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Recenzii recente de FatalFormality

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"Easy to learn, difficult to master" sums this game up nicely. I would not recommend VVVVVV if you have anger management issues, as you will die a lot (700+ deaths on my first play-through), but each small victory feels really rewarding and will keep you playing. Definitely worth $5 and an absolute steal if you can grab it during a sale.

Oh, yeah... good luck achievement hunters.
Postat 7 iulie 2019.
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Although my time playing Loadout was fairly short, I have fond memories of the game and I am disappointed that I will probably never be able to play it ever again. It's unfortunate that the source code was never made available to the public so that the game could be kept alive via private servers. I hope that another developer will pick this up in the future.
Postat 5 iulie 2019.
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Glory to Arstotzka.
Postat 1 iulie 2019.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
This game is already pretty damn polished for an Early Access title. There's a decent amount of content in the game already and the developers are planning to introduce more levels, characters, and items soon via content updates (no paid DLCs and no microtransactions, thankfully). If you're a fan of rogue-likes, Risk of Rain 2 is an easy recommendation. I can't wait to see this game mature and become even better than it already is!
Postat 29 iunie 2019.
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This "game" is almost literally an unpolished, underdeveloped version of Realm of the Mad God mashed with a unpolished, underdeveloped version of Minecraft. I wouldn't be surprised if an elementary school student programmed this pile of garbage.

Don't even waste your time.
Postat 1 februarie 2015.
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Recenzie CS:GO
Counter-Strike is one of the biggest names in the PC gaming community, and for good reason: it revolutionized multiplayer FPS games. After the original CS hit shelves, along with 1.6 and Source, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has set the bar even higher, and jumped over it tenfold.

Sticking close to it's roots, Global Offensive employs it's famous bomb defusal and hostage mission game modes (available in both "casual" and ranked 5v5 "competetive" types), along with integrating some other fun modes, such as arms race and deathmatch. Bomb and hostage scenarios are lead by a buying system, encouraging successful kills and objectives (like planting the bomb) to aid in buying gear in the next round. Players are required to use teamwork and tactics in order to come out on top against the enemy team, and winning a game gives a sense of satisfaction unlike any other first-person shooter game I've ever experienced.

If you are expecting this game to be anything like Call of Duty or Battlefield, you will be sorely disappointed. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an excellent addition to the CS saga, and I strongly recommend picking it up and giving it a try.
Postat 23 decembrie 2013.
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