourful visuals. I'm not really into anime personally, but the game's a pretty stunning game to look at, the lightning that comes from certain attacks.. just an absolutely stunning looking game and animation.

- A perfect party fighting game, very easy to pick up and play. As said before, only 2 normals, a skill button and special moves can be done by directional inputs, the existence of guard button and that it's easy to do a simple combo. A into B into Skills into MP Skills which almost all the characters can do. And it also has a video preview of each move in the move list, to see any character's move set easily and clearly.

- High tier online player. It's not top tier online as it doesn't have crossplay, which is crucial for Fighting Games as it's a niche genre, but the quality of the netcode is amazingly well done, almost never had any ♥♥♥♥♥♥ laggy matches, and ones I did was with WI-FI players only. And it has a good matchmaking, no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chibi avatars loading into loading into loading into error error error into loading... no straight to the point, ranked match, search. That's all it takes and it really encourages you to play it online without the hassle. Speaking of online play, it also a normal ranking system, not like Strive's baby's first ranking mode which can be cheated or overall easy to get to the top "rank" in Strive, here's it's a normal ranking system, not the best in my honest opinion, but it's good enough.

- Amazing character designs. I almost love the whole current roster of this game, except for one certain character which is The Enchantress, not that I hate her, just her fans... any who the roster is great.


- As of the date of this review, no regional pricing. This game overall is expensive even in the US and you want to see it's non-regional price for the other countries? A game that's pretty much a multiplayer game should not cost this much at all, it's really not worth the price. The single-player mode just lets you see characters talking to each other and lets you play against an easy AI, just watch it on YouTube, save your time.

- Very unbalanced game. I'm sure most of the readers here aren't tryhard sweats who achieves the deity rank like me (not sure if I'm really proud of it tbh), as for the casuals readers, it's balanced enough to play as a party game. For those who compete... it's really heavily unbalanced game, easily the most unbalanced modern fighting game I've ever player. Would love to go to details on this, but it's pretty much like the devs don't really know how to balance a fighting game for the high level players at all. The tournament organisers are already banning The Swiftmaster from their tournaments because simply he can do everything but just dies fast, like dying faster really doesn't matter much in this game.

- Very long combos even for low Mana usage. Even worse than getting hit in DBFZ because long commons are occur more often and executed easily.

- No blacklisting players online, no punishment for rage quitters and no reward for getting a player to rage quit.

- No crossplay.

In conclusion:

I'd recommend this game if you want to play this casually with your friends and the price is lower.

As for the veteran players.. trust me you'll have tons of fun first and then get bored and frustrated, especially if your character is a low tier which really makes you have to switch character for a way higher tier character.

Keep a note for any upcoming balance update and patch notes, as this game could really improve, but it would have to change a lot if it really wants to be a good fighting game for the veterans.

Review update:
Their updates come at a very low rate and the update quality isn't even that good unfortunately.
張貼於 2022 年 7 月 28 日。 最後編輯於 2022 年 11 月 27 日。
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7 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 18.4 小時 (評論時已進行 16.5 小時)
How can there be a King Of Fighters, if I can't find anyone to fight with this current matchmaking?

Most of my time was spent in the training mode, a bit in the arcade mode, and like only 3 matches online and they weren't even great.

Actual fun game but fix the matchmaking issue, and will recommend this game otherwise.
張貼於 2022 年 5 月 28 日。 最後編輯於 2022 年 11 月 27 日。
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17 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 756.2 小時 (評論時已進行 366.8 小時)
Honestly, it's hard to whether recommend this game or not, but here's my take for Street Fighter V.

I started playing this game seriously in September of 2020, and I know what happened with the initial release of this game, there were only 16 characters meanwhile SFIV finished with over 40 characters, it wasn't casual friendly in terms of the available offline mode, the game focused on the competitive scene at first, there was a huge input lag and so on... but these were the huge issues at the time.

Now... there are over 40 characters, has a better roster than SFIV if you ask me, no more huge input lag and now it's casual friendly with tons of offline game modes options.

However... there are still big issues with this game:

Inconsistent visuals, characters' design and animation quality:

There are visuals and animations in this game that look very good, starting with the stages, look at Sagat's stage King's Court[static.wikia.nocookie.net], the 2018 Capcom Pro Tour Stage The Ring of Power[capcomprotour.com], Cammy's stage English Manor[media.eventhubs.com], Gill's stage Sun Chase Moon[www.asia.capcom.com]and a few more.

What I listed are the great visual looking stages, most of the other stages in this game don't look very good imo, mostly due to the lighting, go look 'em up yourself.

The characters' designs is way more important for me than the stages, again you have characters that look and animate aesthetically pleasing.

If you ask me for my favourites, my favourites are: Sagat[d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net], Menat[bitmunchies.com]and Rashid[www.fightersgeneration.com].

My top two would actually be G [media.eventhubs.com]and M.Bison[i.pinimg.com].

And there are many other great looking characters in this game that I didn't list, many more but at the same time... there are just straight out characters that I just hate to look at them and/or their animations, like Falke & Ed[cdn.christianpost.com] most people and I don't like their designs, and I especially don't like Falke's animation, they just look very lazy and especially her Critical Art (The Super Move), it looks meh and it doesn't have that impactful hit like the rest of the cast has.

And just look at what they've done to Ken's face[game.capcom.com], what happened to him? Why doesn't he look like the SF3 Third Strike Ken or hell even Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ken? It's just messed up what they've done to him.

The Netcode:

This. This is the number 1 reason why I almost wanted to not recommend this game on this review.

Yeah, it is Rollback Netcode, but a terribly implemented one that it actually mislead some people's thoughts on Rollback Netcode's without them actually trying what a good Rollback Netcode is capable of.

You're gonna see a lot of teleporting and freezing which will hinder your gameplay experience by a lot.

If you live in Japan or US where the FG is populated, it won't be that bad for you, but if you live somewhere that the FG isn't populated there, you're gonna suffer, just like me.


Despite everything, I honestly recommend this game if you live in an FG populated area or you're willing to play offline with your friends and/or family.

If you're looking to play this game seriously online in a non-populated FG area, I'd just recommended you to just go get this game during a sale, practice a bit and just wait for Street Fighter 6.
張貼於 2021 年 11 月 4 日。 最後編輯於 2021 年 11 月 27 日。
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