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7.9 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
I keep crashing and disconnecting whenever playing with a friend
Posted June 7.
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14.0 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
extraction & exfil system
Posted May 3.
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8.5 hrs on record
This game has potential but I cannot recommend it due to how terrible the collection system is. It may seem generous at first but in practice it actually isn't. You just unlock the default collection with time but you have no way of targeting a specific pool of cards. The newer the card is the later you're gonna get it, so while the less randomness aspect of acquisition of the cards is nice at first, once you get bored with the first few decks the game gives you that's it. There's nothing you can do to skip certain card pools if you're not interested, you have to acquire them in order the devs decide for you. Obviously there's some power creep in this game as well so you have to get all the inferior cards to get to the better ones. I'm pretty sure you can't even pay for specific cards, you can only buy the newest ones and some random bundles from a FOMO shop containing all the different cards from the whole pool.

Not only that, if you want to have any reasonable pace of progression you just play this game at the end of each month because you have 4 weekly sets to complete at the same time. It is INSANE how big of a difference it is to play this game at the beginning of the month vs end of it. You will literally get new cards for few matches played in a row if you play near month's end, and get about 5~% of that when you play it in the first week.

This game is also infested with official bots, I never realized how many bots I faced until I downloaded a plugin. This game also has a lot of RNG, I know duh it's a card game but many starting cards are like "if you correctly flip a coin, triple the power of this card" which is insane but once you get out of the starting pools I actually saw less and less of these kind of cards and more mind games which was fun.

If you could at least target a specific pool of cards with your progression and actually had a proper progression system without the heavy dependence on combined weeklies, this game would be so much fun but until then this feels like an impossible catch up and it will only get worse with time.
Posted April 5.
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2.5 hrs on record
I was really surprised at first but I found this game insanely boring. The reason why I was surprised is because I really enjoy some slower gameplay from time to time, hell I'm one of these people that enjoys playing some Tarkov with my folks every now and then. I also enjoyed Rust back in the day.

Yet this game made me take a nap after the 2.5 hours I played. I was confused cause if I like Tarkov then it must mean I'll definitely like DayZ, right? It's not the same game but they are similar in a way where you could die after running for long periods amount of time just out of nowhere and lose hours of progress, both games are hardcore, rewarding patience but also punishing lack of luck. Obviously DayZ is not as hardcore as Tarkov but it is still a HC game nonetheless.

I couldn't really put into words why I don't like this game but I think after refunding it and thinking for a while I finally get it. This game is just lacking. Empty. I never realized how big of a difference it makes to have unique building models filled with furniture and loot in Tarkov until I played this game. Here you run into a city and its a copy paste of 10 apartment buildings with EXACTLY the same layout and you will find about 2-3 items in EACH, I searched two and I found nothing useful and it took me about 10 minutes. I feel like this game can be fun IF you've played it before Tarkov, because otherwise it feels like everything is unfinished.

I ran into other players all the time at spawn, but once I left it - nothing. For about 90 minutes I didn't find anybody. I found somebody's tent, I found some bodies, I heard two gunshots total but I have not found another player until I died of starvation.

I really don't mind that you run a lot in this game. My biggest problem is the things you're running to - you run into NOTHING. Looting is not exciting cause there's barely any loot, and if you find any then it's probably useless or not useful at the moment and worst of all - all buildings look exactly the same, empty low texture square rooms with some scrap on the floor (sometimes).

I want to remind you that this game has been in the work since 2012, it is basically 12 years later and you have a couple of guns, some basic survival systems with items that fulfill it, terrible inventory that feels like a prototype and that's basically it. This game really feels like a demo.

To give credits where it's due, I like the community support for this game - you have community hosted servers with multiple different settings and, most importantly, mods. A lot of mods that change how the game is played. It was almost enough to not refund this game, but well there's only so much you can do with the mods. Custom maps are really cool though.
Posted March 27.
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3.2 hrs on record
If you're looking for a new FPS to get good at, let me start by saying this game has an aim assist for mouse that you cannot disable. I wish I was making this up lol, in my whole life I have never played a game like this.

