TheEpicPancake #moosememes
Ethan   South Dakota, United States
Aro Pride :azuki2:
I play games and talk to friends. Feel free to add me if you see me in a server somewhere. Make sure your profile isn't private if you do. I get a lot of bots. :cinnamon2: :penguintank:

Also, if you happen to be a salty lad from a match, I implore you to take a moment of self reflection before posting in my comment section. Thank you kindly.:cocochan2:
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Review Showcase
5.3 Hours played
Nearing the end of the game, I imagine, and I'm very pleased with the it! A fantastic, flowy, and freeform movement system is most certainly its main draw, and for a platformer I'd call that a success on its own. Moving from point A to B is always a joy, and your always expanding toolkit keeps all the backtracking you will be doing fresh, fast, and frictionless.

The map, too, deserves merit for being a fantastic canvas to experiment with, providing the player with a myriad of platforming challenges ranging in difficulty from wordless tutorials of new skills to endgame gauntlets requiring near perfect application of all skills in a single sequence. It also makes for a pretty good metroidvania map, with plentiful new areas and secrets. Unlike most metroidvanias I play, the pacing of the upgrades feels spot on, with major ones being fed to you at a fair pace, and minor ones and health upgrades filling the gaps quite nicely.

It's short and sweet, but I think that is to its merit. Outside of the movement, most of the mechanics on display are pretty shallow. Serviceable glue to hold the experience together and give some direction, but little more above that. They most certainly don't weigh the highlights down, though, as they don't try to take the stage. They never linger long enough to become even a mild annoyance.

Overall, this was well worth the buy! I highly recommend it.
Recent Activity
2.6 hrs on record
last played on Jun 7
7.9 hrs on record
last played on Jun 7
26 hrs on record
last played on Jun 7
TheEpicPancake #moosememes Sep 29, 2023 @ 9:08am 
Neo back at it again with the banger copypastas.
Neo Sep 28, 2023 @ 1:32pm 
Don't add my boyfriend???
It's kinda rude especially if you're my friend and don't even have enough respect to ask me first???
And even if you ask and I tell him you're cool he's still not gonna accept your friend request because he doesn't know you???
I don't add your boyfriend???
Y'all need to chill???
TheEpicPancake #moosememes Sep 21, 2023 @ 4:36pm 
first time anybody has ever said something positive here.
we welcome the taiwanese youth Sep 21, 2023 @ 7:18am 
THIS GUY GETS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (and a lot of them):Emily3_Like: +REP
we welcome the taiwanese youth Dec 6, 2022 @ 10:29pm 
Christmas Socks LOL
Dale Dec 5, 2022 @ 8:35am 
Christmas Socks LOL