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0.1 hrs on record
EBall. Oh, where do I even start with this explosive masterpiece of chaos and destruction? If you're looking for a game that's a symphony of pure, unadulterated mayhem, then buckle up, my friend, because EBall is going to take you on a wild ride through the realms of adrenaline-pumping insanity!

Let's talk about the weapon of choice here: the rocket launcher. Forget about all those fancy firearms with their precision aiming and delicate strategy. In EBall, it's just you, your trusty rocket launcher, and a burning desire to blow stuff up. And let me tell you, there's nothing more satisfying than watching your enemies scatter like confetti as you rain down fiery death upon them.

But it's not just about mindlessly firing rockets into the abyss (although, let's be real, that's pretty damn fun). No, EBall is a game of skill, precision, and timing. You'll need to master the art of leading your targets, predicting their movements, and unleashing hell at just the right moment to secure that sweet, sweet frag.

And speaking of frags, let's talk about the multiplayer. EBall's multiplayer is like stepping into a war zone where the only rule is survival of the fittest (or should I say, the most trigger-happy). It's fast, it's frenetic, and it's guaranteed to get your heart pounding faster than a jackhammer on steroids.

But don't think for a second that EBall is all about mindless carnage. Oh no, there's strategy here too, if you're willing to look for it. From map control to power-up management to outmaneuvering your opponents, there's a whole world of tactical depth waiting to be explored. Of course, if you'd rather just blow stuff up and ask questions later, that's totally cool too. EBall is all about playing your way.

And let's not forget about the visuals and sound design. EBall is a feast for the senses, with stunning graphics that bring its apocalyptic arenas to life in jaw-dropping detail. And the sound design? Let's just say that the booming explosions and screams of anguish will be ringing in your ears long after you've powered down your console.

Now, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the single-player campaign. While EBall truly shines in multiplayer, the campaign offers a thrilling rollercoaster ride of epic proportions. From heart-pounding set pieces to pulse-pounding boss battles, it's a journey that will test your skills, your reflexes, and your sanity.

But hey, let's be real here: you're not playing EBall for the riveting storyline or the groundbreaking gameplay mechanics. You're playing it because you want to blow stuff up. And in that regard, my friend, EBall delivers in spades.

So if you're ready to dive headfirst into a whirlwind of chaos, destruction, and rocket-fueled mayhem, then do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of EBall today. Just don't blame me when you find yourself addicted to the adrenaline rush of blowing your enemies to smithereens.

Written by ChatGPT.
Posted April 25.
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16.9 hrs on record
Really fun game, definitly best in the first section though but still holds up all the way through. Would reccomend
Posted April 25.
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7.8 hrs on record
This game definitely is good, but the price and amount of content dont really align. Wish it would have more levels and things to do in general to justify $40. I would price it around $15-$30. One of the selling points is that you can mod it, but that shouldnt be factored into the price of the game, you arent selling other peoples content, you are selling the base game
Posted April 11.
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114.2 hrs on record (112.3 hrs at review time)
This game really used to be great, but comming back to it, it seems to not have changed since 2014. Looks like it was bought by paradox and all new content is now DLC, but not like rimworld where the main game still gets updates, the DLC is really in your face. Its disgusting to see a classic strangled by modern industry trends. Dont buy unless under $15.
Posted April 10.
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72.3 hrs on record
i kil bloons.
Posted February 25.
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82.0 hrs on record
Personally I dont go out of my way to play Risk of Rain 2 BUT this game is really good with friends and hits that sweet spot of not too mentally demanding to allow conversation and shooting the ♥♥♥♥, while also bringing everyone around a common goal.
Posted February 25.
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103.4 hrs on record (102.5 hrs at review time)
Best RTS I have ever played, and thats not just me looking for more fresh meat to play agnist. Facilitates a fun 1v1 game and also has really fun large scale battles that span planets. Would recommend getting a whole friend group together to play big games, and all learn at the same time.
Posted February 25.
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351.7 hrs on record
That one friend will always RDM in TTT but that shouldn't stop you from getting GMOD
Posted February 25.
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12.3 hrs on record (11.6 hrs at review time)
I view Halo Wars as more of an arcade version of a strategy game and that's how I think its best viewed. Its got a great story and some great moments that I would recommend for a casual experience. The controls and unit management leave some to be desired for a competitive game but that's not really what halo wars is trying to be.
Posted February 25.
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52.9 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
I never understood halo. I never played any of the games as a kid, I never played a match at a friends house, my parents thought it was too violent (despite buying us cod waw instead) but I have a friend who really likes halo and he was talking about how good the soundtrack is. I was really confused when he said he listens to in the car, at work etc. So I decided to go play at least one of the titles on the Master Chief collection to see what this 'obsession' of his was about. Booted up Halo 3: ODST with the intention of just getting through the first mission. Played through the whole campaign in one sitting and I understood . The soundtrack, setting and game-play comes together so well in the Halo games to create such a memorable experience. Would recommend playing these if your like me, a person who has never gotten to experience halo.

Lets just say the Halo OST is now on my music list aswell.
Posted February 25. Last edited March 2.
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