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Reseñas recientes de LawfulGood

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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
714.8 h registradas (620.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I play 1-2 hours each night. The leveling process is smooth. Endgame (level 20) essentially consists of working to improve your gear so you can do harder and harder content. You don't need to play with a group, but having a supportive guild you can ask questions of is vital - there are few resources online and endgame equipment is opaque. I left WoW, ESO, and FFXIV, and this is my current game. In 2/2022 I have played for about 4-5 months, and am still enjoying myself.
Publicada el 13 de febrero de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
80.7 h registradas (52.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
You hardly need my recommendation. Just watch half an hour of any YouTuber playing the game. Controls are easy; story is good; environment is unique. A sure winner.
Publicada el 13 de febrero de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
1,634.1 h registradas (398.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I've played MMORPGs for over fifteen years. FFXIV Online is currently my go-to game. At this time, it has the best variety of activities for players, with particularly strong PVE and Crafting. Probably the weakest element of the game is housing, while altaholics will be dismayed at how much easier it is to run a single character and switch classes than to level up separate characters. Based on what I see coming out over the next 12 months, I'll be in FFXIV for the forseeable future.

C'mon in and join us.
Publicada el 5 de julio de 2019.
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4.3 h registradas (0.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Just released on Steam, I have played the IOS version daily for 3 or more months. I enjoy it very much and have not put any cash into the shop. You need to have realistic expectations - never believe you are going to have ALL the characters - stick with 80-90 and read the forums for the best characters to spend time leveling and suggestions on what characters to dump out the airlock.

Doing the daily tasks will take 20-30 minutes a day. They aren't mandatory, but by doing them you accomplish a lot of what you want to do in the game. Save up your currency and play the long game - this is a marathon, not a rush to max level.
Publicada el 5 de febrero de 2019.
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1 persona ha encontrado divertida esta reseña
4.7 h registradas
After playing this I went to see if Steam had any other hidden object games by Square Enix, so that's a vote of approval. About 3 hours of playtime. Heavy hidden-object, no real puzzles. Story-line was decent, but on-rails (no real options on where to go next). When all you are in the mood for is hidden object (which is usually true for me) then this is a good choice.
Publicada el 5 de febrero de 2015.
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