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137.0 hrs on record (135.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Occupies a really enjoyable middleground between arcadey air combat games like ace combat and realistic flight sims like DCS.

Missiles are a cornerstone of the game's combat but there is a lot of counterplay both in defeating incoming missiles (either by breaking their lock or by targeting and shooting them down with your own munitions, which is a really cool touch) as well as figuring out how to get your own missiles past enemy defenses in order to destroy them. The tactics for dealing with the game's various threats are well-explained to the player and you're always aware of all incoming missiles and what type of guidance they use (so players can correctly use the right countermeasures without needing to guess.) In general, I appreciate when a game goes out of its way to eliminate the occurrence of the player going "what killed me?" and them being unable to figure out the answer to that question, which is a problem i have with most games that focus on realism above all else. I can't learn from my mistakes if I don't know what mistakes I made :p

In regards to other aspects of the game, all the aircraft are made out of individual physics parts that can be destroyed dynamically which makes it very satisfying to watch. The flight characteristics of the various aircraft are very nice to handle without feeling like the game is holding your hand too much with autopilot systems and the like, while also not being so complex they require a user manual to get into the air. The artstyle of the game is really pretty, all the aircraft designs are gorgeous and slightly bulky/chunky while still feeling realistic and grounded mechanically. The enemy and friendly AI units can fly very well too; I've put all my hours into the game without having touched multiplayer yet, because the AI is fun enough to fight on its own. I'll probably get the game for some friends and make them play co-op with me at some point though :D

Can't recommend the game enough for the price and how much time I've already put into it. It really scratches an itch that I haven't had scratched since i quit playing war thunder. On top of everything else, the developers are regularly teasing new aircraft and other features coming to the game in the future that I'm extremely excited for as well.
Posted March 31.
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98.7 hrs on record (51.3 hrs at review time)
Barely knew anything about poker before I played this

Absolute masterclass in gamefeel and presentation. Balatro is so damn good
Posted March 23.
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101.6 hrs on record (37.2 hrs at review time)
Really enjoying the game so far, I love co-op shooters and this game takes cues from all the best parts of them.

Gunplay is really nice; weapon sway exists and heavy weapons are more sluggish, BUT the fact that the game always shows an additional reticle where your gun is actually pointed means that it's easy to correct for the high weapon recoil. I could never get into milsim-style gunplay and this feels like a nice middleground.

Combat feels amazing (if you've seen any footage of this game you've seen how intense and visceral it feels), enemies react how they should to getting shot by different weapons and there's a lot of diversity in enemy types. Even shooting individual grunt enemies gives a really nice spray of viscera as feedback so every hit feels really brutal and satisfying. I'm a sucker for location-based enemy damage in games like this, so being able to see armor getting destroyed and oil spurting into the air when a bot's head or torso gets blasted apart is wonderful :D

Stratagems (the awesome call-in abilities like orbital strikes, automatic turrets and multi-crew heavy weaponry) are simply cooldown-based, so you never have to worry about 'saving' them for just the right moment; obviously it sucks if you waste one, but you'll just get it back in a couple minutes at worst. Which is great, because it means you get to use them liberally and often.

If you die, your team has twenty reinforce beacons (revives) per mission, and if everyone dies at the same time it just drops you all back in as a team again. You don't lose unless you fail the main objective *and* all your reinforces are expended, *and* everyone dies. And yet the gameplay manages to be as intense it is, which is impressive.

At a glance I was worried about the microtransactions but you unlock premium currency as you play and can also find caches of it as collectibles in-game. Premium credits are found in missions and unlocked at a reasonable speed, and they're only used to buy armor sets or the premium warbond (which gives you some extra stuff to unlock). It's an unintrusive system and it honestly just works like standard progression. I see no real reason to ever pay for the premium currency, at the rate you gain it ingame.

Server issues occasionally still exist, but the devs have been very transparent about ironing them out, and it makes me happy to see they're planning to use the game's success to fund even more ambitious future updates. Looking forward to where the game goes :D
Posted February 27.
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174.5 hrs on record (81.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Starship EVO has the best building system i've seen in a space sandbox, and vehicle sandboxes in general, hands-down. The level of customization you can achieve with both the variable brick sizes and the robust decal system scratches my creative itch in a way that games like space engineers never really have. Even though the game is still in relatively early development and there are definitely areas it lacks in due to such features simply not being fleshed out yet, I have to give this game a positive review because the systems that are currently in place, combined with the tremendous amount of effort that has already gone into the game's development, makes for a game with incredible potential to surpass any other space sandbox I've played or heard about.

