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Recent reviews by Happymeal

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1 person found this review helpful
47.0 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
The hype wasn't wrong
Posted December 3, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
11,153.5 hrs on record (3,959.9 hrs at review time)
At one point I disliked this because I thought the other players "brought me down". To some extent, that is true. Even at a decent ~4K MMR, you find people who have little idea of what they're doing. However, not climbing up further is your own doing. There are so many ways you can win in this game by just acting calm and treating your teammates well. Be sure to calmly explain what to do and execute proper strats and battles. A good amount will listen to you if you're patient and don't yell every couple of seconds. You are in control ~70% of the time I'd say. The other 30% is a toss up. Players will be willing to play properly, someone just needs to bring it out of them,

On the other hand, this game has its complexities and what not. There ar eplenty of different ways to participate and utilize proper logitistics. It's a fun and somewhat difficult game to get far in, but know that hard work will result in wins and, most of all, fun and exciting matches.
Posted November 7, 2015.
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4.5 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Even with lackluster gameplay, a game can certainly make up for it with narrative. While the majority of it tends to be particularly heartfelt, act 3 onward offers little that encompasses you as much as the first 2 acts do due to a seemingly out of the blue death and an overall realization that this entire endeavor does not effect the reality of the situation. The point is that despite the retelling of John's life being beautiful, there was no point to the game outside of that. While I recommend it, I would suggest stopping after the carnival scene.
Posted January 25, 2015. Last edited January 25, 2015.
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