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22 people found this review helpful
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0.3 hrs on record
i hate myself
Posted June 27, 2019.
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2.5 hrs on record
monika did nothing wrong
Posted October 19, 2017.
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20.9 hrs on record (18.5 hrs at review time)
Account got banned because of a "chargeback" that I did not do.
Bought the pack a year ago.
Chargeback happened on May 30th, 2017.
Gamersfirst requiring people to pay $40 to unlock their account because that's the lowest they can offer and you should be grateful that they are offering such a low deal.
Telling people that they should try to get their money back from the sites they bought their keys from so that you can pay the $40 fee, but they know you'll fail the ticket anyways.

The game is trash, DLCs as well, G1 are a bunch of robbers, there's bugs everywhere.
Devs just milking their playerbase for as much money as they can from this sinking ship they call APB Reloaded.
Posted June 12, 2017.
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24.8 hrs on record (21.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Honestly, I don't really care for what people say much. Worlds Adrift is a pretty good game if you overlook the mouse inversion issue, and the "spawn killing".

When you spawn in, you spawn in a building and you have to grapple to get out. WA brings out a very unique mobility system in most Open World MMOs out there. It's not every game where you can grapple onto a manta ray and having it fling you off the island, or be spooderman and climb the sides of the island.

One of the things that people mention about "spawn killing", is that in the areas that I have spawned in before, I have yet to get killed by another player. The people I have encountered so far were all kind, helpful people, with the occasionally "Oh" makers. I do also see where the meaningless deaths are coming from. If a tree falls on you? Dead. If a bee or manta aggros onto you? Dodge or die. If you fall from the spawn? Dead. Standing right IN FRONT of the rock while you're salvaging it? 100% dead. There's a lot of ♥♥♥♥ that you sometimes can't control, that contributes to a good amount of frustration.

Another thing that will put off people from playing is the fact that there aren't really helpful guides. Did you know that you have to mindlessly run around trying to scan these orange cache things for knowledge so that you can actually make an engine? I didn't, but I'm glad that I found that out earlier today than much later.

Even though this game has bugs, it's not to the point where it's unplayable. It's definitely playable. If you expect a polished game, keep in mind this just came out in closed beta yesterday sooooo......

For a game that just came out, I can at least play it in more frames per second then I could with ARK Survival Evolved. *kek*

The developers are definitely active, you know where some indie/new games comes out, but it seems like the developers dropped from the face of the earth? Bossa Studios aren't those types of developers.

Yeah, I would agree that the $35 price tag is a bit heavy, especially when there's other survival/open world games that are much cheaper. However, that's only the price for founders, and supposely the base game won't cost as much. If you don't want to be a founder, then wait until the price lowers or something. However, I've seen my purchase as justifiable, as this game has a very unique feel.

This game doesn't deserve the negative reviews it got.
Just because you can't invert mouse, get killed, or get banned off the forums doesn't mean it's a bad game.
Posted May 25, 2017.
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543.9 hrs on record (443.9 hrs at review time)
If you are looking for a free to play MMORPG, this is not the game for you. To get the full experience of the game, a player has to be reliant on Patron, a perk that gives the player increased online labor regen/offline labor regen and other perks of the like. Now some people would say that "Oh, well you can play without Patron". You actually can, but you will not enjoy it. The fact that you cannot benefit from farmland or labor regen already removes two aspects to gaining gold on the server. Without gold, one cannot buy gear or upgrade it to be able to do Ocleera Rifts, Ayanad Library, or even the occasional Grimghast. Without gold, it would be hard to gain a trade wagon to earn more anything. Even if you do gain the gold, the labor skimp would be hard to ignore. There is also a big risk, as many players are lurking around to steal your trade packs, even people from your own faction. Since the release of the Dwarven and Warborn races, there has been an influx of people playing those characters for the sole purpose of using their transformations, which are pretty unbalanced. This game is a complete cash grab, and I quite regret spending the money I did for the game. There are other games out there that deserves your time, this isn't it.
Posted March 1, 2017.
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20.0 hrs on record (17.2 hrs at review time)
Fun until you run out of energy. xD
Posted June 20, 2014.
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