Gameplay wise, you play as a human or a humanoid alien and can build ships, space stations, hovercraft, and more using a robust pseudo-voxel building system the developer calls Neovox. Building is intuitive, though there are a few controls that were a bit clunky to commit to muscle memory; now that I have, however, I haven't had any further issues. Additonally, you can paint ships not only block-by-block, but with decals, which aren't tethered to specific bricks and can overlap between them and one another giving the ability to create extremely complex/intricate patterns without ever modifying the ship's structure. Some decals even have normal maps, which are fantastic for breaking up otherwise-flat surfaces and adding additional visual interest.

The ships handle and plays very similarly to Elite: Dangerous. If you have played E:D, the systems in Starship EVO will feel very familiar. Honestly, one of the best draws to this game for me is that, While i love Elite: Dangerous, I always wanted a more in-depth ship customization in regards to the shape and visual style of the vessels.

All things considered, if the idea of incredibly in-depth tools for spaceship customization, engineering, and visual design appeals to you, you should absolutely pick up Starship EVO or at least keep it on your radar. This game is absolutely going places, and every update and news post from the developer just makes me more excited.

NOTE: If you do want to get into the game now, I HIGHLY recommend checking out the steam guides page for more advanced breakdowns of the different systems. The ingame tutorial covers the basics well, but hasn't been fleshed out to include more complex systems such as how to wire up turrets and weapons, as well as how to use the various mechanical blocks and logic gates.
Posted June 29, 2023.
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111.0 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
KSP2 definitely won't be for everyone in its current state. On a personal level, though, I'm really enjoying my time in it. Seeing as the game has basically been rewritten from the ground up (rather than just being built on top of the original game) in order to futureproof for additional features, i'm honestly impressed with the state that it is in at this stage; game development takes a long time, ESPECIALLY when half of your development period takes place during the covid-19 pandemic.

In terms of current content, the game is in a similar state that KSP1 was within its first few years of public release (~2013-ish), but the game has a number of performance and stability issues. The developers are clearly passionate about the project as well, which gives me hope that they'll be able to work out all the bugs and optimization issues as time goes on, and I also hope that such fixes won't delay new content updates too much.

I think the best indicator for how development will be handled post-EA release will be to look for how quickly hotfix patches are released for current critical issues, and how the first major content update goes later on. It's way too early to tell how the game will turn out otherwise.
Posted February 24, 2023.
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129.3 hrs on record (48.8 hrs at review time)
Don't mind me, I forgot to change my review for the game back to positive after the whole chinese client fiasco.
Posted November 3, 2018. Last edited September 8, 2019.
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120.0 hrs on record (39.8 hrs at review time)
I had a difficult choice here.
I could write a heartfelt letter of adoration, a very detailed breakdown of ingame features, or a meme.
The meme was fastest.

"Pass the whiskey"
Posted November 27, 2016.
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257.0 hrs on record (248.5 hrs at review time)
Landed on a police car in a jalopy and my jalopy exploded.

Thank you for making this game.
Posted July 1, 2016.
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6 people found this review helpful
13.8 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
To be perfectly honest, I was expecting more at launch, but that's how hype culture works.

There. I said it. Take the slight hint of bait or continue reading as any competent person would.

Anyways, moving on...
TU has some serious potential, and I can easily see this getting better quickly. Pixeltail knows what they're doing, and honestly I feel a bit bad for them right now with such a massive influx of bug reports and forum traffic. Have fun, guys :P

Everyone on the internet is too lazy to read a wall of text so i'll keep this concise.
Keep in mind that pretty much every con will be fixed over time. There is a reason the word "Early" is in "Early Access." If you buy a game this early your goal should be to help the developers make a better game.

-Virus is very fast-paced now, but still very entertaining. My favorite gamemode right now
-I still can get aviators
-I get more creative freedom with my condo
-All the old games are still going to be added
-Virus has a kickass soundtrack
-Again, a huge space for potential and expansion into a very popular game.

-Servers tend to be unreliable. This may be my awful internet to blame, though.
-Plaza is semi-useless at the moment, will probably change soon enough
-Hard to run on a lower-end machine. Take this how you want, as it means some nice graphics for high-end users
-the usual menagerie of bugs that come standard with an alpha

All in all, buy the game now if you want to support the devs at this point. If you aren't the sort that pitches your money like that, wait a month or two and come back to a much better game. We'll be waiting for you.

tl;dr Idgaf. read it you lazy ♥♥♥♥.
Posted April 8, 2016. Last edited April 8, 2016.
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423.0 hrs on record (40.2 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Amazing.
This is the perfect game for anybody who is in to aircraft. It's welcoming aesthetics, fantastic physics and beautiful music make it a great time-killer. According to the Brit in the trailer, you will even get smarter while playing it! I wouldn't know about that, though.

*Arms missiles*
Posted December 18, 2015.
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