Barbara Holland
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438 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 24 Thg05
36 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 23 Thg05
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chơi lần cuối lúc 17 Thg05
S A B E R T O O T H 9 Thg05, 2017 @ 2:16pm 
8th party apps user - perm [thor]
Maurice 23 Thg01, 2017 @ 12:38am 
Writing rubbish on the internet amuses me a lot. There is often a limit of 1000 characters per post so every story (including punctuation, spaces, introduction, proposal, argument and punch line) has to be within a small paragraph.
Sometimes I just write nonsense and other times I make up something insensitive to evoke angry responses:
When I was just fourteen, I was given the task of drowning kittens by my girlfriend's mother. I filled a large laundry sink with room temperature water and held the eight kittens under. As each kitten died and sank to the bottom, it turned and rested 'snuggled' to the previous. I put them in a garbage bag and was carrying it out when the bag moved and I heard a meow. I opened the bag and found one kitten had survived. So I drowned it again.
And that is an exact one thousand.:steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty:
Jerrel 12 Thg09, 2016 @ 5:04am 
+rep good trader
jonas 17 Thg05, 2016 @ 11:16am 
i added u
LD 13 Thg10, 2015 @ 9:25am 
Karim 6 Thg09, 2015 @ 5:42am 
+rep the fastest trader i've ever traded with :D thx alot :*