This game has insanely poor netcode, and I mean worse than original Call of Duty 2. Very low tick rate, insane peeker's advantage combined with no footsteps audio means you will die to anchor players a lot.

When it comes to 1v1 encounters, you are not really rewarded thanks to good aim, especially with the previously mentioned aim assist, you are rewarded if you got a better weapon. That's basically it. If your gun deals more damage than the opponent's then they lose, otherwise it basically becomes whoever shot first. There are some somewhat skillful weapons like a sniper and rocket launcher, but you will not use them often as they have low ammo and they have to respawn once someone picks them up, you don't spawn with them (except for special gamemodes).

Aim gameplay is a travesty. Characters are relatively slow, you cannot strafe too fast, in fact you strafe so slow that opponent's aim assist will do the work for them just fine. I'm not kidding, you just have to aim in the general direction of the enemy and your crosshair will just smoothly track them for you, characters are too slow for the aim assist to lose track of them.

It feels really bad to die in this game, you're punished with a 10 seconds respawn timer every time you die, in a game where you are at your weakest when you spawn 10 seconds is a lot for enemy players to gather better weapon and kill you again. Small maps were the best way to play this game in my opinion, every time I was playing a bigger map and just died to some random bs like a guy reaching the rocket launcher first I just couldn't bother to spend another 20-30 seconds to get back there again. It's like the respawn timer is designed for a competitive game, but it is as casual as shooter can get.

One another weird gameplay aspect this game's balance produces is how people play with the base weapons. If you have a base gun you don't shoot to kill with it, you shoot the guy a couple of times to finish him off with a melee. Melee does an absurd amount of damage comparing to the guns, it always two shots and you can easily finish people off after hitting them 2-3 times with the base rifle. Similarly with grenades. In this "shooter" game it's more about who gets to the good gun first or who melees first, combine this with an atrocious netcode and you have a perfect recipe for frustration.

Last but definitely not least is that due to this insanely long time to kill this game has, you physically cannot win uneven battles. You may get lucky and run into people with low HP or unaware of you with the one shotting melee weapon, but you cannot "outaim" them. All you can do is outgun them, but if you are alone and run into a pair - you're pretty much dead. This feels really bad. I don't mind rewarding teamwork, I really don't, but you have to have some strength as a unit in a shooter game, meanwhile I feel I have more control as a unit in a MOBA game than this.

I'm not saying there isn't anything to improve on this game, map knowledge and gun locations are definitely giving you an upper edge, but that's something you learn in the first few matches on one map and I really feel like I had enough. I never feel like I get outperformed with the movement or aim, I usually just die because the guy has a better gun and/or I had no idea he's coming cause there's no footsteps audio and wouldn't you know he's on my back with the one shotting melee.
Posted March 10. Last edited March 10.
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0.2 hrs on record
company's called "XD", th did you expect
Posted February 4.
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8.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
this game didn't change much since I played it 1.5 year ago but every single change made the game worse

it was already a bit too slow at first but with these banish changes it's actually even worse, I was bored af after 1 game
Posted December 28, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
very buggy and unfinished
Posted December 13, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
8.0 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Very fun game.

I think the Horror Mode (default) is pretty hard but very well designed, many different mechanics that just nicely tie together and I spent about 6 hours attempting to beat it once even though the game is not that long by itself. This game's design is great, much better than Welcome to the Game imo where you literally need to know every single timer of every threat to beat the default difficulty reliably, here you will understand all mechanics after few hours of playtime and you'll be able to beat it consistently just from the game alone. (I didn't look up anything)

Also I think this game is much more click intense, there's many things you will have to do simultaneously at regular intervals and there's more of them the longer you survive. Just to make it easier on you, you can resize the windows - wish I'd notice this before beating horror mode for the first time, it's a simple gamechanger lmao.
Posted December 5, 2023. Last edited December 5, 2023.
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9.0 hrs on record
You want to tell me this fantastic soundtrack comes with a magnificent game?
Posted November 14, 2023.
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