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0.0 hrs on record
If you're a fan of the challenging roguelike aspect of The Binding of Isaac, this DLC will absolutely blow your expectations out of the water. There is an absolutely insane amount of content here, most of which has been much increased in it's difficulty. There were multiple parts in this DLC where I thought I'd seen the extent of the content only to find that the rabbit hole continues layers deeper than I could've ever imagined.

Victories feel less like I got a broken synergy from 2 items and now I've won, and more like personal skill and adaptation shining through. This goes in reverse as well, truly awful runs are much more rare, you'll find that a decent challenge is waiting for you on every run. Some more casual folks will hate this new design philosophy, I personally love the fact that everything is harder and more "earned". It's not to say that you can't break the game, just that it's much more rare and earned when it happens.

Overall, this DLC is something that you can't afford to miss. Even if you have never played Isaac before I highly highly recommend you buy the whole package.
Posted April 6, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
The Ancient Gods Part 2 is great from a content perspective, you get to go to some really cool new places and fight some interesting new demons, some are higher quality than others but overall great additions. The platforming in this DLC is especially fantastic. I really love the new meathook nodes especially, they really used them well. There's a bit of lack of variety in the big arenas, but all of it still plays fairly well.

My main problem with this DLC is a lack of challenge. It's easier than TAG Part 1, and arguably easier than the base game. The patch that TAG Part 2 came with also went back to TAG Part 1 and made a lot of the encounters easier, which was not a welcome change among hardcore fans.

Overall, I would recommend this DLC if you're only going to play it once or twice. I can't say it holds up as well as TAG P1 or the base game in replayability, and that's a shame. But it's still more Doom Eternal content, and at the end of the day Doom Eternal is a fantastic game with some of the best combat in the genre, so even if this DLC is weaker than previous content, it's still well worth your time.

EDIT: Most of my complaints in this DLC are being addressed, This DLC will receive master levels in time and most of the TAG Part 1 changes are being reverted. I can now fully reccomend this DLC. Thank you id Software for listening to all our feedback!
Posted March 19, 2021. Last edited March 25, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
Do not listen to the negative reviews. If you were a person who enjoyed Doom Eternal, and you love how the game pushed you to get better and kept you engaged, you will love this DLC. If you're looking for an easy power trip where you can zone out and just click demons without thinking, you won't like Doom Eternal, and you especially won't like this DLC. It's all the things that you loved and hated about the base game turned up to 11. It's harder, faster, more demanding, and the atmosphere and pacing is top notch.

If you want the most intense combat experience gaming has to offer, you'd be doing yourself a disservice to not play this DLC. Trust me, you won't regret it.
Posted November 6, 2020.
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110.6 hrs on record (105.8 hrs at review time)
This game is great, the story is gripping, the characters are charming, the artstyle is fantastic, and the gameplay feels fast and fluid. That being said I do have 2 nitpicks I'd like to share, though you should totally still pick up the game if you're interested regardless of these minor gripes I have

1. Run to run variety isn't quite as good as it could be. Don't get me wrong, there's a massive amount of potential boon combinations and that's great, but some weapons are just clearly more suited to certain boons. I think the worst examples of this are the fist and gun weapons. Because both of them attack so quickly and have low base damage, it's an absolute no brainer to go for Demeter or Zeus (Zeus has a base damage shock on every hit and demeter has a stacking frost debuff). There's also a noticable lack of alternate paths or boss variety, on every run you will go to the same places and fight the same bosses in the same order.

2. Late game progression is a little scuffed. Once you beat the game once, you will unlock the pact of punishment which allows you to turn the difficulty of your runs up to your hearts content. However there is an issue, you're not really encouraged to play at really high heat (Difficulty) settings. In fact it's kind of actively discouraged to play high heat runs when you don't need to, as if you play a run and die halfway through the boss rewards will not reset, essentially meaning that the next attempt you make you'll only receive rewards for half of the bosses. This essentially discourages you from taking risks with the heat system, as you'll be more consistantly rewarded with post run goodies if you play runs that you can win every time.

Regardless, this game is fantastic enough that I was able to sink in over 100 hours in it. These are just the things I have noticed after a long play time and they probably won't bother the average player. This game is a must buy if you're a fan of roguelites.
Posted October 30, 2020.
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