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1,255.9 ч. всего (1,255.9 ч. в момент написания)
The Secret World was an awesome modern day MMO about secret societies with a compelling storyline and fascinating themes. The end game was also very replayable, with the dungeons and raids having engaging mechanics.

Secret World Legends was a reboot of the same game, which was made to purposely alienate the original playerbase (by leaving the OG game difficult to play, and not transferring character progress) and monetizing the hell out of the game into a new pay to win era.

All Legends did was force all the original players to quit, and replace them with new ones while becoming complete P2W garbage.

Опубликовано 18 апреля. Отредактировано 18 апреля.
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0.3 ч. всего
Deceit (Original legacy version of the game) was an awesome game. It was like a more fleshed out Trouble in Terrorist Town game mode. What kept each round feeling fresh was the interactions you had with other players. Despite only having a few maps, the game was a ton of fun. Its only major flaw was that it was a little confusing to new players and took a few games to really get down.

Because of that, they updated the game mode a ton. It completely changed how the game played, and in turn made it extremely un-fun. The playerbase heavily lowered after this change.

Deceit 2 comes out. A lot of us gave feedback on the beta and told them we wanted Deceit 1 legacy mode back and remade for Deceit 2. This was their chance to make up for their mistake with killing off Deceit 1.

They ignored us. Game flopped hard. Free to play ain't saving it.
Don't bother with this one.

If you have a large friend group (6 people for a full lobby), then try Deceit 1 legacy mode:
Sadly, you have to go out of your way for it so you're unlikely to find players.
Опубликовано 13 марта.
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15.5 ч. всего (9.3 ч. в момент написания)
u can slide over tables
Опубликовано 7 марта.
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23.2 ч. всего (18.1 ч. в момент написания)
borderlands memory leak of the year edition

you have to restart your game periodically because performance goes to ♥♥♥♥ due to a memory leak.
if it weren't for that, it'd be a nice upgrade over the original.
Опубликовано 28 февраля.
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
8.3 ч. всего (3.1 ч. в момент написания)
game is way better than people give it credit for.

it definitely has flaws like with no server browser, lack of offline, etc. but the in-stage gameplay is the best in the series. game looks great, movement feels nice, gunplay is 10/10, stealth is awesome, the amount of objectives and things to do are super engaging. the only flaw with its gameplay is the lack of RNG in the heists and the absolutely horrendous ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ armor system.

the armor system is so bad that it can take a lot of fun out of the game since you're constantly stressed about it and micro-managing it in higher difficulties.

outside of that, game is great. hope it gets fixed up in the future.
Опубликовано 1 февраля. Отредактировано 17 февраля.
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0.0 ч. всего
absolutely horrendous trash content

its just absurd how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ horrible this dlc is. i could give you giant paragraphs explaining in detail why its so awful, but its not worth my time.

just stay away from this garbage dlc. there's an obvious reason the reviews are so bad.
Опубликовано 19 января.
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 11
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0.1 ч. всего
forces u to watch a long ass cutscene and then crashes right after

every time u try to fix the crashing u get to watch the long ass cutscene again

this is hell

Опубликовано 25 декабря 2023 г..
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2.0 ч. всего
walk, press tab to view map, walk, press tab to view map, walk, press tab to view map, walk, press tab to view map, walk, press tab to view map, walk, press tab to view map, repeat until you're at objective

but i liked that i could draw derpy faces on the map
Опубликовано 10 декабря 2023 г..
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29.0 ч. всего (4.5 ч. в момент написания)
every time you die, you have to launch gta5
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 14
0.4 ч. всего
TL;DR: Its a decent Sonic game, but the co-op experience is horrible and the asking price of $60 is crazy. Please excuse my low playtime - I played through HALF of the entire game LOL. I also played more on the Switch.

Terrible music. Half the tracks have decent instrumentation, but poor melodies so are quickly forgettable. The other half sound like they're on the Sonic 4 soundfont, particularly the boss themes.

The visuals are okay on this version (unlike on the Switch where they're awful), but still a bit cheap for the asking price and it doesn't have anti-aliasing. Some zones look nice like Bridge zone look awesome, while others like Sky Temple are an eyesore. Has that cheap mobile game feel at times.

The level design isn't horrible, but its very automated and Sonic 4-like. Some of the level gimmicks like the rails in the jungle zone or the walls in the bridge zone are great. Others suck, like the firefly thing in Jungle Act 2. That level is a chore. The physics are quite alright, but Sonic feels slow. Not a great sense of speed here. The emerald special stages are alright - something new at least. The checkpoint bonus stages are worse versions of Sonic 1's. The emerald powers you earn are very gimmicky and not fun to use. I just ignored them. The bosses are pretty awful.

The co-op experience is absolutely terrible and can be summed up by the phrase "Press A." Half the gimmicks do not work for more than 1 player and you constantly disappear off the screen. Its a pretty horrendous experience with just 2 people. I can't imagine playing this with 4. The barrage of "Press A." would be horrible.
Hell, Sonic Mania with the co-op mod is a better co-op experience than this.

As a singleplayer experience, it plays a little better.
Game will take you maybe 2-4 hours to beat.. if you're slow.

Forces you to sign in with Epic.
60 FPS cap.
Has denuovo.

Absolutely nowhere close to being worth the $60 price tag, especially when Sonic Mania was a fraction of that at release and is better in every single way.
Plenty of new Sonic fan games that are free and offer a better experience than this one.

This isn't some masterpiece you're missing out on so please wait for a price drop.
Опубликовано 17 октября 2023 г.. Отредактировано 7 апреля.
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